MAGA is growing stronger !

MAGA is just a bunch of self-deluded old farts being used like tools by wealthy plutocrats, whose only concern is serving the vested interests of the rich at the expense of the working class. They gutted our manufacturing base in the 1980s, lowered taxes from 70% to 28% for the wealthy elites, and gave them the green light to break up all of the major labor unions.

Every retarded Marxist revolution that happened in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to be.
What's your plan THIS TIME??????
You drank all the trump Kool aid. Even using the term "Marxist". Pathetic.
This MARXIST infiltration has been going on for 80 FUCKING YEARS!!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are THE DIRECT RESULT!!!!
Yuri Bezmenov warned us about YOU!!!!!
Every retarded Marxist revolution that happened in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to be.
What's your plan THIS TIME??????
You claim it was murder, but generally, there was no murder, just killing. The United States, the UK, and France, along with 10 other countries, invaded Soviet Russia in 1918, shortly after the end of WW1. Over 200 thousand foreign troops were fighting against the socialist Red Army in Soviet Russia, alongside 300 thousand combatants of the tsarist, pro-capitalist "white armies". When a revolution becomes violent, it's bloody, especially when it's a war between socioeconomic classes. All of the capitalist forces around the world, of the major powers, like the US, UK, France, and others, ganged up on the Russian Red Army and lost. They didn't get their way. In hot wars, capitalists hardly win against communists. Communists kick capitalist ass.


Why are you referring to the USSR? What the hell does the USSR have to do with what I said in the post you're responding to? Absolutely nothing. I'm criticizing supply-side, Reaganomics, which completely gutted the American working class, and America's manufacturing base and your response is "USSR SOVIETS, RUSSIA RUSSIA COMMIE COMMIE".
no matter how much the political elites try to disparage and tear down the political movement known as MAGA it seems that MAGA is growing in strength ! the movement the right has taken is the MAGA movement and more and more new young candidates represent the MAGA movement ! like it or not MAGA is here to stay ! want proof ? the left is concentrating much of its political resources to attack not just Trump and and other MAGA candidates like DeSantis but they are also attacking the movement itself !

So he gets a post-indictment bump. What the Republicans need to be concerned about is the electorate’s post-conviction hangover.
no matter how much the political elites try to disparage and tear down the political movement known as MAGA it seems that MAGA is growing in strength ! the movement the right has taken is the MAGA movement and more and more new young candidates represent the MAGA movement ! like it or not MAGA is here to stay ! want proof ? the left is concentrating much of its political resources to attack not just Trump and and other MAGA candidates like DeSantis but they are also attacking the movement itself !

MAGA is growing stronger, more dangerous, more authoritarian, and more fascist.

Conservativism remains an ongoing threat to democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution – Trump supporters in particular.
There has always been a % of pro semi-fascist, petty, and mean spirited Americans who flock to semi-fascist, petty, mean spirited people like the Trumpybear. We'll see how well the liars at Faux "Not News" does with their new propaganda line up next season......stay tuned.
There has always been a % of pro semi-fascist, petty, and mean spirited Americans who flock to semi-fascist, petty, mean spirited people like the Trumpybear. We'll see how well the liars at Faux "Not News" does with their new propaganda line up next season......stay tuned.

This is the ancestor of the Tea Party and MAGAts.
Once trump becomes worm food from natural causes (remember he's 77), it's all over for the red hats. Sure there will be the few really hardcore hangers on, but for the most part the red hats will go back to their pathetic lives wondering why they cant get ahead in life even though they work hard.
MAGA is growing stronger, more dangerous, more authoritarian, and more fascist.

Conservativism remains an ongoing threat to democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution – Trump supporters in particular.
Look out! There's one right behind you! Now change your underwear and get back to work. Seriously, aren't you one of the crowd insisting they're all paper tigers and no threat to anyone?
Once trump becomes worm food from natural causes (remember he's 77), it's all over for the red hats. Sure there will be the few really hardcore hangers on, but for the most part the red hats will go back to their pathetic lives wondering why they cant get ahead in life even though they work hard.
Once a trailblazer shows it can be done, others will pick up the mantle.

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