MAGA baby....Trump shreds Chinese flu relief bill because it doesn't help Americans....He is the Man........

Tax cuts do not equal deficits. They never have and never will. Your brain is damaged.

The stupid Libtards say we need to raise taxes because of debt. However, whenever the stupid Libtards raise taxes they never use it to pay off debt. They just increase spending. It is like a disease.
The right keeps giving tax cuts and increasing military spending, that will never work. As long as spending goes on the credit card with no tax increases debt will soar...
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

Now that he's not POTUS anymore he's reverting back to the liberal he's always been.
His huge deficits and bailouts plus socialist tariffs say he’s been a liberal for 4 years.
Tariffs were a means to fix our fucked up trade deals and balance out what is essentially slave labor in China.
The spending was absolutely a problem, and the republicans shit the bed (as they are prone to) when they had all 3 chambers.
Democrats controlling the house will be a disaster for spending as it always is. The only word they know is “more”.
They are a tax on us. They hurt our manufacturing and we buy more than ever from China. Failed policy,

We do? LINK?
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

Now that he's not POTUS anymore he's reverting back to the liberal he's always been.
His huge deficits and bailouts plus socialist tariffs say he’s been a liberal for 4 years.
Tariffs were a means to fix our fucked up trade deals and balance out what is essentially slave labor in China.
The spending was absolutely a problem, and the republicans shit the bed (as they are prone to) when they had all 3 chambers.
Democrats controlling the house will be a disaster for spending as it always is. The only word they know is “more”.
They are a tax on us. They hurt our manufacturing and we buy more than ever from China. Failed policy,

We do? LINK?
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. trade deficit widened 1.7% in October to $63.1 billion. The politically sensitive gap in the trade of goods with China and Mexico grew.

Failed states that also have the biggest economies? What is your definition of failed?

California that use to be the Golden State with Conservative leadership but now that the Illegals have elected almost all Democrats leads the country in poverty, taxes, oppressive regulations, failed schools, homelessness and debt. No wonder thousands are leaving the state every week.

Then you have all these big city shitholes run by Democrats that are crime infested corrupt cesspools of failure. Like New York where everybody is also leaving and coming here to Florida because they don't want to put up with the consequences of stupid uneducated Moon Bats that can't think for themselves so they vote Democrat.

See........they can't see it. They look at the shit hole democrat party cities and see paradise......there is something wrong with their brains.

Then for the rest of them.....

They would rather rule in Hell than live in Heaven....... if they can't control it, they will destroy it.......and happily rule over the ashes....

These Moon Bats are so out of whack with reality it is ridiculous. Liberals have destroyed all the great American cities. They are poorly run, tremendously in debt and crime infested. The Democrats running the cities don't give a shit. They would much rather pay homage to silly crap like diversity and "environmental justice" than to work on the problems plaguing the cities.

They are also on a quest to fuck up the entire country with their vile destructive Socialist agenda.

Drink that Kool Aid. Democrats run the cities because Republicans have no ability to manage anything. It was Republicans who created these conditions of poverty, debt and crime, and then threw up their hands and moved to the suburbs.

Your portrayal of American cities is both false and dangerous. It's being sold to you to frighten you into voting Republican. New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago are some of the greatest economic engines in the world. When the World Trade Centre came down, American corporate leadership was decimated and the nation was plunged into a recession. If New York City was the crime infested hellhole you portray, no sane person would live or work there, and the place would look like the set of Escape from New York.

All cities have pockets of poverty and crime, because it takes a lot of money to live well in a big city, and Republican economic policies that set a minimum wage at $7.50 an hour, and lower for restaurant workers, with no universal health care or other benefits for low wage workers, creates poverty, and poverty creates crime.

Look at the increases of violent crime, and drug addiction in the fly=over states where the auto industry has left the state.

Fuck you're dumb. I had to stop into your first sentence, further than that risks additional brain cells.
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

So the Dems wanted to give more saying you agree with the Dems?

How about that 3-martini lunch deduction that the White House insisted on?
Count your blessins, dear. Some of us didn't care for the obama pot and more parties white folks weren't invited to for any reason. :rolleyes-41:
Tax cuts do not equal deficits. They never have and never will. Your brain is damaged.

The stupid Libtards say we need to raise taxes because of debt. However, whenever the stupid Libtards raise taxes they never use it to pay off debt. They just increase spending. It is like a disease.
The right keeps giving tax cuts and increasing military spending, that will never work. As long as spending goes on the credit card with no tax increases debt will soar...

You are confused.

Every politician increases spending and that is despicable. The filthy ass Democrats love to do it and the weak minded Republicans go along with it. Meanwhile the friggin combined Federal, State and Local cost of government pushes 40% of the GDP and debt is going to $30 trillion on the Federal level and trillions on the state and local level..

