MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.
homeless maga.JPG
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
Good to see you only read the headline.
Also, finished products are not covered under the tariff.
So the rep lied and you’re ignorant of the details of the tariff.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
Good to see you only read the headline.
Also, finished products are not covered under the tariff.
So the rep lied and you’re ignorant of the details of the tariff.
They cited electronic components
Some people have an issue with tall boys and can't hold a job... May be this gentleman's problem...
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

So they are trying to blame the cancellation of the nuclear plant on tariffs?
5000 construction jobs were “lost”, even though they were never really there. Which by the way has nothing to do with the plant or tariffs.

The plant lost a whopping 126 jobs. All because they were relying on Chinese crap.

Nice try, Bozo Ares.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.

You're close.

The bush boy left us with losing 850 thousand jobs a month and 10% unemployment.

Obama decreased it down to 4.7%.

That's a decrease of 5.3%.

When trump does that I'll be impressed.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
Tariffs have nothing to do with a nuclear power plant not being built.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
Tarrifs have nothing to do with a nuclear power plant not being built. It’s difficult to see how tarrifs are going to hurt this company since they manufacture product in the United States for United States consumption. There is something more to this story. You are just not very bright.
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Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.
Yes thanks Onama for creating all those part time low paying jobs!
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
Good to see you only read the headline.
Also, finished products are not covered under the tariff.
So the rep lied and you’re ignorant of the details of the tariff.
They cited electronic components
Finished components are not taxed under the tariff.
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.

You're close.

The bush boy left us with losing 850 thousand jobs a month and 10% unemployment.

Obama decreased it down to 4.7%.

That's a decrease of 5.3%.

When trump does that I'll be impressed.
All those great part time and temp low paying jobs. Fantastic!
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
2008 wasn’t the result of republican economics you twit.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

So they are trying to blame the cancellation of the nuclear plant on tariffs?
5000 construction jobs were “lost”, even though they were never really there. Which by the way has nothing to do with the plant or tariffs.

The plant lost a whopping 126 jobs. All because they were relying on Chinese crap.

Nice try, Bozo Ares.

I suppose those 126 jobs are crumbs. They are Americans who held jobs and apparently you don't give a damn. When more small businesses are forced into the same decision it will add up. You have no idea whether they are crap or not.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

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