Majority disagree with Trumps remarks toward NFL than they do the protesters.

That's why the head of the NFL wants players to stand. I won't be watching Sunday no matter what.

The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

I think they know he is 100% correct.

He's not abusing power and in no way is he abusing the constitution.

The assholes are working for the owners. When they're on the clock
they can do nothing to interfere with the owner making money. "Their
constitutional right isn't allowed if they are causing their boss to lose
money. Two weeks ago, the league already had a 200 million dollar
shortfall in ad revenues because of declining viewership.

The POTUS has 1st amendment rights also.

The players are pissing off the folks that view them. They've lost
this fight...they're just too stupid to understand it.
Remember when Obama jumped on the middle of a dispute between that black professor and the police? It was a rookie potus mistskr and he was roundly criticized for it and learned a lesson. But now apparently the potus has 1st Amendment rights you denied his predecessor?
Obama had a right to comment on the dispute between that black professor and the police. He just got it wrong and said something really stupid.
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

Of course it depends on how the polling questions are put.

Many people also mistakenly believe that the POTUS has the power to do something to the players, he does not. They may be disagreeing with that idea.
That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

Expressing his opinion is not abusing his power in any way.
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.

Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
Expressing his opinion is not abusing his power in any way.
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.

Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
He insinuated that Zimmerman was guilty as well as the cop that shot the "hands up don't shoot" thug.
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.

Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
He insinuated that Zimmerman was guilty as well as the cop that shot the "hands up don't shoot" thug.
That is your opinion not his words.
Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
He insinuated that Zimmerman was guilty as well as the cop that shot the "hands up don't shoot" thug.
That is your opinion not his words.
Puhleeze. No one would possibly construe his words to mean that he thought Zimmerman was innocent.
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

View attachment 153894
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
He insinuated that Zimmerman was guilty as well as the cop that shot the "hands up don't shoot" thug.
That is your opinion not his words.
Puhleeze. No one would possibly construe his words to mean that he thought Zimmerman was innocent.
“I can only imagine what these parents are going through,” he said. “And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this, and that everybody pulls together — federal, state and local — to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.”
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
He insinuated that Zimmerman was guilty as well as the cop that shot the "hands up don't shoot" thug.
That is your opinion not his words.
Puhleeze. No one would possibly construe his words to mean that he thought Zimmerman was innocent.
“I can only imagine what these parents are going through,” he said. “And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this, and that everybody pulls together — federal, state and local — to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.”

Oh boo hoo! He expresses sympathy for the poor little thug and his parents, but none for Zimmerman and his parents.

When did Obama ever investigate a case where some black thug killed a white man? That probably happens every day. If a white guy gets shot by a black guy it's not a tragedy in Obama's eyes.

How more obvious can you get?
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
He insinuated that Zimmerman was guilty as well as the cop that shot the "hands up don't shoot" thug.
That is your opinion not his words.
Puhleeze. No one would possibly construe his words to mean that he thought Zimmerman was innocent.
“I can only imagine what these parents are going through,” he said. “And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this, and that everybody pulls together — federal, state and local — to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.”

Oh boo hoo! He expresses sympathy for the poor little thug and his parents, but none for Zimmerman and his parents.

When did Obama ever investigate a case where some black thug killed a white man? That probably happens every day. If a white guy gets shot by a black guy it's not a tragedy in Obama's eyes.

How more obvious can you get?
Moving goal posts now are we?
He insinuated that Zimmerman was guilty as well as the cop that shot the "hands up don't shoot" thug.
That is your opinion not his words.
Puhleeze. No one would possibly construe his words to mean that he thought Zimmerman was innocent.
“I can only imagine what these parents are going through,” he said. “And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this, and that everybody pulls together — federal, state and local — to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.”

Oh boo hoo! He expresses sympathy for the poor little thug and his parents, but none for Zimmerman and his parents.

When did Obama ever investigate a case where some black thug killed a white man? That probably happens every day. If a white guy gets shot by a black guy it's not a tragedy in Obama's eyes.

How more obvious can you get?
Moving goal post i see.
I am?

The bottom line is that Obama took sides in both these matters. Why should it be wrong for Trump to do likewise?
Expressing his opinion is not abusing his power in any way.
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.

Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
President Obama’s remarks on Trayvon Martin (full transcript)

"But beyond protests or vigils, the question is, are there some concrete things that we might be able to do? I know that Eric Holder is reviewing what happened down there, but I think it’s important for people to have some clear expectations here. Traditionally, these are issues of state and local government -- the criminal code. And law enforcement has traditionally done it at the state and local levels, not at the federal levels.

That doesn’t mean, though, that as a nation, we can’t do some things that I think would be productive. So let me just give a couple of specifics that I’m still bouncing around with my staff so we’re not rolling out some five-point plan, but some areas where I think all of us could potentially focus."

No he wanted to make policy changes. D'OH!
That is your opinion not his words.
Puhleeze. No one would possibly construe his words to mean that he thought Zimmerman was innocent.
“I can only imagine what these parents are going through,” he said. “And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this, and that everybody pulls together — federal, state and local — to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.”

