Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel

"Only a dishonest person would leave out the remainder of what follows after "Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either". "

Thus it is apodictic that 'dreolin' is a dishonest person as 'dreolin' *also* left out the remainder.

I offered an opinion and was under no obligation to provide the information that Mojo2 failed to provide in a what was definition, which was dishonest on his or her part. If anyone is being apodictic, it is Mojo2 for defining Jihad with that incomplete definition and presenting it as fact.

Nope, Mojo's post doesn't qualify for correct usage of that word. The only example of same was in the one post by 'dreolin' as noted.

Since I apparently need to explain further: 'dreolin' gave a definition of what a 'dishonest' person would do - and in that post *'dreolin' satisfied the definition which 'dreolin' had given (by omitting as noted)for 'a dishonest person'*.

What i gave was an opinion that required no definition. What Mojo2 gave was an impartial definition which was deliberately misleading and was dishonest, in my OPINION.

Shall we move on to "nit pickers" or "silliness" or will you allow me to just decline to discuss whether a boycott of Israel by non-Muslims is somehow an act of Jihad. You seem to have very little or no problem with "honest" statement.
This is your source??

The New Encyclopedia Britannica

Jihad, also spelled jehad, Arabic jihad (“fight,” or “battle”) a religious duty imposed on Muslims to spread Islam by waging war; jihad has come to denote any conflict waged for principle or belief and is often translated to mean “holy war.”

Islam distinguishes four ways by which the duty of jihad can be fulfilled: by the heart, the tongue, the hand, and the sword. The first consists in a spiritual purification of one’s own heart by doing battle with the devil and overcoming his inducements to evil. The propagation of Islam through the tongue and hand is accomplished in large measure by supporting which is right and correcting what is wrong. The fourth way to fulfill one’s duty is to wage war physically against unbelievers and enemies of the Islamic faith. Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either embrace Islam or at least submit themselves to Islamic rule and pay a poll and land tax. If both options were rejected, jihad was declared.
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"So you are against what one of your most famous and well known leaders has said."

Yes, Jews are notorious for disagreeing with authority figures (=GOD) when we feel it's necessary. And you seem to need to present that as a negative. I can't imagine why, except from a fascist POV where unquestioning followers are desired.

As to the noise about anti-Semitism: you are using a known Nazi apologetics site and quoting a notorious neo-Nazi. It's exceedingly unreasonable of you to expect people to not notice the rampant Jew-hatred involved in that site.

Not to mention that 'anti-semitism' is apodictic as part of the world view of a poster ID'ing themselves as a 'National Socialist' and quoting Hitler in their sig line .... It's incredibly disingenuous of such an individual to complain about that.
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Well, good for the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association for joining the boycott. it seems like a lot of small and disenfranchised groups are joining together to protest the Jewish States treatment of the Palestiniansand have a very loud voice, judging from the reaction of the "power structure.".

That is what democracy looks like.

There sure are a lot of articles by those opposed to the boycott who tell us how it isn't working and how it is so wrong. It probably would have died long ago were it not for the publicity. Now, it is too big to kill.
Wow, that flew right over your head
We can gauge the level of this forum

What didn't fly over my head is that a Jewish editorial writer for a pro-Israel conservative magazine was writing an opinion piece damning a Native American student group for supporting BDS and that a Zionist poster is trying to foist that on other readers of this board, you self-serving, arrogant...
Meh...these lame-ass boycotts never have and will get anywhere.

You wanna know why?

Israelis are the good guys. Plain and simple. Anybody can see that.

You can put a lipstick on a Pali-pig but its still a pig.

Keep wanking.
Quotes from the article Aris2Chat linked to:

“The ASA is a disgrace, a shell of its former self. It has been taken up by folks in ideological overdrive who use it as a vehicle for their favorite causes,” emailed David Hollinger, a history professor at UC Berkeley and a former president of the Organization of American Historians.

“Obviously this is an outrage. But If I'm surprised, I'm not shocked, given American Studies’ pseudo-scholarly drift in recent years,” said Sean Wilentz, a history professor at Princeton University and contributing editor at this magazine, who ran Princeton’s American Studies program for years.

“What a disgrace,” said Steve Whitfield, professor of American civilization at Brandeis. “Unfortunately I resigned in a huff from the ASA over two decades ago, so I can’t resign again.”
Wow, that flew right over your head
We can gauge the level of this forum

What didn't fly over my head is that a Jewish editorial writer for a pro-Israel conservative magazine was writing an opinion piece damning a Native American student group for supporting BDS and that a Zionist poster is trying to foist that on other readers of this board, you self-serving, arrogant...

