MAGA: A Complete Failure

What did you want him to do?

There is systemic racism within the police department. To suggest otherwise means you are really fucking dumb.
Dude up till the brown turd, racism was pretty much quiet, as many people had accepted the races as finally coming together, but then when the turd threw his "white grandma" under the bus, and the creation of the 1st white Latino ever in the history of the US, because the thug Trayvon wanted to beat the shit out of faggot, we just knew that he Obammy was reigniting race wars, because Marxism needs to have people hating other people... And yes, it got much worse, thank a prog for that shit.


Trump’s tenure in the Oval Office has been turbulent for technology​

Trump has certainly has an impact on America's technology industry, but like his presidency thus far, the effect he has had on the sector has been controversial.

Trump's trade war

Naturally, the ban hit Huawei hard, despite its positive attitude that it would weather the trade trouble, with the company forecasting a hefty revenue loss and laying off US workers.

Banning Huawei access to such services stands to damage Google's spread of its own services.

And US tech companies that provide parts for smartphones and other electronics to Chinese companies have been affected. Qualcomm partly blamed its failure to hit its financial targets in the third quarter of 2019 on the US trade ban, with it being unable to ship as many mobile chips and modems as it previously had to China.

Both Qualcomm and Intel have reportedly approached the Commerce Department to voice their concerns over the ban and its effect on American technology companies.

To further confuse things, the Trump administration came out with the option for US companies to apply for a licence to deal with Huawei and other Chinese companies on the US trade blacklist. As a result, US tech companies could still have the scope to deal with banned Chinese technology firms, but they now have more hurdles to jump to come to a trade deal, and licences are by no means guaranteed to be granted.
Washington/Beijing: Leading US news channel CNN claimed that the Huawei company, having close links with the Chinese communist regime, spied on the US nuclear weapons. CNN clarified that the information came from sources in the US Agency Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

China spying on US nuclear weapons via Huawei - US news chann…

Not everyone has the IQ nor temperament to do any and everything. That's why rust belt coal miners are still waiting for maga to bring back coal, instead of pulling themselves up by the bootstraps, and getting out of that Conservative-Marxist shithole. You will always have a lowest common denominator in society, and those people need decent paying jobs, with low barrier to entry. I'd rather it be an American than some Mexican mother fucker with dual allegiance.
When was it great? It was great after the New Deal. Social Security. Medicare. Unions represented 35% of the work force. The CEO's made 35 times the average worker not 350 times. GI Bill. Student loans made college affordable. Etc.

But then the rich fought back starting with Reagan. They've been making America less great for the middle class ever since but the rich keep getting richer and more MAGA by the day. They love it.
Who’s says the establishment Rs aren’t scumbags?
Much of the support for Trump by whites stemmed from pure racism. It was purely for racist motives that they jumped on the Trump bandwagon and were hoodwinked. I remember seeing Trump wearing his white helmet standing in the center of a crowd of American workers at that Carrier plant in Indiana. He was there to save the jobs of those workers, by stopping Carrier from closing the plant and moving it to Mexico. He was like Jesus, there as the champion of the working class. Fighting and defending the American worker. People were all teary-eyed and you can't blame them, for once in many decades we supposedly had someone that was running for the presidency that actually cared about the American worker. He's going to drain the swamp, eliminate all of the corruption in Washington, he's going to stand with the people, to fight the elites who have gutted our nation's manufacturing base. He's going to go to war for the American people against a government establishment that doesn't serve their interests but rather the vested interests of corporations.

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The Carrier plant closed down shortly after he became president and all of those workers lost their jobs. He did nothing.​

Hey, I have to admit, as a communist, a Marxist, I was impressed with his populist act. This communist almost voted for him. Then he made a really stupid statement about Senator John McCaine, saying that he was a loser because he was taken prisoner in Vietnam.

I was shocked. I concluded that he's mentally ill. I'm a communist, I shouldn't like John McCain, I practically disagreed with him on every single political issue, but despite that, I have a certain degree of respect for his courage, and his willingness to fight for what he believes. He was a war veteran of my country, irrespective of how I might personally feel about the Vietnam war. I was angry at how Trump so disrespectfully dismissed his service to our country. Pissed me off. I questioned Trump's mental stability, his mental health. So I didn't vote for anyone in 2016 or in 2020. Trump is a liar and an idiot. He doesn't really give a shit about the American working class, he only serves his own class. The wealthy elite. He filled his administration with a bunch of swamp monsters, from Goldman Sachs and Wall Street. He wasn't draining the swamp, he was:


Scuba diving in the swamp. He was the swamp.
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Much of the support for Trump by whites stemmed from pure racism. It was purely for racist motives that they jumped on the Trump bandwagon and were hoodwinked. I remember seeing Trump wearing his white helmet standing in the center of a crowd of American workers at that Carrier plant in Indiana. He was there to save the jobs of those workers, by stopping Carrier from closing the plant and moving it to Mexico. He was like Jesus, there as the champion of the working class. Fighting and defending the American worker. People were all teary-eyed and you can't blame them, for once in many decades we had a president that cared about the American worker. He's going to drain the swamp, eliminate all of the corruption in Washington, he's going to stand with the people, to fight the elites who have gutted our nation's manufacturing base. He's going to go to war for the American people against a government establishment that doesn't serve their interests but rather the vested interests of corporations.

