Maher says red state voters are jealous of blue: "We have chef Wolfgang Puck, they have Boyardee"

He's right.

When you look at where the money is.

Who has healthcare.

How most people in Red States don't have education and do unskilled jobs.

Republicans talk about people fleeing California and New York. The people fleeing are uneducated and unskilled. They compete better in Red States where the competition is so much less.

You could have a two year college degree and make a great life in most Red States because you will be competing with people who barely finished high school. And what if they were home schooled by Republicans who believe the earth is only a few thousand years old. These people will hate continuing education because schools will teach facts and not religion. And Republicans can't handle that. They believe the education is biased and "good" science will come down on the side of magical creation.



"DeanTard" You really are off the rails, Who taught you that? So much hatred from such a limited view of the world. I do agree our education system sucks. There is way to little educating and way to much indoctrinating being done. If education leans to far either way on the spectrum then education fails and Ideology begins to taint the search for knowledge, which is the purpose of education. Education with a one sided view is indoctrination. However Deantard the low life under educated ditch diggers get to vote too. Every time you post I'm sure another person turns to the Republican Party. A few thousand years idiot! Everybody knows we w ere cloned by aliens!:tinfoil:
chef boy r dee still exists?

Haven't seen it since the 60s
Mix that stuff with town house crackers and some Parmesean , MmmmMmmm! I learned that shit from Wolfgang! said "He could get Bill Maher to eat dog turd soup and pay for it"!:abgg2q.jpg: It's absurd how absurd they are.
Not everyone places wealth over quality if life, which is a major problem with the progressive liberal mindset, they just don’t get it.
Not sure why Maher thinks "We have all this fancy shit" makes a difference, given that the vast majority of people who live in blue states can't afford to go to any of those things, because they're busy paying murderously high taxes and not getting good jobs because people like AOC run the employers off.
Maher is so smarmy and vile, with such a classic, elitist hatred of all fellow Americans he considers "beneath" him, I wish that pig would develop a nice, gigantic tumor in the middle of his body, causing him to waste away and depend on his fellow Americans for compassion - which he won't get and doesn't deserve - I just wish that pig, that sneering, despicable piece of I-don't-know-what, would just die of some prolonged, horrible disease. Seriously, if Bill Maher got terminally ill, not only would I dance on that sick, unfunny motherfucker's grave, I'd lead an entire C-walking shuffle class across it.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a more utterly UGLY human being on TV than the Maher pig. Jesus Christ, he is one sadistic male c**t.
The truth is eating you up. We get it.

No, I'm rather delighted that the truth is coming out and eating you liberals up. All the facts in the past few years shows that you liberals are the greatest for of anti-American hatred in this country's history. And YOU'RE "eaten up" over the fact that real American are calling you Bill Maher whores on the carpet for what a destructive force against this society you are.
the purpose of subsidized agriculture is to ensure a food supply
Why is the government required to ensure your food supply through farm bill welfare?
And so, it's okay for farmers to get free welfare to feed you, who may not be on welfare, but it's not okay to feed those who are on welfare, because they don't have a job? Which means, you are guaranteeing job employment welfare for farmers, over those who may or may not have lost their jobs. Do I read that right? In other words, you are okay with welfare to feed you, even though farming can be a big failure, as opposed to individual failure in the work place, and that feeding them is not okay?
if enough farmers go out of business we would have food shortages
And? What about it? At the end of the day, it's still Socialism for all of us to ensure a food supply. That's reality. And the fact that you can't answer my questions about those less fortunate on another front, tells us just how full of shit you are. You are making differences for your privileged guaranteed socialist food supply if you are employed, compliments of farmers, versus the socialist welfare for those who do not have a job. You're a real piece of shit.
So to feed people and to pay for people to chitt out babies is the same. So abortions gives the whores an option.
That's an off the reservation counter argument coming from a coward who cannot handle the truth about welfare. Ha, we get it. With your team, welfare is for the privileged. You know, like the welfare we pay for with football players and the stadiums they play in.; You don't believe in safety nets to feed people and babies, but when it comes to sports Socialism, or the farm bill to feed you, that's okay. Damn, what a piece of shit you are;

I do not believe what you spouted at all. People are suckers for a system that promotes what you spouted. People left cities for reasons. One of them is just that. To experience this year after year after year after decade after decade after decade denotes a pattern with massive taxes in play. Those stadiums I agree with. But our sports players went from heroes and so called role models to gods and are massively overpaid. We subsidize them with our cable TV bills also. A lot of suffering for a lot of ph ukn.
Maher is just projecting his insecurities like all progressives do. So insecure he has to proclaim how elite he and his gay cronies are.
Chef Boyardee can still be bought in Cali, along with cup of soup. Good for when you're tired, don't feel like fighting traffic to eat out or cook the good stuff at home. Red state, Blue state, don't matter, home is where the heart is.

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