Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel

Ah, PressTV - the 'news outlet' which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Iranian mullahs. Surely a source of much reliable and accurate information..... And note the comments from the Russian Muslim official.

Isn't it possible that the Russians and their Iranian stooges will try ANYTHING to divert the world's attention away from 120,000 murdered Syrians - brought about by Baby Butcher Assad's refusal to allow any loosening of his family's death-grip on Syrian rule????

Israel is 'killing' so many Palestinians that it's the ONLY place in the whole ME where the Christian population is actually growing (as the Palestinan population is overall)......
It's apparent the ASA did not give too much thought to the legal liability that their unwise action -- boycotting Israeli academia -- will bring unto the association (losing its 501 [c] [3] tax exemption), and its members, employees of state universities and city colleges, where such action is illegal:

Schooling the ASA on boycotting Israel/By Nitsana Darshan-Leitner/Dec. 15, 2013

Last week, the American Studies Association’s (ASA) national council, unanimously passed a resolution calling for the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The ASA, which bills itself as the “oldest and largest association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of American culture and history,” then took the unusual step of asking its reportedly 5,000 members to cast their own votes on upholding the anti-Israel policy. While the deadline to reject the resolution runs out today, Sunday, December 15, the ASA scholars, which fancy themselves as the leading authorities on all things American, seem to have overlooked one small matter – a boycott resolution of this nature violates international, federal and state law in the United States. They leave the ASA and its membership open to both civil and criminal liability.

It is highly disturbing that an association of professors and academics could believe that a one-sided resolution targeting only the Jewish State would in any way assist in bringing peace to our region. It is sickening that an organization which claims to be liberal and progressive should undertake the types of boycotts that American Jewish groups like the Wiesenthal Center and ADL have labelled as anti-Semitic. Moreover, it is nothing short of ironic that the ASA, which claims it ‘represents divergent opinions,’ would actively choose to exclude such voices. Even more ludicrous is the resolution’s suggestion that Israel’s academia is anything but free to engage, and well versed, in the vocal criticism of government policy – from all sides of the political spectrum. Israel’s centers of higher learning are also key areas in which Jews, Muslims and Christians work and live side by side, united by academic advancements – a fact that begs even greater questions of the desire to silence their voices.

Schooling the ASA on boycotting Israel | Nitsana Darshan-Leitner | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel

It will be a very sad state of affairs when religions and nationalities are considered races and become protected under racial discrimination laws.

Maybe Ms. Darshan-Leitner will aid me in making out a grocery list that complies with her ideas of "legality. I am going to be pretty busy kissing my individual and constitutionally ptotected liberties good-bye.

The above article/opinion is just a carefully crafted bit of word-smithing and misdirection designed to scare people.
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And sometimes slowly and sometimes more rapidly the drop, drop, drop of individual and collective acts of Jihad quietly goes forward producing a quiet little victory here, a seemingly insignifican't bit of progress there until one day a development like this occurs.

And we all glance at the headline and quickly forget about it.

And the dutiful Jihadists by the thousands take heart and then return to their struggle to help Islam achieve global dominance.

A drop at a time.

While Americans do not enough..

I think the description of a boycott as an act of Jihad (an erroneous and bigoted use of that word) just shows how desperate some people are becoming.
And sometimes slowly and sometimes more rapidly the drop, drop, drop of individual and collective acts of Jihad quietly goes forward producing a quiet little victory here, a seemingly insignifican't bit of progress there until one day a development like this occurs.

And we all glance at the headline and quickly forget about it.

And the dutiful Jihadists by the thousands take heart and then return to their struggle to help Islam achieve global dominance.

A drop at a time.

While Americans do not enough..

I think the description of a boycott as an act of Jihad (an erroneous and bigoted use of that word) just shows how desperate some people are becoming.

Check your definition of the word, "Jihad."

Here's one.

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica

jihad, also spelled jehad , (“struggle,” or “battle”).

A religious duty imposed on Muslims to spread Islam

by waging war; jihad has come to denote any conflict waged for principle or belief and is often translated to mean “holy war.”

Islam distinguishes four ways by which the duty of jihad can be fulfilled: by the heart, the tongue, the hand, and the sword.

