MAGA: A Complete Failure

I use "build that wall" more as a metaphor for employing any and all means to secure our border. Give em live ammunition and let them actually use it; Deport all anchor babies; criminalize sanctuary cities; defund the police, and then give it to ICE.
That would actually have quite a negative impact on our economy.
That's it. Project that inner commie.
‘MAGA’ was Trump’s Art of the Con – lying to white Americans about ‘their’ country being ‘taken away.’

Lying about immigrants and immigration; fearmongering about immigrants and immigration.

Lying about ‘bringing back’ jobs when those jobs are long gone due to economic forces far beyond Trump’s control.

And the willfully ignorant right believed Trump’s lies.
3 million professionals replaced by H1-Bs got their careers back.
Yea, big mistake

Since the early 20th century, the US has been a world leader in innovation and technical progress. In recent decades, however, some experts have worried that the country’s performance on these fronts has been slowing, even stalling.

There are many possible explanations for this phenomenon, but one has seemed especially salient in recent years: an immigration system that discourages, and often turns away, the most highly skilled and talented foreign workers.

So now we have a bunch of average Americans doing the jobs these smart foreigners were doing before.

MAGA? Start letting immigrants back in. We need them. Americans just aren't that bright. Sorry.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
/-------/ I stopped reading after your first lie. There is a border wall, President Trump had it reinforced and expanded having to do a juggling act because Congress wouldn't authorize the money. It is Joe who ordered construction halted. But you already know that.

You'd rather post misinformation, twists, and distortions that can quickly be refuted because you are just a Trump hater. Sad to be you.

Texas starts building border wall using state money and same contractor ...

Dec 17, 2021Joe Biden. 46th president of the United States since 2021. Texas has broken ground on a partial border wall with Mexico, using the same contractor used by Donald Trump before his plans were subsequently scrapped by Joe Biden. Now working under the auspices of Texas Governor Greg Abbott the very same group is pressing on with plans to construct ...
A symptom of the disease that is conservatism and its political manifestation, the Republican party.

Trump was a product of that diseased political dogma – the reactionaryism, the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, the authoritarianism seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent, and the racism, bigotry, and hate; the fear Trump exploited through white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

That’s why conservatism/MAGA remains an ongoing threat to America’s democracy absent Trump; the right’s war on democracy continues.
‘MAGA’ was Trump’s Art of the Con – lying to white Americans about ‘their’ country being ‘taken away.’

Lying about immigrants and immigration; fearmongering about immigrants and immigration.

Lying about ‘bringing back’ jobs when those jobs are long gone due to economic forces far beyond Trump’s control.

And the willfully ignorant right believed Trump’s lies.
So Trump was saying all that 25 years ago?

Because as I recall, we've been yelling about illegal immigration for decades.

Did you read my link? Trump achieved a record trade deficit with China. Geez, man.
Trump's trade war caused us to only have 2.3% gdp in 2019

“The economy now is at 3%. Nobody thought it would be anywhere close. I think it could go to 4, 5, and maybe even 6%, ultimately.” – President Trump, Dec. 16, 2017 [Real Clear Politics]

“This huge tax cut will be rocket fuel for our economy.”
– President Trump, Sept. 29, 2017 [Wall Street Journal]


How come Republicans refuse to do the one thing that would stop illegals from coming here? What draws them here?

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.

We all know Bush is a big fan of immigrants today. Looks like he turned a blind eye to illegal employers when he got into office. Looks like Clinton was doing his job.

In 1999 Clinton fined 417 companies. In 2004 Bush fined 3. It's so fucking obvious who let the dogs out. Who who who who?
Fuck those companies too. I'm a woke conservative, so I don't bend over, cawk worship, and get buttblasted from da back like normal conservatives let corporations do them. They're cucks. Trump himself has more illegals in his hotel kitchens than the fuckin' local Golden Corral. Oh, yeah, sure is making America great again.
A symptom of the disease that is conservatism and its political manifestation, the Republican party.

Trump was a product of that diseased political dogma – the reactionaryism, the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, the authoritarianism seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent, and the racism, bigotry, and hate; the fear Trump exploited through white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

That’s why conservatism/MAGA remains an ongoing threat to America’s democracy absent Trump; the right’s war on democracy continues.
Holy shit.

Just Holy shit.
I get all that. But the fact is, there is systemic racism within the police force. And America.

What does it mean if you think 99% of the culprits are black but that's not true? That I believe proves a systemicly racist attitude.
It’s true in the 3 Towns I work in because…
They’re 99% Black!
Yea, big mistake

Since the early 20th century, the US has been a world leader in innovation and technical progress. In recent decades, however, some experts have worried that the country’s performance on these fronts has been slowing, even stalling.

