MAGA: A Complete Failure

There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.

Your analogy is like a farmer promising to grow a tomato plant. He plants it, waters it, feeds it, and it begins to grow.

The farmer goes on vacation, & while gone some asshole stomps on the plant & it dies.

Then you claim the farmer's efforts were a failure...

...that's because you refuse to acknowledge / refuse to blame the asshole who stomped on the plant & killed it.

It's like claiming a family's business in Baltimore was a failure when the reason it had to close was because Antifa / BLM burned it to the ground during 'mostly peaceful protests'.
MAGA was never about fixing anyones problems. It was about making you mad about something and telling you who to blame for it. That’s it. That’s the whole strategy.

The few solutions promised for extremely complex issues resonated cuz they seemed simple… immigrations reforms are hard and nuanced… building a wall seems easy… repealing ACA seems easy… replacing it is hard…. Cutting taxes easy… finding fiscal responsibility is hard… fighting an invisible virus with a unified approach is hard… calling it a hoax is is easy.
Great post.
Now we cant even get our borders controlled, so we see all this death, because progressives hate people.
But Trump was meant to build a wall to do that...

So has the penny dropped yet... Where is your fucking wall?

Any guy can stand in front of you and tell you things you are not going to get...

Trump has the most blame with the problems of the border today. He cut aid to latin countries trying to fight a drugs war fuelled by US consumers. There is no way to stop drugs getting into the US, the border is too big and the demand too strong, logistically you won't win that way.
Trump by cutting aid further destabilised these countries and made them even more unsafe to live in... This one of the key drivers for people fleeing to US...

US was giving this money to make the neighbours more stabel and not have their problems over flow on to the US... This is classic Trump, short sighted view of the world... He never asked why has the US being looking after their neighbours for decades thru multiple administrations...
Never thought about consequences of his actions...
MAGA: The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act

Liberals: The Job Cuts & Tax Act
But under Trump their was a net jobs loss...

Obama had a record run of job growth...

For real Business Trump is another variable. Business does best in stable conditions, the less things moving the more risk you can take in supply lines and credit lines.

As for Tax Cuts... He cut the rich tax... His net effect was to borrow money (from China & others) and give wealthy people... Who do you think has to pay that back?
This was a big move of wealth from middle class & lower to high wealth individuals. Wealthier you are the better you did...

This is while infrastructure is falling apart, the military said there isn't enough educated people coming out of schools, highest healthcare costs in the world while not covering all US Citizens...

MAGA is meant to say Make America Great Again, When was it great and what were the tax rates then?
But under Trump their was a net jobs loss...

Obama had a record run of job growth...

For real Business Trump is another variable. Business does best in stable conditions, the less things moving the more risk you can take in supply lines and credit lines.

As for Tax Cuts... He cut the rich tax... His net effect was to borrow money (from China & others) and give wealthy people... Who do you think has to pay that back?
This was a big move of wealth from middle class & lower to high wealth individuals. Wealthier you are the better you did...

This is while infrastructure is falling apart, the military said there isn't enough educated people coming out of schools, highest healthcare costs in the world while not covering all US Citizens...

MAGA is meant to say Make America Great Again, When was it great and what were the tax rates then?
The rubes long for the 50's, when top marginal tax rates were in the 90% range.

They are simply ignorant and oblivious.
But Trump was meant to build a wall to do that...

So has the penny dropped yet... Where is your fucking wall?

Any guy can stand in front of you and tell you things you are not going to get...

Trump has the most blame with the problems of the border today. He cut aid to latin countries trying to fight a drugs war fuelled by US consumers. There is no way to stop drugs getting into the US, the border is too big and the demand too strong, logistically you won't win that way.
Trump by cutting aid further destabilised these countries and made them even more unsafe to live in... This one of the key drivers for people fleeing to US...

US was giving this money to make the neighbours more stabel and not have their problems over flow on to the US... This is classic Trump, short sighted view of the world... He never asked why has the US being looking after their neighbours for decades thru multiple administrations...
Never thought about consequences of his actions...
I was in El Paso a few month ago, the wall was up where he could have it made even with the bitch Piglosi fighitng him tooth and nail. Then the 2020 election was stolen before it was finished and every point that is open, is open even with stupid fuck Mayorkas lying all the time that it isnt, just because you say it is, doesnt make it so.

As for tax cuts, i didnt see any tax cuts, only because i have a 12% tax rate on my dividends that pay over $100,000 quarterly, while many did get a tax cut even the middle class, but the poor, didnt, because the poor doesnt pay taxes. Want a tax cut, get a fucking job.

Infrastructure fallin apart? Back in 2009 when the brown turd Obammy passed the 900 billion dollar infrastructure bill, that Joe Biden was in charge of, not a dime went to infrastructure that it was supposed to go to, but to Democrat donors for putting the turd in office, so fucking stop complaining about infrastructure you moron.

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no. Maga is not a failure. The left doesn't want this nation to succeed. They want us a third world shithole. I don't know why they are like that.
REPUBLICANS use our government to enrich themselves & their donors then blame our problems on Democrats. Their voters keep falling for it.

DEMOCRATS use our government to enrich themselves & their donors then blame our problems on Republicans. Their voters keep falling for it.

When will most Americans comprehend this?
I triggered you didn't I? Go drink a beer. Many conservative whites voted for him just because they had a black president for eight years. Many were on the Trump bandwagon, strictly for that reason. Were all Caucasians voting for Trump for racist reasons? No. But many were and to deny it makes you the one who is "full of shit". As far as your tirade against the democratic party, I'm not a democrat. You apparently don't know what Marxism or communism is if you think the democrats are Marxists. American liberals aren't socialists, even Bernie Sanders isn't a Marxist, he's at best, a social democrat.
Dude, the only trigger i will have is when this country finally goes down the shitter because the Marxist have allowed it to happen. Then ....

