MAGA: A Complete Failure

How? When you have an union, the workers cannot produce an excellent product but a mediocre one, because of the contract of the union. No more, no less than what the contract deems, and if an employee does more, he is chastised by his fellow workers because "What are you trying to do, work us out of a job" mantra. Unions may have served their purpose at the beginning but since then the union has done nothing but hurt their employees and donating to the Democrap Party which many union members dont agree with. Bust a union, save the country...
Maybe your union was like that, but not mine. Workers have every right to unionize and you and your capitalist masters can try to bust them, but you won't succeed. There's a huge movement now to unionize and the government will eventually pass legislation protecting workers against employers who try to strip them of their jobs for joining a union. There's also a movement to start worker-owned cooperatives. That's the "survival of the fittest" and the "might makes right" that you love so much. Power Of The People, Democracy (rule of the people) both in politics and in the workplace. It's coming, whether you authoritarian-loving dinosaurs like it or not. The age of the dinosaurs is behind us.
Maybe your union was like that, but not mine. Workers have every right to unionize and you and your capitalist masters can try to bust them, but you won't succeed. There's a huge movement now to unionize and the government will eventually pass legislation protecting workers against employers who try to strip them of their jobs for joining a union. There's also a movement to start worker-owned cooperatives. That's the "survival of the fittest" and the "might makes right" that you love so much. Power Of The People, Democracy (rule of the people) both in politics and in the workplace. It's coming, whether you authoritarian-loving dinosaurs like it or not. The age of the dinosaurs is behind us.
Basically you are all wrong.

Workers certainly have the right to unionize but wmployers have trhe right to ban unions. Of course in the end the only solution is to fire those who try to unionize. Sometimes that works but sometimes one cannot do that such as in highly specialized fields with few qualified people to replace the ones you fire.
In the end it is not anyone busting unions who are winning it is the workers who do not wish to unionize and most do not.

There is no such movement as you claim. Worker owned coops exist but it is not a movement because it generally fails as a business model.

Democracy whether in politics or business is tyranny of the incompetant majority which is why it is rejected and is not coming.

Collectivism whether comunism or socialism IS THE dinosaur.

Sorry but Trump was too partisan for me to support him. I get why he did it. It's in his dna to be combatant. Too bad. Too bad he wasn't sincere. If he was, I would have joined. GOD DAMN IT too bad because I would love a sincere candidate like Trump. But one who wouldn't be such a partisan hack. Catered to the far right. Wish he would have avoided that nonsense and just stayed focused on the economy. Even his fucking tax break punished high tax blue states that didn't vote for him.

Can we find a sincere Trump? I don't love him, but maybe someone like Joe Rogan? Only better than Joe Rogan. There has to be someone out there.

Trump was horrible. Sure I lean left so he was more horrible to me than he was to you, but I don't lean that far left. I'm willing to see things the Republican way. Fiscally. Socially, forget it.

I think we should just stick with Joe. We don't need Donald Trump to fix inflation.

You could have supported him on one issue while opposing him in general. That would have been demonstrated NOT hypocrisy and possibly led to political pressure for him to go that route harder.
Maybe your union was like that, but not mine. Workers have every right to unionize and you and your capitalist masters can try to bust them, but you won't succeed. There's a huge movement now to unionize and the government will eventually pass legislation protecting workers against employers who try to strip them of their jobs for joining a union. There's also a movement to start worker-owned cooperatives. That's the "survival of the fittest" and the "might makes right" that you love so much. Power Of The People, Democracy (rule of the people) both in politics and in the workplace. It's coming, whether you authoritarian-loving dinosaurs like it or not. The age of the dinosaurs is behind us.
So you worked in a union? Did you get a pension?
Nothing is stopping you commies from forming worker owned cooperatives. It's perfectly legal. So why don't we see this form off organization all over the place?

Banks hardly ever give loans to worker-owned cooperative start-ups in the United States.

This capitalist system is rigged. They don't want workers/consumers, creating cooperatives and competing with capitalists in the marketplace. Cooperatives are scary as hell for capitalists. We start a cooperative with ten other people, not because we intend or even want to become millionaires or "rich", no. We do it for job security, to work in a better environment where there's more accountability between management and the "managed", and to provide our community with a good product or service. We have more control over what is produced and whatever profits are generated by the business. We get to have a say, a vote, on how that money is reinvested. We're not just "employees" or "wage slaves", we're worker-owners. We have to attend meetings, and classes about once a week, to learn about the business and the products that we produce. We have to educate ourselves. There's a sense of pride, commitment, purpose, and community among the workers, that doesn't exist in the vast majority of privately owned companies.

