Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

So nine people die and a flag decimation is the result. That sounds about right for liberal causes.
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.
WalMarts smell.
Been to Walmarts from Tx to NH, never been in one that smelled.
Don't care for the lighting, but no unusual smells

Ha, Walmarts smell like piss, farts, and shit. Absolute Third World misery. But the white 'Camo & Ammo' racist redneck assholes love it. They can't get enough of they Walmart. Buncha dummies.
Depends on where you live. My walmart is full of yuppies trying to save a buck.
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.
WalMarts smell.
mebbe so, buts I lahk it.

Why?? Stepping into Walmart is like stepping into Third World Misery. The stores are dirty and most of the people who shop there are obese, loud, stinky mutants.

Once you stop shopping there, you quickly realize there are much better places to shop at. You actually get good customers service, the stores are clean & organized, and you don't have to be around so many fat, stinky, loud mutants.
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.
WalMarts smell.
mebbe so, buts I lahk it.

Why?? Stepping into Walmart is like stepping into Third World Misery. The stores are dirty and most of the people who shop there are obese, loud, stinky mutants.

Once you stop shopping there, you quickly realize there are much better places to shop at. You actually get good customers service, the stores are clean & organized, and you don't have to be around so many fat, stinky, loud mutants.
My Walmart is nice cuz it's in a nice neighborhood. That's just how life is, they had to make it nicer here. Standards are higher.
So nine people die and a flag decimation is the result. That sounds about right for liberal causes.

If you were African American, you would feel much differently about the issue.
I already said I could care less if they get rid of that flag. It's just a stupid thing to go mental over in the wake of nine deaths. It's more political bullshit.
Getting rid of a flag won't stop racist psychos from killing people.

The flag didn't make that kid kill those people. He was sick mental a psycho.
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.
WalMarts smell.
Been to Walmarts from Tx to NH, never been in one that smelled.
Don't care for the lighting, but no unusual smells

Ha, Walmarts smell like piss, farts, and shit. Absolute Third World misery. But the white 'Camo & Ammo' racist redneck assholes love it. They can't get enough of they Walmart. Buncha dummies.
Depends on where you live. My walmart is full of yuppies trying to save a buck.

To an extent it does. But let's face it, Walmart attracts a certain crowd. Dumb white Camo-wearing redneck loons especially adore Walmart. They gots to get there and get they some more Camo & Ammo. And their 'Made in China' Confederate and American flags too.

Walmart is stinky Third World misery. You realize that even more once you stop shopping there. You quickly realize there's a lot of good clean stores out there. Stores where you can actually get customer service and don't have to deal with the fat, stinky, loud mutants.
So nine people die and a flag decimation is the result. That sounds about right for liberal causes.

If you were African American, you would feel much differently about the issue.
I already said I could care less if they get rid of that flag. It's just a stupid thing to go mental over in the wake of nine deaths. It's more political bullshit.

Do you think it's a 'stupid thing' that Jews get angry and offended over Nazi Flags?
Nope, the hard core conservative right "will not allow the country to move on." Your screed is nonsense, Lumpy1.

Okay then , tell me all about the great successes Democrats have had for the poor Black race in Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Los Angeles, Baltimore and you pick-em other inner cities that they have politically controlled for generations. Tell me how things have gotten so much better over the past 7 years in employment, education, drug additions, crime and race relations I'll wait......well, for a while
False question. The right question is to check on poverty rates, graduation rates, housing rates, social mobility rates. Answer those. The past is a swamp, and we don't want to go back there.

I give up Jake, you can't seem to discuss the subject in good faith..

...and btw.. there's wisdom to be learned from the past and accepting the realities of the present is a necessity.
Still the irrelevant asshole?
Indeed, you are, Ernie. :)
Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

This is going to make the rebel flag a collectors item for the bigots. They're gonna have to pay big bucks for one now.
Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

This is going to make the rebel flag a collectors item for the bigots. They're gonna have to pay big bucks for one now.

Yeah, when Walmart stops selling em, you know the camo-wearing sister-fuckers are in big trouble. Where they gonna get their racist redneck flag now? ;)
The ad absurdum argument. Every flag makes someone mad so we shouldn't have any.

You can't divorce slavery from the con-federacy in all its forms. You can't. Its time for all this nostalgia for a lost war to go to the museum. You can still go there and feel sad or energized or whatever these objects do for you. It is forever the symbol of slavery and it flies over the churches of people who's ancestors were those slaves.

Its time, it has to go.
OK you can't divorce slavery from the Confederacy. I'll grant you that.
Please connect the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia with the deaths of 9 people in SC.
Oh? Dylan Roof had one? I have one and I haven't shot up a church.

I'm glad you didn't Let's hope ALL other people that have and revere the confederate (insert version) flag also don't pick up a gun in the future.

This has become a moment where the entire South can reconcile with and rejoin the nation. They really never have. And I think they'll find the rest of the country will be happy to welcome them back.

Its long overdue, yes?
Getting rid of a flag won't stop racist psychos from killing people.

The flag didn't make that kid kill those people. He was sick mental a psycho.

You are partially right. The symbols of racism that that flag stand for have been perpetuated in plain site for all to see and by those symbols being given reverential treatment by the state, people view that racism as ok, even if subconsciously.

