Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

No, that was one of them, but it was not the only thing. They didn't go to war over slavery.

No matter how many times you stick your fingers in your ears and go LALALALALA doesn't change history. The states didn't like a central federal gov't having control over their lives. They wanted to be able to vote on whether or not they could have slaves. They fought over the right to choose, not slavery specifically.
apm, your nonense is . . . nonsense. The North did not go to war over slavery, though slavery caused the war. The South did go to war over slavery, and acknowledged it repeatedly. Anybody who denies that truthfulness of this is either a mental simple, malignantly motivated, or any combination of or all three.
The north went to war because of the south's refusal to join the union.

You really need to educate yourself.
"You know, I really hadn't noticed that they are black until I came back to this thread" Yeah, Ernie, you did. You lie; that's what you do.
Lumpy1, the Dems have lived down their past. And now we Pubs must do the same for the last 25 years.
Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

Prominent U.S. flag makers said on Tuesday they will stop manufacturing and selling Confederate battle flags in the wake of last week's attack on worshipers at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Reggie VandenBosch, vice president of sales at the privately owned Valley Forge Flag, said the Pennsylvania-based company came to the decision as pressure grew on South Carolina to remove the banner from outside the State House in Columbia.

Annin Flagmakers, based in Roseland, New Jersey, announced later on Tuesday that it too would stop making the flag used by the pro-slavery Confederate states during the American Civil War of the 1860s.

Eder Flag Manufacturing, a flag maker based in Wisconsin, also said it would no longer sell or manufacture Confederate flags because of the Charleston shooting.

Hopefully they won't stop making the Confederate Flag toilet paper.
Confederate flag hankies and crying towels will sell like hot cakes.
Prove it. I produce proof that I'm right. You have nothing.

Suffice it to say, I win.

Sitting there saying you're wrong without backing it up is a non argument.
oh wow. everyone on three


How damn petty can you people get? SERIOUSLY?

I don't make the news, Tiger, I just report it.

You got a complaint, call the companies.

You call her a pussy? When you are scared shitless over a flag? I hope everyone in your neighborhood flies one. I am considering it myself. Never wanted to before.
Congratulations nut, you and your kind has given that flag more power now, than anytime in it's history. Sales up 3000%! Lol
Sales up 3000 % at one place. And, please do fly it. All of you hateful, racist pricks should fly it so we know where you live.
Nope, you were proved wrong, and there is nothing you can do about. You cannot prove your assertion, apm. You have failed.
I don't make the news, Tiger, I just report it.

You got a complaint, call the companies.

You call her a pussy? When you are scared shitless over a flag? I hope everyone in your neighborhood flies one. I am considering it myself. Never wanted to before.
Congratulations nut, you and your kind has given that flag more power now, than anytime in it's history. Sales up 3000%! Lol

Like you, I had no interest in owning that flag, haven't had in the 50+ years I've been on my own.

But now, I'm tempted.
I agree if hazelnut and his kind learned history they would realize that the confederate flag had nothing to do with racism. Hate groups somehow started that. They would also realize the American flag flew over all slaves from north to south. So the American flag is more racist than the confederate flag, but media matters won't tell him that.
Learn some history of what the confederacy and the flag stood for , It is spelled out in the founding of the confederacy in the cornerstone speech

"The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institutions—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson, in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away... Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the idea of a Government built upon it—when the "storm came and the wind blew, it fell."

Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."
I'm not wasting my time reading your bullshit. The main reason the south wanted to succeed. Was because of tariffs and controlling government. Did you forget northerners also had slaves?
They wanted to succeed? Well, they did not succeed nor were the able to secede. You understand the history of the civil war as well as you understand the difference between "succeed" and "secede".
oh wow. everyone on three


How damn petty can you people get? SERIOUSLY?

I don't make the news, Tiger, I just report it.

You got a complaint, call the companies.

You call her a pussy? When you are scared shitless over a flag? I hope everyone in your neighborhood flies one. I am considering it myself. Never wanted to before.
Congratulations nut, you and your kind has given that flag more power now, than anytime in it's history. Sales up 3000%! Lol

Like you, I had no interest in owning that flag, haven't had in the 50+ years I've been on my own.

But now, I'm tempted.
I had one, bought it at Stuckey's in Texas when I was a kid..............then I grew up and disposed of it properly, as a dust rag.
Conservatives, yes please call in to Dumbaugh every day and demand that Republicans defend and fly the con-federate flag. You should in fact demand that each Republican member of Congress hang a pole with a con-federate flag out of the back window of their limos. And be sure to let Faux News know they need to have the con-federate flag as their new backdrop.

And you should all meet up in front of Walmarts everywhere with myriad con-federate flags and protest.
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.
WalMarts smell.
God bless FREE enterprise and God bless the USA! :thup:

Prominent U.S. flag makers said on Tuesday they will stop manufacturing and selling Confederate battle flags in the wake of last week's attack on worshipers at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Reggie VandenBosch, vice president of sales at the privately owned Valley Forge Flag, said the Pennsylvania-based company came to the decision as pressure grew on South Carolina to remove the banner from outside the State House in Columbia.

Annin Flagmakers, based in Roseland, New Jersey, announced later on Tuesday that it too would stop making the flag used by the pro-slavery Confederate states during the American Civil War of the 1860s.

Eder Flag Manufacturing, a flag maker based in Wisconsin, also said it would no longer sell or manufacture Confederate flags because of the Charleston shooting.

Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags Reuters
Conservatives, yes please call in to Dumbaugh every day and demand that Republicans defend and fly the con-federate flag. You should in fact demand that each Republican member of Congress hang a pole with a con-federate flag out of the back window of their limos. And be sure to let Faux News know they need to have the con-federate flag as their new backdrop.

And you should all meet up in front of Walmarts everywhere with myriad con-federate flags and protest.
I like that...con-federate. Works.
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.
WalMarts smell.
Been to Walmarts from Tx to NH, never been in one that smelled.
Don't care for the lighting, but no unusual smells
Funny how fast so-called "conservatives" run from the Free Market.

Libertarians should support this. Bet they won't.

This isn't the free market, this is pressure from a small small group of vocal social justice ass hats. Has any of these companies suffered any loss of revenue yet? has an official boycott been called or implemented?

For once, I would love to see a company just tell the nattering nabobs of negativism to "f&^k off, and realize these idiots have bark, and no bite.

Pressure from interest groups is part of the 'market'.

It's a false market an exaggerated market, and I don't 100% blame the interest groups doing it, i mostly blame gutless corporations.

The complete failure to adversely impact Chik-fil-a's bottom line should be an example to others.

Bingo! Chick-fil-a has now overtaken KFC as #1. That's why KFC brought the 'Colonel' back in their ads. Looks like bad timing for KFC............:lol:.
They both suck.
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.
WalMarts smell.
mebbe so, buts I lahk it.
Prove it. I produce proof that I'm right. You have nothing.

Suffice it to say, I win.

Sitting there saying you're wrong without backing it up is a non argument.
The North went to war because the Con-federacy fired on a Federal Installation.

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