Maher and Affleck own guns...hmmmm...

I guess that makes up for having a small penis. :biggrin:

So, you're not actually against the private ownership of guns, you just think that the Proles should be disarmed.

Comedians and actors should be armed just in case one of the peasants acts up, right Comrade? 4 legs good, 2 legs BETTER, eh Comrade?
I'm not against gun ownership, but I think we should try to keep them out of the hands of crazies and felons.
Federal law bans felons and "crazies" from buying or possessing a gun.
There you go.
This is a great example of the "partisan teams" talking past each other.
No one can understand how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical?
No. Explain it to us.
Do you think it's possible to be pro gun while also favoring some regulations?
It's not that hard to see how someone can be pro gun and pro regulated gun ownership.
It's just one side taking it to the extreme: left favors regulation, so the right dishonestly asserts that the left wants ALL GUNS CONFISCATED, as one giant body the "left," and they ALL AGREE.
It's dishonest smug partisan dipshittery.
I thought you were going to give specific examples of what they said regarding them having a gun themselves and then explain how these examples do not contradict their positions on gun control.

You don't even know what their position is on gun control.
I'm about as anti-gun as one can get. But, I don't really have a problem with someone having a gun or two at home for defense, like Maher or Affleck.

I do have an issue with accumulating gunz, carrying them in public, training to shoot people, etc.

There's a big difference in having a gun in the bedroom vs. arming up like a racist compound dwelling homegrown terrorist and/or walking around in public with one or two strapped to your body.

But you're okay with Maher and Affleck carrying guns, because they voted for Obama, right?

I don't cthink Maher carries. Don't know another Affleck. I do know that racist yahoos tend to carry, even though the risk of anything happening is quite small.
Real quick...this one cites the FBI numbers for 2010...

What Percentage Of American Murders Are Gang Related Extrano s Alley a gun blog

Doing some data mining with 2010 numbers, and extrapolating from the number of murders solved by arrest to all known murders, it appears that approximately 78 percent, slightly more than three out of every four murders, are gang related.

For 2010, the FBI reported 14,478 murders and non-negligent homicides. Of those, approximately 11,290 were in some way gang related.

And, for those of a thoughtful turn of mind, those numbers mean that were it not for gang activity, the United States homicide rate would be in the 1 per 100,000 range.

America Doesn 8217 t Have a Gun Problem It Has a Gang Problem FrontPage Magazine

A breakdown of the Chicago killing fields shows that 83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. In Philly, it’s 75%. In Milwaukee it’s 77% percent. In New Orleans, it’s 64%. In Baltimore, it’s 91%. Many were felons who had served time. And as many as 80% of the homicides were gang related.

Chicago’s problem isn’t guns; it’s gangs. Gun control efforts in Chicago or any other major city are doomed because gangs represent organized crime networks which stretch down to Mexico, and trying to cut off their gun supply will be as effective as trying to cut off their drug supply.

America’s murder rate isn’t the work of the suburban and rural homeowners who shop for guns at sporting goods stores and at gun shows, and whom news shows profile after every shooting, but by the gangs embedded in the urban areas controlled by the Democratic machine. The gangs who drive up America’s murder rate look nothing like the occasional mentally ill suburban white kid who goes off his medication and decides to shoot up a school. Lanza, like most serial killers, is a media aberration, not the norm.
Real quick...this one cites the FBI numbers for 2010...

What Percentage Of American Murders Are Gang Related Extrano s Alley a gun blog

Doing some data mining with 2010 numbers, and extrapolating from the number of murders solved by arrest to all known murders, it appears that approximately 78 percent, slightly more than three out of every four murders, are gang related.

For 2010, the FBI reported 14,478 murders and non-negligent homicides. Of those, approximately 11,290 were in some way gang related.

And, for those of a thoughtful turn of mind, those numbers mean that were it not for gang activity, the United States homicide rate would be in the 1 per 100,000 range.

