MAGA: A Complete Failure

Yep, he was used to simply buying NYC politicians with donations but ran up against gop opposition supported with bigger checkbooks.

IMHO he did far better on the world stage than he did on the domestic one.
And, yet, he want able to get any if his key promises accomplished.
Thankfully much of the Trump agenda was a failure; but considerable damage was done by Trump, some of it irreparable.
As a woke black conservative, I supported the wall I theory, as well as less dependency on imports, but facts are facts-he failed.
Libtards here having their failed-intellect circlejerk.

I hates Bad Orange Man!

No! I hateses him more!

Him was bad. And orange!

Him was orange. And bad!
And, yet, he want able to get any if his key promises accomplished.
Maybe that's why a lot of folks want a second term for him.

If he get's "his people" into the house/senate in November the make-up of congress will be totally different, especially in the House with no Paul Ryan cabal to deal with. The Turtle will remain a problem in the Senate but a lot can be done with just the House.
MAGA was never about fixing anyones problems. It was about making you mad about something and telling you who to blame for it. That’s it. That’s the whole strategy.

Making conservatives mad about immigrants, minorities, and America being ‘taken away’ from white Americans.

Like conservatism, Trump was about fear, demagoguery, and lies.
Ummm, we are not dependent on the Ukraine but Russia and Europe are.

The war affected the prices of commodities and let me be clear the increase in the price of diesel shouldn’t have anything to do with the Ukraine but has a lot to do with our sanctions on Russia.

As for manufacturing, well the U.S. shouldn’t rely on your beloved country China and should focus on building better relations with countries like Mexico and regions like Central and South America so that the people of the United States of America can get cheap products while keeping people from Central America from flooding our borders.

Finally, MAGA isn’t for you silly, so keep on sucking the tit of Pelosi who cares less about you while crying over that retarded MAGA shit…
Yet they're talking about us starving to death in the fall 😂. Maga You are a fake maga conservative if you aren't willing to acknowledge the truth. Maga failure is the harsh reality.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.

There are arguments for an against international specialization. If one company makes all of the worlds whatsits, then they can use the economy of scale to supply the world with whatsits at the lowest possible price.
Maybe that's why a lot of folks want a second term for him.

If he get's "his people" into the house/senate in November the make-up of congress will be totally different, especially in the House with no Paul Ryan cabal to deal with. The Turtle will remain a problem in the Senate but a lot can be done with just the House.
On day one Maga had both house and Senate. HES A FAILURE! bottom line.
As a woke black conservative, I supported the wall I theory, as well as less dependency on imports, but facts are facts-he failed.
The ‘wall’ was racist idiocy, pandering to the nativist hatred of the right.

And we import from low-wage countries because it fuels our consumer-driven economy; unless American workers are willing to also work for low-wages, it’s naïve to believe there’ll be any decrease in imports.

Trump and his supporters either failed to understand this fact or they lied to American workers about ‘reducing imports’ and ‘bringing back jobs’ – likely both.
The ‘wall’ was racist idiocy, pandering to the nativist hatred of the right.

And we import from low-wage countries because it fuels our consumer-driven economy; unless American workers are willing to also work for low-wages, it’s naïve to believe there’ll be any decrease in imports.

Trump and his supporters either failed to understand this fact or they lied to American workers about ‘reducing imports’ and ‘bringing back jobs’ – likely both.
Oh I know , but I'm not against it. Hispanics are just as racist as the whites, no need to bring in.more racists. But, yes, the white Conservative live of the wall is driven by keeping America white, demographics, maintaining white hegemony etc.

I'd rather Americans get those jobs instead of cheap crap. Yo could be right though, because maga are the main ones addicted to globalization, e.g Walmart loves setting up shop in rural America because they love cheap goods.
Does the largest spending bill in US history or a milestone tax cut have more of an impact on inflation? Anyone?
I'm sure if you give the most money away to the few, it won't cause as much inflation as if you give it to the masses. Biden gave stimulus to people who needed it. They spent it. Normally that would work but it caused inflation and corporations gouged us during the pandemic.

I'm not voting Republican because that happened.

Biden passed a great infrastructure bill that will put america back to work and rebuild our falling apart infrastructure. It's about time.

Reagan, Bush and Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need and we couldn't afford.
Just as did Clinton, Ears, and dumb Joe. It’s as American as apple pie, but partisans of the duopoly can’t see it.
Reagan, Bush and Trump gave the rich tax breaks they didn't need and we couldn't afford.
Sillybozo still doesn’t grasp that “we couldn’t afford” applies to purchases, not “revenue” collection. With the exceptions of paying the interest and partial principle on debt and paying for the military we need, the court system, a bit for Congress to operate, money for the Executive branch to operate, we could easily stop paying most taxes.

Get rid of the entire Dept of Education. Leave it to the states and localities.

Stop paying other nations money “in exchange” for nothing.

There is so much we could do. But pretending that cutting taxes was a problem of what we can afford is meaningless. The proper solution to things we can’t afford is not to “buy” them — at all, and certainly not via more borrowing.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
Trump and Biden have failed America, so here we are. I see nothing good in these two parties.
As a woke black conservative, I supported the wall I theory, as well as less dependency on imports, but facts are facts-he failed.
Lol. You’re as “conservative” as Obumbler.

Your denigration of the real Thomas Sowell shows your true colors. (And that’s not a reference to race, either.)
As a woke black conservative,

As a free market communist Eskimo, I would like to invite you to this thursday's meeting of the local chapter of POES Anonymous.

Our guest speaker will be offering some useful techniques for how a 15 year old suburban girl can get the most shits and the most giggles out of her experience impersonating an angry black man on the internet.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
LOL. Yes, the left made sure MAGA was a failure so that we could live with high inflation where we can't pay for housing, gas, or groceries. Good job.

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