The difference between the two parties is there but in the long run doesn't mean much because the size of government grows.

The stupid Democrats want to increase taxes to pay for the enormous cost of government and don't give a shit how much damage it does to the economy.

The Republicans think that if they can reduce taxes the economy will grow (it usually does) and revenue increases but then they spend the spend the additional money on crap.

Both policies fuck this country.

The only thing to do is stop spending so goddamn much money. Stop welfare, grants, subsidies, and bailouts. Greatly reduce entitlements. Phase out Social Security, Medicade and Medicare. No more foreign aid. Stop funding worthless Federal agencies like the Department of Education, HUD, DOE and the like. Use our military for important things like protecting our borders instead of fighting other people's wars for them.

We can have a great Federal government for about a trillion and half a year. We can have a great military and fund the other necessary Federal government functions. We don't need to tax $4 trillion a year and borrow another trillion. We are just wasting money. No wonder we are fucked.
Tax cuts do not equal deficits. They never have and never will. Your brain is damaged.

The stupid Libtards say we need to raise taxes because of debt. However, whenever the stupid Libtards raise taxes they never use it to pay off debt. They just increase spending. It is like a disease.
The right keeps giving tax cuts and increasing military spending, that will never work. As long as spending goes on the credit card with no tax increases debt will soar...

You are confused.

Every politician increases spending and that is despicable. The filthy ass Democrats love to do it and the weak minded Republicans go along with it. Meanwhile the figgin combined Federal, State and Local cost of government pushes 40% of the GDP and debt is going to $30 trillion.

The difference between the two parties is there but in the long run doesn't mean much because the size of government grows.

The stupid Democrats want to increase taxes to pay for the enormous cost of government and don't give a shit how much damage it does to the economy.

The Republicans think that if they can reduce taxes the economy will grow (it usually does) and revenue increases but then they spend the spend the additional money on crap.

Both policies fuck this country.

The only thing to do is stop spending so goddamn much money. Stop welfare, grants, subsidies, and bailouts. Greatly reduce entitlements. Phase out Social Security, Medicade and Medicare. No more foreign aid. Stop funding worthless Federal agencies like the Department of Education, HUD, DOE and the like. Use our military for important things like protecting our borders instead of fighting other people's wars for them.

We can have a great Federal government for about a trillion and half a year. We can have a great military and fund the other necessary Federal government functions. We don't need to tax $4 trillion a year and borrow another trillion. We are just wasting money. No wonder we are fucked.
The repub policy is worse. People get tax cuts and the spending they wanted. When taxes go up tax payers think if it’s worth it. Eventually taxes will get too high. There is no end to debt when there is tax cuts and spending increases.
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

Now that he's not POTUS anymore he's reverting back to the liberal he's always been.
His huge deficits and bailouts plus socialist tariffs say he’s been a liberal for 4 years.
Tariffs were a means to fix our fucked up trade deals and balance out what is essentially slave labor in China.
The spending was absolutely a problem, and the republicans shit the bed (as they are prone to) when they had all 3 chambers.
Democrats controlling the house will be a disaster for spending as it always is. The only word they know is “more”.
They are a tax on us. They hurt our manufacturing and we buy more than ever from China. Failed policy,

We do? LINK?
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. trade deficit widened 1.7% in October to $63.1 billion. The politically sensitive gap in the trade of goods with China and Mexico grew.

Where does your link say "we buy more than ever from China"? If you think it does, you need to learn to read brain-damaged.
We need more Rand Paul's in Congress.
He’s a fraud. He has supported all of trumps giant deficits. Now he’s pretending to be responsible again with trump on the way out.

Bullshit! Why do you lie?
About what? Paul has been a strong supporter of trump. Trumps presidency is all bailouts and deficits.

More bullshit? Isn't a little early in the day to start proving your stupidity?
You keep babbling. Seems you aren’t in the real world? I keep giving facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it fell out of a tree and hit you in the fucking head! You have nothing to support your ridiculous claims!
Are you trying to deny trumps huge deficits and giant bailouts? Your stupidity is hard to follow.

The deficits come mostly from funding the military that Ohbummer ignored for 8 years. What bailouts are YOU blabbering about?
Yes trump military spending and tax cuts equal huge deficits. I don’t see why we needed more spending, who you scared of?

Our ships are falling apart, the largest number of planes in the Air Force came in when I was in high school and before (I'm 60!), the Marine Corps is getting rid of it's tanks, and the Army's newest tank is 40 years old.

Tax cuts do not equal deficits. They never have and never will. Your brain is damaged.
We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. We didn’t need more spending. Bet you would agree if there was a tax increase to cover this unnecessary spending.

