Major University demands students reject science, perpetuate lies

Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.

No one has a right not to be offended, snowflakes need to learn the old sticks and stones adage. It will make life much easier for them.

So how about I follow you around the forum and call you by.the wrong pronoun for a few weeks or months?
The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them 1st Amendment right to accurately refer to you as “she” trumps your butthurt little feelings. Idiot.
Lol, there are limits you know. Ever heard of hate speech?
Yes, I have heard of “hate speech”. And it is 100% legal, you dumb dimwit. :lmao:

(Just ask the Nazi’s in Skokie, Illinois :eusa_dance:)

Yeah, we're not supposed to yell out, "Fire!" in a crowded space. So don't go Flaming all over public spaces either. Keep it on the down low, you know?
So how about I follow you around the forum and call you by.the wrong pronoun for a few weeks or months?
And therein lies the problem, you ignorant tool. It is not the “wrong pronoun” to call a man a man. It is not the “wrong pronoun” to call a woman a woman.

What your ignorant ass is advocating for is to actually deny science, reason, fact, and reality to actually use the wrong pronoun. Asshole.
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Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.

Yeah, but what about when some snowflakey little bitch starts getting pushy with a professor over it to the point the professor is simply tired of dealing with his/her/it/shits nonsense? Also, expelling other students? Maybe they should just ban use of gender pronouns all together.
People are able to think for themselves you know. Effort will be made to limit abuse of the rule.

I don't know man. If somebody politely asked me to accommodate their pronoun preference I'd probably oblige them because I am a nice guy like that, but telling me an education professional could lose their job or a student could be expelled for not accommodating non-truth at a higher learning institution? Fuck that shit.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

And your average liberal intellectual will actually dare to argue from 'higher' moral ground against our President. This denial of human fact is of course sponsored by the radical Left cultural revolution.
Yes how terrible that people are educated. Loons
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

And your average liberal intellectual will actually dare to argue from 'higher' moral ground against our President. This denial of human fact is of course sponsored by the radical Left cultural revolution.
Yes how terrible that people are educated. Loons

Good thing you've arrived to illustrate life for the rest of us 'loons'.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
How about race? Say I feel like black female today and want to run a chapter of the NAACP? Maybe I feel like a native american and want a teaching gig and use how I feel to get it. These are valid choices on the left.

Bunch of nut jobs.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

And your average liberal intellectual will actually dare to argue from 'higher' moral ground against our President. This denial of human fact is of course sponsored by the radical Left cultural revolution.
Yes how terrible that people are educated. Loons

Boys are girls, girls are boys, up is down and down is up.


And if you've got a problem with it you're fucking fired.
Yeah, we're not supposed to yell out, "Fire!" in a crowded space.
And even that, idiot progressives don’t understand. Go outside and scream “fire! fire!”. I guarantee nothing will happen to you.

The reason you can’t do that in a crowded theater is not because of some imagined limitation on your freedom of speech. It’s because you are on the private property of a private owner and you agree to their terms. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to go. If you do go, you must obey their rules.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

And your average liberal intellectual will actually dare to argue from 'higher' moral ground against our President. This denial of human fact is of course sponsored by the radical Left cultural revolution.
Yes how terrible that people are educated. Loons

Boys are girls, girls are boys, up is down and down is up.


And if you've got a problem with it you're fucking fired.
Why do you care what people call themselves. It’s none of your business
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

And your average liberal intellectual will actually dare to argue from 'higher' moral ground against our President. This denial of human fact is of course sponsored by the radical Left cultural revolution.
Yes how terrible that people are educated. Loons

Good thing you've arrived to illustrate life for the rest of us 'loons'.
Honey you should get an education. Then you’ll realize how stupid trumpkins sound

Adversely, I removed myself from Marx's ass decades ago.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

And your average liberal intellectual will actually dare to argue from 'higher' moral ground against our President. This denial of human fact is of course sponsored by the radical Left cultural revolution.
Yes how terrible that people are educated. Loons

Boys are girls, girls are boys, up is down and down is up.


And if you've got a problem with it you're fucking fired.
Why do you care what people call themselves. It’s none of your business

I don't. I care when you tell me you think a professor should be fired or a student should be expelled for not accommodating non-truth at fucking college of all places. For real?
anyone claiming to be anything other a male or female should have "has serious mental issues" tattooed on their foreheads
Anyone claiming to be anything other than what they biologically are should receive serious mental health treatment. Not be indulged by mandates.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.

As I watch teenagers...

The ones from the tolerant generation...




Laugh at...


The aging Transexual waiting for a train in Silver Spring Maryland...

Where were you when he... or she... shed tears of humiliation and embarrassment.

Welcome to the real world...

Even in Progressive Maryland.

Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.

No one has a right not to be offended, snowflakes need to learn the old sticks and stones adage. It will make life much easier for them.

So how about I follow you around the forum and call you by.the wrong pronoun for a few weeks or months?

Feel free, I do it to other idiots all the time, I figure if they can support changing genders, I have every right to make their gender situational as well.

Why do you care what people call themselves. It’s none of your business
I don't. I care when you tell me you think a professor should be fired or a student should be expelled for not accommodating non-truth at fucking college of all places. For real?
Bingo! Ding...Ding...Ding...Ding...Ding....winner, winner, chicken dinner! Ignorant statists like jillian can’t accept that we will not be forced to perpetuate a lie or deny reality.

You’re more than welcome to call yourself anything you want. But you don’t have the right to force us to follow suite. It speaks volumes that the left now feels the need to force people to tell lies (since they can’t convince people to believe their lies).
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

And your average liberal intellectual will actually dare to argue from 'higher' moral ground against our President. This denial of human fact is of course sponsored by the radical Left cultural revolution.
Yes how terrible that people are educated. Loons

The word is "indoctrinated".

Yes how terrible that people are educated.
That has literally been the mantra of the left since the beginning. :lmao:

The left needs an ignorant electorate and they know it. So that’s what they work to build.
Why do you care what people call themselves. It’s none of your business
I don't. I care when you tell me you think a professor should be fired or a student should be expelled for not accommodating non-truth at fucking college of all places. For real?
Bingo! Ding...Ding...Ding...Ding...Ding....winner, winner, chicken dinner! Ignorant statists like jillian can’t accept that we will not be forced to perpetuate a lie or deny reality.

You’re more than welcome to call yourself anything you want. But you don’t have the right to force us to follow suite. It speaks volumes that the left now feels the need to force people to tell lies (since they can’t convince people to believe their lies).

The Radical Left has forced this kind of denial of scientific truth prior to every cultural takeover. Call them out; they redirect. It's a form of debate wherein Leftists assign psychological illness to the opposition's argument, thereby dismissing the argument without recognizing its validity.

The Authoritarian Personality - Wikipedia
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