Liberal Hunting.png
I agree…Immigrants, not Trespassers.
If the politicians and corporations wanted to protect American IT workers it would. They don't.

Long before wages go up high enough to make you happy, they'll say they need more immigrants. In fact right now we have very low unemployment and companies say they can't find enough workers.

Understanding America’s Labor Shortage: The Most Impacted Industries​

The transportation, health care and social assistance, and accommodation and food sectors have had the highest numbers of job openings.

And the economy is fine btw. If you aren't making enough to keep up with inflation, go find another job

In 2021, more than 47 million workers quit their jobs, many of whom were in search of an improved work-life balance and flexibility, increased compensation, and a strong company culture.

But a closer look at what has happened to the labor force can be better described as ‘The Great Reshufflebecause hiring rates have outpaced quit rates since November of 2020. So, many workers are quitting their jobs—but many are getting re-hired elsewhere.

Food service and hospitality struggle to retain workers

To further understand shifts in the labor force, it is interesting to look at labor force participation across different industries. Some have a shortage of labor, while others have a surplus of workers.


For example, durable goods manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and education and health services have a labor shortage—these industries have more unfilled job openings than unemployed workers with experience in their respective industry. Even if every unemployed person with experience in the durable goods manufacturing industry were employed, the industry would only fill 65% of the vacant jobs.

Conversely, in the transportation, construction, and mining industries, there is a labor surplus. There are more unemployed workers with experience in their respective industry than there are open jobs.

The manufacturing industry faced a major setback after losing roughly 1.4 million jobs at the onset of the pandemic. Since then, the industry has struggled to hire entry level and skilled workers alike.

Some industries have been less impacted by labor shortages but are grappling with how to deal with the rise of remote work. For example, the rise of remote work might explain why there has been less “reshuffling” in business and professional services.

Gallop found that 91% of U.S. workers hoped they could continue working some of their hours from home, and three in 10 workers signaled they would seek new employment if they were recalled to the office.

The business and professional services industry has had lower unemployment rates and has maintained above average hiring rates. More than 1.2 million people were hired into the industry every month between July 2021 and November 2021.

Two years ago, finance, management, professional services, and IT/telecommunication jobs were expected to have the highest potential for remote work. That has proven to be true as more than half of traditionally white-collar workers were still working from home part at least part time in spring of 2021.

I agree…Immigrants, not Trespassers.
Employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 667,600 new jobs.
If the politicians and corporations wanted to protect American IT workers it would. They don't.

Long before wages go up high enough to make you happy, they'll say they need more immigrants. In fact right now we have very low unemployment and companies say they can't find enough workers.

Understanding America’s Labor Shortage: The Most Impacted Industries​

The transportation, health care and social assistance, and accommodation and food sectors have had the highest numbers of job openings.

And the economy is fine btw. If you aren't making enough to keep up with inflation, go find another job

In 2021, more than 47 million workers quit their jobs, many of whom were in search of an improved work-life balance and flexibility, increased compensation, and a strong company culture.

But a closer look at what has happened to the labor force can be better described as ‘The Great Reshufflebecause hiring rates have outpaced quit rates since November of 2020. So, many workers are quitting their jobs—but many are getting re-hired elsewhere.

Food service and hospitality struggle to retain workers

To further understand shifts in the labor force, it is interesting to look at labor force participation across different industries. Some have a shortage of labor, while others have a surplus of workers.


For example, durable goods manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and education and health services have a labor shortage—these industries have more unfilled job openings than unemployed workers with experience in their respective industry. Even if every unemployed person with experience in the durable goods manufacturing industry were employed, the industry would only fill 65% of the vacant jobs.

Conversely, in the transportation, construction, and mining industries, there is a labor surplus. There are more unemployed workers with experience in their respective industry than there are open jobs.

The manufacturing industry faced a major setback after losing roughly 1.4 million jobs at the onset of the pandemic. Since then, the industry has struggled to hire entry level and skilled workers alike.

Some industries have been less impacted by labor shortages but are grappling with how to deal with the rise of remote work. For example, the rise of remote work might explain why there has been less “reshuffling” in business and professional services.

Gallop found that 91% of U.S. workers hoped they could continue working some of their hours from home, and three in 10 workers signaled they would seek new employment if they were recalled to the office.

The business and professional services industry has had lower unemployment rates and has maintained above average hiring rates. More than 1.2 million people were hired into the industry every month between July 2021 and November 2021.

Two years ago, finance, management, professional services, and IT/telecommunication jobs were expected to have the highest potential for remote work. That has proven to be true as more than half of traditionally white-collar workers were still working from home part at least part time in spring of 2021.

It wasn’t only IT Workers, it was electrical and mechanical engineers, plumber, electricians, etc…
You know this but you wanted, and got, cheap slave labor and millions of US citizens lost everything.
Then again, you are in sales.
Employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 667,600 new jobs.
They’re getting laid off from start-ups now.
You really should stop getting your bullshit from neo-Con subscription sites.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
Wait, wtf is a woke black conservative? woke and conservative are not compatible. Culture war is important at this stage, if you don't like it, blame the woke, they start just changing definitions of words and fucking the culture. Everything else is downstream.
Employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 667,600 new jobs.
So you are saying the in the 10 years, the average increase is 67,000 a year? Not much when the US needs over 300,000 jobs and people to work those jobs, just to keep America from being in a recession.
We will never improve the things that need fixing as long as we believe that Any ONE PERSON or POLITICAL party has All the right answers.

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