MAGA: A Complete Failure

There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.

Yest you can't get Donald's smiling face out of your head
/-------/ I stopped reading after your first lie. There is a border wall, President Trump had it reinforced and expanded having to do a juggling act because Congress wouldn't authorize the money. It is Joe who ordered construction halted. But you already know that.

You'd rather post misinformation, twists, and distortions that can quickly be refuted because you are just a Trump hater. Sad to be you.

Texas starts building border wall using state money and same contractor ...

Dec 17, 2021Joe Biden. 46th president of the United States since 2021. Texas has broken ground on a partial border wall with Mexico, using the same contractor used by Donald Trump before his plans were subsequently scrapped by Joe Biden. Now working under the auspices of Texas Governor Greg Abbott the very same group is pressing on with plans to construct ...

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Ah, so there isn't aborder wall, then. Ah, so Trump isn't actually a master negotiator he kept touting. It's almost as if it is pointless th vote Trump them and MAGA failed.
"Right over Wrong."
I’m going to assume that your list of indiscretions, all of which were obviously Wrong, and which you intended to disparage particular political figures of a certain party is the best you’ve got for a response.

I would suggest that they’re a red herring, as neither the individuals nor the party you are seeking to malign are in any way Conservative, and never have been.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
Let's be honest. The rich own this country. The middle class and poor are screwed. It will take low wage workers organizing again to get their wages up. The government can't do it. If the Democrats try to deal with the widening wealth gap, inflation occurs. And Republican give all the tax breaks to the rich, which I guess does trickle down because they spend it. And it probably doesn't cause as much inflation.

Anyways, every man for himself. I just need to make it to 65. I'm 51.5 now. 13.5 more years. Save as much as you can. Make as much as you can. No matter if you make $200K or $14 hr, every fucking man for himself. Don't already own your own home? You're screwed. Still need to go to college? You're screwed. Got or want kids? You're screwed.

If your home doesn't make at least $100K a year, you're screwed. It's $79,000 in Michigan. For many that's 2 people working to add up to $79K. And they have kids? At least 1? So 2 workers with one kid making $80K. It's doable but tight.
The economics of living in America have been this way for several decades. Both parties want it this way.

You thinking the Ds want to address income inequality is laughable. They like the Rs are owned and controlled by the wealthy and big corporations. Neither party gives a shit about the working people or the poor.

Both parties gladly agree to ship billions to Ukraine, while millions of Americans are suffering in poverty and homelessness. The empire is dying.
Fentanyl comes here primarily from China via mail.
Times change.

Mexico is now the dominant source for fentanyl coming into the United States, a new report released this week has found -- with most of the deadly drug coming in through the southern border.

The report by the bipartisan Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking – which was established by the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act – said the source of fentanyl into the U.S. has evolved from 2014-2019, when most fentanyl came in from China via international mail

Yea, big mistake

Since the early 20th century, the US has been a world leader in innovation and technical progress. In recent decades, however, some experts have worried that the country’s performance on these fronts has been slowing, even stalling.

There are many possible explanations for this phenomenon, but one has seemed especially salient in recent years: an immigration system that discourages, and often turns away, the most highly skilled and talented foreign workers.

So now we have a bunch of average Americans doing the jobs these smart foreigners were doing before.

MAGA? Start letting immigrants back in. We need them. Americans just aren't that bright. Sorry.
Unpaid Education Is Slavery of the Fittest

Replace our unmotivating, talent-insulting, and class-biased college education with highly paid professional training and not only will there be no shortage of talented American-born employees, most of the American ambitious imbeciles who stole their jobs through that failed system will be replaced, too.
If only one company makes whatsits, it can use economy of scale to cut costs. And then it can demand whatever price it wishes.

At which point they open room from competing whatsit manufacturers. Sure lots of people make glue, but only Gorilla Glue can get your hair looking on point for $5.00. If they raised their price to $100, then people would buy some aquanet.
It’s true in the 3 Towns I work in because…
They’re 99% Black!
Well then that wouldn't explain it!

