MAGA: A Complete Failure

easyt65 said:
Your analogy is like a farmer promising to grow a tomato plant. He plants it, waters it, feeds it, and it begins to grow.

The farmer goes on vacation, & while gone some asshole stomps on the plant & it dies.

Then you claim the farmer's efforts were a failure...

...that's because you refuse to acknowledge / refuse to blame the asshole who stomped on the plant & killed it.

It's like claiming a family's business in Baltimore was a failure when the reason it had to close was because Antifa / BLM burned it to the ground during 'mostly peaceful protests'.

AWESOME analogy. But i don't think America haters here will see that. Their eyes are closed to truth.
I'm afraid the Dem's goose is cooked no matter how many LIES they tell. The shockingly swift path to failure under Biden/Dem rule is a HUGE contrast to Trump's winning. It's no surprise America is fed up with Dems and they are forecast to get obliterated this Nov in the midterms. Biden has become toxic to his own party with historic low approvals. Their party is bleeding Hispanics and Asians in record numbers. RIP Dem party. :eusa_boohoo:
gipper said:
REPUBLICANS use our government to enrich themselves & their donors then blame our problems on Democrats. Their voters keep falling for it.

DEMOCRATS use our government to enrich themselves & their donors then blame our problems on Republicans. Their voters keep falling for it.

When will most Americans comprehend this?

Trump voters got it. He had enemies on both sides. behind his back..republicans. Lying day in and day out...Emocrats.

And yet he still accomplished much for this country..gave us four years of peace. Put the taliban in their place, good economy, securing the border against open border advocates, fighting lies against him and his administration, knowing full well he was being undermined by former presidents on BOTH sides who had done exactly as you say. We don't need another stinkeen politician or lawyer in the white house. We need President Trump.
Wait, wtf is a woke black conservative? woke and conservative are not compatible. Culture war is important at this stage, if you don't like it, blame the woke, they start just changing definitions of words and fucking the culture. Everything else is downstream.
It's 100% compatible. Explain how it isn't. Fiscal conservatism, and acknowledging the importance of race has no contradiction I can see.
You mean do a better job teaching and our kids will be smarter?

So schools in other countries are better than in America?
Like Any Other Sweatshop, College Produces Shoddy Merchandise

The system itself is unmotivating; it is convenient to blame the teachers if you are afraid to challenge the economic elite's nonsensical non-starter of getting a white-collar job just because you can go four or more years without a job. The hypocritical Plutes who mandate that poverty for the rest of us in effect give a high salary to their sons in the form of an allowance. If they didn't, even if they paid the tuition, their Fortunate Sons would drop out just as much as real Americans do.

Lucky for us, all other countries follow this obsolete heiristocratic system. But any country that would wake up and start paying students for their grades would lead this century's world economy.
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I bet that back then it wasnt sold in quantities that would kill everyone in the US 1000 times over either.
We Are Overdue for a Leader to Do Us a Duterte

It only kills worthless spoiled-brat losers who don't deserve any compassion or even rehab. The scumbags do us a favor when they overdose. As for the crimes they commit until then, the real perps are those who make laws preventing us from shooting them on sight.
REPUBLICANS use our government to enrich themselves & their donors then blame our problems on Democrats. Their voters keep falling for it.

DEMOCRATS use our government to enrich themselves & their donors then blame our problems on Republicans. Their voters keep falling for it.

When will most Americans comprehend this?
The Elitist Constitution Establishes an American House of Lords

Under a republic, we have no other choice, so critics have no right to blame us, the people, for the condition the ruling class put us in. Only legislation through national referendums would give us self-determination.

no. Maga is not a failure. The left doesn't want this nation to succeed. They want us a third world shithole. I don't know why they are like that.

The actual left, not liberals, but real Marxists, want all of the major centers of economic power in the United States to be publicly owned. For example, all of the mines and raw materials, the natural wealth of this country, which includes oil, gas, and all of our precious metals, should be considered the commonwealth of all Americans. It doesn't belong to one billionaire or an investment group of rich commodity traders and speculators, or the bankers, It belongs to the American people. The profits generated by the sale of these commodities should be deposited in the public treasury and used to build and maintain our infrastructure. The money is used to pave roads, inspect and maintain our bridges, and establish a high-speed rail system throughout our country. It's used to pay for healthcare, education, and public works programs that could employ millions of Americans, putting them back to work. We would become energy independent and build safe MSRs (i.e. molten salt nuclear reactors) in every state, providing all Americans with abundant, clean energy.

Marxists would nationalize not just mining and energy, but all of the banks, including the fed. All of these financial institutions would be under the authority of congress and regularly audited. All utilities would be nationalized, so when you pay your light bill or your water and gas, that money would be deposited in the public treasury to be used to serve the community.
Dude, the only trigger i will have is when this country finally goes down the shitter because the Marxist have allowed it to happen. Then ....

