MAGA: A Complete Failure

How about society doesn't allow billionaires? Why should society allow one individual to have so much power? Do you think the billionaires became that way because they earned it all on their own? Could the billionaires amass so much power/money without all of those other people who helped them, and worked for them? People become billionaires mostly due to luck or were born into wealthy families. They were at the right place and the right time, and that's how they become billionaires. These ultra-rich people are dangerous to democracy and society in general. One person having billions undermines the public good. There are seven billion people on earth, and just a couple of thousand are billionaires. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning twice on a sunny day and abducted by a UFO that looks like a flying taco, than becoming a billionaire.

If you appeal to Darwinian selection and "survival of the fittest", and "might makes right"..etc, to justify the billionaires doing whatever they want, then realize that the actual fittest and mightiest are those who unite in a group, a society, and say "NO" to the billionaires, making sure no one is starving, homeless, unemployed, without access to healthcare and an education. That's the priority and what is important, not the billionaires and their mansions and mega yachts. United we are more powerful than all of the billionaires and imperialists, divided we fall into their trap. We become slaves to their vested interests. We often hear the rich complain about the working class "eating the rich" , while it's actually the rich who are eating the poor and the working class. They're the ones eating everyone and are the first ones to complain about being eaten. They privatize the profits and make public the losses, requiring the working class to bail them out whenever there's an economic crisis. It's socialism for the rich and "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" for the rest of us.
Then who will pay for the WAR ON POVERTY...Shits like you are too fucking lazy to actually go out and earn money, so you whine all day, how your life is unfair. The day the poor die because they will starve by Joe Biden, the better, right?

The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not Better…

Nope. That would be Joseph Robineete Biden Jr. He and Davis, who was not considered a US president, would be drinking buddies discussing how they voted against integration. They would be talking about the days when they were wide openly racist in one of their KKK clubs started by the democrats. Biden would be bragging about his bill that attempted to stop busing siding with other segregationists. And he would be laughing when he tells Davis how he was able to get more blacks incarcerated when he co-authored a bill making a small amount of crack cocaine punishable compared to powdered cocaine, knowing that would mainly affect the black community at that time (1980s). He could then tell him about all his racist comments, so they could high five each other. You know...comments like.

"one can’t go into a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts without having a slight Indian accent."
"They're saying, 'Jeez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf"
"I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black"
"poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids" (My personal favorite)
"the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean"
"Unchain Wall Street! They're gonna put y'all back in chains"
"We've got to recognize that the kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger"

Over a century now, and the democratic party is continuing to control the black community.

Let's not forget that it was REPUBLICANS who were paid by tobacco lobbyists to swear cigarettes didn't cause cancer.


Same Republicans today swear Global Warming is a hoax.

Same Republicans said lead in drinking water was fine.

Are Republicans today still pro cigarettes? You mean times changed?

Remember Robert E Lee was a Democrat. You love that guy.
Then who will pay for the WAR ON POVERTY...Shits like you are too fucking lazy to actually go out and earn money, so you whine all day, how your life is unfair. The day the poor die because they will starve by Joe Biden, the better, right?

The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not Better…


The war on poverty could be resolved quickly by our government. The first thing we need to do is nationalize all of the major centers of economic power in America. Every industry that is vital to our nation's infrastructure, like oil, gas (the energy sector), mining, all utility companies, banks, telecom, and a few other industries. All of these resources would become our commonwealth, as Americans, everyone would own these resources, and the profits would be deposited into the public treasury, to pay for the "War On Poverty", and build and maintain our infrastructure..etc. We could also make sure the billionaires are paying their fair share of taxes and add a tax to all Wall Street trades. More, we can give every American a job guarantee in the public sector, that way everyone has a job, either in the private or public sector. We should make food, housing, employment, healthcare, and education, a human right.

America has a GDP of 22 trillion yearly, hence it can easily double or even triple its current budget without a problem provided it puts people to work through a public works program. Employing millions of Americans. We have a lot of highways to re-pave, bridges to inspect and rebuild, we have a high-speed rail system to work on, that will take people from NYC to Seattle or Los Angeles in seven or eight hours. We have MSRs i.e. Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors to build throughout our country, providing safe, abundant, clean energy and liquid fuel to everyone.

With respect to the artificial inflation crisis created by capitalists and their cronies in our government, like Biden. We could easily eliminate inflation by imposing price controls. Bringing prices down by executive order or congress. We also have plenty of oil we can drill right here in America, not to speak of oil we can buy from Russia, Venezuela and other countries. I would lift the sanctions immediately from Russia and stop poking the bear with NATO. I would also lift sanctions off of every nation on Earth, that way we can establish good relations, including with Venezuela and Cuba. We would have plenty of resources and a lot more friends, if we had a socialist state.
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Let's not forget that it was REPUBLICANS who were paid by tobacco lobbyists to swear cigarettes didn't cause cancer.

