MAGA: A Complete Failure

So you must think it is a great idea to have an open border with Mexico. The cartels are making lots of money by smuggling drugs and a billions getting illegal immigrants into our nation.


Well first of all, the pandemic. Secondly, it's not like every job is the same, and those statistics aren't nuanced enough to tell you the full picture. Blacks used to dominate construction, but now all you see is Hispanics-they're willing to work longer and for less. So, wages drop and standard of living/QOL goes down if you are willing to acquiesce to that-which we absolutely should not. It's a race to the bottom. Manufacturing? I worked in a factory some decades ago, and It was loaded with Hispanics. I had worked at in another in a different state that was majority White, and the pay was good. But the one with Hispanics, the pay was nearly half of that, and longer hours. My trainer was Mexican and was a piece of shit, refused to train me, and then told HR that I didn't know anything. I actually did know what I was doing no thanks to him, and they offered me to display that, but given the hostile, Spanish in the breakroom and low pay environment, it simply wasn't worth it and walked off da job. I got some skills and went into the tech field. In essence, I self excluded myself and I'm sure many other real Americans do. That's what the stats won't show you. All the vast disincentives. Americans are being "replaced". Literally just Build that wall, we aint hurtin' nobody-it's our country. Oh, and you do know that America and Canada are I think the only Anglo countries that have naturalized citizenship? Any other western country would throw them and their kids back across the border.
Well, you have actually illustrated the exact solution we need. Let the Third World workers take the jobs of our fathers and teach our kids the jobs of tomorrow.

"I got some skills and went into the tech field."

Exactly. That's the answer.
So you must think it is a great idea to have an open border with Mexico. The cartels are making lots of money by smuggling drugs and a billions getting illegal immigrants into our nation.

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Fuck Mexico. Build that wall. I literally said in the op that I support most of the goals of MAGA, it's just that Trump is a failure.
So you must think it is a great idea to have an open border with Mexico. The cartels are making lots of money by smuggling drugs and a billions getting illegal immigrants into our nation.

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Fentanyl comes here primarily from China via mail.
Fuck Mexico. Build that wall. I literally said in the op that I support most of the goals of MAGA, it's just that Trump is a failure.
Sometimes I wish the wall was built, just so I can laugh my ass off when it has NO impact on our economy or the drug problem.

The Wall is a hoax. Just like repealing and replacing Obamacare.
Well, you have actually illustrated the exact solution we need. Let the Third World workers take the jobs of our fathers and teach our kids the jobs of tomorrow.

"I got some skills and went into the tech field."

Exactly. That's the answer.
Not everyone has the IQ nor temperament to do any and everything. That's why rust belt coal miners are still waiting for maga to bring back coal, instead of pulling themselves up by the bootstraps, and getting out of that Conservative-Marxist shithole. You will always have a lowest common denominator in society, and those people need decent paying jobs, with low barrier to entry. I'd rather it be an American than some Mexican mother fucker with dual allegiance.
The difference is the Ds talk like they are better, but act exactly like the Rs.
Let's be honest. The rich own this country. The middle class and poor are screwed. It will take low wage workers organizing again to get their wages up. The government can't do it. If the Democrats try to deal with the widening wealth gap, inflation occurs. And Republican give all the tax breaks to the rich, which I guess does trickle down because they spend it. And it probably doesn't cause as much inflation.

Anyways, every man for himself. I just need to make it to 65. I'm 51.5 now. 13.5 more years. Save as much as you can. Make as much as you can. No matter if you make $200K or $14 hr, every fucking man for himself. Don't already own your own home? You're screwed. Still need to go to college? You're screwed. Got or want kids? You're screwed.

If your home doesn't make at least $100K a year, you're screwed. It's $79,000 in Michigan. For many that's 2 people working to add up to $79K. And they have kids? At least 1? So 2 workers with one kid making $80K. It's doable but tight.
Sometimes I wish the wall was built, just so I can laugh my ass off when it has NO impact on our economy or the drug problem.