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Marxism, true Socialism, and Communism, has nothing to do with the democratic party. You've bought into the right-wing rhetoric created by our ruling class (i.e. the rich). Unfortunately, the vast majority of working-class people in America have been brainwashed by their capitalist masters. Between 1948 and 1980, the American working class was the aristocracy of labor. The main paying consumer for the world's top imperialists/capitalists. In the 1950s and 60s, when unions were at their strongest and the American worker could actually work a job and pay for their home in cash (as my grandfather did in Miami, Florida, paying $14,000 cash for his home working as a boat-hull molder for Bertram Yachts), there was only one breadwinner in the family and mom stayed at home raising the kids. It was another universe than the one we live in today. The American working class was paid well, had job security..etc. All of that began to change in the 1970s and fully metastasized in the 1980s with supply-side economics (i.e. Reaganomics).

Marxists aren't your enemy, we're the ones that are trying to really make America great again. American Marxists are the true "MAGA" people, trying to restore America's economy, lift the working class, increase democracy, and eliminate the imperialism that is destroying our country and future. Trump was a farce, he played the working class like a fiddle and didn't do anything of substance. He was all talk and handed more power to the rich at the expense of the working class. He increased taxes for the working class and reduced it for his people, the rich.
It wasn’t only IT Workers, it was electrical and mechanical engineers, plumber, electricians, etc…
You know this but you wanted, and got, cheap slave labor and millions of US citizens lost everything.
Then again, you are in sales.
I can't say you are wrong. And I do find myself making the same arguments Republicans made to me in the 2000's. So I know I'm being hypocritical. But then I think it through and I don't see this being reversed in any meaningful way. If they job is in high demand, it will pay well. If it can be done cheaper or by robots, we're going to do it that way.

And so yes in the future, kids better think long and hard about what field they go into. Will they be competing with Mexican labor? Can that job be outsourced to India? Could a robot do your job?

I remember seeing an article about how back in the beginning of outsourcing, architects didn't worry about it. They didn't think their job could be outsourced. Used to be a good job. Today Underpaid, overworked designers and architects. The architecture industry is notorious for low wages, heavy workload, stressful deadlines until you “make it” to the top.

Remember Reagan broke the Air Traffic Controllers union? That's a shitty job today too.

No coincidence. Back when America was great, 35% of Americans were unionized. That's up to each group. IT people could organize if they wanted

Well, we are currently living in that leftist utopia thanks to the most racist president in history.

You mean

Jefferson Finis Davis

Jefferson Finis Davis, the first and only President of the Confederate States of America, was a planter, politician and soldier born in Kentucky and raised in Mississippi.

He was a Democrat but he'd be a total Trump supporter today.
I can't say you are wrong. And I do find myself making the same arguments Republicans made to me in the 2000's. So I know I'm being hypocritical. But then I think it through and I don't see this being reversed in any meaningful way. If they job is in high demand, it will pay well. If it can be done cheaper or by robots, we're going to do it that way.

And so yes in the future, kids better think long and hard about what field they go into. Will they be competing with Mexican labor? Can that job be outsourced to India? Could a robot do your job?

I remember seeing an article about how back in the beginning of outsourcing, architects didn't worry about it. They didn't think their job could be outsourced. Used to be a good job. Today Underpaid, overworked designers and architects. The architecture industry is notorious for low wages, heavy workload, stressful deadlines until you “make it” to the top.

Remember Reagan broke the Air Traffic Controllers union? That's a shitty job today too.

No coincidence. Back when America was great, 35% of Americans were unionized. That's up to each group. IT people could organize if they wanted

We need a strong union movement that isn’t corrupted by government disrupters or the Mafia.
We need a strong union movement that isn’t corrupted by government disrupters or the Mafia.
Often times I have great ideas and later I find them actually being implemented. Here is one I hope to one day see happen.

I would start a website called "Workers Unite Dot Com or something like that. To join my community or the union, you just have to sign up. It's free. Maybe there would be more benefits for people who pay $10 a year or $10 a month. But you get the newsletters that say stuff like

Walmart needs to start paying better

Amazon needs to treat it's employees better

Don't shop at this store. They are not union friendly

Here are the top 100 companies with the widest pay gap between their lowest paid workers and CEO. (My brother's company is on this list)

Let people who don't pay still "join" your union but they wouldn't get all the perks that come with being a paid member. Maybe access to lawyers or advocates if you feel you are being fucked with at work.

So YOU as a person could negotiate with your employer and they may or may not know you are a member of this union.

Labor right now is not organized and has no power.

It was a lot easier for GM employees to organize. 500 of them work in one plant. At McDonald, each location has only 15 employees. It's hard to organize this way.
Often times I have great ideas and later I find them actually being implemented. Here is one I hope to one day see happen.

