Maher and Affleck own guns...hmmmm...

Well, it would be interesting to see if either of these guys has preached any sermons on would also be interesting to know which lefty actors preach against gun ownership...and have guns of their own...or who have hired gunmen to carry guns for them...

Affleck Maher We Own Guns to Protect Our Homes and Families

They need them in order to protect themselves from RWing loons and stalkers.

That's right sweetie........who have tens of millions of big bad guns!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::Boom2:
What part of what she wrote is mentally retarded?

"guns don't save lives."

It that's true, why do cops carry them.

Guns don't save many lives.
Gus do take lives.

Because guns take lives, it deters those who wish to cause harm from attacking those who have guns.

And, both Affleck and Maher have said they are in favor of NOT giving guns to the people you want to arm - illegals, known terrorists, criminals and the mentally ill.

Affleck is certifiably insane.

Maher is a raging hypocrite, demanding for himself that which is denied to the Proles.

Such is the left, always more equal than others.
Since guns save lives, and we have the most, why aren't we the safest country in the world?

70-80% of gun murder comes from criminal gangs in big cities...of the 25 most violent cities in the United States, 24 of those cities have been run by democrats and their social welfare policies for decades, some going back to the 1940s and before that. Their policies create a situation where teenagers are having babies who become teenagers who have babies, and the only adult role models are the gang bangers violent enough to live to be adults...if we get a handle on inner city gang violence our violent gun crime rate would match or be lower than the other countries...

I read about gun deaths on a daily basis, that are not related to gang shootings.
Well, it would be interesting to see if either of these guys has preached any sermons on would also be interesting to know which lefty actors preach against gun ownership...and have guns of their own...or who have hired gunmen to carry guns for them...

Affleck Maher We Own Guns to Protect Our Homes and Families

They need them in order to protect themselves from RWing loons and stalkers.

That's right sweetie........who have tens of millions of big bad guns!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::Boom2:

I guess that makes up for having a small penis. :biggrin:
Well, it would be interesting to see if either of these guys has preached any sermons on would also be interesting to know which lefty actors preach against gun ownership...and have guns of their own...or who have hired gunmen to carry guns for them...
Affleck Maher We Own Guns to Protect Our Homes and Families
They need them in order to protect themselves from RWing loons and stalkers.
Further proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I read about gun deaths on a daily basis, that are not related to gang shootings.

FBI stats acually show of all gun murders...70-80% are from gang goes to reporting choices at the local level...gang shootings and murder happen every day...the guy who shoots his wife is actually news...
Well, it would be interesting to see if either of these guys has preached any sermons on would also be interesting to know which lefty actors preach against gun ownership...and have guns of their own...or who have hired gunmen to carry guns for them...
Affleck Maher We Own Guns to Protect Our Homes and Families
They need them in order to protect themselves from RWing loons and stalkers.
Further proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Who says I'm anti gun? Bill Maher isn't even anti gun, and has repeated that over and over on his show.
Nothing wrong with guns. Guns aren't the problem. Can set all the guns in the world in front of me I'm not gonna touch one of them. Non-violent people aren't a risk because they may or may not own a weapon. It's people with itchy trigger fingers fantasizing about getting to use one wihtout consequence that are.
This is a great example of the "partisan teams" talking past each other.
No one can understand how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical?

Yeah, like M14shooter said...explain it to us...I am real curious...
Well, it would be interesting to see if either of these guys has preached any sermons on would also be interesting to know which lefty actors preach against gun ownership...and have guns of their own...or who have hired gunmen to carry guns for them...
Affleck Maher We Own Guns to Protect Our Homes and Families
They need them in order to protect themselves from RWing loons and stalkers.
Further proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Who says I'm anti gun?
Walks like a duck...
Well, it would be interesting to see if either of these guys has preached any sermons on would also be interesting to know which lefty actors preach against gun ownership...and have guns of their own...or who have hired gunmen to carry guns for them...

Affleck Maher We Own Guns to Protect Our Homes and Families

I'm about as anti-gun as one can get. But, I don't really have a problem with someone having a gun or two at home for defense, like Maher or Affleck.

I do have an issue with accumulating gunz, carrying them in public, training to shoot people, etc.

There's a big difference in having a gun in the bedroom vs. arming up like a racist compound dwelling homegrown terrorist and/or walking around in public with one or two strapped to your body.
This is a great example of the "partisan teams" talking past each other.
No one can understand how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical?
No. Explain it to us.
Do you think it's possible to be pro gun while also favoring some regulations?

It's not that hard to see how someone can be pro gun and pro regulated gun ownership.

It's just one side taking it to the extreme: left favors regulation, so the right dishonestly asserts that the left wants ALL GUNS CONFISCATED, as one giant body the "left," and they ALL AGREE.

It's dishonest smug partisan dipshittery.
Well, it would be interesting to see if either of these guys has preached any sermons on would also be interesting to know which lefty actors preach against gun ownership...and have guns of their own...or who have hired gunmen to carry guns for them...

Affleck Maher We Own Guns to Protect Our Homes and Families

I'm abouttas anti-gun as one can get. But, I don't really have a problem with someone having a gun or two at home for defense, like Maher or Affleck.

I do have an issue with accumulating gunz, carrying them in public, training to shoot people, etc.
What's the point of having a gun if you can't have it when you need it?
What's the point of having a gun for self-defense if you cannot use it effectively?
I'm about as anti-gun as one can get. But, I don't really have a problem with someone having a gun or two at home for defense, like Maher or Affleck.

I do have an issue with accumulating gunz, carrying them in public, training to shoot people, etc.

There's a big difference in having a gun in the bedroom vs. arming up like a racist compound dwelling homegrown terrorist and/or walking around in public with one or two strapped to your body.

But you're okay with Maher and Affleck carrying guns, because they voted for Obama, right?
This is a great example of the "partisan teams" talking past each other.
No one can understand how these gentlemen can own guns without being hypocritical?
No. Explain it to us.
Do you think it's possible to be pro gun while also favoring some regulations?
It's not that hard to see how someone can be pro gun and pro regulated gun ownership.
It's just one side taking it to the extreme: left favors regulation, so the right dishonestly asserts that the left wants ALL GUNS CONFISCATED, as one giant body the "left," and they ALL AGREE.
It's dishonest smug partisan dipshittery.
I thought you were going to give specific examples of what they said regarding them having a gun themselves and then explain how these examples do not contradict their positions on gun control.
I guess that makes up for having a small penis. :biggrin:

So, you're not actually against the private ownership of guns, you just think that the Proles should be disarmed.

Comedians and actors should be armed just in case one of the peasants acts up, right Comrade? 4 legs good, 2 legs BETTER, eh Comrade?

I'm not against gun ownership, but I think we should try to keep them out of the hands of crazies and felons. You're putting words in my mouth that just aren't there.
I'm about as anti-gun as one can get. But, I don't really have a problem with someone having a gun or two at home for defense, like Maher or Affleck.

I do have an issue with accumulating gunz, carrying them in public, training to shoot people, etc.

There's a big difference in having a gun in the bedroom vs. arming up like a racist compound dwelling homegrown terrorist and/or walking around in public with one or two strapped to your body.

But you're okay with Maher and Affleck carrying guns, because they voted for Obama, right?

Stupid, troll.

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