MAGA is growing stronger !

You're still not answering my main question. Why do you believe that most democrats are socialists?
because the informed democrats want more government control over business ,education , and daily lives of its citizens .. in reality i believe the dem leadership are more aligned with outright marxism ...
MAGA is treason, corruption, and criminality – the Trump Cult is an enemy of democracy.
a cult denies its leader is unable to do the job when its absolutely plain for any reasonable person to recognize to see that the Big Guy has declined to the point that he is no longer capable do be the leader of the US .. a cult elects Fetterman to be a senator ! not making fun of either man about the sad state of their mental capacity but the truth is the truth .. the left is a cult not the right ! for example many on the right believe McConnell should step down while we hear nothing from the cult about Biden, Fetterman, or Feinstein stepping down .. nope not a peep from the true cult , the tranns cult , the climate cult, the baby killing abortion cult, the cult of the left !
because the informed democrats want more government control over business ,education , and daily lives of its citizens .. in reality i believe the dem leadership are more aligned with outright marxism ...
What do you mean by "control"? Controlling business, education, and people's lives, in what way? Be specific.
just one example ... if you want further info do the research yourself ..

You're making the claim, so the burden is upon you, to establish what you're saying, with some evidence. Provide a clear explanation of what you're asserting. You're unwilling to do that, because you're smart enough to sense, to know, that you don't have much of an argument. Providing me with a link and telling me "go find the answer", is not an answer, in a debate forum. You need to learn how to debate.

You're opening the door to identifying all of Western Europe as communist. You right-wing Republicans, throw the socialist label around way too much and what happens is that you come across a real communist like me, who will tear you a new one, when you start resorting to this type of misleading, shallow rhetoric. The American democrats aren't socialists, much less communists. Socialism is the process that leads to communism, which is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. Marxist socialism hates markets and private property, so the notion that socialism can function with markets and private property is a novelty of the 20th century and violates much of what Marx said. In Marxism, only personal property is permissible, not private.

So how in the world do you figure, that American Democrats/Libs, are Marxists or communists? If you continue to argue that, then all of Western Europe is commie. You've just turned most of the modern, industrialized world, into a community of socialist states. All of the government policies that you claim make the Democrats commies, are commonly accepted in Western Europe, Japan, and even South Korea. You're turning a bunch of countries that aren't really socialist, into communists.


Are you sure you want to do that? I'm just trying to help you out.
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a cult denies its leader is unable to do the job when its absolutely plain for any reasonable person to recognize to see that the Big Guy has declined to the point that he is no longer capable do be the leader of the US .. a cult elects Fetterman to be a senator ! not making fun of either man about the sad state of their mental capacity but the truth is the truth .. the left is a cult not the right ! for example many on the right believe McConnell should step down while we hear nothing from the cult about Biden, Fetterman, or Feinstein stepping down .. nope not a peep from the true cult , the tranns cult , the climate cult, the baby killing abortion cult, the cult of the left !
Trump is accused of historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power in a treasonous attempt to establish himself as despot and dictator.

Conservatism remains the true threat to democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution – Trump Cult members in particular.
Trump is accused of historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power in a treasonous attempt to establish himself as despot and dictator.

Conservatism remains the true threat to democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution – Trump Cult members in particular.
your post is proof that homosexuality is a mental disorder .
For the foreseeable future, there will continue to be a group of Republican voters not willing to keep voting for Republican establishment politicians who are most noteworthy for their strongly conservative rhetoric at election time and their French-like surrender to Democrat demands as soon as elections are over. The names may change, but the driving force will remain the same.

They will vote for people who call out the establishment and promise to actually stand up for their voters.

Trump leveraged the working class distrust of Hillary Clinton to make the anti-establishment faction described above grow to the point that it is now in control of the Party, as witnessed by Trump's pending third time nomination for GOP candidate for president.

DeSantis was well fixed to take over that Trump voting block after his political or physical demise. Either Trump would have lost the General election and faded into obscurity, leaving the field for DeSantis, or won, likely with DeSantis as VP or some other top slot like SecState to prepare him for 2028.

I don't know what DeSantis is thinking taking on Trump in a Quixotic attempt to de-throne him.
The right stuff maybe for YOU and some dark, twisted, Rod Serling nightmare!