We can compete in the marketplace, even if our business isn't that "profitable", as long as we can pay our bills and salaries. A profit or surplus is great to have and we should make a profit, but in hard times, we can survive, and stay in business, even without a profit, as long as we make enough to pay the bills and our salaries (we're even willing to take a pay cut in a crisis because this is our business). Our bottom line is different than a regular business. Privately owned, for-profit enterprises don't function that way, they need a profit or they die. We're more robust and competitive because we didn't start the business to get rich, we started it for the reasons I mentioned earlier. More money is reinvested into the company (not into waterfront mansions, mega yachts, or fleets of Ferraris). Better equipment, bigger facilities, more workers, amazing customer service, product warranties, competitive prices, good wages and benefits, happy and healthy workers..etc. Worker cooperatives scare the hell out of the competition.
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Banks hardly ever give loans to worker-owned cooperative start-ups in the United States.

This capitalist system is rigged. They don't want workers/consumers, creating cooperatives and competing with capitalists in the marketplace. Cooperatives are scary as hell for capitalists. We start a cooperative with ten other people, not because we intend or even want to become millionaires or "rich", no. We do it for job security, to work in a better environment where there's more accountability between management and the "managed", and to provide our community with a good product or service. We have more control over what is produced and whatever profits are generated by the business. We get to have a say, a vote, on how that money is reinvested. We're not just "employees" or "wage slaves", we're worker-owners. We have to attend meetings, and classes about once a week, to learn about the business and the products that we produce. We have to educate ourselves. There's a sense of pride, commitment, purpose, and community among the workers, that doesn't exist in the vast majority of privately owned companies.

We can compete in the marketplace, even if our business isn't that "profitable", as long as we can pay our bills and salaries. A profit or surplus is great to have and we should make a profit, but in hard times, we can survive, and stay in business, even without a profit, as long as we make enough to pay the bills and our salaries. Our bottom line is different than a regular business. Privately owned, for-profit enterprises don't function that way, they need a profit or they die. We're more robust and competitive because we didn't start the business to get rich, we started it for the reasons I mentioned earlier. More money is reinvested into the company. Better equipment, bigger facilities, more workers, amazing customer service, product warranties, happy and healthy workers..etc.
TYhey do not give such loans because historcally those coops are not a good business model it is that simple.

Without profit every business fails, even coops.
The fact that business knows that they have to pay off politicians to escape from the destructive legislation that the later imposes on them proves nothing.

You claim that businesmen are the villians in this process. They aren't. They are the victims.
Where have I claimed businessmen are the villains? You think big corporations and billionaires are blameless due to your conwise brainwashing.

Big corporations and billionaires buy government because it’s for sale. If it weren’t for sale, they couldn’t buy it.

Try thinking better.

Did I nail you to a tee with this?


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There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
So, Mexico never sent us a check?
Where have I claimed businessmen are the villains? You think big corporations and billionaires are blameless due to your conwise brainwashing.

Big corporations and billionaires buy government because it’s for sale. If it weren’t for sale, they couldn’t buy it.

Try thinking better.

Did I nail you to a tee with this?
You keep saying the business controls the government, that business is at least half responsible for the "corruption." That claim is obvious horseshit.
The working class would be better off being unionized.. The extremely
wealthy and corporations in this country have their own unions called the supreme court and the republican party.
You keep saying the business controls the government, that business is at least half responsible for the "corruption." That claim is obvious horseshit.
Big business and billionaires control the government. This isn’t new. It’s gone on for decades. How could you not know this?
I'm not retired yet, but when I do I will get a pension. I still have a good ten years of work ahead of me, at least.
So you do realize that the Democraps and unions have screwed you over royally because like your income right now, pensions are treated as earned income. That means when you retire that $5,000 a month or what ever it is, is going to be taxed at the same rate as you do today. That is the little dirty secret that Progressives keep from you, while inflation rises your pension will stay the same, and even if you get social security, it is taxed as earned income also, a double whammy.

My investments that i did myself, has a quarterly dividend that pays out over $100,000 every three months and the taxable rate is only 15 percent. That also is the dirty little secret the progressives didnt tell you, because you go look at people like Nancy Piglosi whose husband is worth 120 million dollars his tax rate on his dividends is only 20 percent. They laugh at how gullible pension earners are...

