Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

Lumpy1, the Dems have lived down their past. And now we Pubs must do the same for the last 25 years.

No they haven't and never will. The Democratic Party represents a history of racism and slavery, it's their origin, the reason they were formed and now race baiting is their exclusive domain. The flag controversy is nothing compared to the Democratic Party history and their present day divisiveness.

Yawn, on the Pubs old friend. Just say you're an independent and be done with it...
Hell the KKK was founded by democrats in the south. In fact, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the democratic national convention in 1868.
Nup, the Pubs the last twenty years have generally been bad. The Dems got their act together in the late sixties. Live in the past if you want.
Hell the KKK was founded by democrats in the south. In fact, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the democratic national convention in 1868.
And that is relevant to what? The worst presidents have been members of my party, the GOP? The party has sold itself to corporations and the religious party of social conservatism that includes racism, sexism, and ageism. Are you crazy?
Hell the KKK was founded by democrats in the south. In fact, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the democratic national convention in 1868.
What an original thought. Never heard that before. Who knew that a hundred and fifty fucking years ago there were racists in the party that then dominated the south.
This is just getting crazier and crazier, as if somehow it's the Confederate flag's fault that Roof killed people. And where are the calls for banning the burning of the American flag?! After all, that was another prominent item on Roof's website--a page with pics showing him burning the American flag. Where is the liberal outrage against burning the Stars and Stripes? Where are their demands that burning the American flag be made illegal?
Nup, the Pubs the last twenty years have generally been bad. The Dems got their act together in the late sixties. Live in the past if you want.

The history remains and divisive politics promoted by the Democratic Party on race will not allow the country to move on.
Democrats have split families, promoted drugs into their culture and have made Blacks dependent on government welfare checks in the inner cities and get their votes in fear of losing the only method of survival they have.. where are the jobs and opportunities in Democratic Party controlled inner cities, where are the great educations. Sorry ole friend, your eyes are blind to the realities.
Nope, the hard core conservative right "will not allow the country to move on." Your screed is nonsense, Lumpy1.
This is just getting crazier and crazier, as if somehow it's the Confederate flag's fault that Roof killed people. And where are the calls for banning the burning of the American flag?! After all, that was another prominent item on Roof's website--a page with pics showing him burning the American flag. Where is the liberal outrage against burning the Stars and Stripes? Where are their demands that burning the American flag be made illegal?
Name one person who called for banning the Confederate flag? All that has been asked is that if not fly over the buildings that house the government that serves all of the citizens, black and white.
Nope, the hard core conservative right "will not allow the country to move on." Your screed is nonsense, Lumpy1.

Okay then , tell me all about the great successes Democrats have had for the poor Black race in Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Los Angeles, Baltimore and you pick-em other inner cities that they have politically controlled for generations. Tell me how things have gotten so much better over the past 7 years in employment, education, drug additions, crime and race relations

I'll wait......well, for a while
Nope, the hard core conservative right "will not allow the country to move on." Your screed is nonsense, Lumpy1.

Okay then , tell me all about the great successes Democrats have had for the poor Black race in Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Los Angeles, Baltimore and you pick-em other inner cities that they have politically controlled for generations. Tell me how things have gotten so much better over the past 7 years in employment, education, drug additions, crime and race relations I'll wait......well, for a while
False question. The right question is to check on poverty rates, graduation rates, housing rates, social mobility rates. Answer those. The past is a swamp, and we don't want to go back there.
Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

Prominent U.S. flag makers said on Tuesday they will stop manufacturing and selling Confederate battle flags in the wake of last week's attack on worshipers at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Reggie VandenBosch, vice president of sales at the privately owned Valley Forge Flag, said the Pennsylvania-based company came to the decision as pressure grew on South Carolina to remove the banner from outside the State House in Columbia.

Annin Flagmakers, based in Roseland, New Jersey, announced later on Tuesday that it too would stop making the flag used by the pro-slavery Confederate states during the American Civil War of the 1860s.

Eder Flag Manufacturing, a flag maker based in Wisconsin, also said it would no longer sell or manufacture Confederate flags because of the Charleston shooting.

Hopefully they won't stop making the Confederate Flag toilet paper.
As hannity asked today, will major retailers stop selling rap artists who use the ****** word?
If a market exists, someone will make a product.

That's the American way.

Good Americans want to see the nut out there, so we know who they are and so they expose their stupidity.

That's the American way.
Hopefully they won't stop making the Confederate Flag toilet paper.[/QUOTE]
As hannity asked today, will major retailers stop selling rap artists who use the ****** word?[/QUOTE]

Set up a Straw Man argument. A false argument to divert attention from the real question.

Faux News tenet # 24.
Hopefully they won't stop making the Confederate Flag toilet paper.
As hannity asked today, will major retailers stop selling rap artists who use the ****** word?[/QUOTE]

Set up a Straw Man argument. A false argument to divert attention from the real question.

Faux News tenet # 24.[/QUOTE]
Do you understand a SM argument? Be specific. Give us an example.
Hopefully they won't stop making the Confederate Flag toilet paper.
As hannity asked today, will major retailers stop selling rap artists who use the ****** word?

Set up a Straw Man argument. A false argument to divert attention from the real question.

Faux News tenet # 24.[/QUOTE]
Do you understand a SM argument? Be specific. Give us an example.[/QUOTE]

Yes because in internet land only a link proves anything right? LOL Type 'strawman argument' into any search engine and voila! I've grown tired of doing your work lazy people. Don't like that? Whine some more.

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