Trump didn't register to vote until he was 45 and he's changed parties five times. He's just an opportunist and dumb as hell.
For the foreseeable future, there will continue to be a group of Republican voters not willing to keep voting for Republican establishment politicians who are most noteworthy for their strongly conservative rhetoric at election time and their French-like surrender to Democrat demands as soon as elections are over. The names may change, but the driving force will remain the same.

They will vote for people who call out the establishment and promise to actually stand up for their voters.

Trump leveraged the working class distrust of Hillary Clinton to make the anti-establishment faction described above grow to the point that it is now in control of the Party, as witnessed by Trump's pending third time nomination for GOP candidate for president.

DeSantis was well fixed to take over that Trump voting block after his political or physical demise. Either Trump would have lost the General election and faded into obscurity, leaving the field for DeSantis, or won, likely with DeSantis as VP or some other top slot like SecState to prepare him for 2028.

I don't know what DeSantis is thinking taking on Trump in a Quixotic attempt to de-throne him.

French like surrender? Now I know you're stupid. The French birthrate between the wars was flat.
Trump didn't register to vote until he was 45 and he's changed parties five times. He's just an opportunist and dumb as hell.

Still, he's about 6 billion richer than you, way better looking, bangs a hot woman every day, has a beautiful family and beat the dems asses and made complete fools out of all of you to be president in 2016 and likely again next year! :auiqs.jpg:

How funny how you derps always end up describing yourself.
  1. Absolute authoritarianism, that is Biden thru and thru. Confirmed fascist is now telling drug companies what they can charge and even what you can drive! :laughing0301:
  2. No accountability, again, Joe takes blame for NOTHING, not even his own immediate actions, like stashing stolen secret documents in his garage.
  3. No tolerence for questions? The Bidenistas shut down people and platforms all over Facebook and Twitter just for asking about Covid or doubting the 2020 election!
  4. No financial disclosures? Meanwhile, Joe has millions stashed in 20 secret bank accounts all over the world and uses a dozen different aliases.
  5. Unreasonable fears about the outside world? Joe calls the opposing party domestic terrorists while barricading Washington DC with fences and army troops!
  6. Followers are always wrong. Joe Biden told black voters they ain't black unless they vote for him!
  7. Joe says everything he does is fighting for the little guy as his policies literally CRUSH the little guy.
  8. Joe is never wrong.
Good job describing yourself, your cult and your der fuhrer! :21:

Whaddan asswipe!
no matter how much the political elites try to disparage and tear down the political movement known as MAGA it seems that MAGA is growing in strength ! the movement the right has taken is the MAGA movement and more and more new young candidates represent the MAGA movement ! like it or not MAGA is here to stay ! want proof ? the left is concentrating much of its political resources to attack not just Trump and and other MAGA candidates like DeSantis but they are also attacking the movement itself !


Childish politics is fading.
How funny how you derps always end up describing yourself.
  1. Absolute authoritarianism, that is Biden thru and thru. Confirmed fascist is now telling drug companies what they can charge and even what you can drive! :laughing0301:
  2. No accountability, again, Joe takes blame for NOTHING, not even his own immediate actions, like stashing stolen secret documents in his garage.
  3. No tolerence for questions? The Bidenistas shut down people and platforms all over Facebook and Twitter just for asking about Covid or doubting the 2020 election!
  4. No financial disclosures? Meanwhile, Joe has millions stashed in 20 secret bank accounts all over the world and uses a dozen different aliases.
  5. Unreasonable fears about the outside world? Joe calls the opposing party domestic terrorists while barricading Washington DC with fences and army troops!
  6. Followers are always wrong. Joe Biden told black voters they ain't black unless they vote for him!
  7. Joe says everything he does is fighting for the little guy as his policies literally CRUSH the little guy.
  8. Joe is never wrong.
Good job describing yourself, your cult and your der fuhrer! :21:

Whaddan asswipe!
Posts a sycophant from the cult.
because the informed democrats want more government control over business ,education , and daily lives of its citizens .. in reality i believe the dem leadership are more aligned with outright marxism ...
There's nothing Dems don't want to control. The level of control freak is off the charts. Out here on the left coast Dems have taken control of the trees...because they decided homeowners could not be trusted to care for the trees on their own damn property. Dare touch a tree in your yard and get FINED thousands of dollars.

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