My taxes are high enough already! Why don't you send a check to the US Treasury for me?
It’s cute how you trumpers just ignore facts.
We need more Rand Paul's in Congress.
He’s a fraud. He has supported all of trumps giant deficits. Now he’s pretending to be responsible again with trump on the way out.

Bullshit! Why do you lie?
About what? Paul has been a strong supporter of trump. Trumps presidency is all bailouts and deficits.

More bullshit? Isn't a little early in the day to start proving your stupidity?
You keep babbling. Seems you aren’t in the real world? I keep giving facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it fell out of a tree and hit you in the fucking head! You have nothing to support your ridiculous claims!
Are you trying to deny trumps huge deficits and giant bailouts? Your stupidity is hard to follow.

The deficits come mostly from funding the military that Ohbummer ignored for 8 years. What bailouts are YOU blabbering about?
Yes trump military spending and tax cuts equal huge deficits. I don’t see why we needed more spending, who you scared of?

Our ships are falling apart, the largest number of planes in the Air Force came in when I was in high school and before (I'm 60!), the Marine Corps is getting rid of it's tanks, and the Army's newest tank is 40 years old.

Tax cuts do not equal deficits. They never have and never will. Your brain is damaged.
We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. We didn’t need more spending. Bet you would agree if there was a tax increase to cover this unnecessary spending.

My taxes are high enough already! Why don't you send a check to the US Treasury for me?
It’s cute how you trumpers just ignore facts.

What "facts"? We are the world's only superpower, but we won't be if we do not modernize our equipment and pay our people.
We need more Rand Paul's in Congress.
He’s a fraud. He has supported all of trumps giant deficits. Now he’s pretending to be responsible again with trump on the way out.

Bullshit! Why do you lie?
About what? Paul has been a strong supporter of trump. Trumps presidency is all bailouts and deficits.

More bullshit? Isn't a little early in the day to start proving your stupidity?
You keep babbling. Seems you aren’t in the real world? I keep giving facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it fell out of a tree and hit you in the fucking head! You have nothing to support your ridiculous claims!
Are you trying to deny trumps huge deficits and giant bailouts? Your stupidity is hard to follow.

The deficits come mostly from funding the military that Ohbummer ignored for 8 years. What bailouts are YOU blabbering about?
Yes trump military spending and tax cuts equal huge deficits. I don’t see why we needed more spending, who you scared of?

Our ships are falling apart, the largest number of planes in the Air Force came in when I was in high school and before (I'm 60!), the Marine Corps is getting rid of it's tanks, and the Army's newest tank is 40 years old.

Tax cuts do not equal deficits. They never have and never will. Your brain is damaged.
We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. We didn’t need more spending. Bet you would agree if there was a tax increase to cover this unnecessary spending.

My taxes are high enough already! Why don't you send a check to the US Treasury for me?
It’s cute how you trumpers just ignore facts.

What "facts"? We are the world's only superpower, but we won't be if we do not modernize our equipment and pay our people.
Yeah and as long as it goes on the credit card the military can never be big enough for righties.
We need more Rand Paul's in Congress.
He’s a fraud. He has supported all of trumps giant deficits. Now he’s pretending to be responsible again with trump on the way out.

Bullshit! Why do you lie?
About what? Paul has been a strong supporter of trump. Trumps presidency is all bailouts and deficits.

More bullshit? Isn't a little early in the day to start proving your stupidity?
You keep babbling. Seems you aren’t in the real world? I keep giving facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it fell out of a tree and hit you in the fucking head! You have nothing to support your ridiculous claims!
Are you trying to deny trumps huge deficits and giant bailouts? Your stupidity is hard to follow.

The deficits come mostly from funding the military that Ohbummer ignored for 8 years. What bailouts are YOU blabbering about?
Yes trump military spending and tax cuts equal huge deficits. I don’t see why we needed more spending, who you scared of?

Our ships are falling apart, the largest number of planes in the Air Force came in when I was in high school and before (I'm 60!), the Marine Corps is getting rid of it's tanks, and the Army's newest tank is 40 years old.

Tax cuts do not equal deficits. They never have and never will. Your brain is damaged.
We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. We didn’t need more spending. Bet you would agree if there was a tax increase to cover this unnecessary spending.

My taxes are high enough already! Why don't you send a check to the US Treasury for me?
It’s cute how you trumpers just ignore facts.

What "facts"? We are the world's only superpower, but we won't be if we do not modernize our equipment and pay our people.
Yeah and as long as it goes on the credit card the military can never be big enough for righties.

Let's throw some facts your way!

Under Obama:

Aircraft could not fly because there was no fuel.

Ships stayed in port because there was no fuel.

Ships needed maintenance had to wait because there was no funding for the work.

