MAGA baby....Trump shreds Chinese flu relief bill because it doesn't help Americans....He is the Man........

this story baffles me

we cant afford to spend one dime on Wuflu relief much less $2000

finally I must call a hard break with trump on a vital issue

this is fiscal insanity

It's just posturing..don't worry. Trump knows that the Congress can and will override him...he just wants to be the good guy..on the cheap.

He vetoed the Defense bill..not the covid relief.
Had Trump, prior to election as in weeks before, held a press conference calling publicly for US Congress to send $1,200.00 checks out to each family, he'd won the election most likely.
Pelosi and gang would have freaked out, with his direct appeal to US Congress (of course being an appeal to amp up voting public about it).

Honestly, I've run the thought across my mind more than once that maybe, just maybe, Trump didn't really want another 4 years. I don't blame him with the constant false RussiaGate with Clinton's paid for fake dossier, FBI findings that it was planned to frame Trump, and with the liberal MSM media continuously writing falsehoods over and over and over.

One thing about this fiasco of the monstrous 900 B Foreign Aide Bill (passed off as COVID19 Relief Bill), they should not have included anything relative to SARS-CoV-2. Checks mailed directly to families, like the first round, without the pork stuffing.
He did want a 1.2K checks for the family around sept or Oct. Grandma gave him the finger :rolleyes:
GOD BLESS President Trump! :clap:

Hey Skye!


Are you still my date for the Joe Biden inauguration?

It'll be great. I know a cool Ethiopian restaurant where we'll have dinner. Then we'll take a ride in Biden's Corvette. He's not allowed to drive it.

Got bad news for you.

View attachment 432830

So we're going to TWO inaugurations in two days?

Is that gonna leave any room for sexy time?


Also, do I need a passport to get into your alternate-fact universe?
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Had Trump, prior to election as in weeks before, held a press conference calling publicly for US Congress to send $1,200.00 checks out to each family, he'd won the election most likely.
Pelosi and gang would have freaked out, with his direct appeal to US Congress (of course being an appeal to amp up voting public about it).

Honestly, I've run the thought across my mind more than once that maybe, just maybe, Trump didn't really want another 4 years. I don't blame him with the constant false RussiaGate with Clinton's paid for fake dossier, FBI findings that it was planned to frame Trump, and with the liberal MSM media continuously writing falsehoods over and over and over.

One thing about this fiasco of the monstrous 900 B Foreign Aide Bill (passed off as COVID19 Relief Bill), they should not have included anything relative to SARS-CoV-2. Checks mailed directly to families, like the first round, without the pork stuffing.
He did want a 1.2K checks for the family around sept or Oct. Grandma gave him the finger :rolleyes:
Indeed and met resistance. That's when it would have been an opportune time to get public about it, shame Congress into action (seems that they needed this motivation on both sides from reports but mostly Dems stalling). Hindsight being 20/20, there might have been reasons to not it. I don't know but he would have won had a fair election been held.

this story baffles me

we cant afford to spend one dime on Wuflu relief much less $2000

finally I must call a hard break with trump on a vital issue

this is fiscal insanity

I believe he just vetoed
It will be interesting to see what happens next.

If so, none of the news services have it.

They just announced it as breaking news while I was watching Newsmax a few minutes ago.
White 6 Just now found this one.

That is the National Defense Authorization Act. Different bill.

this story baffles me

we cant afford to spend one dime on Wuflu relief much less $2000

finally I must call a hard break with trump on a vital issue

this is fiscal insanity

I believe he just vetoed
It will be interesting to see what happens next.

If so, none of the news services have it.

They just announced it as breaking news while I was watching Newsmax a few minutes ago.
White 6 Just now found this one.

That is the National Defense Authorization Act. Different bill.

Gotcha, I stand corrected.
I heard them say he vetoed a bill, but I didnt catch which one.
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I must confess I am confused by this bill issue.

There seems to be 2 bills, a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending package and a $900 billion COVID-19 relief measure that were passed together.

Did DJT veto everything, just the Omnibus, or just the Covid?

Here is the full text of the bill. It would make for some good bedtime reading to get your significant other in the mood.

Neither. The Relief Act is joined at the hip to the Omnibus bill. What he vetoed was the National Defense Authorization Act pass by Congress last week.
Omnibus bill is the new shitty way of funding the government on a series of short term authorizations instead of passing an actual annual budget, as far as I can figure.
The Relief Act was joined to the Omnibus Bill, I think by the House of Representatives to make it hard to veto the relief for the Senate or the president without making them responsible for shutting down the government. Shitty way of doing business in my book, but works.

this story baffles me

we cant afford to spend one dime on Wuflu relief much less $2000

finally I must call a hard break with trump on a vital issue

this is fiscal insanity

I believe he just vetoed
It will be interesting to see what happens next.

If so, none of the news services have it.

They just announced it as breaking news while I was watching Newsmax a few minutes ago.
White 6 Just now found this one.