There are many possible explanations for this phenomenon, but one has seemed especially salient in recent years: an immigration system that discourages, and often turns away, the most highly skilled and talented foreign workers.

So now we have a bunch of average Americans doing the jobs these smart foreigners were doing before.

MAGA? Start letting immigrants back in. We need them. Americans just aren't that bright. Sorry.
Shows how far behind you are.
We have made more technical progress since Trump’s first year than we made in the last 30 years…
Except for Microsoft.
Actually, you need to make it to 67 now.
I don't think so. I'm looking and I can't find out for sure. Wouldn't surprise me. This is fucking bullshit. And I make good fucking money. It has nothing to do with if I have enough money to retire. Now it's, "do I want to get sick and not have good insurance?"

You would have to prove to me that 51 year olds now can't get Medicare until they are 67. I think you are confusing full social security and medicare.

I was hoping to retire at 62 but now I might work till 65. But NOT till 67. Fuck that. I'm not going to live forever. Fuck it. I just talked to a bunch of people who say if I retire at 62, I will then be making under the amount necessary to qualify for Obamacare/Medicaid. So I may just buy into that when I'm 62.
I don't think so. I'm looking and I can't find out for sure. Wouldn't surprise me. This is fucking bullshit. And I make good fucking money. It has nothing to do with if I have enough money to retire. Now it's, "do I want to get sick and not have good insurance?"

You would have to prove to me that 51 year olds now can't get Medicare until they are 67. I think you are confusing full social security and medicare.

I was hoping to retire at 62 but now I might work till 65. But NOT till 67. Fuck that. I'm not going to live forever. Fuck it. I just talked to a bunch of people who say if I retire at 62, I will then be making under the amount necessary to qualify for Obamacare/Medicaid. So I may just buy into that when I'm 62.
It’s a tough decision to make unless you paid off most of your long term debt.
We are living in an ever-evolving technological world. The jobs in low-tech are just not there any more.

Agriculture used to be 98 percent of all jobs. Now it is 2 percent. Only a retard would campaign on the promise to bring back farming jobs.

The money is still there in agriculture. It is just being earned by fewer hands.

Same with manufacturing. We are making more stuff than ever, it just takes less people to make it. And the money is still there, but concentrated in a few hands. It takes a very evil person to promise to bring all those jobs back, and a very dumb person to believe it.

Mining? Same thing. Miners are a smaller and smaller number to mine more and more. Trump knew this when he promised to bring back their jobs. He was willfully lying to them. He said way back in the early 90s in a Playboy magazine interview that it was over for coal miners.

The jobs are now in the service sector.

It's easier for a huckster like Trump to promise to bring back jobs that are never coming back than to do the actual heavy lifting it will take to retool our education system.

And Trump is as lazy as it gets. He uses his big mouth to make empty promises, and the rubes fall for that crap over and over and over.

It will be studied long into the future why the rubes kept falling for Trump's hucksterism.
Exactly, all the more reason to not let these low skill Mexicans in. If we had TRUE MAGA, we could come together as a people and solve these problems. I don't see why we couldn't revitalize some of those industries in theory-maybe not coal, but perhaps in manufacturing, and have true independence in terms of our markets. It would be beautiful to me if we could collectively as a country shame and punish corporations trying to outsource jobs for maximum profits, and buying American being second nature. Imagine if a company didn't treat its workers right, didn't pay em living wages, and doing so would be tantamount and parallel to losing a presidential election, their profits plummeting overnight. To say that all these things are prerequisites to American patriotism, and anyone who doesn't want to do that can get the fuck out, I'd love that and could get behind TRUE MAGA. But the people are retarded(in my indian guy voice). We can't even get past the contradiction of wanting MAGA, but you shop at Wallmarts.
Exactly, all the more reason to not let these low skill Mexicans in. If we had TRUE MAGA, we could come together as a people and solve these problems. I don't see why we couldn't revitalize some of those industries in theory-maybe not coal, but perhaps in manufacturing, and have true independence in terms of our markets. It would be beautiful to me if we could collectively as a country shame and punish corporations trying to outsource jobs for maximum profits, and buying American being second nature. Imagine if a company didn't treat its workers right, didn't pay em living wages, and doing so would be tantamount and parallel to losing a presidential election, their profits plummeting overnight. To say that all these things are prerequisites to American patriotism, and anyone who doesn't want to do that can get the fuck out, I'd love that and could get behind TRUE MAGA. But the people are retarded(in my indian guy voice). We can't even get past the contradiction of wanting MAGA, but you shop at Wallmarts.
Elaborate on why Brown people run away from Brown leaders.
The right remains delusional thinking that trump actually did something.

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