Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel

We are having many BDS wins, it is so exciting for the people of conscience in our world coming together in this beautiful international BDS Movement.

I was just reading comments about how this BDS Movement is invigorating young Jews of conscience, putting them in touch with their heritage of caring about matters of justice. A beautiful comment from a beautiful person.

GOD thank you, I praise you, for blessing BDS!

Notice that Mrs. Sherri never thanks God for having her Muslim friends live in such proverty in many Muslim countries that they have to risk their lives trying to get to Europe. I was just reading a comment to some article about the boycott of Israeli scholars. Strange how thee bullies always pick on the smaller guys and not the larger ones. Hamm, maybe Ms. Sherri can convince her friends to start boycotting Chinese goods.

Why boycott the Israelis? -

BDS is confronting Injustice with Truth and it is an act of love. Who are you to tell others not to love?
Matthew talks about hypocrisy

We are having many BDS wins, it is so exciting for the people of conscience in our world coming together in this beautiful international BDS Movement.

I was just reading comments about how this BDS Movement is invigorating young Jews of conscience, putting them in touch with their heritage of caring about matters of justice. A beautiful comment from a beautiful person.

GOD thank you, I praise you, for blessing BDS!
I was under the impression Jesus said not to judge other people. I can't find anything that says Frau Sherri outranks Jesus. So that makes BDS just so much hosscrap.

The concept of judging another is forming an opinion about their relationship with God. That is what Jesus refused to do Himself and tells His followers not to do.

Confronting Injustice with Truth is an act of love and Matthew 23 is an illustration of that.

My comments about BDS are not judging others.
we are having many bds wins, it is so exciting for the people of conscience in our world coming together in this beautiful international bds movement.

I was just reading comments about how this bds movement is invigorating young jews of conscience, putting them in touch with their heritage of caring about matters of justice. A beautiful comment from a beautiful person.

God thank you, i praise you, for blessing bds!
i was under the impression jesus said not to judge other people. I can't find anything that says frau sherri outranks jesus. So that makes bds just so much hosscrap.

the concept of judging another is forming an opinion about their relationship with god. That is what jesus refused to do himself and tells his followers not to do.

Confronting injustice with truth is an act of love and matthew 23 is an illustration of that.

My comments about bds are not judging others.

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We are having many BDS wins, it is so exciting for the people of conscience in our world coming together in this beautiful international BDS Movement.

I was just reading comments about how this BDS Movement is invigorating young Jews of conscience, putting them in touch with their heritage of caring about matters of justice. A beautiful comment from a beautiful person.

GOD thank you, I praise you, for blessing BDS!
I was under the impression Jesus said not to judge other people. I can't find anything that says Frau Sherri outranks Jesus. So that makes BDS just so much hosscrap.

The concept of judging another is forming an opinion about their relationship with God. That is what Jesus refused to do Himself and tells His followers not to do.

Confronting Injustice with Truth is an act of love and Matthew 23 is an illustration of that.

My comments about BDS are not judging others.

Well let's confront injustice with a little truth, and the truth is that the Leftist bullies never go after the guys who actually deserve it. I think Jesus would agree with my statement.

ASA: To Go From Unknown Group to Media Star,Bash Israel - Op-Eds - Israel National News
Some of us think Israel's targeting of civilians and children is something Jesus would not approve of.

Killing was not an act he ever chose to engage in or an act He set as His example to follow.
Jesus wouldn't approve of muslims killing jews.

Mrs. Sherri doesn't realize that. I doubt He wouldn't approve of all the murders her friends are doing, even when it is Muslims killing other Muslims because of the sect to which they belong. Mrs. Sherri can talk it over with Him tomorrow morning over coffee.
Jesus wouldn't approve of muslims killing jews.

Mrs. Sherri doesn't realize that. I doubt He wouldn't approve of all the murders her friends are doing, even when it is Muslims killing other Muslims because of the sect to which they belong. Mrs. Sherri can talk it over with Him tomorrow morning over coffee.

I HAVE no friends doing any killing and I never volunteered to be a baby killer either.
Some of us think Israel's targeting of civilians and children is something Jesus would not approve of.

Killing was not an act he ever chose to engage in or an act He set as His example to follow.
Does the Sherri Fart-hard ever tell the truth?

