MAGA: A Complete Failure

MAGA: A Complete Failure​

Wow, did someone whack you in the head with a crowbar? I hope so to explain your dementia. MAGA is an ongoing SUCCESS STORY and is about to succeed all over the Democrat party in just SIXTEEN LITTLE WEEKS.

There is no border wall;

All we got from Trump is useless culture war,

white identity politics,
ALL CREATED BY THE LEFT to falsely claim racism.

and more wealth for him and the top 1%.
Then how is it Trump lost many millions?

As a woke black conservative,
There is no such thing as a woke conservative. You must really mean you are a RINO.

I stood behind many of the goals of maga
Sure coulda fooled me.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.

The border wall might have done as much harm as good.
To bring manufacturing back now, we likely need cheaper labor, in order to be able to compete with China.
So then we need more immigrants.

The Ukraine did not just "destabilize" the US supply chain, but that of the entire world.
That is because we foolishly placed economic sanctions on Russia
That had nothing to do with MAGA.

I think MAGA was simplistic, but it failed no more than anything else anyone promised.
MAGA was never about fixing anyones problems. It was about making you mad about something and telling you who to blame for it. That’s it. That’s the whole strategy.

The few solutions promised for extremely complex issues resonated cuz they seemed simple… immigrations reforms are hard and nuanced… building a wall seems easy… repealing ACA seems easy… replacing it is hard…. Cutting taxes easy… finding fiscal responsibility is hard… fighting an invisible virus with a unified approach is hard… calling it a hoax is is easy.

I do not disagree with the general idea, but you got details wrong.

Immigration reform is hard because there simply is no way to bring back high paid tech jobs, once we gave the technology away to China.
So instead, we are going to be forced to compete with China, and that means lower pay still even.
So then the wall would be pointless.
We will need all the low paid immigrants we can get.

Repealing ACA is easy because it has an illegal penalty, and was essentially creating even more of an insurance monopoly on our health care.
Replacing ACA was easy because all we had to do was bypass the insurance companies, with a public option.
It just was not on anyone's agenda in DC.

Cutting taxes and finding fiscal responsibility is easy. We just have to stop invading innocent countries, occupying them, and buying trillions in useless weapons we don't really need.

Fighting a virus with a unified approach is easy.
But the CDC deliberately prevented it from ending by "flattening the curve" which is well known to prevent any epidemic from ever being able to end.
That is because ending requires achieving herd immunity, and flattening the curve slow and prevents that, ensuring the widest and deepest spread possible.
If you "flatten the curve" on any epidemic, you can make it last forever, thus killing 10 times as many people as it would have if we had not "flattened the curve".
From the first, Trump looked to be knee deep in the efforts to prevent the peaceful transfer of power; now, 19 months later, he looks to be up to his eyebrows, and the tide continues to rise
You can own stock in some companies and make a profit, sure. But did you have a seat on the board of directors? Were you able to elect your managers? How accountable were your employers and supervisors to you? As socialists, we believe in increasing democracy in the workplace, by supporting unions and the creation of worker-owned cooperatives. Eventually, in the not-to-distant future technology will become so advanced, that there will be no more wage labor or a need for markets. We will produce all of the goods and services that we use for the purpose of using those products, not a monetary profit. That day is coming sooner than we think, perhaps as soon as twenty or thirty years from now. We need to prepare for that, that way America won't suffer from the "tech apocalypse".

we believe in increasing democracy in the workplace, by supporting unions
There is no democracy in the workplace when a union is involved. It is Communist where the least productive person who doesnt do shit, gets paid the same as the guy who works his ass off. I know i was in a union, that was exactly how it went. Bust a union, save the jobs.
There is no democracy in the workplace when a union is involved. It is Communist where the least productive person who doesnt do shit, gets paid the same as the guy who works his ass off. I know i was in a union, that was exactly how it went. Bust a union, save the jobs.

There is the potential for more democracy in the workplace when workers unionize. I was a member of a union for many years and it was tremendously useful and valuable to me and my fellow workers. Our employer wouldn't have created the healthy work environment that we worked in, nor would we have had the leverage to negotiate our benefits and pay with the company without our labor union (we even had a child daycare center for parents who needed someone to care for their children while they were at work). Better than forming a labor union is creating a worker-owned cooperative with others that is run democratically. Unfortunately, you've bought into the capitalist rhetoric of your bosses with respect to worker rights and the value of unions and democracy in the workplace.
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Yet, Trump ran on doing something about that. And you joined in on attacking him and anyone that mentioned the issue.
Sorry but Trump was too partisan for me to support him. I get why he did it. It's in his dna to be combatant. Too bad. Too bad he wasn't sincere. If he was, I would have joined. GOD DAMN IT too bad because I would love a sincere candidate like Trump. But one who wouldn't be such a partisan hack. Catered to the far right. Wish he would have avoided that nonsense and just stayed focused on the economy. Even his fucking tax break punished high tax blue states that didn't vote for him.

Can we find a sincere Trump? I don't love him, but maybe someone like Joe Rogan? Only better than Joe Rogan. There has to be someone out there.

