MAGA, Truth Serum

What percentage of bellweather counties did trump lose in 2016. What percentage did Biden in 2020?

I hate to pick at nits, but it is bellwether and not bellweather. Just want to let you know so you would quit looking silly.

But irregardless, it is a meaningless term that is just there to keep people like you chasing your tail.

With the total number of these counties shrinking, it should be harder for the winner to lose the county, not demonstrably easier.

They are shrinking due to changing demographics, thus one would expect them to keep doing so, which they have since we are down to just one

And trum won the “are you better of than you were 4 years ago” by a record amount when going for reelection DURING THE HEIGHT OF COVID!

You of course have a link to this? Yes?
What a lame understanding of statistics. What percentage of bellweather counties did trump lose in 2016. What percentage did Biden in 2020?

With the total number of these counties shrinking, it should be harder for the winner to lose the county, not demonstrably easier.

And trum won the “are you better of than you were 4 years ago” by a record amount when going for reelection DURING THE HEIGHT OF COVID!

Geez. Do you actually understand your own arguments?

Would it not just be easier to find some actual evidence of fraud instead of relying on stupid this like bellwether counties and opinion polls?
Would it not just be easier to find some actual evidence of fraud instead of relying on stupid this like bellwether counties and opinion polls?

lol, thought so. Nothing else matters but sleepy joe wins.

Nothing. Not even math!

Back to the fryer with ya junior!
lol, thought so. Nothing else matters but sleepy joe wins.

You really do not pay attention, I do not give a fuck who wins in 2024 and did not in 2020. No matter which man is sitting in the oval office my life will not be impacted any differently and it will keep going strong like it has been. A few more short years and the wife and I will join the Ex-Pat life and never even think about an election in the US again.

I have never understood people like you that tie so much of their life to the resident of the White House, but fuck if there is not a lot of you.

But hey, you do you!
You really do not pay attention, I do not give a fuck who wins in 2024 and did not in 2020. No matter which man is sitting in the oval office my life will not be impacted any differently and it will keep going strong like it has been. A few more short years and the wife and I will join the Ex-Pat life and never even think about an election in the US again.

I have never understood people like you that tie so much of their life to the resident of the White House, but fuck if there is not a lot of you.

But hey, you do you!

You surrender dork? Such a great statistician you must be.

The answer to every query is, it just isn’t!

Obviously a product of public schools!

You surrender dork? Such a great statistician you must be.

The answer to every query is, it just isn’t!

Obviously a product of public schools!


are you drunk or something, I did not surrender a thing.

these bellwether counties you have staked your whole argument on average less people than a decent sized city but somehow they are proof of fraud.

All you do is parrot the talking points that your party master send to you.

The best part of this is you actually give a fuck who is sitting in the White House as if that some how makes your life better or worse.

Sucks to be you.

The product of Christian/Jesuit universities, but hey at least I went to college and earned my Masters, while you stake your claim to your high school diploma.
are you drunk or something, I did not surrender a thing.

these bellwether counties you have staked your whole argument on average less people than a decent sized city but somehow they are proof of fraud.

All you do is parrot the talking points that your party master send to you.

The best part of this is you actually give a fuck who is sitting in the White House as if that some how makes your life better or worse.

Sucks to be you.

The product of Christian/Jesuit universities, but hey at least I went to college and earned my Masters, while you stake your claim to your high school diploma.
If that is indeed all that I have, and I just kicked your ass, you need a refund.

Somehow, counties that correctly picked the winner since the start, started picking losers, and you can’t explain this?

There is an awful good reason for that. It likely is fraud.

Is that why you’re leaving the country? You know that it will likely unravel?

Somehow, counties that correctly picked the winner since the start,

Since the start? So, you think these counties have picked the winner since 1776? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

this just keep getting better!

started picking losers, and you can’t explain this?

