MAGA is growing stronger !

It brings back those fond memories of yesteryear...
That bears no relation to anything we've been talking about, and why did you Godwin's yourself?
Yes, yes, yes... MAGA is here to stay... very nice, I'm sure... that's what they said about the Tea Party, wasn't it?

Whatever remained folded into MAGA, yes?

I'm sure the Whigs felt that way for a while, too. :cool:

Once Teflon Don has been constitutionally sidelined MAGA will fizzle and go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Whatever remains will fold into the next-gen Right Wing Thing, I'm sure. :rolleyes:
Democrats are planning covid lockdowns complete with mail-in ballots without Trump on them.

As the Devos Democrats bring "The Great Reset" to America, Americans awaken to the threat Democrats pose to their way of life.

Democrats = WEF
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no matter how much the political elites try to disparage and tear down the political movement known as MAGA it seems that MAGA is growing in strength ! the movement the right has taken is the MAGA movement and more and more new young candidates represent the MAGA movement ! like it or not MAGA is here to stay ! want proof ? the left is concentrating much of its political resources to attack not just Trump and and other MAGA candidates like DeSantis but they are also attacking the movement itself !

Perhaps Americans do not want to live in a Marxist socialist worker’s paradise like the Democrats are pushing.

They don’t want the FBI to be like the KGB and the liberal news media to be like the official Communist Party newspaper, Pravda.

Americans might like free speech and want to raise their children and not let the Democratic Party brainwash them and even change their sex for little or no reason. Americans might want to speak out a school board meetings without being arrested or harassed by the police. They might not want their young children learning about the ins and outs of anal sex.

Christian Americans may not want to see their names added to the terrorist watchlist as suggested by Joe Biden. They also might not appreciate millions of illegal aliens allowed into our nation for us to provide our tax money to support.

Americans might not want to learn what everyone’s pronouns are and prefer to keep life simple. They might believe there are males and females and some gays but they don’t believe there are 51 different varieties of sexual orientations to choose from. They might not want to see every female sports record held by a trans man.

Americans might also be sick and tired of shoplifters raiding their favorite drug store until it closes down. They might like walking to work without having to avoid needles and shit. They might not want to get caught in the crossfire between opposing drug gangs.

Finally Americans might want to see Joe Biden’s inflation end and gasoline prices return to what they were when Trump was President.
Democrats are planning covid lockdowns complete with mail-in ballots without Trump on them.

As the Devos Democrats bring "The Great Reset" to America, Americans awaken to the threat Democrats pose to their way of life.

Democrats = WEF
So stop them.

Field a candidate who can actually WIN in 2024.

Field a candidate who can advance the Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage.

You have a much, MUCH deeper bullpen or "bench" than the Democrats do at present.

Use it.

Get somebody else warming-up in the bullpen as a Relief Pitcher.

While there is still time.
no matter how much the political elites try to disparage and tear down the political movement known as MAGA it seems that MAGA is growing in strength ! the movement the right has taken is the MAGA movement and more and more new young candidates represent the MAGA movement ! like it or not MAGA is here to stay ! want proof ? the left is concentrating much of its political resources to attack not just Trump and and other MAGA candidates like DeSantis but they are also attacking the movement itself !

MAGA is just a bunch of self-deluded old farts being used like tools by wealthy plutocrats, whose only concern is serving the vested interests of the rich at the expense of the working class. They gutted our manufacturing base in the 1980s, lowered taxes from 70% to 28% for the wealthy elites, and gave them the green light to break up all of the major labor unions.







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