Maga loves our country!

Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.

America is in space again, is this not amazing Penelope?


Maga night all the way.
Nothing to do with Maga.
sure it does ! a strong economy ,a strong military, fare trade deals, and leading in the space program are things that will help MAGA !
Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.

America is in space again, is this not amazing Penelope?


Maga night all the way.

Sos soon after Obama killed our manned space program and made our satellites point to Mecca 5 times a day

We have an entire space counsel now.

Back to first world country.
Why would you have to wait and see? You know the answers. MAGA give them the lowest unemployment rate in history. We want opportunities for everyone.

You democrats on the other hand cheer for a race war. Applaud burning businesses and the loss of employment that will result. And hope for more violence and no economic recovery.

I admit the unemployment rate was low for awhile, so more blacks were able to work.

Its not like he set out to make blacks have jobs, he never did anything special about blacks and work.

I do not condone burring buildings or men that intimidate representatives and governors by taking their arms in the capital or on capital grounds.
Spoken like a typical democrat racist. You don’t need white liberals doing anything “special” for anyone. All you end up doing is hurting more people and keeping them down. Trump lowered the tax and regulation burdens and suddenly the unemployment rate for everyone dropped. Shocker. And what is the lefts response to this? Draconian lock downs over the flu and fanning the riot flames over any excuse they can find.

He deregulated everything and wanted to disband the ACA. Those tax cuts are not set in stone, and the poorer people and even the middle income don't benefit.

Apart from that he raised Medicare B premium, than the tariffs people US citizens pay for. He cut Snap, and is working on cutting SS and Medicare.

We need to go back to the tax rate of 5% as it was when America was great. Everyone benefited except bums like the above poster. That is the price we pay for first rate civilization.

Although if she can w*ore as well to others as she does to the democrat party, there should be no problem.
Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.
Penelope...I believe there is nothing more then President Trump wants to do then have African Americans in large groups in his interactions with people. I would go further to say that he would even go to rallys with a high percentage of African Americans. But you know there are a percentage who will never give the man a chance. Which means there may be a potential problem. We have to many Prog white people living here who do not get down and dirty and live the black experience while they pontificate for them. They say the right things while living their comfortable lives away from the issues. The media/entertainers who do this are even further removed from it. And will show their true colors if things get bad. Of course those who they screwed over would have to forgive them.
Trump has burned his bridges with minorities
Trump talks like one. He talks like many people from the streets of the city. You just got to get by that. That "R" next to his name causes cringes in many. He is no conservative. He is very moderate in fact. Judges aside.
Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.
Penelope...I believe there is nothing more then President Trump wants to do then have African Americans in large groups in his interactions with people. I would go further to say that he would even go to rallys with a high percentage of African Americans. But you know there are a percentage who will never give the man a chance. Which means there may be a potential problem. We have to many Prog white people living here who do not get down and dirty and live the black experience while they pontificate for them. They say the right things while living their comfortable lives away from the issues. The media/entertainers who do this are even further removed from it. And will show their true colors if things get bad. Of course those who they screwed over would have to forgive them.
Trump has burned his bridges with minorities
Trump talks like one. He talks like many people from the streets of the city. You just got to get by that. That "R" next to his name causes cringes in many. He is no conservative. He is very moderate in fact. Judges aside.
Trump talks nothing like a minority, he has never been on the “streets”
I'm really curious how Maga loves the Blacks. He invited them to join the protest.
Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.

Let me get this straight, trump is having a party at the White House while there's over 100 thousand dead Americans from the virus with no end in sight.

While our economy is in shambles, people are lined up for miles at food pantries because they don't have enough money to feed their kids.

Our streets are filled with protesters all over the nation with buildings being burned and business being looted.

Sure this is a good time for a party.

If any of his followers think trump will allow any of them anywhere near them, I have some beautiful ocean front property in Colorado to sell them cheap.

trump hates anyone who isn't rich, can't benefit him and isn't a part of his exclusive club.

That rules out 99.9% of trump supporters.

This is disgusting.
Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.

Let me get this straight, trump is having a party at the White House while there's over 100 thousand dead Americans from the virus with no end in sight.

While our economy is in shambles, people are lined up for miles at food pantries because they don't have enough money to feed their kids.

Our streets are filled with protesters all over the nation with buildings being burned and business being looted.

Sure this is a good time for a party.

If any of his followers think trump will allow any of them anywhere near them, I have some beautiful ocean front property in Colorado to sell them cheap.

trump hates anyone who isn't rich, can't benefit him and isn't a part of his exclusive club.

That rules out 99.9% of trump supporters.

This is disgusting.
No, you are disgusting. You’ll bitch and cry no matter what Trump does. Then lie about it for days.
Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.

Let me get this straight, trump is having a party at the White House while there's over 100 thousand dead Americans from the virus with no end in sight.