View attachment 675170

Same Republicans today swear Global Warming is a hoax.

Same Republicans said lead in drinking water was fine.

Are Republicans today still pro cigarettes? You mean times changed?

Remember Robert E Lee was a Democrat. You love that guy.
When are you going to stop lying?
MAGA was never about fixing anyones problems. It was about making you mad about something and telling you who to blame for it. That’s it. That’s the whole strategy.

The few solutions promised for extremely complex issues resonated cuz they seemed simple… immigrations reforms are hard and nuanced… building a wall seems easy… repealing ACA seems easy… replacing it is hard…. Cutting taxes easy… finding fiscal responsibility is hard… fighting an invisible virus with a unified approach is hard… calling it a hoax is is easy.
What a great big boatload of horseshit.
The war on poverty could be resolved quickly by our government. The first thing we need to do is nationalize all of the major centers of economic power in America. Every industry that is vital to our nation's infrastructure, like oil, gas (the energy sector), mining, all utility companies, banks, telecom, and a few other industries. All of these resources would become our commonwealth, as Americans, everyone would own these resources, and the profits would be deposited into the public treasury, to pay for the "War On Poverty", and build and maintain our infrastructure..etc. We could also make sure the billionaires are paying their fair share of taxes and add a tax to all Wall Street trades. More, we can give every American a job guarantee in the public sector, that way everyone has a job, either in the private or public sector. We should make food, housing, employment, healthcare, and education, a human right.

America has a GDP of 22 trillion yearly, hence it can easily double or even triple its current budget without a problem provided it puts people to work through a public works program. Employing millions of Americans. We have a lot of highways to re-pave, bridges to inspect and rebuild, we have a high-speed rail system to work on, that will take people from NYC to Seattle or Los Angeles in seven or eight hours. We have MSRs i.e. Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors to build throughout our country, providing safe, abundant, clean energy and liquid fuel to everyone.

With respect to the artificial inflation crisis created by capitalists and their cronies in our government, like Biden. We could easily eliminate inflation by imposing price controls. Bringing prices down by executive order or congress. We also have plenty of oil we can drill right here in America, not to speak of oil we can buy from Russia, Venezuela and other countries. I would lift the sanctions immediately from Russia and stop poking the bear with NATO. I would also lift sanctions off of every nation on Earth, that way we can establish good relations, including with Venezuela and Cuba. We would have plenty of resources and a lot more friends, if we had a socialist state.
Yeah, because the government has done a great job with all the other responsibilities it has been given.
It's a symptom because it's not about Trump. It never has been. It never is.

This is about a society that so sick, miserable, and therefore easily manipulated that it would even CONSIDER a blatant, obvious con man like this to lead ANYTHING. As bad a sign as this has been, their abject dismissal of the Bannon recording was the icing on the cake. It demonstrates that they're now beyond reason.

This is cultural, sociological, anthropological. And the world has seen it before.
Says an imbecile who voted for Biden.

Anyone who says Biden is preferable to Trump is a certifiable lunatic.
Yeah, because the government has done a great job with all the other responsibilities it has been given.

A good government would do a good job. It's based on what a government's priorities are. Our current state serves the corporations, not the public. We live in an oligarchy, a plutocracy, that serves vested interests at the expense of the people. A socialist government, in the most powerful nation on Earth, militarily, wouldn't have to deal with all of the sanctions and threats from another power, because we are the power that sanctions and threatens. So when we adopt socialism, it will be without all of those external obstacles and threats. Our government would serve the people.

Private corporations serve their pockets. Money. That's one of the reasons that the workplace is a dictatorship. An absolute tyranny. The capitalists hate government and they brainwash their employees to also hate government. Government is the power of the people, hence capitalists don't like it. Most corporations are run like authoritarian regimes. There's no democracy in the private business enterprise.
Let's not forget that it was REPUBLICANS who were paid by tobacco lobbyists to swear cigarettes didn't cause cancer.

View attachment 675170

Same Republicans today swear Global Warming is a hoax.

Same Republicans said lead in drinking water was fine.

Are Republicans today still pro cigarettes? You mean times changed?

Remember Robert E Lee was a Democrat. You love that guy.
Why would Obama "the Magic Negro" purchase beach front property if Globull Warming is real? Or is he just another stupid black guy who loves to waste money?
A good government would do a good job. It's based on what a government's priorities are. Our current state serves the corporations, not the public. We live in an oligarchy, a plutocracy, that serves vested interests at the expense of the people. A socialist government, in the most powerful nation on Earth, militarily, wouldn't have to deal with all of the sanctions and threats from another power, because we are the power that sanctions and threatens. So when we adopt socialism, it will be without all of those external obstacles and threats. Our government would serve the people.

