Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

Prominent U.S. flag makers said on Tuesday they will stop manufacturing and selling Confederate battle flags in the wake of last week's attack on worshipers at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Reggie VandenBosch, vice president of sales at the privately owned Valley Forge Flag, said the Pennsylvania-based company came to the decision as pressure grew on South Carolina to remove the banner from outside the State House in Columbia.

Annin Flagmakers, based in Roseland, New Jersey, announced later on Tuesday that it too would stop making the flag used by the pro-slavery Confederate states during the American Civil War of the 1860s.

Eder Flag Manufacturing, a flag maker based in Wisconsin, also said it would no longer sell or manufacture Confederate flags because of the Charleston shooting.

Hopefully they won't stop making the Confederate Flag toilet paper.

All get that people have always had a problem with what the confederate flag stands for. But doing something like that in the wake of tragic events is wrong. Supposing the KKK and skinheads start posing with the American Flag ( which they have done) . You ban that too? Its not really the Flag that was the Problem. The SC shooter has a drug warped mind and doesnt share the same reality as your every day American, so the whole connection is BS

If thats the case, maybe we should change policy every time something bad happens, Maybe the next time theres another Major Nidal Hassan type incident or Boston bombing, we can look for some Muslim symbols to remove from public. Or maybe Christian ones too.

When it comes down to it the idea of any symbol at all seems like a biased concept to begin with that goes back many thousands of years, its time as humans we leave these foolish ideas behind.
Every nation, state and country should have the same plain blue colored blank flag flying above their capitol, no more problems.
Nope, the hard core conservative right "will not allow the country to move on." Your screed is nonsense, Lumpy1.

Okay then , tell me all about the great successes Democrats have had for the poor Black race in Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Los Angeles, Baltimore and you pick-em other inner cities that they have politically controlled for generations. Tell me how things have gotten so much better over the past 7 years in employment, education, drug additions, crime and race relations I'll wait......well, for a while
False question. The right question is to check on poverty rates, graduation rates, housing rates, social mobility rates. Answer those. The past is a swamp, and we don't want to go back there.

I give up Jake, you can't seem to discuss the subject in good faith..

...and btw.. there's wisdom to be learned from the past and accepting the realities of the present is a necessity.
The ad absurdum argument. Every flag makes someone mad so we shouldn't have any.

You can't divorce slavery from the con-federacy in all its forms. You can't. Its time for all this nostalgia for a lost war to go to the museum. You can still go there and feel sad or energized or whatever these objects do for you. It is forever the symbol of slavery and it flies over the churches of people who's ancestors were those slaves.

Its time, it has to go.
oh wow. everyone on three


How damn petty can you people get? SERIOUSLY?

And in the other thread the libs are trying to convince us they don't want to band the confederate flag. Mark my words this will blow up in their faces just like it always does when the freaks overreach. Here's an idea, with a presidential election coming up go out of your way to piss off the south and turn out the vote, brilliant. lol
Republicans have already figured out this is a HUGE losing position for them and are backtracking to the beach at Atlanta.
oh wow. everyone on three


How damn petty can you people get? SERIOUSLY?

I don't make the news, Tiger, I just report it.

You got a complaint, call the companies.

You call her a pussy? When you are scared shitless over a flag? I hope everyone in your neighborhood flies one. I am considering it myself. Never wanted to before.
Congratulations nut, you and your kind has given that flag more power now, than anytime in it's history. Sales up 3000%! Lol
Sales up 3000 % at one place. And, please do fly it. All of you hateful, racist pricks should fly it so we know where you live.
Is that a threat? I can exercise my second amendment right, so i'm not worried.
You call her a pussy? When you are scared shitless over a flag? I hope everyone in your neighborhood flies one. I am considering it myself. Never wanted to before.
Congratulations nut, you and your kind has given that flag more power now, than anytime in it's history. Sales up 3000%! Lol

Like you, I had no interest in owning that flag, haven't had in the 50+ years I've been on my own.