While our economy is in shambles, people are lined up for miles at food pantries because they don't have enough money to feed their kids.

Our streets are filled with protesters all over the nation with buildings being burned and business being looted.

Sure this is a good time for a party.

If any of his followers think trump will allow any of them anywhere near them, I have some beautiful ocean front property in Colorado to sell them cheap.

trump hates anyone who isn't rich, can't benefit him and isn't a part of his exclusive club.

That rules out 99.9% of trump supporters.

This is disgusting.

America is back in space loser.

Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.

Let me get this straight, trump is having a party at the White House while there's over 100 thousand dead Americans from the virus with no end in sight.

While our economy is in shambles, people are lined up for miles at food pantries because they don't have enough money to feed their kids.

Our streets are filled with protesters all over the nation with buildings being burned and business being looted.

Sure this is a good time for a party.

If any of his followers think trump will allow any of them anywhere near them, I have some beautiful ocean front property in Colorado to sell them cheap.

trump hates anyone who isn't rich, can't benefit him and isn't a part of his exclusive club.

That rules out 99.9% of trump supporters.

This is disgusting.

He's having champagne, steaks, Ice cold draft endless beer and cake!
And you are not invited (dimmwit!). :auiqs.jpg:
Minnesota is democrat country. Democrats elected the governor and the mayor and yet they burned the city when democrat lies and policies led to a tragedy. Now they quote MAGA? WTF is wrong with these people?
Dana123Iamreallystupid thinks Trump is holding a real MAGA party tonite at the WH

Quiet. Don't tell her it ain't true....

Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.

Well, he can't hold his pep rallies so this is probably the next best thing he can do. Good luck with trying to appeal to minorities. That ship has already sailed...for him anyway.
100K+ people dead, 20% unemployment, uncertainty, fear, rioting and protests, national unrest. But hey, MAWA...errr....MAGA..damn!, forgot what tonight was supposed to be about.
Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.
Penelope...I believe there is nothing more then President Trump wants to do then have African Americans in large groups in his interactions with people. I would go further to say that he would even go to rallys with a high percentage of African Americans. But you know there are a percentage who will never give the man a chance. Which means there may be a potential problem. We have to many Prog white people living here who do not get down and dirty and live the black experience while they pontificate for them. They say the right things while living their comfortable lives away from the issues. The media/entertainers who do this are even further removed from it. And will show their true colors if things get bad. Of course those who they screwed over would have to forgive them.
Trump has burned his bridges with minorities
Trump talks like one. He talks like many people from the streets of the city. You just got to get by that. That "R" next to his name causes cringes in many. He is no conservative. He is very moderate in fact. Judges aside.
Trump talks nothing like a minority, he has never been on the “streets”
He talks the shit. And he talks like a New Yorker. Yeah he is rich. Most people want to be rich. He has dealt with working class his whole life. And in his dealing he has shared some coin. You harp on his bad forays. Fair enough. Doing deals in the largest city and region with corrupted unions, corrupted politicians and organized crime to get things done is an accomplishment. Up until he ran for President I did not even care for the guy. He spoke of agendas that all of the politicians talked of but never did anything about. For all he has been criticized for, he has drawn out all the frauds we have elected and at least got some of the men and women elected to pass some of his legislation.
Minnesota is democrat country. Democrats elected the governor and the mayor and yet they burned the city when democrat lies and policies led to a tragedy. Now they quote MAGA? WTF is wrong with these people?

What is wrong with leftists?
They have the programmed ability to lie to themselves on a daily basis. They're no different than the politicians they regard with so much trust.
Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.
Penelope...I believe there is nothing more then President Trump wants to do then have African Americans in large groups in his interactions with people. I would go further to say that he would even go to rallys with a high percentage of African Americans. But you know there are a percentage who will never give the man a chance. Which means there may be a potential problem. We have to many Prog white people living here who do not get down and dirty and live the black experience while they pontificate for them. They say the right things while living their comfortable lives away from the issues. The media/entertainers who do this are even further removed from it. And will show their true colors if things get bad. Of course those who they screwed over would have to forgive them.
Trump has burned his bridges with minorities
Trump talks like one. He talks like many people from the streets of the city. You just got to get by that. That "R" next to his name causes cringes in many. He is no conservative. He is very moderate in fact. Judges aside.
Trump talks nothing like a minority, he has never been on the “streets”
He talks the shit. And he talks like a New Yorker. Yeah he is rich. Most people want to be rich. He has dealt with working class his whole life. And in his dealing he has shared some coin. You harp on his bad forays. Fair enough. Doing deals in the largest city and region with corrupted unions, corrupted politicians and organized crime to get things done is an accomplishment. Up until he ran for President I did not even care for the guy. He spoke of agendas that all of the politicians talked of but never did anything about. For all he has been criticized for, he has drawn out all the frauds we have elected and at least got some of the men and women elected to pass some of his legislation.
Trump has never had to deal with the working class. They are below him.