The whole point is to have children grow up in an atmosphere where the state, or 'authority' isn't aggrandizing that racism.

Children aren't born racist, they are taught it.
Ha, even Walmart getting out of the racist redneck flag business? Oh man, that's classic. The sister-fucking redneck loons are gonna freak. Where do they get their racist flags now? I can see thousands of sister-fuckers firing off those angry Emails to Walmart right now. Hilarious chit. :laugh:
The ad absurdum argument. Every flag makes someone mad so we shouldn't have any.

You can't divorce slavery from the con-federacy in all its forms. You can't. Its time for all this nostalgia for a lost war to go to the museum. You can still go there and feel sad or energized or whatever these objects do for you. It is forever the symbol of slavery and it flies over the churches of people who's ancestors were those slaves.

Its time, it has to go.
OK you can't divorce slavery from the Confederacy. I'll grant you that.
Please connect the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia with the deaths of 9 people in SC.
Oh? Dylan Roof had one? I have one and I haven't shot up a church.

I'm glad you didn't Let's hope ALL other people that have and revere the confederate (insert version) flag also don't pick up a gun in the future.

This has become a moment where the entire South can reconcile with and rejoin the nation. They really never have. And I think they'll find the rest of the country will be happy to welcome them back.

Its long overdue, yes?
We rejoined the nation 150 years ago. We've mostly gotten over the War of Northern Aggression.

Happy to welcome us back? Bullshit!
You won the damned war. We accept that. We have desegregated. (in most cases, after we got rid of the racist Democrats)
We serve all people at out lunch counters. I count many blacks among my friends, even was married to one for several years.
I hung out with a black family most of the day yesterday. I serve blacks at my bar and I socialize with ALL of my neighbors. It's not like up north where I lived most of my life where I wouldn't walk down a poorly lit street without my weapon. I really have nothing to worry about regarding race here.
I still carry though as I sometimes carry a lot of cash, but then, about a quarter of us here carry a piece a good deal of the time.

There ya go... If >13% of the folks Alabama are legally carrying concealed weapons and another 10% carry openly, why are there so many more murders in Chicago where less than 1% of citizens may legally carry?
The ad absurdum argument. Every flag makes someone mad so we shouldn't have any.

You can't divorce slavery from the con-federacy in all its forms. You can't. Its time for all this nostalgia for a lost war to go to the museum. You can still go there and feel sad or energized or whatever these objects do for you. It is forever the symbol of slavery and it flies over the churches of people who's ancestors were those slaves.

Its time, it has to go.
OK you can't divorce slavery from the Confederacy. I'll grant you that.
Please connect the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia with the deaths of 9 people in SC.
Oh? Dylan Roof had one? I have one and I haven't shot up a church.

I'm glad you didn't Let's hope ALL other people that have and revere the confederate (insert version) flag also don't pick up a gun in the future.

This has become a moment where the entire South can reconcile with and rejoin the nation. They really never have. And I think they'll find the rest of the country will be happy to welcome them back.

Its long overdue, yes?
We rejoined the nation 150 years ago. We've mostly gotten over the War of Northern Aggression.

Happy to welcome us back? Bullshit!
You won the damned war. We accept that. We have desegregated. (in most cases, after we got rid of the racist Democrats)
We serve all people at out lunch counters. I count many blacks among my friends, even was married to one for several years.
I hung out with a black family most of the day yesterday. I serve blacks at my bar and I socialize with ALL of my neighbors. It's not like up north where I lived most of my life where I wouldn't walk down a poorly lit street without my weapon. I really have nothing to worry about regarding race here.
I still carry though as I sometimes carry a lot of cash, but then, about a quarter of us here carry a piece a good deal of the time.

There ya go... If >13% of the folks Alabama are legally carrying concealed weapons and another 10% carry openly, why are there so many more murders in Chicago where less than 1% of citizens may legally carry?

Very good, glad to hear you get along with all people and its always good that all people can buy lunch at a lunch counter.

For the gun thing, do some reading on population densities.
You mean to tell me that when you cram a bunch of people together under Democrat mayors you get more murders than in a Conservative state with 10 times as many people legally carrying guns? Really?

OK. I'm confused. Perhaps you should explain how that works.
You mean to tell me that when you cram a bunch of people together under Democrat mayors you get more murders than in a Conservative state with 10 times as many people legally carrying guns? Really?

OK. I'm confused. Perhaps you should explain how that works.

Nah, your entitled to be confused.
The only reason that flag was created was because the south went to war against the United States of America to be able to secede from the union. It's only reason being that they wanted to continue to have nearly free labor by enslaving African Americans. They actually believed that African Americans weren't fully human and existed only to be enslaved by and to work for white men.

The bolded statement is false. The south went to war against the north over states rights. There were slaves in the north at the time as well so explain that. The south objected to a central federal gov't telling them what they could do. Lincoln was on record saying he didn't give a shit about slaves.

Only idiots think the civil war was over slavery.

Here, read and learn.

States Rights
That is an outright lie. Move along. States rights equated to the right to sell and purchase and own and fondle human flesh.

Fakey, don't you think you could at least try to pretend to be a Republican every now and then?

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