We do not know if they started picking losers or if it were a one time thing. I guess we will see this coming election. But yeah, each election the number of these counties has been getting smaller, and then the dropped by leaps and bounds in 2016 and 2020. Now there is 1 left. At least you have it to hang your hat on if your god loses this time around.

There is an awful good reason for that. It likely is fraud.

Then prove it. Prove the fraud. Fuck, you do not even need to prove it, just offer some actual evidence would be a nice start.

Is that why you’re leaving the country?

I am leaving the country because we as a country have fallen so far we are stuck with Trump vs Biden II. This election should be a national embarrassment, but instead people like you worship one of those two unqualified, shitty fucking candidates.

You know that it will likely unravel?

Do tell, this should be fun!
It would be helpful if we could inject some candor into our politics right about now. In all seriousness, I think that if hardcore Trump supporters drank some truth serum and you asked them about this, they would respond with something like:

"I don't care about the law. America is so far gone that the only way to save it is by breaking any laws that need to be broken to save it. Even if we have to ignore the Constitution temporarily. The Left has beaten us, and we can't figure out how to recover. So fuck it. I support Trump & Co. doing whatever it takes, no matter what laws are broken. It's Hail Mary Pass time. This is it".

Y'know what? I could actually respect that. I disagree with it, I think there are better answers, but I can at least respect it. But I can't respect this constant, weaselly spin and deflection and fantasy and paranoia and bullshit.

You constantly remind socialists that supposedly the nation can't adopt socialist principles for its economy, creating a mixed economic system, as exists in Western Europe, because supposedly it's unconstitutional and most Americans wouldn't vote for that. Now that most Americans are voting to the left, you want to start a civil war. How convenient and hypocritical. Go ahead Bubba-Hillbilly, start your civil war and we leftists will just take out the popcorn and watch the US Government (i.e. National Guard, Special Forces, Law Enforcement/SWAT Teams) crush you. It's going to be fun to watch. Gohead Bubba.
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More on the bellwether counties...

Trump won these counties by an average of 2600 votes, but this is somehow the absolute best proof the Big Steal people can come up with. Some of these counties the difference was less than 500 votes, but this is somehow the absolute best proof the Big Steal people can come up with.

More on the bellwether counties...

Trump won these counties by an average of 2600 votes, but this is somehow the absolute best proof the Big Steal people can come up with. Some of these counties the difference was less than 500 votes, but this is somehow the absolute best proof the Big Steal people can come up with.

It is hardly the best proof. Discoveries in GA., MI., and AZ. carry much more weight because the actual fraud has been found.
More on the bellwether counties...

Trump won these counties by an average of 2600 votes, but this is somehow the absolute best proof the Big Steal people can come up with. Some of these counties the difference was less than 500 votes, but this is somehow the absolute best proof the Big Steal people can come up with.


But always correct, until, magically now, and when the polls, during the depth of covid, showed a record number of voters happy with what the then administration had done over 4 years.

And all you can produce is pure bullshit, not backed up by statistics you are supposed to be an expert in.

You are a joke.
But always correct, until,

yes, they have been correct every election since 1776 until 2020! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

you are so much fun! :beer:

when the polls, during the depth of covid, showed a record number of voters happy with what the then administration had done over 4 years.

Still waiting for a link to those polls, but then again all the polls had Hillary beating Trump, so using your logic Trump must have cheated in 2016.
If that is indeed all that I have, and I just kicked your ass, you need a refund.

Somehow, counties that correctly picked the winner since the start, started picking losers, and you can’t explain this?

There is an awful good reason for that. It likely is fraud.

Is that why you’re leaving the country? You know that it will likely unravel?


yes, they have been correct every election since 1776 until 2020! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

you are so much fun! :beer:

Still waiting for a link to those polls, but then again all the polls had Hillary beating Trump, so using your logic Trump must have cheated in 2016.
There was no election in 1776. Unless your great great great grandfather was running for asshole of the year. Which, I am sure he had a lock on.

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