Maine Democrats Filmed Laughing Over Rise In White Male Suicides

In America, you have to get off your ass and earn it.

Government won't be your mommy & your daddy here.

That's what makes us America.

Then why is it the Red States collect more in government benefits than the Blue states?


Unbridled hypocrisy... that's what makes America America!

Break it down by city. The colors change a lot. You know because you've been shown before.
Bullshit. No one in Mississippi voted for Trump over coal jobs. Anyway, part of the problem is you asses vote for personal gain instead of what is best for the country and Americans. Sanctuary cities aren't generally conservative but they are prime examples of "against the interests" of their entire citizenship BTW.

Well, in MS< you voted to bring back agricultural jobs that aren't coming back,either... but that's not the point. You fucks in MS are going to vote for anyone who promises to keep the darkies in their place, even if your place isn't much better.

Sanctuary Cities are a pragmatic reality of a city. those people are there and they aren't leaving, and having the cops in the immigration enforcement business just means they aren't stopping real crime.
Break it down by city. The colors change a lot. You know because you've been shown before.

Yes, the cities where people actually live will spend more than the vast tracks of meth labs and trailer parks where they don't as much.

What's your fucking point?
Maine Democrats Filmed Laughing Over Rise In White Male Suicides

It is pretty funny that the privileged snowflakes can't handle adversity.
liberals cry when Americans kill their enemies, and laugh when Americans themselves die

Maine Democrats Filmed Laughing Over Rise In White Male Suicides

Reason #17 for conservatives to be outraged today. They are on a never ending search for all things conservative snowflakes need to be outraged about. Today it's laughter, yesterday it was red cups and incandescent light bulbs, tomorrow it will be green cups and No. 2 pencils.
Bullshit. No one in Mississippi voted for Trump over coal jobs. Anyway, part of the problem is you asses vote for personal gain instead of what is best for the country and Americans. Sanctuary cities aren't generally conservative but they are prime examples of "against the interests" of their entire citizenship BTW.

Well, in MS< you voted to bring back agricultural jobs that aren't coming back,either... but that's not the point. You fucks in MS are going to vote for anyone who promises to keep the darkies in their place, even if your place isn't much better.

Sanctuary Cities are a pragmatic reality of a city. those people are there and they aren't leaving, and having the cops in the immigration enforcement business just means they aren't stopping real crime.

I don't live in Mississippi. Mississippi is about 40% black, though.

"According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Mississippi is 37 percent black, while non-Hispanic whites are 58 percent of the population. The state boasts the largest number of black elected officials." Aug 25, 2011
Bullshit. No one in Mississippi voted for Trump over coal jobs. Anyway, part of the problem is you asses vote for personal gain instead of what is best for the country and Americans. Sanctuary cities aren't generally conservative but they are prime examples of "against the interests" of their entire citizenship BTW.

Well, in MS< you voted to bring back agricultural jobs that aren't coming back,either... but that's not the point. You fucks in MS are going to vote for anyone who promises to keep the darkies in their place, even if your place isn't much better.

Sanctuary Cities are a pragmatic reality of a city. those people are there and they aren't leaving, and having the cops in the immigration enforcement business just means they aren't stopping real crime.

BTW, this is why you lost the working class. Your utter disdain for traditional Americans is palpable. You sure love to throw money and resources at illegal aliens all the while.
liberals cry when Americans kill their enemies, and laugh when Americans themselves die

Maine Democrats Filmed Laughing Over Rise In White Male Suicides

Reason #17 for conservatives to be outraged today. They are on a never ending search for all things conservative snowflakes need to be outraged about. Today it's laughter, yesterday it was red cups and incandescent light bulbs, tomorrow it will be green cups and No. 2 pencils.

Replace the word "white men" with any other group and it would be you and other like minded folks who would feigning outrage and calling for his immediate resignation.
liberals cry when Americans kill their enemies, and laugh when Americans themselves die

Maine Democrats Filmed Laughing Over Rise In White Male Suicides

Reason #17 for conservatives to be outraged today. They are on a never ending search for all things conservative snowflakes need to be outraged about. Today it's laughter, yesterday it was red cups and incandescent light bulbs, tomorrow it will be green cups and No. 2 pencils.

Replace the word "white men" with any other group and it would be you and other like minded folks who would feigning outrage and calling for his immediate resignation.

Today seems to be day of the meme. Nonsensical and wrong but memes provide an easy way to paint with a roller rather than an artists brush. Easy being the key word.
I think the reason why it's funny is that White Men have this despair because they keep voting against their own self-interests (for Republicans) and their lives don't get any better.

Yeah, real funny there Joe.
Yeah, real funny there Joe.

Well, no, it's not funny in that you keep doing it.

You see, between 1900 and about 1970, those white males made steady increases thanks to progressive policies like Unions, fair wage laws, safety laws, a social safety net. We keep looking back at the 1950's and 1960's as an ideal because of what they accomplished.

And then the Republicans told you dumb-asses that women and minorities wanted some of your privilege. And you were just going to have that.

Instead,t hey took away your good union jobs and your benefits and instead of having a good factory job like dad had, you have as shitty job at the Walmart.
Replace the word "white men" with any other group and it would be you and other like minded folks who would feigning outrage and calling for his immediate resignation.

I don't think the Pony-Tail hippy in the opening video actually holds any political office... but never mind.

But a couple weeks ago, we had Steve King make openly racist comments about "other people's babies" and he still has a job... so there's that.

We had the other GOP Congressman who told his constituents he pays his own salary, and he still has a job.

If "saying stupid things" was a disqualifyer from politics, none of them would have jobs.
IN another thread, someone was asking why conservatives act as though the left has declared war on them.

I posted this video.

Vile Fuckers.
Very much like negroes voting against their own self-interest (for Democrats) and their lives don't get any better.

Since they aren't riding on the back of the bus or drinking from a segregated water fountain anymore, I'd say their lives have gotten better..

As opposed to working class whites, who clearly have it worse than their fathers did...

Yeah, they can drink from any fountain now, oh joy! They don't have to ride at the back of the bus. Oh happiness! But back then, they did not have to live in crime ridden slums and had a job. until Democrats decided to 'help' them,

If blacks decided to use their brains they should ask Democrats "what have you done for me lately" and ponder Trumps words: "what do you have to lose?"
Really? So, how would you classify, say, the water projects in Colorado and Nevada that provide water for 'blue state' Los Angeles and San Diego, as well as Imperial Valley and big ag? Is that 'red state welfare' or blue state welfare? Most of southern California would be depopulated overnight without it, after all.

Nevada and Colorado have been blue states for years... try again.

I was talking about states like Alabama and Mississippi, who get two bucks back for every buck they send to Washington because they are so fucking dirt poor,a nd the dumb white trash down there keeps voting for Republicans because they don't dun der need them no gummit, Cleetus!!

So you think Nevada and Colorado paid for the water projects? They're barely 'blue', just in the urban areas where the illegal aliens and mafia syndicates rule the Party. California? lollerz. And you're usual thinly veiled racism jumps out yet again, gimp. lol at you and your fake 'progressivismness'; you're a phony just like all the rest of the faux 'progressives', and not even remotely a genuine liberal. Go back to dumpster diving behind the abortion clinic; your freezer's meat stash is getting low.

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