MAGA: A Complete Failure

Well. OBVIOUSLY to all Americans is that the party that should NOT be allowed power is the democrats. Repunklicans come in second...BUT Trump conservatives and President Trump are definitly what we need. We are not talking second coming like the left idiots did with their messiah Obama. We are talking good sense, good policy, good economy WITH President Trump.
The problem with that is Don had no sense and shitty policies, but the economy was good until he fucked up with COVID lockdowns.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.

Failure is central to the Trump cult!

Get in Loser.jpg
....; Manufacturing was not brought back; ...

Manufacturing could have been brought back. And still could.

In the early days, when fears of tariffs were high, I heard multiple reports of foreign manufactures talking to American manufacturers, about moving production here, to avoid the tariffs and maintain access to our market.

Actually doing across the board tariffs, could, and should get many foreign exporters to shift manufacturing to here. That would be jobs for AMERICANS.

Why would anyone be against that?
Manufacturing could have been brought back. And still could.

In the early days, when fears of tariffs were high, I heard multiple reports of foreign manufactures talking to American manufacturers, about moving production here, to avoid the tariffs and maintain access to our market.

Actually doing across the board tariffs, could, and should get many foreign exporters to shift manufacturing to here. That would be jobs for AMERICANS.

Why would anyone be against that?

Manufacturing output was the same in 2020 as it was in 2016.

You are being lied to.
Manufacturing output was the same in 2020 as it was in 2016.

You are being lied to.

The tariffs never came. He got bogged down in bad faith discussions by the Chinese.

The foreign exporters never needed to shift production.

WHat are you talking about?
That's what you do. Cope with losing.

I want to fight for American interests. People like you attack me for that. That is not coping with failure, that is trying.

What do YOU want to do, to bring back manufacturing jobs? Or do you think that it is a battle we cannot win?

What is your position on this issue? You have attacked me for mine, well, actually lied about what it is, and then attacked me based on your strawman.

SO, what is your policy for this issue?
Gippy there is a libertarian/anarchist, which means that he believes in the Mad Max beyond thunderdome type government...
And you believe in government of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite. Tyranny by another name.
Poor dont pay taxes.....which they should. A country cant survive without people paying taxes.

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That’s right out of Dumb Con 101.

The poor may not pay INCOME TAXES because they have so little income, but they pay all the other taxes and do so at a much greater proportion of their income than wealthy Americans.

You should be directing your anger at the billionaires and big corporations, who often pay little to nothing in income taxes. Of course they’ve devised the tax code to benefit them, since they control the government.
That’s right out of Dumb Con 101.

The poor may not pay INCOME TAXES because they have so little income, but they pay all the other taxes and do so at a much greater proportion of their income than wealthy Americans.

You should be directing your anger at the billionaires and big corporations, who often pay little to nothing in income taxes. Of course they’ve devised the tax code to benefit them, since they control the government.
So you want to tax billionaires so much that they will be poor just like your sorry Anarchist ass. Then it is dog eat dog, right?
So you want to tax billionaires so much that they will be poor just like your sorry Anarchist ass. Then it is dog eat dog, right?

How about society doesn't allow billionaires? Why should society allow one individual to have so much power? Do you think the billionaires became that way because they earned it all on their own? Could the billionaires amass so much power/money without all of those other people who helped them, and worked for them? People become billionaires mostly due to luck, including simply being born into wealthy families. They were at the right place and the right time, and that's how they become billionaires. These ultra-rich people are dangerous to democracy and society in general. One person having billions undermines the public good. There are seven billion people on earth, and just a couple of thousand are billionaires. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning twice on a sunny day and abducted by a UFO that looks like a flying taco, than becoming a billionaire.

If you appeal to Darwinian selection and "survival of the fittest", and "might makes right"..etc, to justify the billionaires doing whatever they want, then realize that the actual fittest and mightiest are those who unite in a group, a society, and say "NO" to the billionaires, making sure no one is starving, homeless, unemployed, without access to healthcare and an education. That's the priority and what is important, not the billionaires and their mansions and mega yachts. United we are more powerful than all of the billionaires and imperialists, divided we fall into their trap. We become slaves to their vested interests. We often hear the rich complain about the working class "eating the rich" , while it's actually the rich who are eating the poor and the working class. They're the ones eating everyone and are the first ones to complain about being eaten. They privatize the profits and make public the losses, requiring the working class to bail them out whenever there's an economic crisis. It's socialism for the rich and "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" for the rest of us.
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