Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel

1519 children named by Remember These Children all killed by Israel since 9/30/2000.

NOONE but Israel responsible for any of those deaths of children in Palestine.

Another list was posted earlier in this thread of children gassed by Israel from 1988 to 2000, nobody but Israel responsible for those deaths.

A few weeks ago Israel shot a 13 year old Palestinian boy in the back, in a cold blooded murder of a child.

All the deaths of the past 70 years were accompanied and/or supplemented with constant arrests and targeting of children that injured and maimed.

Other lists of targeted kids in the conflict are in UN files.

We certainly have irrefutable evidence of decades of nonstop attacks on the Palestinian child by Zionists in Palestine.
And if you delve into those numbers you will find that majority of them are 13 to 17 year old child soldiers recruited by Hamas and Hezbollah, and the rest are either used as human shields or killed by Hamas themselves. Not a word this witch and the Muslims behind the screen name sherri say has any truth in it.
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1519 children named by Remember These Children all killed by Israel since 9/30/2000.

NOONE but Israel responsible for any of those deaths of children in Palestine.

Another list was posted earlier in this thread of children gassed by Israel from 1988 to 2000, nobody but Israel responsible for those deaths.

A few weeks ago Israel shot a 13 year old Palestinian boy in the back, in a cold blooded murder of a child.

All the deaths of the past 70 years were accompanied and/or supplemented with constant arrests and targeting of children that injured and maimed.

Other lists of targeted kids in the conflict are in UN files.

We certainly have irrefutable evidence of decades of nonstop attacks on the Palestinian child by Zionists in Palestine.

As we can see, Mrs. Sherri is still blabbering on about the same thing again for God knows how many times. While she is busy blabbering, innocent children are still being murdered by her friends, children who will join the thousands and thousands of other children murdered in the Middle East. Naturally, Mrs. Sherri has no concern for these children because she can't drag the Jews into this. Probably if Mrs. Sherri saw the blood running down the streets of innocent children blown up by some suicide or homicide bomber all over the Muslim world, she would just close her eyes to this.
Frau Sherri should be reminded that her accusations of child murders resemble the charges Goldstone had to refute and apologize for. (Thanks to Charles Krauthammer) The Lord only knows why she makes those insanely false charges. She should be sued by the Israeli government.
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14 year old Arab terrorist is still a terrorist who kills innocent people.

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