MAGA: A Complete Failure

If conservatism is about the status quo, then it can't be for everyone. What place do modern conservatives have for gays? Nowhere but back in the closet lol. Wokeness is about having a space for everyone, not just white, cis, Christians like conservatism is.
well yea, but the ring wing has five different historical stages

  • The reactionary right sought a return to aristocracy and established religion.
  • The moderate right distrusted intellectuals and sought limited government.
  • The radical right favored a romantic and aggressive form of nationalism.
  • The extreme right proposed anti-immigration policies and implicit racism.
  • The neo-liberal right sought to combine a market economy and economic deregulation with the traditional right-wing beliefs in patriotism, elitism and law and order
Yes I remember you guys cried because Obama allowed GE to pay zero federal taxes but then Trump doubled the number of companies who now pay zero federal taxes.

It's been going on for Decades. Yes, Clinton had to give Republicans tax breaks or they wouldn't budge on anything else. It's been their priority since Reagan. Shrink government and corporations pay zero taxes.
Why make excuses for D potus’? They are no different from the R potus’.
Conservatism is about maintaining the Status Quo. Enforcing Right and Weong. A place for everyone and everyone in their place. If you can’t see how that is the opposite of Wokeness, then I’m not going to be able to explain it to you.
Its that everyone in there place line that scares the hell out of me.
Conservatism isn’t for everyone. It never has been and never will be. It’s for people who can think, act, and speak Right over Wrong, period. Outsiders need not apply.
You literally just said "A place for everyone and everyone in their place. ".
It feels like America is moving that way. Eventually people getting or expecting social security will take a major cut to their benefits. Like 20%. Because we can't afford the ponzi scheme anymore. That's what Republicans will say. The fund is empty. And we can't make future generations pay into it. We must end it.
As designed, it is not quite accurate to refer to social security as a Ponzi scheme. It is close though. And Republicans do not say end it. They say pay into it properly, and dispense it properly.
Just like you want to move public schools to all private, eventually social security will go away too.

I never said anything about wanting to move schools to all private. What I said was that we should get rid of the FEDERAL Dept of Education.
I'll be dead, but I can dig it. If you have kids, pay for them to go to a school. And honestly if we are truly free, if you can't afford to send your kids to school or they don't want to go, they shouldn't have to. How may Americans are worthless after K-12? Worthless human beings. They learned nothing. We basically baby sat them for 18 years.
Whatever. Again: not what I said.
Parents who pay for school care. People who send their kids to public school, don't care nearly as much.
Parents generally care a lot. I’m not sure wtf you’re talking about.
Show where I ever supported MAGA and when you can’t, well then what else you have?

No one is starving unless you are one of those that believe the Government will save you, and if so enjoy starving…
You support Trump?
I'm sure if you give the most money away to the few, it won't cause as much inflation as if you give it to the masses. Biden gave stimulus to people who needed it. They spent it. Normally that would work but it caused inflation and corporations gouged us during the pandemic.

I'm not voting Republican because that happened.

Biden passed a great infrastructure bill that will put america back to work and rebuild our falling apart infrastructure. It's about time.

When your infrastructure bill is inclusive of a $10M grant for sexual tendencies study in Pakistan, “egregious” is an understatement. I’ve lived in Washington my entire life and realize nothing gets done without a little pork baked in but what the Democrats did last year was over the top and key inflation catalyst.

I can’t take complaints about “tax cuts for the rich” seriously when spending is out of control and no talk of spending cuts in sight. It makes no sense to punish or hinder the largest contributing group to tax revenues. “Fair Share” arguments are a farce.
Actually, it could be argued that MAGA has been a big success, considering they want to rip down the "establishment":

If Trump was a failure Potato is an unmitigated disaster.

Woke and conservative should never be used together.

You're no conservative
Stop trying to juxtapose him to Biden. It's like a little kid trying to bring up some shit that their sibling bid when it's them who is acting up. You a lil kid.

Too bad, already did. I'm a woke Conservative, your worst nightmare.
Actually, it could be argued that MAGA has been a big success, considering they want to rip down the "establishment":

Maga is the establishment. Imagine thinking a billionaire, and one who has bribed Hillary Clinton in the past, isn't apart of that same establishment. Oh, but if he says he isn't it's true lol. See, that same gullibility is why you haven't wall, have no coal jobs, and have no nothing.

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