And Trump is not a typical New Yorker, most are not as big an asshole as he is.
Trump announces "MAGA night at the White House" amid national protest

MAGA is 'Make America Great Again'" he repeated. "By the way, they love African-American people. They love black people. MAGA loves the black people. I heard that MAGA wanted to be there. A lot of MAGA was going there be there. I have no idea if that's true or not but they love our country."

Watch below:

We shall see how much they love the black people.
Penelope...I believe there is nothing more then President Trump wants to do then have African Americans in large groups in his interactions with people. I would go further to say that he would even go to rallys with a high percentage of African Americans. But you know there are a percentage who will never give the man a chance. Which means there may be a potential problem. We have to many Prog white people living here who do not get down and dirty and live the black experience while they pontificate for them. They say the right things while living their comfortable lives away from the issues. The media/entertainers who do this are even further removed from it. And will show their true colors if things get bad. Of course those who they screwed over would have to forgive them.
Trump has burned his bridges with minorities
Trump talks like one. He talks like many people from the streets of the city. You just got to get by that. That "R" next to his name causes cringes in many. He is no conservative. He is very moderate in fact. Judges aside.
Trump talks nothing like a minority, he has never been on the “streets”
He talks the shit. And he talks like a New Yorker. Yeah he is rich. Most people want to be rich. He has dealt with working class his whole life. And in his dealing he has shared some coin. You harp on his bad forays. Fair enough. Doing deals in the largest city and region with corrupted unions, corrupted politicians and organized crime to get things done is an accomplishment. Up until he ran for President I did not even care for the guy. He spoke of agendas that all of the politicians talked of but never did anything about. For all he has been criticized for, he has drawn out all the frauds we have elected and at least got some of the men and women elected to pass some of his legislation.
Trump has never had to deal with the working class. They are below him.

And Trump is not a typical New Yorker, most are not as big an asshole as he is.
We disagree on some views. You are not happy about the 2016 election. There were other people running that were Repubs who would be fine Presidents. None would have won. Trump was the first Repub who spoke like a Prog. Down and dirty. Christie could throw down a bit also. I believed Ted Cruz to be the best of the bunch. But was he electable as we are moving towards a more socialist system with cultural warfare bombarding us everyday in the media?
Why would you have to wait and see? You know the answers. MAGA give them the lowest unemployment rate in history. We want opportunities for everyone.

You democrats on the other hand cheer for a race war. Applaud burning businesses and the loss of employment that will result. And hope for more violence and no economic recovery.

I admit the unemployment rate was low for awhile, so more blacks were able to work.

Its not like he set out to make blacks have jobs, he never did anything special about blacks and work.

I do not condone burring buildings or men that intimidate representatives and governors by taking their arms in the capital or on capital grounds.
Spoken like a typical democrat racist. You don’t need white liberals doing anything “special” for anyone. All you end up doing is hurting more people and keeping them down. Trump lowered the tax and regulation burdens and suddenly the unemployment rate for everyone dropped. Shocker. And what is the lefts response to this? Draconian lock downs over the flu and fanning the riot flames over any excuse they can find.

He deregulated everything and wanted to disband the ACA. Those tax cuts are not set in stone, and the poorer people and even the middle income don't benefit.

Apart from that he raised Medicare B premium, and the tariffs , US citizens pay for. He cut Snap, and is working on cutting SS and Medicare.

He fu.kied up Salt taxes and he made sure they will benefit the rich freaks. He has messed up the taxes.
Glad you brought up the ACA. Great example of a massive government “solution”. Premiums doubled, deductibles doubled and tripled, everyone that had insurance now pays more and we still have the exact same number of uninsured as before. Great job. Taxes being lowered helped everyone. You already agreed unemployment was doing great so how did it not help lower income people? It got them jobs. And yes we all know if we want to raise taxes again and screw it all up all we have to do is vote democrat.

Of course Medicare went up. The ACA took a ton of money out of it for other people. Yes, you cut snap and all other welfare when more people are working. You also cut the size of dept managing it. How does that not make sense? SS done by anyone but government is called a Ponzi scheme and gets you sent to prison. Do you need me to explain why?

SALT taxes needed to be capped. You always complain about someone else paying their fair share. Well you voting for high state taxes shouldn’t result in lower federal taxes. That’s your problem. Vote better.
‘MAGA’ means shooting black Americans who engage in lawful protest.

“If he remains true to the old script of the 1960s, Trump will likely seek an advantage in this crisis by playing the strongman. He is likely to stoke the fears of those who are more alarmed by the smoke and flames than by systemic racism and police brutality and offer himself as the defender of order who is willing to crack down with lethal force.”

STFU. Lawful protesting isn’t looting and destroying property.

Or was the diverse female mayor of Atlanta wrong when admonishing the “protesters” for their destruction?

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