But now, I'm tempted.
I agree if hazelnut and his kind learned history they would realize that the confederate flag had nothing to do with racism. Hate groups somehow started that. They would also realize the American flag flew over all slaves from north to south. So the American flag is more racist than the confederate flag, but media matters won't tell him that.
Learn some history of what the confederacy and the flag stood for , It is spelled out in the founding of the confederacy in the cornerstone speech

"The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institutions—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson, in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away... Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the idea of a Government built upon it—when the "storm came and the wind blew, it fell."

Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."
I'm not wasting my time reading your bullshit. The main reason the south wanted to succeed. Was because of tariffs and controlling government. Did you forget northerners also had slaves?
They wanted to succeed? Well, they did not succeed nor were the able to secede. You understand the history of the civil war as well as you understand the difference between "succeed" and "secede".
If you northerners hate the south so bad, then why did you fight to keep it?
Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

Prominent U.S. flag makers said on Tuesday they will stop manufacturing and selling Confederate battle flags in the wake of last week's attack on worshipers at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Reggie VandenBosch, vice president of sales at the privately owned Valley Forge Flag, said the Pennsylvania-based company came to the decision as pressure grew on South Carolina to remove the banner from outside the State House in Columbia.

Annin Flagmakers, based in Roseland, New Jersey, announced later on Tuesday that it too would stop making the flag used by the pro-slavery Confederate states during the American Civil War of the 1860s.

Eder Flag Manufacturing, a flag maker based in Wisconsin, also said it would no longer sell or manufacture Confederate flags because of the Charleston shooting.

Hopefully they won't stop making the Confederate Flag toilet paper.
So? People will just use the others.

Demand for flags, regardless of what you or anyone else thinks of them, will remain. That demand will be filled.
Hopefully they won't stop making the Confederate Flag toilet paper.
As hannity asked today, will major retailers stop selling rap artists who use the ****** word?[/QUOTE]

Set up a Straw Man argument. A false argument to divert attention from the real question.

Faux News tenet # 24.[/QUOTE]
Your straw man has shit on his dick...izzat yours?
The only reason that flag was created was because the south went to war against the United States of America to be able to secede from the union. It's only reason being that they wanted to continue to have nearly free labor by enslaving African Americans. They actually believed that African Americans weren't fully human and existed only to be enslaved by and to work for white men.

The bolded statement is false. The south went to war against the north over states rights. There were slaves in the north at the time as well so explain that. The south objected to a central federal gov't telling them what they could do. Lincoln was on record saying he didn't give a shit about slaves.

Only idiots think the civil war was over slavery.

Here, read and learn.

States Rights

Slavery ended in the northern states by 1804. So when the civil war started nearly 60 years later all African Americans in the north were free.

The Battle for Abolition . Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided . WGBH American Experience | PBS

As for states rights. Yes they wanted state right to enslave African Americans.

The south went to war against The United States of America in 1861. That confederate flag was created in 1861 for a group of states that wanted to secede from the union.

I have never heard of any statement from Lincoln that he didn't care about the slaves. The civil war was about slavery. If Lincoln didn't care about slaves then you're saying the Emancipation Proclamation is a lie.

Which is a very dishonest statement.

All of the formal documents from that time by the confederate states, clearly states in the first paragraph that they are leaving the union because they wanted to keep slavery. That African Americans aren't equal to white people and were created by the christian god to be enslaved and work for white men.

Take a few moments to learn the honest history of our nation. Look up the documents of secession by all of the southern states and you will see that you're wrong and I'm right.

That is if you're an honest person.
The only reason that flag was created was because the south went to war against the United States of America to be able to secede from the union. It's only reason being that they wanted to continue to have nearly free labor by enslaving African Americans. They actually believed that African Americans weren't fully human and existed only to be enslaved by and to work for white men.

The bolded statement is false. The south went to war against the north over states rights. There were slaves in the north at the time as well so explain that. The south objected to a central federal gov't telling them what they could do. Lincoln was on record saying he didn't give a shit about slaves.

Only idiots think the civil war was over slavery.

Here, read and learn.

States Rights

Slavery ended in the northern states by 1804. So when the civil war started nearly 60 years later all African Americans in the north were free.

