MAGA is growing stronger !

There's nothing Dems don't want to control. The level of control freak is off the charts. Out here on the left coast Dems have taken control of the trees...because they decided homeowners could not be trusted to care for the trees on their own damn property. Dare touch a tree in your yard and get FINED thousands of dollars.
Dude, if your tree is on the easement the government has right.

Are you that stupid or old and fucking that stupid.

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Not the most convincing or worthy representatives of the White European race. Every race has its mutants, and here we have a cadre of white trailer-trash, who think they're effectively representing White people. I don't think so.
Dude, if your tree is on the easement the government has right.

Are you that stupid or old and fucking that stupid.
Read dumb ass, the trees are on land the homeowner owns. This has nothing to do with easements. Dipshit 'green' Dems decided they needed to protect the trees from the homeowner.
You wanted Trump.. You didn't care if he was uneducated and profane. You didn't care if he was a cheat and a bully all his life. You got Gaddafi.
Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation, ZERO foreign wars.

Trump delivered.

As we knew he would, because he can't stand to lose.

Little old ladies feign outrage, the rest of us figure out a way to use it.

Right now, Trump has battled himself back to a leading position in spite of all the judgemental asswipes on the left. Because, he can't stand to lose.

He's going to kick Biden's butt, if Biden is still around a month from now.
Hey proctologist, MAGA IS the Tea Party! Just grown much bigger and evolved. And Trump or no Trump it is never going away.
It’s delusional nit wits given a forum. You delirious bozos have always been around. Trump stood up there for four years and spouted bullshit and just gave spouting bullshit a forum. You have no plan, policies or idea how to govern. The MAGA / Tea Party as a group are just way too stupid.

The shit you guys make up is astonishingly incoherent. Your fall back for all you incompetence is, “ the deep state” and like Trump, you have no fking idea what you’re talking about, on just about any matter.

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