It's always the Israelis that are targeting civilians and children, and NEVER the Palestinians. Of course this is technique they learned well from the Nazis, it's called TURNSPEAK, that is, accuse THE OTHER of crimes you yourself are most guilty of. Funny part is the witch and the assholes behind this screen name Sherri, think repeating this garbage will somehow magically make it true.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
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Jesus wouldn't approve of muslims killing jews.

Mrs. Sherri doesn't realize that. I doubt He wouldn't approve of all the murders her friends are doing, even when it is Muslims killing other Muslims because of the sect to which they belong. Mrs. Sherri can talk it over with Him tomorrow morning over coffee.

I HAVE no friends doing any killing and I never volunteered to be a baby killer either.

Why, Mrs. Sherri, you have never brought up those in the Middle East who are busy killing children on a regular basis, so you must be an abettor to their crimes since you are so silent about this. After all, all those dead children in Syria as well as the children killed by the suicide bombers in other countries certainly do add up, and you have never condemned the murderer as "baby killers." You apparently have forgotten that this is the Middle East forum, and a lot is going on in the Middle East these days with children being killed left and right by those you never feel you have to condemn.
Jesus wouldn't approve of muslims killing jews.

But in Palestine it is Jews killing Palestinian Christians and Palestinian Muslims.

JESUS would not approve of that.

WHERE are Muslims killing Jews?
Ha ha ha. Those poor Palestinians are just walking around minding their own business and it's the Israelis that are killing them. Well of course the animals don't kill as many Jews as they want to. It is fact that Israel is good at defending itself against hoards of Muslim Neanderthal savages.
Jesus wouldn't approve of muslims killing jews.

Mrs. Sherri doesn't realize that. I doubt He wouldn't approve of all the murders her friends are doing, even when it is Muslims killing other Muslims because of the sect to which they belong. Mrs. Sherri can talk it over with Him tomorrow morning over coffee.

I HAVE no friends doing any killing and I never volunteered to be a baby killer either.
Sure sure Fart-hard. Shave that beard heyvoun kesafat,

Ridam be Islam. Gohesag.
Mrs. Sherri doesn't realize that. I doubt He wouldn't approve of all the murders her friends are doing, even when it is Muslims killing other Muslims because of the sect to which they belong. Mrs. Sherri can talk it over with Him tomorrow morning over coffee.

I HAVE no friends doing any killing and I never volunteered to be a baby killer either.

Why, Mrs. Sherri, you have never brought up those in the Middle East who are busy killing children on a regular basis, so you must be an abettor to their crimes since you are so silent about this. After all, all those dead children in Syria as well as the children killed by the suicide bombers in other countries certainly do add up, and you have never condemned the murderer as "baby killers." You apparently have forgotten that this is the Middle East forum, and a lot is going on in the Middle East these days with children being killed left and right by those you never feel you have to condemn.

I spend much time speaking about the Palestinian children being targeted by Zionists in Palestine.

We each have our very own callings and passions and purposes for our lives.
I HAVE no friends doing any killing and I never volunteered to be a baby killer either.

Why, Mrs. Sherri, you have never brought up those in the Middle East who are busy killing children on a regular basis, so you must be an abettor to their crimes since you are so silent about this. After all, all those dead children in Syria as well as the children killed by the suicide bombers in other countries certainly do add up, and you have never condemned the murderer as "baby killers." You apparently have forgotten that this is the Middle East forum, and a lot is going on in the Middle East these days with children being killed left and right by those you never feel you have to condemn.

I spend much time speaking about the Palestinian children being targeted by Zionists in Palestine.

We each have our very own callings and passions and purposes for our lives.

Of course we have noticed that you spend much time talking about Palestinian children. After all, when you posted this it was after 2:00 a.m. in your area, and like the "good" woman you are, you felt you had to give up your sleep to tell us once again for the umpteenth time that the children are being targeted by those "evil Zionists" which of course is a lie. Naturally you would never mention the really evil people who are responsible for the murder of the thousands and thousands of innocent children in the rest of the Middle East because you can't drag the Jews into this.
Children are being targeted and hurt and killed in Palestine. People of conscience shall be speaking about these Zionist crimes as long as they continue. It is that simple. Like Jesus was not silent in the face of Injustice in Palestine, so many follow in His footsteps around the world today, some perhaps not even realizing the example He set that they follow. But some do realize it. It's that principle in operation of God bringing good from bad in operation in Palestine, that operates to bring people to turn to God , sometimes in the most horrible of personal situations and circumstances.