NB: At no time does the 'reply' above actually address the substance of the article in question: the poster appears to prefer name-calling and exaggeration to discussing the points raised in the article.
We are having many BDS wins, it is so exciting for the people of conscience in our world coming together in this beautiful international BDS Movement.

I was just reading comments about how this BDS Movement is invigorating young Jews of conscience, putting them in touch with their heritage of caring about matters of justice. A beautiful comment from a beautiful person.

GOD thank you, I praise you, for blessing BDS!
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We are having many BDS wins, it is so exciting for the people of conscience in our world coming together in this beautiful international BDS Movement.

I was just reading comments about how this BDS Movement is invigorating young Jews of conscience, putting them in touch with their heritage of caring about matters of justice. A beautiful comment from a beautiful person.

GOD thank you, I praise you, for blessing BDS!
Can you list some of BDS' (Bowel Discharge Syndrome) wins. For a movement that has scammed people for over 10 years, it seems it has achieved less than nothing. Ha ha ha.

The BDS movement against Israel has accomplished less than nothing

From the slogans emitted by BDS champions (including, at times, Canada’s own Naomi Klein), one would think that BDS was on the cusp of bringing Israel to its knees. Yet since 2004 — the period corresponding to the lifespan of the BDS movement — Israel’s economy generally has been booming, especially in the areas of telecommunications, computer technology, aviation, specialty medical equipment, military hardware and natural gas.

The eastern Mediterranean has seen its share of economic collapse in recent years — including in Greece, Cyprus, Egypt and Syria. Yet to the BDS crowd’s chagrin, Israel has kept rolling along, even while waging three minor military conflicts (one against Hezbollah, two against Hamas), losing an important alliance with Turkey, and suffering international opprobrium in the wake of the 2011 flotilla raid. All of this makes the BDS campaign against Israel appear not only bigoted, but ridiculous.

But eight years in, the movement has accomplished nothing. Indeed, less than nothing: For it is thanks to BDS, and similar gestures of anti-Israel antipathy (especially at the UN), that many Israelis — including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — have become convinced that their country will always be the victim of a vicious moral double standard. If Mr. Netanyahu has struck a more standoffish, militant, uncompromising tone than his predecessors when dealing with the international community, it is largely because he has come to see the hatred of his country as irrational and unremitting.
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We are having many BDS wins, it is so exciting for the people of conscience in our world coming together in this beautiful international BDS Movement.

I was just reading comments about how this BDS Movement is invigorating young Jews of conscience, putting them in touch with their heritage of caring about matters of justice. A beautiful comment from a beautiful person.

GOD thank you, I praise you, for blessing BDS!

Notice that Mrs. Sherri never thanks God for having her Muslim friends live in such proverty in many Muslim countries that they have to risk their lives trying to get to Europe. I was just reading a comment to some article about the boycott of Israeli scholars. Strange how thee bullies always pick on the smaller guys and not the larger ones. Hamm, maybe Ms. Sherri can convince her friends to start boycotting Chinese goods.

Why boycott the Israelis? -
We are having many BDS wins, it is so exciting for the people of conscience in our world coming together in this beautiful international BDS Movement.

I was just reading comments about how this BDS Movement is invigorating young Jews of conscience, putting them in touch with their heritage of caring about matters of justice. A beautiful comment from a beautiful person.

GOD thank you, I praise you, for blessing BDS!
I was under the impression Jesus said not to judge other people. I can't find anything that says Frau Sherri outranks Jesus. So that makes BDS just so much hosscrap.
We are having many BDS wins, it is so exciting for the people of conscience in our world coming together in this beautiful international BDS Movement.

I was just reading comments about how this BDS Movement is invigorating young Jews of conscience, putting them in touch with their heritage of caring about matters of justice. A beautiful comment from a beautiful person.

GOD thank you, I praise you, for blessing BDS!
I was under the impression Jesus said not to judge other people. I can't find anything that says Frau Sherri outranks Jesus. So that makes BDS just so much hosscrap.

The concept of judging another is forming an opinion about their relationship with God. That is what Jesus refused to do Himself and tells His followers not to do.

Confronting Injustice with Truth is an act of love and Matthew 23 is an illustration of that.

My comments about BDS are not judging others.

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