MAGA - Segregation is the way forward

I'd give anything to return to the days of Jim Crow. America was at its finest then. Blacks hung out with their own and were more civilized.
One day, people will finally figure out that forced association cannot be effectively legislated. People simply move and take their tax base with them.

I live in a thoroughly diverse neighborhood of highly successful people. The only ticket needed is an ability to cover the cost, which only in the minds of common fools would be termed unfairly discriminatory.

problems that look like RACISM arise when schools are LOCALLY FUNDED.
I grew up in a state in which LOCAL PROPERTY TAX was the major
funding for the schools. --------inner city kids got screwed-----which----as things
go----meant ---black kids got screwed. The rich set likes to SECEDE
from their needy neighbors. I predict more and more of this stuff to include
neighborhoods of "refugees" getting jettisoned
And of course the whole nation loses when we waster to talents of our children. All in the name of a superiority that does not exist.

Then why does the democrat party support teachers unions who fight school reform?

your statement is overly broad

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