SO much to smile about watching the Palestinians struggle against Injustice in their Occupation in Palestine. So many rewards for caring about their struggle for freedom and being a part of it We do have a wonderful and awesome God , one who loves all of those He created, who gives up on noone as long as they still have a breath of human life in their bodies.
Children are being targeted and hurt and killed in Palestine. People of conscience shall be speaking about these Zionist crimes as long as they continue. It is that simple. Like Jesus was not silent in the face of Injustice in Palestine, so many follow in His footsteps around the world today, some perhaps not even realizing the example He set that they follow. But some do realize it. It's that principle in operation of God bringing good from bad in operation in Palestine, that operates to bring people to turn to God , sometimes in the most horrible of personal situations and circumstances.

SO much to smile about watching the Palestinians struggle against Injustice in their Occupation in Palestine. So many rewards for caring about their struggle for freedom and being a part of it We do have a wonderful and awesome God , one who loves all of those He created, who gives up on noone as long as they still have a breath of human life in their bodies.

Children are being used don't you mean? hell children are being killed world wide because of Islam.

Two of the most tragic Islamic attacks on Christians, killing several women and children, took place in the month of October, one in Syria another in Egypt.

On October 21 in Syria, the U.S.-supported Islamic rebels invaded and occupied the ancient Christian settlement of Sadad for over a week, till ousted by the military. During that week, “the largest massacre of Christians in Syria,” in the words of Orthodox Archbishop Alnemeh, took place. Among other things, 45 Christians—including women and children—were killed, several tortured to death; mass graves were discovered; all of Sadad’s 14 churches, some ancient, were ransacked and destroyed; the bodies of six people from one family, ranging from ages 16 to 90, were found buried at the bottom of a well

Slaughter of Christian Women and Children in Muslim Lands | FrontPage Magazine
1519 children named by Remember These Children all killed by Israel since 9/30/2000.

NOONE but Israel responsible for any of those deaths of children in Palestine.

Another list was posted earlier in this thread of children gassed by Israel from 1988 to 2000, nobody but Israel responsible for those deaths.

A few weeks ago Israel shot a 13 year old Palestinian boy in the back, in a cold blooded murder of a child.

All the deaths of the past 70 years were accompanied and/or supplemented with constant arrests and targeting of children that injured and maimed.

Other lists of targeted kids in the conflict are in UN files.

We certainly have irrefutable evidence of decades of nonstop attacks on the Palestinian child by Zionists in Palestine.
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I HAVE no friends doing any killing and I never volunteered to be a baby killer either.

Why, Mrs. Sherri, you have never brought up those in the Middle East who are busy killing children on a regular basis, so you must be an abettor to their crimes since you are so silent about this. After all, all those dead children in Syria as well as the children killed by the suicide bombers in other countries certainly do add up, and you have never condemned the murderer as "baby killers." You apparently have forgotten that this is the Middle East forum, and a lot is going on in the Middle East these days with children being killed left and right by those you never feel you have to condemn.

I spend much time speaking about the Palestinian children being targeted by Zionists in Palestine.

We each have our very own callings and passions and purposes for our lives.
Ha ha. The whacko nutjob thinks defending Palestinian Islamic terrorists and spreading hate and lies about Jews is a "calling"'.
1519 children named by Remember These Children all killed by Israel since 9/30/2000.

NOONE but Israel responsible for any of those deaths of children in Palestine.

Another list was posted earlier in this thread of children gassed by Israel from 1988 to 2000, nobody but Israel responsible for those deaths.

A few weeks ago Israel shot a 13 year old Palestinian boy in the back, in a cold blooded murder of a child.

All the deaths of the past 70 years were accompanied and/or supplemented with constant arrests and targeting of children that injured and maimed.

Other lists of targeted kids in the conflict are in UN files.

We certainly have irrefutable evidence of decades of nonstop attacks on the Palestinian child by Zionists in Palestine.

As we can see, Mrs. Sherri is still blabbering on about the same thing again for God knows how many times. While she is busy blabbering, innocent children are still being murdered by her friends, children who will join the thousands and thousands of other children murdered in the Middle East. Naturally, Mrs. Sherri has no concern for these children because she can't drag the Jews into this. Probably if Mrs. Sherri saw the blood running down the streets of innocent children blown up by some suicide or homicide bomber all over the Muslim world, she would just close her eyes to this.

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