That $100,000 every three months is 100 thousand dollars every 3 months..Just incase it needs clarification.
So, Mexico never sent us a check?

We don't need Mexico to fund the wall. We have plenty of resources to build that wall. Saying that we need Mexico is a copout. Trump wasn't for the working class, he was for his rich friends, his own kind, which are the wealthy class. The ruling elite, are his people, not working-class people. He raised taxes for workers and reduced taxes for the rich. That Carrier plant in Indiana, that he promised wouldn't close down and move to Mexico, closed down a few months after he became president and moved to Mexico. All of those workers were let go. He stood there like the champion of the workers, promising them that Carrier wouldn't close down. Carrier said "FU" and they closed down. What did Trump do? Did he take away any tax cut incentives, or did he impose any special tariffs or taxes on these companies that are willing to destroy our economy in the long term, to make profits in the short term? These cannibal capitalists are stripping the American consumer of their jobs, and hence their purchasing power. Americans live on their credit cards because of this.

Trump did nothing. He should've imposed crazy tarrifs and taxes for those who pursue crazy profits. You're making a profit here in America, but that's not enough. You want 1000% profits, right now, by paying a Mexican a dollar hourly. These American capitalists, want to make crazy bucks, crazy money in the short-term, and to hell with the American economy in the long-term. They don't give a shit, they're multimillionaires and billionaires, who just hop on their Learjets and leave to their waterfront homes in Singapore or Dubai. They're milking the American consumer as much as they can until they have to leave and seek another market to exploit. They don't care about America's economy in the long term, because they're making 1000% profits in the short term, hiring Mexicans, Hondurans, Salvadorians, Bangladeshis, and Filipinos. They then import those products manufactured abroad into the American market to be purchased by Americans living on their credit cards or barely making ends meet.

Trump should've stopped the economic cannibalism, the zombie economics, but he doesn't want to offend his buddies at Carrier. Crazy profits, crazy tariffs, and taxes. That's what he should've done.
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Big business and billionaires control the government. This isn’t new. It’s gone on for decades. How could you not know this?
So you are okay if Anarchy just happens and this country goes down the shitter? I sure the fuck dont want the poor running this country because they cant even run a checkbook let alone a household.
So you do realize that the Democraps and unions have screwed you over royally because like your income right now, pensions are treated as earned income. That means when you retire that $5,000 a month or what ever it is, is going to be taxed at the same rate as you do today. That is the little dirty secret that Progressives keep from you, while inflation rises your pension will stay the same, and even if you get social security, it is taxed as earned income also, a double whammy.

My investments that i did myself, has a quarterly dividend that pays out over $100,000 every three months and the taxable rate is only 15 percent. That also is the dirty little secret the progressives didnt tell you, because you go look at people like Nancy Piglosi whose husband is worth 120 million dollars his tax rate on his dividends is only 20 percent. They laugh at how gullible pension earners are...

That $100,000 every three months is 100 thousand dollars every 3 months..Just incase it needs clarification.

Why do you assume high-paid union workers, can't invest their money also? You're not making much sense there. You can be a unionized worker, make a great salary with benefits and also invest privately. I don't see why you felt you couldn't do that? My union dues are nothing. Big deal. I have the support of a union, my fellow workers. We all stand together, and we benefit because of that solidarity and unity. You chose to be a lone ranger, well good for you. I also have investments, so your "either-or" mentality doesn't make much sense.
Big business and billionaires control the government. This isn’t new. It’s gone on for decades. How could you not know this?
No they don't, turd. That's a prog lie. Government controls big business. Campaign contributions are the extortion big business pays to keep from being destroyed.

Everything you "know" is wrong.
Big business and billionaires control the government. This isn’t new. It’s gone on for decades. How could you not know this?

That's inevitable with capitalism. Always. The wealthy, those who have power/money, will always try to undermine democracy and replace it with plutocracy and oligarchy. That's what we have today in America. They also brainwash the working class into thinking the capitalists/private sector, is the answer to all of our problems. Government is "inefficient" and supposedly always does a bad job, at everything it ever tries to do. That's the capitalist rhetoric against the public sector because the government could potentially become democratic and serve the public good, rather than their vested interests at the expense of the public. The government is always demonized by the rich ruling classes. This is a constant struggle, between the capitalists and 95% of the population that comprises the working class. The exploiters vs the exploited.
No they don't, turd. That's a prog lie. Government controls big business. Campaign contributions are the extortion big business pays to keep from being destroyed.

Everything you "know" is wrong.
Dumbest post of the year. Nice Job.


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