MAGA: A Complete Failure

This isn't about
The dems had the chance to prove their worth after Trump and have failed miserably at every turn. It's astounding really.

You have to ask yourself if it was by design and you don't have to ponder very long to figure out that it was and the reason for it.....I mean it's staring you right in the face every single day if you will only look a bit deeper than the headline.

The dems surrendered totally to leftist Ivy League influences that view the people that (maybe) put the dems in office as useful idiots to be manipulated to their ends.

Truth be told they don't care anymore about the dems than they do the gop, much less the public at large. They are about power, feathering their nests, and perpetuating the leftist I-L pipeline.....

Ever seen a leftist I-Ler of modest means in the .gov? The leftist I-Ler has been indoctrinated not to care about anybody but their own kind. That is where the real "big club" in DC is and the non-I-L politicians are not in it. It's also the most insidious.

The sooner politicians shun the I-lers they collect like stamps the better off the country will be.....Never ever elect one.

The dems had the chance to prove their worth after Trump and have failed miserably at every turn. It's astounding really.

You have to ask yourself if it was by design and you don't have to ponder very long to figure out that it was and the reason for it.....I mean it's staring you right in the face every single day if you will only look a bit deeper than the headline.

The dems surrendered totally to leftist Ivy League influences that view the people that (maybe) put the dems in office as useful idiots to be manipulated to their ends.

Truth be told they don't care anymore about the dems than they do the gop, much less the public at large. They are about power, feathering their nests, and perpetuating the leftist I-L pipeline.....

Ever seen a leftist I-Ler of modest means in the .gov? The leftist I-Ler has been indoctrinated not to care about anybody but their own kind. That is where the real "big club" in DC is and the non-I-L politicians are not in it. It's also the most insidious.

The sooner politicians shun the I-lers they collect like stamps the better off the country will be.....Never ever elect one.
Stop. This is about Trump, not democrats
Manufactoring jobs were brought back: In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot?

In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot?​

Farmers got a huge boom from record Ag sells to China: USDA: New record for ag exports to China in 2020

USDA: New record for ag exports to China in 2020​

Trump's gift to Biden: Record ag exports to China​

U.S. farm sales and shipments to China have surged since late last year, most notably for corn, the Agriculture Department said.

---the second invasion of Putin in Ukraine, which took place under Xiden, are not the issue with Xiden's horrible's the demafacist horrible policies.
It's a symptom because it's not about Trump. It never has been. It never is.

This is about a society that so sick, miserable, and therefore easily manipulated that it would even CONSIDER a blatant, obvious con man like this to lead ANYTHING. As bad a sign as this has been, their abject dismissal of the Bannon recording was the icing on the cake. It demonstrates that they're now beyond reason.

This is cultural, sociological, anthropological. And the world has seen it before.
This isn't about

Stop. This is about Trump, not democrats
Meh, on the whole I was fine with Trump. It's just a shame that he was thwarted at every turn. He could have done a lot more good.

Well that is what it was so you are left to access the lack of success since that time and move on towards the remedy for it and to be honest i don't know if that lies with another Trump term.
Trump isn’t President any longer and wouldn’t be a factor if Democrats didn’t screw it up as much as they have since taking over the House, Senate and Oval Office, so yeah it is also about their failure to destroy MAGA…

They aren't trying to destroy MAGA, they ARE destroying this country.

Which IS their goal.
Well, isn’t that delusional
Sweet Jilly you must know this….Many Americans are more interested in fighting over which totally corrupt Party is better, over the culture war of the day, and who is Left or Right, instead of trying to stop these politicians and the psychopaths from destroying our lives.

I suspect not.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), passed by President Trump and congressional Republicans, was the biggest reform of the U.S. tax code since 1986. The TCJA lowered income tax rates, especially for higher-income Americans, and it lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

I'm sure this contributed to the inflation we are dealing with now right?
Meh, on the whole I was fine with Trump. It's just a shame that he was thwarted at every turn. He could have done a lot more good.

Well that is what it was so you are left to access the lack of success since that time and move on towards the remedy for it and to be honest i don't know if that lies with another Trump term.
Then he is a failure because he he was the.master deal maker, and would be able to finnesse his way into implementing maga because of his business experience.
Meh, you say that every time a Democrat win, so let be truthful and admit it is the same song and dance routine…

The opposition has been destroying America since it birth, and yet here it is!!!
So right!

Funny how alike the members of the duopoly are. Like trained monkeys they oppose the other party by reflex.

Though you do have to forgive Westwall. He like Joe has dementia.
So right!

Funny how alike the members of the duopoly are. Like trained monkeys they oppose the other party by reflex.

Though you do have to forgive Westwall. He like Joe has dementia.

Squeals the trained monkey.
He also bailed
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), passed by President Trump and congressional Republicans, was the biggest reform of the U.S. tax code since 1986. The TCJA lowered income tax rates, especially for higher-income Americans, and it lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

I'm sure this contributed to the inflation we are dealing with now right?
He also gave farmers billions in welfare,put farmers and businesses out of business with trade war(thus crippling supply chains) and passed covid stimuli's. Trump was a disaster with inflation.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), passed by President Trump and congressional Republicans, was the biggest reform of the U.S. tax code since 1986. The TCJA lowered income tax rates, especially for higher-income Americans, and it lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

I'm sure this contributed to the inflation we are dealing with now right?
Does the largest spending bill in US history or a milestone tax cut have more of an impact on inflation? Anyone?
Then he is a failure because he he was the.master deal maker, and would be able to finnesse his way into implementing maga because of his business experience.
Yep, he was used to simply buying NYC politicians with donations but ran up against gop opposition supported with bigger checkbooks.

IMHO he did far better on the world stage than he did on the domestic one.
Trump isn’t President any longer and wouldn’t be a factor if Democrats didn’t screw it up as much as they have since taking over the House, Senate and Oval Office, so yeah it is also about their failure to destroy MAGA…
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
Thankfully much of the Trump agenda was a failure; but considerable damage was done by Trump, some of it irreparable.

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