That is the National Defense Authorization Act. Different bill.

Gotcha, I stand corrected.
I heard them say he vetoed a bill, but I didnt catch which one.

Lots of confusion on the three spending bills all over this board. The one passed Congress last Friday was NDAA and the two joined at the hip Omnibus bill (to short term fund the government) and The Relief Act 2020 passed Monday night, I think. Both to the desk of the Pres. For the sake of argument they may be seperate, but trump is playing games with all the above as it gives him more power over any of them individually in avoiding veto over rides on his way out the door as the lame duck. As house joined Omnibus and relief into one law, I think the pres is in effect joining them all for practical purposes at his desk. Not sure what he doesn't like about NDAA, as never saw a defense bill a Republican did not love. That is why I think it is all about gamesmanship. I don't like him, but if I am correct, I got to admire him making the play. It would be a smooth move and I am more likely to (at best) describe him as slick, rarely capable of finesse.

this story baffles me

we cant afford to spend one dime on Wuflu relief much less $2000

finally I must call a hard break with trump on a vital issue

this is fiscal insanity

I believe he just vetoed
It will be interesting to see what happens next.

If so, none of the news services have it.

They just announced it as breaking news while I was watching Newsmax a few minutes ago.
White 6 Just now found this one.

That is the National Defense Authorization Act. Different bill.

Gotcha, I stand corrected.
I heard them say he vetoed a bill, but I didnt catch which one.

Lots of confusion on the three spending bills all over this board. The one passed Congress last Friday was NDAA and the two joined at the hip Omnibus bill (to short term fund the government) and The Relief Act 2020 passed Monday night, I think. Both to the desk of the Pres. For the sake of argument they may be seperate, but trump is playing games with all the above as it gives him more power over any of them individually in avoiding veto over rides on his way out the door as the lame duck. As house joined Omnibus and relief into one law, I think the pres is in effect joining them all for practical purposes at his desk. Not sure what he doesn't like about NDAA, as never saw a defense bill a Republican did not love. That is why I think it is all about gamesmanship. I don't like him, but if I am correct, I got to admire him making the play. It would be a smooth move and I am more likely to (at best) describe him as slick, rarely capable of finesse.

Ive been searching and reading since your last post but couldnt find any good information, and actually found the bills more confusing.
Thanks for the explanation.
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
Lol who needs integrity, right?
Well, considering the shallow and stupid president is doing it to try to buy sympathy for his coup, i don't think the word "integrity" gets attached to his actions.
You don't know why he said what he said.
And you very well may be right but what he said was true.
You dipshit hacks can't give that fool an inch. And its pathetic.
Of course i know why. There is no mystery to this shallow, mentally ill man. You know why, too.
He has also spoken against establishment pork before. He has also wanted a bill just with direct help in it.
You don't know shit. You are just a pathetic hack.
He could drown saving an infant baby in a raging river and you would make fun of him for not being an Olympic swimmer.
He inserted his own pork, or did you not realize that? 100% tax deduction for tbe 3-martini lunch is back.

I have asked you twice for a link now. You demanded one a while back and now you fail to do what you want others to do. You are true liberal hypocrite!
Patience jackass. Some of us go to bed instead of posting all night long. I realize you brainwashed Trumpists can‘t conceive of Trump doing anything wrong but this is his pork.

please - there's enough crap in here to implicate everyone in washington for screwing us over.
So? He wanted a link. I provided.

trump sucks. n shit.
Yup. And Pelosi sucks n shit.
As good an answer as any. :)
I heard that contained in the bill was money for Sri Lanka to repair a patrol boat.

Why in the fuck would a bill which is supposed to help Americans help Sri Lanka??

I heard it on the radio, so I'll need to look for a link.

A more pertinent question, though, is why is anything going to foreign interests? This is supposed to be a bill to help Americans...

Cause the Trump Negotiating team wanted to expand it...

They wanted money stuff like Space Force....
The bill was certainly a disgrace. It had all sorts of funds heading to Pakistan as well as Arab countries.

You mean the same funds Trump's OMB had requested in earlier budgets?

But the list Trump rattled off during a surprise video announcement Tuesday night conflated the coronavirus stimulus measure with the year-end federal government omnibus spending bill passed in tandem by the Senate.
Moreover, much of the spending allocations Trump criticized were the exact amounts he requested for those programs in his fiscal 2021 budget:
●$1.3 billion for Egypt and the Egyptian military? Trump’s budget asked for $1.3 billion.

●$134 million for Myanmar? Trump’s budget had sought $131,450,000.
●$40 million for the Kennedy Center? Trump’s budget asked for $40,400,000.

I really don't mind the 2000 if it was targeted to those actually shut down by the fascist Democrat governors but giving it to a bunch of government emloyees so they can just turn around and hand it over to Jeff Bzos is downright ludicrous.

Trump had six months to get this deal done, they are getting it done now because McConnell is afraid of going into Christmas without helping people, and he's going to lose the senate.

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