The Battle for Abolition . Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided . WGBH American Experience | PBS

As for states rights. Yes they wanted state right to enslave African Americans.

The south went to war against The United States of America in 1861. That confederate flag was created in 1861 for a group of states that wanted to secede from the union.

I have never heard of any statement from Lincoln that he didn't care about the slaves. The civil war was about slavery. If Lincoln didn't care about slaves then you're saying the Emancipation Proclamation is a lie.

Which is a very dishonest statement.

All of the formal documents from that time by the confederate states, clearly states in the first paragraph that they are leaving the union because they wanted to keep slavery. That African Americans aren't equal to white people and were created by the christian god to be enslaved and work for white men.

Take a few moments to learn the honest history of our nation. Look up the documents of secession by all of the southern states and you will see that you're wrong and I'm right.

That is if you're an honest person.
Those documents state that they wished to leave the Union because the felt they had the right to self determination, as each state did from the time of our inception.

As for the Emancipation do realize it was a strategic war tactic, right? Lincoln hoped to enlist the aid of the blacks in the south to rise up against the Confederate army.
Major U.S. flag makers to stop making Confederate flags

Prominent U.S. flag makers said on Tuesday they will stop manufacturing and selling Confederate battle flags in the wake of last week's attack on worshipers at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Reggie VandenBosch, vice president of sales at the privately owned Valley Forge Flag, said the Pennsylvania-based company came to the decision as pressure grew on South Carolina to remove the banner from outside the State House in Columbia.

Annin Flagmakers, based in Roseland, New Jersey, announced later on Tuesday that it too would stop making the flag used by the pro-slavery Confederate states during the American Civil War of the 1860s.

Eder Flag Manufacturing, a flag maker based in Wisconsin, also said it would no longer sell or manufacture Confederate flags because of the Charleston shooting.

Hopefully they won't stop making the Confederate Flag toilet paper.

All get that people have always had a problem with what the confederate flag stands for. But doing something like that in the wake of tragic events is wrong. Supposing the KKK and skinheads start posing with the American Flag ( which they have done) . You ban that too? Its not really the Flag that was the Problem. The SC shooter has a drug warped mind and doesnt share the same reality as your every day American, so the whole connection is BS

If thats the case, maybe we should change policy every time something bad happens, Maybe the next time theres another Major Nidal Hassan type incident or Boston bombing, we can look for some Muslim symbols to remove from public. Or maybe Christian ones too.

When it comes down to it the idea of any symbol at all seems like a biased concept to begin with that goes back many thousands of years, its time as humans we leave these foolish ideas behind.
Every nation, state and country should have the same plain blue colored blank flag flying above their capitol, no more problems.
No one banned any flags. They simply want the racist symbol out of the grounds of the Capitol. Why is this too hard for you idiots to understand?
Nope, the hard core conservative right "will not allow the country to move on." Your screed is nonsense, Lumpy1.

Okay then , tell me all about the great successes Democrats have had for the poor Black race in Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Los Angeles, Baltimore and you pick-em other inner cities that they have politically controlled for generations. Tell me how things have gotten so much better over the past 7 years in employment, education, drug additions, crime and race relations I'll wait......well, for a while
False question. The right question is to check on poverty rates, graduation rates, housing rates, social mobility rates. Answer those. The past is a swamp, and we don't want to go back there.

I give up Jake, you can't seem to discuss the subject in good faith..

...and btw.. there's wisdom to be learned from the past and accepting the realities of the present is a necessity.
Still the irrelevant asshole?
The ad absurdum argument. Every flag makes someone mad so we shouldn't have any.

You can't divorce slavery from the con-federacy in all its forms. You can't. Its time for all this nostalgia for a lost war to go to the museum. You can still go there and feel sad or energized or whatever these objects do for you. It is forever the symbol of slavery and it flies over the churches of people who's ancestors were those slaves.