Parts shortages plagued every portion of the military.

How about them apples, brain-damaged?
Trump is just being Trump..... he's been AWOL, then all these pardons for a bunch of crooks and savage murderers, now his distraction with blowing up the stimulus bill....

he MUST be the Center of attention, AT ALL TIMES! Chaos, madness, division, Unibomber....what ever it takes!!!

You're not happy when he's a trolling whirling dervish doing more than most Presidents.. And NOW you're not happy when he's boring like usual Presidents are.. There's no pleasing the afflicted...
Not a problem. There are enough votes to override a Trump Veto. Seems that fat orange fool is losing everything he touches in his last days as president.
Thanks to traitor scum like you.

I would love to be able to take credit for all the people who are disgusted with Trump and voted against him, but the credit for that all goes to him. He worked hard to make so many people hate him, and he succeeded in his efforts to do that.
We need more Rand Paul's in Congress.
He’s a fraud. He has supported all of trumps giant deficits. Now he’s pretending to be responsible again with trump on the way out.

Bullshit! Why do you lie?
About what? Paul has been a strong supporter of trump. Trumps presidency is all bailouts and deficits.

More bullshit? Isn't a little early in the day to start proving your stupidity?
You keep babbling. Seems you aren’t in the real world? I keep giving facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it fell out of a tree and hit you in the fucking head! You have nothing to support your ridiculous claims!
Are you trying to deny trumps huge deficits and giant bailouts? Your stupidity is hard to follow.

The deficits come mostly from funding the military that Ohbummer ignored for 8 years. What bailouts are YOU blabbering about?
Yes trump military spending and tax cuts equal huge deficits. I don’t see why we needed more spending, who you scared of?

Our ships are falling apart, the largest number of planes in the Air Force came in when I was in high school and before (I'm 60!), the Marine Corps is getting rid of it's tanks, and the Army's newest tank is 40 years old.

Tax cuts do not equal deficits. They never have and never will. Your brain is damaged.
We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. We didn’t need more spending. Bet you would agree if there was a tax increase to cover this unnecessary spending.

My taxes are high enough already! Why don't you send a check to the US Treasury for me?
It’s cute how you trumpers just ignore facts.

What "facts"? We are the world's only superpower, but we won't be if we do not modernize our equipment and pay our people.
Yeah and as long as it goes on the credit card the military can never be big enough for righties.

Let's throw some facts your way!

Under Obama:

Aircraft could not fly because there was no fuel.

Ships stayed in port because there was no fuel.

Ships needed maintenance had to wait because there was no funding for the work.

Parts shortages plagued every portion of the military.

How about them apples, brain-damaged?

Are you somehow under the impression that things have improved under Trump?
We need more Rand Paul's in Congress.
He’s a fraud. He has supported all of trumps giant deficits. Now he’s pretending to be responsible again with trump on the way out.

Bullshit! Why do you lie?
About what? Paul has been a strong supporter of trump. Trumps presidency is all bailouts and deficits.

More bullshit? Isn't a little early in the day to start proving your stupidity?
You keep babbling. Seems you aren’t in the real world? I keep giving facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it fell out of a tree and hit you in the fucking head! You have nothing to support your ridiculous claims!
Are you trying to deny trumps huge deficits and giant bailouts? Your stupidity is hard to follow.

The deficits come mostly from funding the military that Ohbummer ignored for 8 years. What bailouts are YOU blabbering about?
Yes trump military spending and tax cuts equal huge deficits. I don’t see why we needed more spending, who you scared of?

Our ships are falling apart, the largest number of planes in the Air Force came in when I was in high school and before (I'm 60!), the Marine Corps is getting rid of it's tanks, and the Army's newest tank is 40 years old.

Tax cuts do not equal deficits. They never have and never will. Your brain is damaged.
We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. We didn’t need more spending. Bet you would agree if there was a tax increase to cover this unnecessary spending.

My taxes are high enough already! Why don't you send a check to the US Treasury for me?
It’s cute how you trumpers just ignore facts.

What "facts"? We are the world's only superpower, but we won't be if we do not modernize our equipment and pay our people.
Yeah and as long as it goes on the credit card the military can never be big enough for righties.

You are confused Moon Bat.

That shithead Obama sure used the Military to bomb Libya, fight the war in Iraq for three years and escalate the war in Afgnistan, didn't he?

That asshole Slick Willy used the military to kill Christians to protect Muslims and to go after the warlords in Somalia, didn't he? What the hell did any of that have to do with the security of the US?

Then you have Democrats that started WWI, WWII, Korea Cold War and Vietnam.

A military is one of the few legitimate functions of the Federal government. It sure as hell ain't legitimate to take the money that I make to pay your bills.

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