MAGA: A Complete Failure

Walls and fences have places but that isnt an immigration policy. I know it sounds simple but its not. We need an immigration overhaul and controlled borders are a piece of it. Democrats are in favor of legal immigration which includes consideration for asylum. Republicans want to shoot applicants in the legs. Are you able to identify with the marginalized here?
I'm anti legal and illegal immigration, and don't care how they get it done, just get it done. They can use live ammunition on the border for all I care. Your boi Bernie and Clinton were totally against illegals in the past as well. It depresses wages for the Americans, increases competition, decreased quality of living, crime/drugs, not to mention brings in more racial division. Blacks have been completely "replaced" in parts of California.These Hispanics are very anti black, even clique up with the Aryan brotherhood when they get in jail. I mean, imagine if white people had a MAINSTREAM group called La Raza(literally translates to "the race"). We'd all rightfully call it racist. Why bring in more racists when we already have to deal with whites? So, no, zero compassion. And then all we are doing is turning America into the same failed 2nd worlds that they come from-just look at LA.
You are going to have to get a lot closer to the people (more Manchin-like) instead of the leftist Ivy League academia that's currently leading your party about by the nose.
Ive League academia vs Army of Bubba... I like my chances.
I'm anti legal and illegal immigration, and don't care how they get it done, just get it done. They can use live ammunition on the border for all I care. Your boi Bernie and Clinton were totally against illegals in the past as well. It depresses wages for the Americans, increases competition, decreased quality of living, crime/drugs, not to mention brings in more racial division. Blacks have been completely "replaced" in parts of California.These Hispanics are very anti black, even clique up with the Aryan brotherhood when they get in jail. I mean, imagine if white people had a MAINSTREAM group called La Raza(literally translates to "the race"). We'd all rightfully call it racist. Why bring in more racists when we already have to deal with whites? So, no, zero compassion. And then all we are doing is turning America into the same failed 2nd worlds that they come from-just look at LA.
Illegal immigration is easily solve. Just stop allowing the CIA and big American corporations from raping and destroying their countries.
Illegal immigration is easily solve. Just stop allowing the CIA and big American corporations from raping and destroying their countries.
Those countries were crap before the CIA, they are crap when the CIA is there, and they'll be crap when the CIA leaves. And most of those countries are commie dictatorships, which aught to be Splinter Celled. Less communist countries on the planet is a good thing.
Ive League academia vs Army of Bubba... I like my chances.
I know Republicans back in the Bush days played politics with social wedge issues. Carl Rove was great at doing it. Dividing us.

Trump took it to a whole other level. The racism and criminality were no longer subtle. The lying, cheating and criminal behavior by Trump was unprecedented.

Reminds me of when for 8 years Republicans pretended to care that Clinton smoked a joint. Then they gave Bush a pass when we know he was a coke head in his younger years. And they cared so deeply that Clinton lied about Monica yet they don't care about Stormy Daniels. In fact they think Trump's cool because he raw dogs porn stars.
Wow, and to think when the brown turd Obammy accused police of racism, then invited those same police to have a beer with, doesnt even make your irony gauge.
The best part of Trump was the hag Hillary losing.
Possibly the only reason he won.
That's pretty much the cases with Biden. The best part was Trump losing, possibly the only reason he won.
I'm anti legal and illegal immigration, and don't care how they get it done, just get it done. They can use live ammunition on the border for all I care. Your boi Bernie and Clinton were totally against illegals in the past as well. It depresses wages for the Americans, increases competition, decreased quality of living, crime/drugs, not to mention brings in more racial division. Blacks have been completely "replaced" in parts of California.These Hispanics are very anti black, even clique up with the Aryan brotherhood when they get in jail. I mean, imagine if white people had a MAINSTREAM group called La Raza(literally translates to "the race"). We'd all rightfully call it racist. Why bring in more racists when we already have to deal with whites? So, no, zero compassion. And then all we are doing is turning America into the same failed 2nd worlds that they come from-just look at LA.
Uhm, you do realize that a majority of black deaths are because of blacks? Maybe you should deal with that issue before you start looking at other people.
I'm anti legal and illegal immigration, and don't care how they get it done, just get it done. They can use live ammunition on the border for all I care. Your boi Bernie and Clinton were totally against illegals in the past as well. It depresses wages for the Americans, increases competition, decreased quality of living, crime/drugs, not to mention brings in more racial division. Blacks have been completely "replaced" in parts of California.These Hispanics are very anti black, even clique up with the Aryan brotherhood when they get in jail. I mean, imagine if white people had a MAINSTREAM group called La Raza(literally translates to "the race"). We'd all rightfully call it racist. Why bring in more racists when we already have to deal with whites? So, no, zero compassion. And then all we are doing is turning America into the same failed 2nd worlds that they come from-just look at LA.
There are 11.6M open jobs and 6M unemployed. 5M more jobs than people. How many job openings without workers do we need for you to feel secure? Unemployed Black Americans are only 1.2M. To close the gap with white employment its only about 450K more employed (that would take the rate from 5.8% to 3.3%). With 11M openings it does not seem to be a supply and demand thing its structural for some reason other than job availability.
MAGA was never about fixing anyones problems. It was about making you mad about something and telling you who to blame for it. That’s it. That’s the whole strategy.

The few solutions promised for extremely complex issues resonated cuz they seemed simple… immigrations reforms are hard and nuanced… building a wall seems easy… repealing ACA seems easy… replacing it is hard…. Cutting taxes easy… finding fiscal responsibility is hard… fighting an invisible virus with a unified approach is hard… calling it a hoax is is easy.

Sadly, this laziness and hucksterism is not unique to Trump.
Manufactoring jobs were brought back: In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot?