Its time, it has to go.
OK you can't divorce slavery from the Confederacy. I'll grant you that.
Please connect the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia with the deaths of 9 people in SC.
Oh? Dylan Roof had one? I have one and I haven't shot up a church.
The only reason that flag was created was because the south went to war against the United States of America to be able to secede from the union. It's only reason being that they wanted to continue to have nearly free labor by enslaving African Americans. They actually believed that African Americans weren't fully human and existed only to be enslaved by and to work for white men.

The bolded statement is false. The south went to war against the north over states rights. There were slaves in the north at the time as well so explain that. The south objected to a central federal gov't telling them what they could do. Lincoln was on record saying he didn't give a shit about slaves.

Only idiots think the civil war was over slavery.

Here, read and learn.

States Rights

Slavery ended in the northern states by 1804. So when the civil war started nearly 60 years later all African Americans in the north were free.

The Battle for Abolition . Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided . WGBH American Experience | PBS

As for states rights. Yes they wanted state right to enslave African Americans.

The south went to war against The United States of America in 1861. That confederate flag was created in 1861 for a group of states that wanted to secede from the union.

I have never heard of any statement from Lincoln that he didn't care about the slaves. The civil war was about slavery. If Lincoln didn't care about slaves then you're saying the Emancipation Proclamation is a lie.

Which is a very dishonest statement.

All of the formal documents from that time by the confederate states, clearly states in the first paragraph that they are leaving the union because they wanted to keep slavery. That African Americans aren't equal to white people and were created by the christian god to be enslaved and work for white men.

Take a few moments to learn the honest history of our nation. Look up the documents of secession by all of the southern states and you will see that you're wrong and I'm right.

That is if you're an honest person.
Those documents state that they wished to leave the Union because the felt they had the right to self determination, as each state did from the time of our inception.

As for the Emancipation do realize it was a strategic war tactic, right? Lincoln hoped to enlist the aid of the blacks in the south to rise up against the Confederate army.
The EP was propaganda. It carried as much weight as a Presidential proclamation outlawing vodka in Russia.
The ad absurdum argument. Every flag makes someone mad so we shouldn't have any.

You can't divorce slavery from the con-federacy in all its forms. You can't. Its time for all this nostalgia for a lost war to go to the museum. You can still go there and feel sad or energized or whatever these objects do for you. It is forever the symbol of slavery and it flies over the churches of people who's ancestors were those slaves.

Its time, it has to go.
OK you can't divorce slavery from the Confederacy. I'll grant you that.
Please connect the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia with the deaths of 9 people in SC.
Oh? Dylan Roof had one? I have one and I haven't shot up a church.
The flag should never have been flown over any governmental facility in the first place. It should not be removed because of what one right wing racist did; it should be removed because it is a symbol of treason and racism.
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.

Walmart is scary. It's inbred redneck hell.
Around here it's black gangbanger hell. Kmart is mexican gangbanger hell.

Oh yeah, that's common at Walmarts too. Inbred rednecks and Hood folks love they some Walmart. A truly miserable shopping experience. I stopped shopping there years ago. There's a lot of good stores out there. Ones where you get good customer service and you don' have to deal with the stinky loud mutant hordes .
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.
WalMarts smell.

They sure do. In the South it's mostly stinky obese 'Camo & Ammo' inbred rednecks who shop there. Used to seem em line up in droves to buy their 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Very dumb racist people. Had to stop shopping there.
Yup, ima goin to Walmart to get ma Camo & Ammo. Then ima gonna get ma 'Made in China' Confederate and American Flags. Cuz ima good ole camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred redneck white guy.

:laugh: Seriously, Republicans need to start distancing themselves from their redneck loons. They're not helping their Party.

I take it Walmart scares you.

Will entering the store prevent you from entering Heaven?

Will you burst into flame when you enter the parking lot?

Or are you just afraid you'll be proven wrong.
WalMarts smell.
Been to Walmarts from Tx to NH, never been in one that smelled.
Don't care for the lighting, but no unusual smells

Ha, Walmarts smell like piss, farts, and shit. Absolute Third World misery. But the white 'Camo & Ammo' racist redneck assholes love it. They can't get enough of they Walmart. Buncha dummies.

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