Hey, I have to admit, as a communist, a Marxist, I was impressed with his populist act. This communist almost voted for him. Then he made a really stupid statement about Senator John McCaine, saying that he was a loser because he was taken prisoner in Vietnam.

I was shocked. I concluded that he's mentally ill. I'm a communist, I shouldn't like John McCain, I practically disagreed with him on every single political issue, but despite that, I have a certain degree of respect for his courage, and his willingness to fight for what he believes. He was a war veteran of my country, irrespective of how I might personally feel about the Vietnam war. I was angry at how Trump so disrespectfully dismissed his service to our country. Pissed me off. I questioned Trump's mental stability, his mental health. So I didn't vote for anyone in 2016 or in 2020. Trump is a liar and an idiot. He doesn't really give a shit about the American working class, he only serves his own class. The wealthy elite. He filled his administration with a bunch of swamp monsters, from Goldman Sachs and Wall Street. He wasn't draining the swamp, he was:

Scuba diving in the swamp. He was the swamp.

You are so full of shit. Did voters want another term of Bush's when Jeb ran? No fucking way, No more Bush's. Did we want people like Cruz or Rubio who talked about conservatism, but not about making America Great Again, no, we wanted someone who would make this country the way it should be, where opportunity happens, and people are treated with respect. Stupid fucks like you, had to riot, burn minority businesses like the KKK, and murder blacks who just happened to be black, because they were starting to realize how fucked up your party was. You are such a racist prick...Voting for an old white guy who was buddies with Clan Member Robert Byrd.
You are so full of shit. Did voters want another term of Bush's when Jeb ran? No fucking way, No more Bush's. Did we want people like Cruz or Rubio who talked about conservatism, but not about making America Great Again, no, we wanted someone who would make this country the way it should be, where opportunity happens, and people are treated with respect. Stupid fucks like you, had to riot, burn minority businesses like the KKK, and murder blacks who just happened to be black, because they were starting to realize how fucked up your party was. You are such a racist prick...Voting for an old white guy who was buddies with Clan Member Robert Byrd.
I triggered you didn't I? Go drink a beer. Many conservative whites voted for him just because they had a black president for eight years. Many were on the Trump bandwagon, strictly for that reason. Were all Caucasians voting for Trump for racist reasons? No. But many were and to deny it makes you the one who is "full of shit". As far as your tirade against the democratic party, I'm not a democrat. You apparently don't know what Marxism or communism is if you think the democrats are Marxists. American liberals aren't socialists, even Bernie Sanders isn't a Marxist, he's at best, a social democrat.
Much of the support for Trump by whites stemmed from pure racism. It was purely for racist motives that they jumped on the Trump bandwagon and were hoodwinked. I remember seeing Trump wearing his white helmet standing in the center of a crowd of American workers at that Carrier plant in Indiana. He was there to save the jobs of those workers, by stopping Carrier from closing the plant and moving it to Mexico. He was like Jesus, there as the champion of the working class. Fighting and defending the American worker. People were all teary-eyed and you can't blame them, for once in many decades we supposedly had someone that was running for the presidency that actually cared about the American worker. He's going to drain the swamp, eliminate all of the corruption in Washington, he's going to stand with the people, to fight the elites who have gutted our nation's manufacturing base. He's going to go to war for the American people against a government establishment that doesn't serve their interests but rather the vested interests of corporations.

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The Carrier plant closed down shortly after he became president and all of those workers lost their jobs. He did nothing.​

Hey, I have to admit, as a communist, a Marxist, I was impressed with his populist act. This communist almost voted for him. Then he made a really stupid statement about Senator John McCaine, saying that he was a loser because he was taken prisoner in Vietnam.

I was shocked. I concluded that he's mentally ill. I'm a communist, I shouldn't like John McCain, I practically disagreed with him on every single political issue, but despite that, I have a certain degree of respect for his courage, and his willingness to fight for what he believes. He was a war veteran of my country, irrespective of how I might personally feel about the Vietnam war. I was angry at how Trump so disrespectfully dismissed his service to our country. Pissed me off. I questioned Trump's mental stability, his mental health. So I didn't vote for anyone in 2016 or in 2020. Trump is a liar and an idiot. He doesn't really give a shit about the American working class, he only serves his own class. The wealthy elite. He filled his administration with a bunch of swamp monsters, from Goldman Sachs and Wall Street. He wasn't draining the swamp, he was:

Scuba diving in the swamp. He was the swamp.


Your post shows how misinformed you are about genuine Marxism and communism. I have no reason to be against gun ownership, I support it. I'm against any law that bans assault rifles. I criticize Obama just as much, if not more so than I criticize Trump. I care for Truth and true patriotism. I pray because I'm not an Atheist anymore as I used to be. I watch Tucker Carlson because I find his show informative and I agree with much of what he says, especially when it comes to social issues.
From the actual report:

In Mexico, cartels manufacture these poisons in clandestine laboratories with ingredients —precursor chemicals—sourced largely from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

So the Chinese make the precursor chemicals and the Mexicans turn them into fentanyl and then smuggle it across the border during times when the Border Patrol is overwhelmed by illegals turning themselves in.

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