I would start a website called "Workers Unite Dot Com or something like that. To join my community or the union, you just have to sign up. It's free. Maybe there would be more benefits for people who pay $10 a year or $10 a month. But you get the newsletters that say stuff like

Walmart needs to start paying better

Amazon needs to treat it's employees better

Don't shop at this store. They are not union friendly

Here are the top 100 companies with the widest pay gap between their lowest paid workers and CEO. (My brother's company is on this list)

Let people who don't pay still "join" your union but they wouldn't get all the perks that come with being a paid member. Maybe access to lawyers or advocates if you feel you are being fucked with at work.

So YOU as a person could negotiate with your employer and they may or may not know you are a member of this union.

Labor right now is not organized and has no power.

It was a lot easier for GM employees to organize. 500 of them work in one plant. At McDonald, each location has only 15 employees. It's hard to organize this way.

Good idea, it's a start. However eventually in the not too distant future, we need to get away from producing the goods and services that we consume for a profit (monetary gain, private capital accumulation) and produce everything for the purpose of meeting our needs (eliminating the profit motive of production). Starting democratically run worker-cooperatives is also a good idea. The employer vs employee relationship can be replaced with worker-owners democratically running their own production cooperatives.
easyt65 This too.

Stephanie Rawlings blake... give them room to destroy.

THat's what the DoJ, FIB, CYA have done for the left in order to destroy President Trump...these bureaus have given the left 'room to destroy'. and they have not disappointed their base.
Well. OBVIOUSLY to all Americans is that the party that should NOT be allowed power is the democrats. Repunklicans come in second...BUT Trump conservatives and President Trump are definitly what we need. We are not talking second coming like the left idiots did with their messiah Obama. We are talking good sense, good policy, good economy WITH President Trump.
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If the politicians and corporations wanted to protect American IT workers it would. They don't.

Long before wages go up high enough to make you happy, they'll say they need more immigrants. In fact right now we have very low unemployment and companies say they can't find enough workers.

Understanding America’s Labor Shortage: The Most Impacted Industries​

The transportation, health care and social assistance, and accommodation and food sectors have had the highest numbers of job openings.

And the economy is fine btw. If you aren't making enough to keep up with inflation, go find another job

In 2021, more than 47 million workers quit their jobs, many of whom were in search of an improved work-life balance and flexibility, increased compensation, and a strong company culture.

But a closer look at what has happened to the labor force can be better described as ‘The Great Reshufflebecause hiring rates have outpaced quit rates since November of 2020. So, many workers are quitting their jobs—but many are getting re-hired elsewhere.

Food service and hospitality struggle to retain workers

To further understand shifts in the labor force, it is interesting to look at labor force participation across different industries. Some have a shortage of labor, while others have a surplus of workers.


For example, durable goods manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and education and health services have a labor shortage—these industries have more unfilled job openings than unemployed workers with experience in their respective industry. Even if every unemployed person with experience in the durable goods manufacturing industry were employed, the industry would only fill 65% of the vacant jobs.

Conversely, in the transportation, construction, and mining industries, there is a labor surplus. There are more unemployed workers with experience in their respective industry than there are open jobs.

The manufacturing industry faced a major setback after losing roughly 1.4 million jobs at the onset of the pandemic. Since then, the industry has struggled to hire entry level and skilled workers alike.

Some industries have been less impacted by labor shortages but are grappling with how to deal with the rise of remote work. For example, the rise of remote work might explain why there has been less “reshuffling” in business and professional services.

Gallop found that 91% of U.S. workers hoped they could continue working some of their hours from home, and three in 10 workers signaled they would seek new employment if they were recalled to the office.

The business and professional services industry has had lower unemployment rates and has maintained above average hiring rates. More than 1.2 million people were hired into the industry every month between July 2021 and November 2021.

Two years ago, finance, management, professional services, and IT/telecommunication jobs were expected to have the highest potential for remote work. That has proven to be true as more than half of traditionally white-collar workers were still working from home part at least part time in spring of 2021.

So you are okay with Corporate Welfare now? Just because your progressive elites will make a fortune off the insider trading of it?
You mean

Jefferson Finis Davis

Jefferson Finis Davis, the first and only President of the Confederate States of America, was a planter, politician and soldier born in Kentucky and raised in Mississippi.

He was a Democrat but he'd be a total Trump supporter today.
Nope. That would be Joseph Robineete Biden Jr. He and Davis, who was not considered a US president, would be drinking buddies discussing how they voted against integration. They would be talking about the days when they were wide openly racist in one of their KKK clubs started by the democrats. Biden would be bragging about his bill that attempted to stop busing siding with other segregationists. And he would be laughing when he tells Davis how he was able to get more blacks incarcerated when he co-authored a bill making a small amount of crack cocaine punishable compared to powdered cocaine, knowing that would mainly affect the black community at that time (1980s). He could then tell him about all his racist comments, so they could high five each other. You know...comments like.

"one can’t go into a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts without having a slight Indian accent."
"They're saying, 'Jeez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf"
"I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black"
"poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids" (My personal favorite)
"the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean"
"Unchain Wall Street! They're gonna put y'all back in chains"
"We've got to recognize that the kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger"

Over a century now, and the democratic party is continuing to control the black community.

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