That's not an official site, that's a RWing loony blog.
This is a great example of the "partisan teams" talking past each other.
No one can understand how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical?
No. Explain it to us.
Do you think it's possible to be pro gun while also favoring some regulations?
It's not that hard to see how someone can be pro gun and pro regulated gun ownership.
It's just one side taking it to the extreme: left favors regulation, so the right dishonestly asserts that the left wants ALL GUNS CONFISCATED, as one giant body the "left," and they ALL AGREE.
It's dishonest smug partisan dipshittery.
I thought you were going to give specific examples of what they said regarding them having a gun themselves and then explain how these examples do not contradict their positions on gun control.
You don't even know what their position is on gun control.
1: You don't know that
2: I asked for an explanation. An effective explanation would have noted their positions.
This is a great example of the "partisan teams" talking past each other.
No one can understand how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical?
No. Explain it to us.
Do you think it's possible to be pro gun while also favoring some regulations?
It's not that hard to see how someone can be pro gun and pro regulated gun ownership.
It's just one side taking it to the extreme: left favors regulation, so the right dishonestly asserts that the left wants ALL GUNS CONFISCATED, as one giant body the "left," and they ALL AGREE.
It's dishonest smug partisan dipshittery.
I thought you were going to give specific examples of what they said regarding them having a gun themselves and then explain how these examples do not contradict their positions on gun control.
No, I'm more-so interested in the OP thinking that because maher and affleck have guns and are on the left, it's somehow weird.
WTF are you talking about?

You support the privilege of self-defense for democrats in good standing who have sworn loyalty to Barack Obama, correct? You seek the disarming of anyone who opposes the goals of the party, correct?

I support the right to any non crazy, non felon, owning guns. I think everyone should own one of these, just like our founders envisioned. LOL!

Real quick...this one cites the FBI numbers for 2010...

What Percentage Of American Murders Are Gang Related Extrano s Alley a gun blog

Doing some data mining with 2010 numbers, and extrapolating from the number of murders solved by arrest to all known murders, it appears that approximately 78 percent, slightly more than three out of every four murders, are gang related.

For 2010, the FBI reported 14,478 murders and non-negligent homicides. Of those, approximately 11,290 were in some way gang related.

And, for those of a thoughtful turn of mind, those numbers mean that were it not for gang activity, the United States homicide rate would be in the 1 per 100,000 range.
That's not an official site, that's a RWing loony blog.
822 of 8855 gun-related murders attributed directly to gang activity.
FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 11
This is a great example of the "partisan teams" talking past each other.
No one can understand how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical?
No. Explain it to us.
Do you think it's possible to be pro gun while also favoring some regulations?
It's not that hard to see how someone can be pro gun and pro regulated gun ownership.
It's just one side taking it to the extreme: left favors regulation, so the right dishonestly asserts that the left wants ALL GUNS CONFISCATED, as one giant body the "left," and they ALL AGREE.
It's dishonest smug partisan dipshittery.
I thought you were going to give specific examples of what they said regarding them having a gun themselves and then explain how these examples do not contradict their positions on gun control.
You don't even know what their position is on gun control.
1: You don't know that
2: I asked for an explanation. An effective explanation would have noted their positions.

I tried to show you on page 1.

This is a great example of the "partisan teams" talking past each other.
No one can understand how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical?
No. Explain it to us.
Do you think it's possible to be pro gun while also favoring some regulations?
It's not that hard to see how someone can be pro gun and pro regulated gun ownership.
It's just one side taking it to the extreme: left favors regulation, so the right dishonestly asserts that the left wants ALL GUNS CONFISCATED, as one giant body the "left," and they ALL AGREE.
It's dishonest smug partisan dipshittery.
I thought you were going to give specific examples of what they said regarding them having a gun themselves and then explain how these examples do not contradict their positions on gun control.
No, I'm more-so interested in the OP thinking that because maher and affleck have guns and are on the left, it's somehow weird.
So, you cannot explain how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical.
Is -your- brain broken?
This is a great example of the "partisan teams" talking past each other.

No one can understand how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical?

Your brain is broken.


I own guns.

Show me where I, or they, have said no one should own guns?

As usual, its the nutters who talk about banning.

I'm about as anti-gun as one can get. But, I don't really have a problem with someone having a gun or two at home for defense, like Maher or Affleck.

I do have an issue with accumulating gunz, carrying them in public, training to shoot people, etc.

There's a big difference in having a gun in the bedroom vs. arming up like a racist compound dwelling homegrown terrorist and/or walking around in public with one or two strapped to your body.

But you're okay with Maher and Affleck carrying guns, because they voted for Obama, right?

What does one have to do with the other?

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