Private corporations serve their pockets. Money. That's one of the reasons that the workplace is a dictatorship. An absolute tyranny. The capitalists hate government and they brainwash their employees to also hate government. Government is the power of the people, hence capitalists don't like it. Most corporations are run like authoritarian regimes. There's no democracy in the private business enterprise.
A good government would do a good job.
Bwwaaaahhaaaa.....egad are just too fucking funny...who writes your material....

Oh give me a fucking break, it was Carter and his Malaise that gutted the working class, and it took RR a few years to bring them back. Fuck off and die, you Communist prick, i wont be a statistic that you so want.

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It was Reaganomics, supply-side economics, that busted all of the unions, and stripped workers of most of their benefits and good-paying jobs. Here are the indisputable facts:

The war on poverty could be resolved quickly by our government. The first thing we need to do is nationalize all of the major centers of economic power in America. Every industry that is vital to our nation's infrastructure, like oil, gas (the energy sector), mining, all utility companies, banks, telecom, and a few other industries. All of these resources would become our commonwealth, as Americans, everyone would own these resources, and the profits would be deposited into the public treasury, to pay for the "War On Poverty", and build and maintain our infrastructure..etc. We could also make sure the billionaires are paying their fair share of taxes and add a tax to all Wall Street trades. More, we can give every American a job guarantee in the public sector, that way everyone has a job, either in the private or public sector. We should make food, housing, employment, healthcare, and education, a human right.

America has a GDP of 22 trillion yearly, hence it can easily double or even triple its current budget without a problem provided it puts people to work through a public works program. Employing millions of Americans. We have a lot of highways to re-pave, bridges to inspect and rebuild, we have a high-speed rail system to work on, that will take people from NYC to Seattle or Los Angeles in seven or eight hours. We have MSRs i.e. Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors to build throughout our country, providing safe, abundant, clean energy and liquid fuel to everyone.

With respect to the artificial inflation crisis created by capitalists and their cronies in our government, like Biden. We could easily eliminate inflation by imposing price controls. Bringing prices down by executive order or congress. We also have plenty of oil we can drill right here in America, not to speak of oil we can buy from Russia, Venezuela and other countries. I would lift the sanctions immediately from Russia and stop poking the bear with NATO. I would also lift sanctions off of every nation on Earth, that way we can establish good relations, including with Venezuela and Cuba. We would have plenty of resources and a lot more friends, if we had a socialist state.

Socialism fails everywhere it is tried especially venezuela and Cuba both of which fa8il due to the stupidity of the idea of socialism.

It also fails here.

The war On poverty is a failure and has been from the start

the evidence is massive that your idea will never work
It was Reaganomics, supply-side economics, that busted all of the unions, and stripped workers of most of their benefits and good-paying jobs. Here are the indisputable facts:

that busted all of the unions, and stripped workers of most of their benefits and good-paying jobs.

Back then i was working while Jimmy the brainless Carter malaised the middle class along with leaving US citizens to be held hostage by Iran, which caused the peanut farmer to be a one term president. As for Unions, when you strike in the government in critical areas like Air Traffic Control, then you need to be fired on the spot, because like a good terrorist you put other peoples lives in jeopardy. As for good paying jobs, everytime the wages go up under a Republican, the Democrats end up raising obscene taxes on those wages, like Bill Clinton, Barry Sorento and Joe Biteme have done, thus taking away those wage increases, so the worthless fucking poor can get another hand out for the poor vote. Fact, Ronald brought Prosperity for the US after Carter had ruined the economy. Bill Clinton started ruining the country then made a deal with Newt Gingrich and with the Contract with America lowered Unemployment, he Clinton created, stopped paying worthless fucks welfare after two years, thus making them go to work, which started to balance the budget.
Oh give me a fucking break, it was Carter and his Malaise that gutted the working class, and it took RR a few years to bring them back. Fuck off and die, you Communist prick, i wont be a statistic that you so want.

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You have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked feculent finger at communism.

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You have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked feculent finger at communism.

You should really learn how to read,

Arguement with youtube is proof of intellectual weakness.

The facts are that the 100 millions muerder figure of communsim is proven and undisputed.

Had you bothered to read some you might know this.

Your ideology is evil and always a failure. If you want proof move to an indian reservation. They are socialist communities right here at home and they are universally examples of despiar destitution poverty and hopelessness.

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