I just saw an episode of Atlanta. Blacks deal with institutional racist even from other blacks. They'll follow a black around a store. Not hire a black because they believe they are unreliable. Check their $100 bill to see if it's counterfeit or not accept a blacks $100 because they THINK it's fake but then the brother catches the lady taking $100 from a white dude.

Oh you'll make excuses. She knows that white guy. Whatever.
Unpaid Education Is Slavery of the Fittest

Replace our unmotivating, talent-insulting, and class-biased college education with highly paid professional training and not only will there be no shortage of talented American-born employees, most of the American ambitious imbeciles who stole their jobs through that failed system will be replaced, too.
You mean do a better job teaching and our kids will be smarter?

So schools in other countries are better than in America?
"Make America Great Again" a failure. The left's dream

When was it great? It was great after the New Deal. Social Security. Medicare. Unions represented 35% of the work force. The CEO's made 35 times the average worker not 350 times. GI Bill. Student loans made college affordable. Etc.

But then the rich fought back starting with Reagan. They've been making America less great for the middle class ever since but the rich keep getting richer and more MAGA by the day. They love it.
I guess the historically impaired left doesn't remember that FDR's new deal was a failure for his first two terms, Trump only had one. I guess it's hard for lefties to remember back 18 months ago but gas was around two bucks, illegal immigration was under control and the world was at relative peace.
That's not a very realistic assessment of what is going on. The democrats have a very basic agenda: Increase accessibility to healthcare and education for the average American, protect individual rights, and start to solve the long term environmental challenge. That's basically it. It's driven by the most basic of needs for people.

Do you really believe such tripe?

I award you no points and may gawd have mercy on your soul.
Times change.

Mexico is now the dominant source for fentanyl coming into the United States, a new report released this week has found -- with most of the deadly drug coming in through the southern border.

The report by the bipartisan Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking – which was established by the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act – said the source of fentanyl into the U.S. has evolved from 2014-2019, when most fentanyl came in from China via international mail

From the actual report:

In Mexico, cartels manufacture these poisons in clandestine laboratories with ingredients —precursor chemicals—sourced largely from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Shows how far behind you are.
We have made more technical progress since Trump’s first year than we made in the last 30 years…
Except for Microsoft.

Trump’s tenure in the Oval Office has been turbulent for technology​

Trump has certainly has an impact on America's technology industry, but like his presidency thus far, the effect he has had on the sector has been controversial.

Trump's trade war

Naturally, the ban hit Huawei hard, despite its positive attitude that it would weather the trade trouble, with the company forecasting a hefty revenue loss and laying off US workers.

Banning Huawei access to such services stands to damage Google's spread of its own services.

And US tech companies that provide parts for smartphones and other electronics to Chinese companies have been affected. Qualcomm partly blamed its failure to hit its financial targets in the third quarter of 2019 on the US trade ban, with it being unable to ship as many mobile chips and modems as it previously had to China.

Both Qualcomm and Intel have reportedly approached the Commerce Department to voice their concerns over the ban and its effect on American technology companies.

To further confuse things, the Trump administration came out with the option for US companies to apply for a licence to deal with Huawei and other Chinese companies on the US trade blacklist. As a result, US tech companies could still have the scope to deal with banned Chinese technology firms, but they now have more hurdles to jump to come to a trade deal, and licences are by no means guaranteed to be granted.
Times change.

Mexico is now the dominant source for fentanyl coming into the United States, a new report released this week has found -- with most of the deadly drug coming in through the southern border.

The report by the bipartisan Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking – which was established by the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act – said the source of fentanyl into the U.S. has evolved from 2014-2019, when most fentanyl came in from China via international mail

/———/ Sadly, I was a sales rep for Janssen and sold fentanyl to hospitals back in the early 90s. It was a great anesthesia, now it’s a plague.

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