The Wall is a hoax. Just like repealing and replacing Obamacare.
I use "build that wall" more as a metaphor for employing any and all means to secure our border. Give em live ammunition and let them actually use it; Deport all anchor babies; criminalize sanctuary cities; defund the police, and then give it to ICE.
Remember how Trump said trade wars are easy to win and started his stupid far left tariff war?

Well, the dipshit left us with a record trade deficit with China.

As for farmers, Trump had to provide them with a bailout because of his stupid tariff war.

Did you not read the link? The trade wars got us record purchases....geez man
then why do you care we say it? you know that literally makes no sense if it didn't work.
That the Trump agenda was a failure doesn’t mean it no longer poses a threat to our democracy – it does.

With or without Trump, rightists will continue to pursue the same failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma; the same nativist, illiberal, rightwing racism, bigotry, and hate, the same effort to destroy our democracy.
Not everyone has the IQ nor temperament to do any and everything. That's why rust belt coal miners are still waiting for maga to bring back coal, instead of pulling themselves up by the bootstraps, and getting out of that Conservative-Marxist shithole. You will always have a lowest common denominator in society, and those people need decent paying jobs, with low barrier to entry.
We are living in an ever-evolving technological world. The jobs in low-tech are just not there any more.

Agriculture used to be 98 percent of all jobs. Now it is 2 percent. Only a retard would campaign on the promise to bring back farming jobs.

The money is still there in agriculture. It is just being earned by fewer hands.

Same with manufacturing. We are making more stuff than ever, it just takes less people to make it. And the money is still there, but concentrated in a few hands. It takes a very evil person to promise to bring all those jobs back, and a very dumb person to believe it.

Mining? Same thing. Miners are a smaller and smaller number to mine more and more. Trump knew this when he promised to bring back their jobs. He was willfully lying to them. He said way back in the early 90s in a Playboy magazine interview that it was over for coal miners.

The jobs are now in the service sector.

It's easier for a huckster like Trump to promise to bring back jobs that are never coming back than to do the actual heavy lifting it will take to retool our education system.

And Trump is as lazy as it gets. He uses his big mouth to make empty promises, and the rubes fall for that crap over and over and over.

It will be studied long into the future why the rubes kept falling for Trump's hucksterism.
I use "build that wall" more as a metaphor for employing any and all means to secure our border. Give em live ammunition and let them actually use it; Deport all anchor babies; criminalize sanctuary cities; defund the police, and then give it to ICE.
How come Republicans refuse to do the one thing that would stop illegals from coming here? What draws them here?

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.

We all know Bush is a big fan of immigrants today. Looks like he turned a blind eye to illegal employers when he got into office. Looks like Clinton was doing his job.

In 1999 Clinton fined 417 companies. In 2004 Bush fined 3. It's so fucking obvious who let the dogs out. Who who who who?
We are living in an ever-evolving technological world. The jobs in low-tech are just not there any more.

Agriculture used to be 98 percent of all jobs. Now it is 2 percent. Only a retard would campaign on the promise to bring back farming jobs.

The money is still there in agriculture. It is just being earned by fewer hands.

Same with manufacturing. We are making more stuff than ever, it just takes less people to make it. And the money is still there, but concentrated in a few hands. It takes a very evil person to promise to bring all those jobs back, and a very dumb person to believe it.

Mining? Same thing. Miners are a smaller and smaller number to mine more and more. Trump knew this when he promised to bring back their jobs. He was willfully lying to them. He said way back in the early 90s in a Playboy magazine interview that it was over for coal miners.

The jobs are now in the service sector.

It's easier for a huckster like Trump to promise to bring back jobs that are never coming back than to do the actual heavy lifting it will take to retool our education system.

And Trump is as lazy as it gets. He uses his big mouth to make empty promises, and the rubes fall for that crap over and over and over.

It will be studied long into the future why the rubes kept falling for Trump's husterism.
3 million professionals replaced by H1-Bs got their careers back.

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