In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot?​

Farmers got a huge boom from record Ag sells to China: USDA: New record for ag exports to China in 2020

USDA: New record for ag exports to China in 2020​

Trump's gift to Biden: Record ag exports to China​

U.S. farm sales and shipments to China have surged since late last year, most notably for corn, the Agriculture Department said.

---the second invasion of Putin in Ukraine, which took place under Xiden, are not the issue with Xiden's horrible's the demafacist horrible policies.
Remember how Trump said trade wars are easy to win and started his stupid far left tariff war?

Well, the dipshit left us with a record trade deficit with China.

As for farmers, Trump had to provide them with a bailout because of his stupid tariff war.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), passed by President Trump and congressional Republicans, was the biggest reform of the U.S. tax code since 1986. The TCJA lowered income tax rates, especially for higher-income Americans, and it lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

I'm sure this contributed to the inflation we are dealing with now right?
It certainly added to the federal debt, so yes it is a factor in the current inflation along with decades of massive deficit spending, tax cuts, and ZIRP.
There are arguments for an against international specialization. If one company makes all of the worlds whatsits, then they can use the economy of scale to supply the world with whatsits at the lowest possible price.
If only one company makes whatsits, it can use economy of scale to cut costs. And then it can demand whatever price it wishes.
This should never have existed. McCain with his Roman emperor like thumb heading down on the Obamacare removal vote was his true ways using his hatred of Trump as an excuse. We are an imperfect species that cannot live as an anything goes species to survive as a species. Yet we push the worst we can be as a minority of ways the species lives that costs us a great deal of our resources.
McCain's thumbs down was for a PARTIAL Obamacare repeal, with no Obamacare replacement that the GOP and Trump had promised.

The bill was a hoax and McCain called the hucksters on their bullshit.
Those countries were crap before the CIA, they are crap when the CIA is there, and they'll be crap when the CIA leaves. And most of those countries are commie dictatorships, which aught to be Splinter Celled. Less communist countries on the planet is a good thing.
No I don’t agree. The USG and big US corporations have been controlling their governments and stealing their resources for over a century. Imposing right wing dictatorships that murder the people and steal all the wealth has a way of causing mass emigration.
Conservatism isn’t for everyone. It never has been and never will be. It’s for people who can think, act, and speak Right over Wrong, period. Outsiders need not apply.
"Right over Wrong."

Is serial adultery right or wrong?

Is ripping off senior citizens of their retirement nest eggs at a fake university right or wrong?

Is paying off a mistress to keep her silence in order to win an election right or wrong?

Is lying several times a day right or wrong?

Is bearing false witness against others right or wrong?

Is bursting into an underage girl's dressing room to catch her naked right or wrong?
There are 11.6M open jobs and 6M unemployed. 5M more jobs than people. How many job openings without workers do we need for you to feel secure? Unemployed Black Americans are only 1.2M. To close the gap with white employment its only about 450K more employed (that would take the rate from 5.8% to 3.3%). With 11M openings it does not seem to be a supply and demand thing its structural for some reason other than job availability.
Well first of all, the pandemic. Secondly, it's not like every job is the same, and those statistics aren't nuanced enough to tell you the full picture. Blacks used to dominate construction, but now all you see is Hispanics-they're willing to work longer and for less. So, wages drop and standard of living/QOL goes down if you are willing to acquiesce to that-which we absolutely should not. It's a race to the bottom. Manufacturing? I worked in a factory some decades ago, and It was loaded with Hispanics. I had worked at in another in a different state that was majority White, and the pay was good. But the one with Hispanics, the pay was nearly half of that, and longer hours. My trainer was Mexican and was a piece of shit, refused to train me, and then told HR that I didn't know anything. I actually did know what I was doing no thanks to him, and they offered me to display that, but given the hostile, Spanish in the breakroom and low pay environment, it simply wasn't worth it and walked off da job. I got some skills and went into the tech field. In essence, I self excluded myself and I'm sure many other real Americans do. That's what the stats won't show you. All the vast disincentives. Americans are being "replaced". Literally just Build that wall, we aint hurtin' nobody-it's our country. Oh, and you do know that America and Canada are I think the only Anglo countries that have naturalized citizenship? Any other western country would throw them and their kids back across the border.
The dems had the chance to prove their worth after Trump and have failed miserably at every turn. It's astounding really.

You have to ask yourself if it was by design and you don't have to ponder very long to figure out that it was and the reason for it.....I mean it's staring you right in the face every single day if you will only look a bit deeper than the headline.

The dems surrendered totally to leftist Ivy League influences that view the people that (maybe) put the dems in office as useful idiots to be manipulated to their ends.

Truth be told they don't care anymore about the dems than they do the gop, much less the public at large. They are about power, feathering their nests, and perpetuating the leftist I-L pipeline.....

Ever seen a leftist I-Ler of modest means in the .gov? The leftist I-Ler has been indoctrinated not to care about anybody but their own kind. That is where the real "big club" in DC is and the non-I-L politicians are not in it. It's also the most insidious.

The sooner politicians shun the I-lers they collect like stamps the better off the country will be.....Never ever elect one.
That's not a very realistic assessment of what is going on. The democrats have a very basic agenda: Increase accessibility to healthcare and education for the average American, protect individual rights, and start to solve the long term environmental challenge. That's basically it. It's driven by the most basic of needs for people.
No I don’t agree. The USG and big US corporations have been controlling their governments and stealing their resources for over a century. Imposing right wing dictatorships that murder the people and steal all the wealth has a way of causing mass emigration.
What resources does Japan hav, and what countries are the currently exploiting? None, yet they are still prosperous. Nah bro, they would be poor regardless and were. Same with Africa. Thomas Sowell says that Africa was poor before the Europeans came, during, and after they left. And Africa has like ALL the Stardew Valley items. Nah, it's social capital.

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