Oh boo hoo! He expresses sympathy for the poor little thug and his parents, but none for Zimmerman and his parents.

When did Obama ever investigate a case where some black thug killed a white man? That probably happens every day. If a white guy gets shot by a black guy it's not a tragedy in Obama's eyes.

How more obvious can you get?
Moving goal post i see.
I am?

The bottom line is that Obama took sides in both these matters. Why should it be wrong for Trump to do likewise?
there you go!
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.

Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
President Obama’s remarks on Trayvon Martin (full transcript)

"But beyond protests or vigils, the question is, are there some concrete things that we might be able to do? I know that Eric Holder is reviewing what happened down there, but I think it’s important for people to have some clear expectations here. Traditionally, these are issues of state and local government -- the criminal code. And law enforcement has traditionally done it at the state and local levels, not at the federal levels.

That doesn’t mean, though, that as a nation, we can’t do some things that I think would be productive. So let me just give a couple of specifics that I’m still bouncing around with my staff so we’re not rolling out some five-point plan, but some areas where I think all of us could potentially focus."

No he wanted to make policy changes. D'OH!

Obama called out the Dept of Justice to make war on the evil white man.
Why do some whites feel so threatened when a black president shows empathy for the family of a black teen who was shot? The triggering was so extreme you felt the need to shred the dead boys reputation in the process. Oh the audacity of being sympathetic.
Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
President Obama’s remarks on Trayvon Martin (full transcript)

"But beyond protests or vigils, the question is, are there some concrete things that we might be able to do? I know that Eric Holder is reviewing what happened down there, but I think it’s important for people to have some clear expectations here. Traditionally, these are issues of state and local government -- the criminal code. And law enforcement has traditionally done it at the state and local levels, not at the federal levels.

That doesn’t mean, though, that as a nation, we can’t do some things that I think would be productive. So let me just give a couple of specifics that I’m still bouncing around with my staff so we’re not rolling out some five-point plan, but some areas where I think all of us could potentially focus."

No he wanted to make policy changes. D'OH!

Obama called out the Dept of Justice to make war on the evil white man.
exactly. but trump just wanted the players to respect the fking country. that's all and he's a bad guy. fk them all.
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
President Obama’s remarks on Trayvon Martin (full transcript)

"But beyond protests or vigils, the question is, are there some concrete things that we might be able to do? I know that Eric Holder is reviewing what happened down there, but I think it’s important for people to have some clear expectations here. Traditionally, these are issues of state and local government -- the criminal code. And law enforcement has traditionally done it at the state and local levels, not at the federal levels.

That doesn’t mean, though, that as a nation, we can’t do some things that I think would be productive. So let me just give a couple of specifics that I’m still bouncing around with my staff so we’re not rolling out some five-point plan, but some areas where I think all of us could potentially focus."

No he wanted to make policy changes. D'OH!

Obama called out the Dept of Justice to make war on the evil white man.
exactly. but trump just wanted the players to respect the fking country. that's all and he's a bad guy. fk them all.
The funny thing was Colin talked to a vetetan on how to show dissent without disrespect and the vet suggested kneeling.
Why do some whites feel so threatened when a black president shows empathy for the family of a black teen who was shot? The triggering was so extreme you felt the need to shred the dead boys reputation in the process. Oh the audacity of being sympathetic.
Because he makes it clear he believes the white guy is guilty just because he's white. Obama is a racist.

I don't need to shred his reputation. He did that himself. He was a thug who got what he deserved.
Why do some whites feel so threatened when a black president shows empathy for the family of a black teen who was shot? The triggering was so extreme you felt the need to shred the dead boys reputation in the process. Oh the audacity of being sympathetic.
you have no idea what happened during the encounter between the two men. so you have no fking right to judge anything that happened. it's that simple. We see players kneeling, we can all make a judgement and form an opinion. but you coyote do not know what happened and what martin did to zimmerman. sorry, you just don't. so, to take but one side like obummer did tells it all where his loyalty was. so spare us the moral shit.
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’
Im trying to find where he said anyone should be fired or suspended or even gave a condemnation like son of a bitch about Zimmerman.
President Obama’s remarks on Trayvon Martin (full transcript)

"But beyond protests or vigils, the question is, are there some concrete things that we might be able to do? I know that Eric Holder is reviewing what happened down there, but I think it’s important for people to have some clear expectations here. Traditionally, these are issues of state and local government -- the criminal code. And law enforcement has traditionally done it at the state and local levels, not at the federal levels.

That doesn’t mean, though, that as a nation, we can’t do some things that I think would be productive. So let me just give a couple of specifics that I’m still bouncing around with my staff so we’re not rolling out some five-point plan, but some areas where I think all of us could potentially focus."

No he wanted to make policy changes. D'OH!

Obama called out the Dept of Justice to make war on the evil white man.
exactly. but trump just wanted the players to respect the fking country. that's all and he's a bad guy. fk them all.
The funny thing was Colin talked to a vetetan on how to show dissent without disrespect and the vet suggested kneeling.

You don't show dissent during the National Anthem. That's about the same thing as burning the American flag.

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