The first consists in a spiritual purification of one’s own heart by doing battle with the devil and overcoming his inducements to evil. The propagation of Islam through the tongue and hand is accomplished in large measure by supporting what is right and correcting what is wrong. The fourth way to fulfill one’s duty is to wage war physically against unbelievers and enemies of the Islamic faith. Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either ...

jihad (Islam) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
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And sometimes slowly and sometimes more rapidly the drop, drop, drop of individual and collective acts of Jihad quietly goes forward producing a quiet little victory here, a seemingly insignifican't bit of progress there until one day a development like this occurs.

And we all glance at the headline and quickly forget about it.

And the dutiful Jihadists by the thousands take heart and then return to their struggle to help Islam achieve global dominance.

A drop at a time.

While Americans do not enough..

I think the description of a boycott as an act of Jihad (an erroneous and bigoted use of that word) just shows how desperate some people are becoming.

Check your definition of the word, "Jihad."

Here's one.

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica

jihad, also spelled jehad , (“struggle,” or “battle”).

A religious duty imposed on Muslims to spread Islam

by waging war; jihad has come to denote any conflict waged for principle or belief and is often translated to mean “holy war.”

Islam distinguishes four ways by which the duty of jihad can be fulfilled: by the heart, the tongue, the hand, and the sword.

The first consists in a spiritual purification of one’s own heart by doing battle with the devil and overcoming his inducements to evil. The propagation of Islam through the tongue and hand is accomplished in large measure by supporting what is right and correcting what is wrong. The fourth way to fulfill one’s duty is to wage war physically against unbelievers and enemies of the Islamic faith. Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either ...

jihad (Islam) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

We are talking about a non-Muslim organization conducting a boycott. You do know that, don't you, or are you blinded by your bigotry and hatred?

Only a dishonest person would leave out the remainder of what follows after "Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either".
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A real boycott won't happen- they're like the 51st state ...just too rw now...

And aside from this thread the most idiotic statement I've read this year.
Obviously you don't comprehend the power AIPAC has on this countries elections and policies. His reply was correct Israel is like the 51st state.

Ah, PressTV - the 'news outlet' which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Iranian mullahs. Surely a source of much reliable and accurate information..... And note the comments from the Russian Muslim official.

Isn't it possible that the Russians and their Iranian stooges will try ANYTHING to divert the world's attention away from 120,000 murdered Syrians - brought about by Baby Butcher Assad's refusal to allow any loosening of his family's death-grip on Syrian rule????

Israel is 'killing' so many Palestinians that it's the ONLY place in the whole ME where the Christian population is actually growing (as the Palestinan population is overall)......
Or we could listen to ANY of the news stations in the US that are owned/operated by jews. I would rather get both sides of the story thanks.

A thread sure to bring out the anti-semites and Jew haters. So much for "academic freedom".
Ah another one screaming anti semitism soon as someone dares criticize his precious israel.
You're not worth debating. You're barely worth ridiculing.
Go take off that brown shirt and goose step to the shower, now!
"Only a dishonest person would leave out the remainder of what follows after "Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either". "

Thus it is apodictic that 'dreolin' is a dishonest person as 'dreolin' *also* left out the remainder.
Those who professed belief in a divine revelation--Christians and Jews in particular--were given special consideration. They could either embrace Islam or at least submit themselves to Islamic rule and pay a poll and land tax.
Jihad - SgWiki
Those who professed belief in a divine revelation--Christians and Jews in particular--were given special consideration. They could either embrace Islam or at least submit themselves to Islamic rule and pay a poll and land tax.
Jihad - SgWiki

While one appreciates the rest of the information being included: let it also be noted that linking to the complete Wiki blurb does not vaccinate any other poster against dishonesty.
"Only a dishonest person would leave out the remainder of what follows after "Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either". "

Thus it is apodictic that 'dreolin' is a dishonest person as 'dreolin' *also* left out the remainder.

I offered an opinion and was under no obligation to provide the information that Mojo2 failed to provide in a what was definition, which was dishonest on his or her part. If anyone is being apodictic, it is Mojo2 for defining Jihad with that incomplete definition and presenting it as fact.
That's actually you approving of them. Where you don't deny they existed to begin with.
I think the description of a boycott as an act of Jihad (an erroneous and bigoted use of that word) just shows how desperate some people are becoming.

