MAGA: A Complete Failure

True. So we can call them Dumb and Dumber.
This should never have existed. McCain with his Roman emperor like thumb heading down on the Obamacare removal vote was his true ways using his hatred of Trump as an excuse. We are an imperfect species that cannot live as an anything goes species to survive as a species. Yet we push the worst we can be as a minority of ways the species lives that costs us a great deal of our resources.

Indeed, there really was no ā€˜MAGAā€™ to begin with ā€“ it was just the regurgitation of the same failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma; the same nativist, illiberal, rightwing racism, bigotry, and hate.
then why do you care we say it? you know that literally makes no sense if it didn't work.
Lol. Youā€™re as ā€œconservativeā€ as Obumbler.

Your denigration of the real Thomas Sowell shows your true colors. (And thatā€™s not a reference to race, either.)
I'm not a conservative, I'm a woke Conservative. Theres a difference.
A symptom of the disease that is conservatism and its political manifestation, the Republican party.

Trump was a product of that diseased political dogma ā€“ the reactionaryism, the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, the authoritarianism seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent, and the racism, bigotry, and hate; the fear Trump exploited through white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

Thatā€™s why conservatism/MAGA remains an ongoing threat to Americaā€™s democracy absent Trump; the rightā€™s war on democracy continues.

You stole ā€œ disease ā€œ of conservative from me. It was originally disease of leftism. Leftists cant make and original thought. Pathetic.
Clearly they are because I am a woke conservative
No youā€™re not. You just think you are. My guess is that youā€™re a woke individual who simply doesnā€™t want to associate themselves with the Progressives and Liberals who believe the same way you do.

Wokeness is the ideological opposite of Traditional Conservatism BY DEFINITION.
The ā€˜wallā€™ was racist idiocy, pandering to the nativist hatred of the right.

And we import from low-wage countries because it fuels our consumer-driven economy; unless American workers are willing to also work for low-wages, itā€™s naĆÆve to believe thereā€™ll be any decrease in imports.

Trump and his supporters either failed to understand this fact or they lied to American workers about ā€˜reducing importsā€™ and ā€˜bringing back jobsā€™ ā€“ likely both.
That's it. Project that inner commie.
Just as did Clinton, Ears, and dumb Joe. Itā€™s as American as apple pie, but partisans of the duopoly canā€™t see it.
Yes I remember you guys cried because Obama allowed GE to pay zero federal taxes but then Trump doubled the number of companies who now pay zero federal taxes.

It's been going on for Decades. Yes, Clinton had to give Republicans tax breaks or they wouldn't budge on anything else. It's been their priority since Reagan. Shrink government and corporations pay zero taxes.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.

These people are never going to admit the truth of your statement. That Carrier factory in Indiana that he promised wouldn't close and move to Mexico, closed down not that long after he became president. He didn't impose tariffs, or any penalties upon Carrier, he just shrugged his shoulders and all of those American workers lost their jobs. He also raised taxes for working-class families and reduced them for the rich (his class of people). MAGA was a big sham. He played these folks:


Redneck Inventions9.jpg



Like a fiddle.
Sillybozo still doesnā€™t grasp that ā€œwe couldnā€™t affordā€ applies to purchases, not ā€œrevenueā€ collection. With the exceptions of paying the interest and partial principle on debt and paying for the military we need, the court system, a bit for Congress to operate, money for the Executive branch to operate, we could easily stop paying most taxes.

Get rid of the entire Dept of Education. Leave it to the states and localities.

Stop paying other nations money ā€œin exchangeā€ for nothing.

There is so much we could do. But pretending that cutting taxes was a problem of what we can afford is meaningless. The proper solution to things we canā€™t afford is not to ā€œbuyā€ them ā€” at all, and certainly not via more borrowing.
It feels like America is moving that way. Eventually people getting or expecting social security will take a major cut to their benefits. Like 20%. Because we can't afford the ponzi scheme anymore. That's what Republicans will say. The fund is empty. And we can't make future generations pay into it. We must end it.

Just like you want to move public schools to all private, eventually social security will go away too.

I'll be dead, but I can dig it. If you have kids, pay for them to go to a school. And honestly if we are truly free, if you can't afford to send your kids to school or they don't want to go, they shouldn't have to. How may Americans are worthless after K-12? Worthless human beings. They learned nothing. We basically baby sat them for 18 years.

Parents who pay for school care. People who send their kids to public school, don't care nearly as much.
It feels like America is moving that way. Eventually people getting or expecting social security will take a major cut to their benefits. Like 20%. Because we can't afford the ponzi scheme anymore. That's what Republicans will say. The fund is empty. And we can't make future generations pay into it. We must end it.

Just like you want to move public schools to all private, eventually social security will go away too.

I'll be dead, but I can dig it. If you have kids, pay for them to go to a school. And honestly if we are truly free, if you can't afford to send your kids to school or they don't want to go, they shouldn't have to. How may Americans are worthless after K-12? Worthless human beings. They learned nothing. We basically baby sat them for 18 years.

Parents who pay for school care. People who send their kids to public school, don't care nearly as much.

No youā€™re not. You just think you are. My guess is that youā€™re a woke individual who simply doesnā€™t want to associate themselves with the Progressives and Liberals who believe the same way you do.

Wokeness is the ideological opposite of Traditional Conservatism BY DEFINITION.
How is it the opposite
Conservatism is about maintaining the Status Quo. Enforcing Right and Weong. A place for everyone and everyone in their place. If you canā€™t see how that is the opposite of Wokeness, then Iā€™m not going to be able to explain it to you.
If conservatism is about the status quo, then it can't be for everyone. What place do modern conservatives have for gays? Nowhere but back in the closet lol. Wokeness is about having a space for everyone, not just white, cis, Christians like conservatism is.
If conservatism is about the status quo, then it can't be for everyone. What place do modern conservatives have for gays? Nowhere but back in the closet lol. Wokeness is about having a space for everyone, not just white, cis, Christians like conservatism is.
Conservatism isnā€™t for everyone. It never has been and never will be. Itā€™s for people who can think, act, and speak Right over Wrong, period. Outsiders need not apply.
Yet they're talking about us starving to death in the fall šŸ˜‚. Maga You are a fake maga conservative if you aren't willing to acknowledge the truth. Maga failure is the harsh reality.
Show where I ever supported MAGA and when you canā€™t, well then what else you have?

No one is starving unless you are one of those that believe the Government will save you, and if so enjoy starvingā€¦

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