MAGA: A Complete Failure

Stop trying to juxtapose him to Biden. It's like a little kid trying to bring up some shit that their sibling bid when it's them who is acting up. You a lil kid.

Too bad, already did. I'm a woke Conservative, your worst nightmare.

You're a nightmare alright....and a joke.... definitely no conservative
The dems had the chance to prove their worth after Trump and have failed miserably at every turn. It's astounding really.

You have to ask yourself if it was by design and you don't have to ponder very long to figure out that it was and the reason for it.....I mean it's staring you right in the face every single day if you will only look a bit deeper than the headline.

The dems surrendered totally to leftist Ivy League influences that view the people that (maybe) put the dems in office as useful idiots to be manipulated to their ends.

Truth be told they don't care anymore about the dems than they do the gop, much less the public at large. They are about power, feathering their nests, and perpetuating the leftist I-L pipeline.....

Ever seen a leftist I-Ler of modest means in the .gov? The leftist I-Ler has been indoctrinated not to care about anybody but their own kind. That is where the real "big club" in DC is and the non-I-L politicians are not in it. It's also the most insidious.

The sooner politicians shun the I-lers they collect like stamps the better off the country will be.....Never ever elect one.
Dems failed at the ballot box. They dont have the senate. There are 48 democrats, 1 semi-democrat, 1 opportunist and 50 republicans. You cant fault them with Sinema and Manchin. Manchin flip flopping hasnt helped. We need more democrats.
Dems failed at the ballot box. They dont have the senate. There are 48 democrats, 1 semi-democrat, 1 opportunist and 50 republicans. You cant fault them with Sinema and Manchin. Manchin flip flopping hasnt helped. We need more democrats.

It's highly unlikely you'll get them in November
Dems failed at the ballot box. They dont have the senate. There are 48 democrats, 1 semi-democrat, 1 opportunist and 50 republicans. You cant fault them with Sinema and Manchin. Manchin flip flopping hasnt helped. We need more democrats.
Here, try this.

They aren't trying to destroy MAGA, they ARE destroying this country.

Which IS their goal.
This country was great prior to Trump. That dude fucked it up. Covid, unemployment, massive massive deficits, tax relief to the rick, a divided nation, a fall in insured by over 5M people, no immigration policy, no manufacturing brought back, just a massive massive failure.
It's highly unlikely you'll get them in November
As long as common folk are mesmerized by charlatans that tell them the key to their happiness is cultural wars its an uphill battle for reason and intelligence. Complex and nuanced problems need more than jumping up and down and screaming Marxist (which only1% of the GOP can even define) they take an understanding of issues, long range planning that requires some short term sacrifices. No republican really thinks passed their next big mac and fries.
Dems failed at the ballot box. They dont have the senate. There are 48 democrats, 1 semi-democrat, 1 opportunist and 50 republicans. You cant fault them with Sinema and Manchin. Manchin flip flopping hasnt helped. We need more democrats.
You are going to have to get a lot closer to the people (more Manchin-like) instead of the leftist Ivy League academia that's currently leading your party about by the nose.
As long as common folk are mesmerized by charlatans that tell them the key to their happiness is cultural wars its an uphill battle for reason and intelligence. Complex and nuanced problems need more than jumping up and down and screaming Marxist (which only1% of the GOP can even define) they take an understanding of issues, long range planning that requires some short term sacrifices. No republican really thinks passed their next big mac and fries.

No, your dementia ridden jackass and his posse of clowns have fucked up beyond belief. Hence they'll get shellacked in November
This country was great prior to Trump. That dude fucked it up. Covid, unemployment, massive massive deficits, tax relief to the rick, a divided nation, a fall in insured by over 5M people, no immigration policy, no manufacturing brought back, just a massive massive failure.
"Trump.....just a massive massive failure."
As opposed to the Golden Age the country is currently in under Biden, right?
This country was great prior to Trump. That dude fucked it up. Covid, unemployment, massive massive deficits, tax relief to the rick, a divided nation, a fall in insured by over 5M people, no immigration policy, no manufacturing brought back, just a massive massive failure.

I know Republicans back in the Bush days played politics with social wedge issues. Carl Rove was great at doing it. Dividing us.

Trump took it to a whole other level. The racism and criminality were no longer subtle. The lying, cheating and criminal behavior by Trump was unprecedented.

Reminds me of when for 8 years Republicans pretended to care that Clinton smoked a joint. Then they gave Bush a pass when we know he was a coke head in his younger years. And they cared so deeply that Clinton lied about Monica yet they don't care about Stormy Daniels. In fact they think Trump's cool because he raw dogs porn stars.
As a woke black conservative, I supported the wall I theory, as well as less dependency on imports, but facts are facts-he failed.
Walls and fences have places but that isnt an immigration policy. I know it sounds simple but its not. We need an immigration overhaul and controlled borders are a piece of it. Democrats are in favor of legal immigration which includes consideration for asylum. Republicans want to shoot applicants in the legs. Are you able to identify with the marginalized here?
"Trump.....just a massive massive failure."
As opposed to the Golden Age the country is currently in under Biden, right?
Biden's first 18 months have been leading us out of the remnants of covid. You cant give Trump a pass on what covid did to unemployment and the loss in GDP without giving Biden a pass on what it did to supply of goods and the available labor market. Only a fool would try to.
This country was great prior to Trump. That dude fucked it up. Covid, unemployment, massive massive deficits, tax relief to the rick, a divided nation, a fall in insured by over 5M people, no immigration policy, no manufacturing brought back, just a massive massive failure.
Biden's first 18 months have been leading us out of the remnants of covid. You cant give Trump a pass on what covid did to unemployment and the loss in GDP without giving Biden a pass on what it did to supply of goods and the available labor market. Only a fool would try to.
You can't give Biden a pass on what it (Covid) did to supply of goods and the available labor market without giving Trump a pass on what covid did to unemployment and the loss in GDP.
See, works both ways.
Then vote D next time. Or don't vote at all. I suspect you know there is a difference. Not much but there is one.
The difference is the Ds talk like they are better, but act exactly like the Rs.

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