Major Trump speech in Des Moines this evening

Thousands line up in Iowa today to see Trump.

Dozens attended a Biden rally today.


Not only are their thousands inside but there are thousands outside. ...and it is cold, Africa cold.
I love all those White people! God bless Iowa. What are there, like five Neggras living in the whole state?
I love all those White people! God bless Iowa. What are there, like five Neggras living in the whole state?

Everybody: This dumb fuck does not speak for Trump fans.

I'd rather hang out with a Black Conservative than a White Socialist any day

"This November, we are going to defeat the Radical Socialist Democrats and win the Great State of Iowa in a Historic Landslide!" - Trump
Unfortunately for his adversaries Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie, they are trapped in Washington for the Fake Impeachment.

Watch live: President Trump's rally in Des Moines, 7 p.m. today

Why Trump's Des Moines rally should make Democrats nervous
Why Trump's Des Moines rally should make Democrats nervous

...........the fact that Trump was able to draw such a devoted crowd — with some people even camping overnight to be guaranteed entry, and others willing to stand out in sub-freezing temperatures to watch a speech on a video screen just to get a taste of the experience, does say something. It speaks to a certain intensity level that makes Trump’s reelection more likely than most presidents entering an election year with approval ratings hovering around 45%.

Many of the characteristics of a Trump rally have remained the same since 2016 — the sea of red MAGA hats, shouting down of protesters with chants of “USA! USA! USA!” and lots of laughter at Trump’s mockery of his political enemies. The crowd often knows which lines Trump is about to rattle off, but revels in them anyway, almost as if attending a concert and waiting for a musician to play his greatest hits.

But one thing struck me. Whether they backed him in 2016 or were more recent converts, one factor that his supporters kept bringing up was their feeling that he had delivered on his promises in a way other elected officials have not.

“I wasn't [a Trump supporter] in 2016,” said Adam Hanson, a Des Moines-based attorney who spoke for Rand Paul in the caucuses four years ago. “I was one of those Never Trump Republicans back then ... During the caucuses and even into the general election, I just, I was not a big fan. I didn't think he'd deliver. But in the past few years, I'll admit I've been pleasantly surprised with Trump.”

Hanson said he saw Trump as a bit of a “grifter” in 2016 but has been enthused by his judicial appointments and the performance of the economy.

He added, “I'll admit I was wrong. And if I had to do it over again, I would have voted for the president then.”

In 2016, Trump was boosted by the intensity of his core supporters. But he also faced many skeptics among conservatives who feared that the longtime Democratic donor who had espoused many liberal policies over the decades, would revert to form once in office, eager to negotiate with Chuck Schumer to show his prowess as a deal-maker. Yet in practice, Trump has followed through, or at least attempted to, on a spectrum of issues of importance to conservatives.

“I think he's done an excellent job, and he's done what he told the American people he was going to do,” said Trent Kerr of Oskaloosa, who was a Trump supporter in 2016. “And so he's the first politician or first person who has come into office and promised us things and actually delivered on his promises.”
I love all those White people! God bless Iowa. What are there, like five Neggras living in the whole state?

Interestingly enough, Samantha B's show interviewed the leader for the black caucus in Iowa, and he said they had a grand total of 5 members so far.

By the way, Iowa is 92 percent white.

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