Trump was horrible. Sure I lean left so he was more horrible to me than he was to you, but I don't lean that far left. I'm willing to see things the Republican way. Fiscally. Socially, forget it.

I think we should just stick with Joe. We don't need Donald Trump to fix inflation.
There is the potential for more democracy in the workplace when workers unionize. I was a member of a union for many years and it was tremendously useful and valuable to me and my fellow workers. Our employer wouldn't have created the healthy work environment that we worked in, nor would we have had the leverage to negotiate our benefits and pay with the company without our labor union (we even had a child daycare center for parents who needed someone to care for their children while they were at work). Better than forming a labor union is creating a worker-owned cooperative with others that is run democratically. Unfortunately, you've bought into the capitalist rhetoric of your bosses with respect to worker rights and the value of unions and democracy in the workplace.
Are the Chinese workers unionizing to your views? We live off of them now.
There is the potential for more democracy in the workplace when workers unionize. I was a member of a union for many years and it was tremendously useful and valuable to me and my fellow workers. Our employer wouldn't have created the healthy work environment that we worked in, nor would we have had the leverage to negotiate our benefits and pay with the company without our labor union (we even had a child daycare center for parents who needed someone to care for their children while they were at work). Better than forming a labor union is creating a worker-owned cooperative with others that is run democratically. Unfortunately, you've bought into the capitalist rhetoric of your bosses with respect to worker rights and the value of unions and democracy in the workplace.
Nothing is stopping you commies from forming worker owned cooperatives. It's perfectly legal. So why don't we see this form off organization all over the place?
Sorry but Trump was too partisan for me to support him. I get why he did it. It's in his dna to be combatant. Too bad. Too bad he wasn't sincere. If he was, I would have joined. GOD DAMN IT too bad because I would love a sincere candidate like Trump. But one who wouldn't be such a partisan hack. Catered to the far right. Wish he would have avoided that nonsense and just stayed focused on the economy. Even his fucking tax break punished high tax blue states that didn't vote for him.

Can we find a sincere Trump? I don't love him, but maybe someone like Joe Rogan? Only better than Joe Rogan. There has to be someone out there.

Trump was horrible. Sure I lean left so he was more horrible to me than he was to you, but I don't lean that far left. I'm willing to see things the Republican way. Fiscally. Socially, forget it.

I think we should just stick with Joe. We don't need Donald Trump to fix inflation.
So instead you voted for Biden?

Who do you think you're fooling?
There is the potential for more democracy in the workplace when workers unionize. I was a member of a union for many years and it was tremendously useful and valuable to me and my fellow workers. Our employer wouldn't have created the healthy work environment that we worked in, nor would we have had the leverage to negotiate our benefits and pay with the company without our labor union (we even had a child daycare center for parents who needed someone to care for their children while they were at work). Better than forming a labor union is creating a worker-owned cooperative with others that is run democratically. Unfortunately, you've bought into the capitalist rhetoric of your bosses with respect to worker rights and the value of unions and democracy in the workplace.
How? When you have an union, the workers cannot produce an excellent product but a mediocre one, because of the contract of the union. No more, no less than what the contract deems, and if an employee does more, he is chastised by his fellow workers because "What are you trying to do, work us out of a job" mantra. Unions may have served their purpose at the beginning but since then the union has done nothing but hurt their employees and donating to the Democrap Party which many union members dont agree with. Bust a union, save the country...
You have it precisely backwards. Government controls big business. Politicians shakedown businesses for cash.
Lol. You are uninformed. Government is bought by big business and billionaires. They control government.

I know cons like you can’t accept this fact of reality, which reflects poorly on you.

There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
/----/ You want to see failure? Got any fake outrage over this?
Lol. You are uninformed. Government is bought by big business and billionaires. They control government.

I know cons like you can’t accept this fact of reality, which reflects poorly on you.

Government shakes them down for cash. Congress passes bills that are threatening to corporations specifically for the purpose of generating campaign donations to stop them. That's what you call "controlling the government."

You are supremely naive about how our government works. Politicians are not the victims in this game.
Government shakes them down for cash. Congress passes bills that are threatening to corporations specifically for the purpose of generating campaign donations to stop them. That's what you call "controlling the government."

You are supremely naive about how our government works. Politicians are not the victims in this game.
Lol. There is no shakedown. Big business knows government is for sale and they buy it.

Who said politicians are victims? You not me. Again proving you’re uninformed. Politicians are crooks. They gladly take the payoffs and do the bidding if big business.

It’s a racket moron.

Your con ignorance clouds your judgement.
Lol. There is no shakedown. Big business knows government is for sale and they buy it.

Who said politicians are victims? You not me. Again proving you’re uninformed. Politicians are crooks. They gladly take the payoffs and do the bidding if big business.

It’s a racket moron.

Your con ignorance clouds your judgement.
The fact that business knows that they have to pay off politicians to escape from the destructive legislation that the later imposes on them proves nothing.

You claim that businesmen are the villians in this process. They aren't. They are the victims.

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