Check your definition of the word, "Jihad."

Here's one.

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica

jihad, also spelled jehad , (“struggle,” or “battle”).

A religious duty imposed on Muslims to spread Islam

by waging war; jihad has come to denote any conflict waged for principle or belief and is often translated to mean “holy war.”

Islam distinguishes four ways by which the duty of jihad can be fulfilled: by the heart, the tongue, the hand, and the sword.

The first consists in a spiritual purification of one’s own heart by doing battle with the devil and overcoming his inducements to evil. The propagation of Islam through the tongue and hand is accomplished in large measure by supporting what is right and correcting what is wrong. The fourth way to fulfill one’s duty is to wage war physically against unbelievers and enemies of the Islamic faith. Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either ...

jihad (Islam) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

We are talking about a non-Muslim organization conducting a boycott. You do know that, don't you, or are you blinded by your bigotry and hatred?

Only a dishonest person would leave out the remainder of what follows after "Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either".

Your meme has played itself out.

People don't usually decide to become bigoted and hateful without reason.

And, in fact, I am neither.

No one is born hating Jews or believing Blacks are to be enslaved as Muslims are commonly raised to do and believe and with Koranic support, too.

Likewise, Americans are not born hating Muslims. Quite the contrary!

We are raised accepting and welcoming others ESPECIALLY if we have embraced the Christian attitude of loving our neighbor.

So, what is it that would compel millions of otherwise kind, generous, tolerant and loving Americans to adopt the warning attitude towards Islam that I and others here have?

We can recognize a threat to our Government and our freedoms from a distance.

Look at the fight against Islam in Israel.

In Egypt. In the Middle East (generally) in London. In the Netherlands. In Russia.

Wherever you look you can see it, if you look without your P.C. glasses on.

That is the only reason I post as I do.

I see the intent of Islam as a clear and present danger and a threat to our way of life and government and freedoms and it is "MY Jihad" to warn my fellow Americans of YOUR Jihad.

It would be stupid, foolish and suicidal to do otherwise.

Which do you think came first: Islam's war on America?

Or my recognition of it?

And the reason my definition stopped where it did was because the source required registration to read any further.
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"Only a dishonest person would leave out the remainder of what follows after "Those who professed belief in a divine revelation—Christians and Jews in particular—were given special consideration. They could either". "

Thus it is apodictic that 'dreolin' is a dishonest person as 'dreolin' *also* left out the remainder.

I offered an opinion and was under no obligation to provide the information that Mojo2 failed to provide in a what was definition, which was dishonest on his or her part. If anyone is being apodictic, it is Mojo2 for defining Jihad with that incomplete definition and presenting it as fact.

Nope, Mojo's post doesn't qualify for correct usage of that word. The only example of same was in the one post by 'dreolin' as noted.

Since I apparently need to explain further: 'dreolin' gave a definition of what a 'dishonest' person would do - and in that post *'dreolin' satisfied the definition which 'dreolin' had given (by omitting as noted)for 'a dishonest person'*.
The USA is riding the caboose when it comes to protest boycotts over treatment of the Palestinians. Israel has only one friend left -- Uncle Sam. We are paying Israel four million dollars a day to be our rent-a-cop in the Middle East. We have destroyed the soul of the Jewish State. A shonda on us both.
Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, maintained that anti-Semitism is not an aberration, but a natural and completely understandable response by non-Jews to alien Jewish behavior and attitudes. The only solution, he argued, is for Jews to recognize reality and live in a separate state of their own. "The Jewish question exists wherever Jews live in noticeable numbers," he wrote in his most influential work, The Jewish State. "Where it does not exist, it is brought in by arriving Jews ... I believe I understand anti-Semitism, which is a very complex phenomenon. I consider this development as a Jew, without hate or fear." The Jewish question, he maintained, is not social or religious. "It is a national question. To solve it we must, above all, make it an international political issue ..." Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk. /2 Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome "final solution of the Jewish question."/3 Link Added by Intense

So you are against what one of your most famous and well known leaders has said.
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