Majority disagree with Trumps remarks toward NFL than they do the protesters.

Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."
Poll: More Americans disagree with Trump's response to NFL protests than the protests themselves

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

I'll say it again, thank God we have a president back in the white house that loves America. Instead of the past 8 years of one that hated it, and wanted to transform it.

He is too much in love with himself to love America. And this is just one more example of that. It should have been left up to the fans and teams to decide, he hsd no business using his power to bully.
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."
Poll: More Americans disagree with Trump's response to NFL protests than the protests themselves

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

I'll say it again, thank God we have a president back in the white house that loves America. Instead of the past 8 years of one that hated it, and wanted to transform it.

He is too much in love with himself to love America. And this is just one more example of that. It should have been left up to the fans and teams to decide, he hsd no business using his power to bully.

The fans are speaking: the polls show it, ratings show it, sales show it and best of all - the media can't hide it. Public pressure was brought to bear.
Asking "do you agree with the President's reaction" is a question so broad you can drive a super tanker through it. I might disagree that players should be fired, but that doesn't mean I don't think they should be punished or required to stand. There are thousands things I could quibble about with what he said but still support his position.

Your poll is fake news, like most MSM polls.

It's clear Trump stuck his nose in where it didn't belong. Americans have gotten back with their football teams faster than a teenage girl breaks up and then reunites back with her boyfriend.

I am certain that Pence misread all this last weekend when he walked out of the Colts game to put on his show and ended up spending $242,000.00 taxpayer dollars in the process, that is also being frowned upon today.
The price tag for Pence's trip to Indianapolis - CNNPolitics

What is astounding in all of this, is that Trump actually believed he could tear Americans away from their favorite game. It backfired, now both Trump & Pence have egg all over their faces.
That's why the head of the NFL wants players to stand. I won't be watching Sunday no matter what.

The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

I think they know he is 100% correct.

He's not abusing power and in no way is he abusing the constitution.

The assholes are working for the owners. When they're on the clock
they can do nothing to interfere with the owner making money. "Their
constitutional right isn't allowed if they are causing their boss to lose
money. Two weeks ago, the league already had a 200 million dollar
shortfall in ad revenues because of declining viewership.

The POTUS has 1st amendment rights also.

The players are pissing off the folks that view them. They've lost
this fight...they're just too stupid to understand it.
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."
Poll: More Americans disagree with Trump's response to NFL protests than the protests themselves

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

I'll say it again, thank God we have a president back in the white house that loves America. Instead of the past 8 years of one that hated it, and wanted to transform it.

He is too much in love with himself to love America. And this is just one more example of that. It should have been left up to the fans and teams to decide, he hsd no business using his power to bully.

The fans are speaking: the polls show it, ratings show it, sales show it and best of all - the media can't hide it. Public pressure was brought to bear.

As is appropriate.
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."
Poll: More Americans disagree with Trump's response to NFL protests than the protests themselves

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

Asking "do you agree with the President's reaction" is a question so broad you can drive a super tanker through it. I might disagree that players should be fired, but that doesn't mean I don't think they should be punished or required to stand. There are thousands things I could quibble about with what he said but still support his position.

Your poll is fake news, like most MSM polls.

It's clear Trump stuck his nose in where it didn't belong. Americans have gotten back with their football teams faster than a teenage girl breaks up and then reunites back with her boyfriend.

I am certain that Pence misread all this last weekend when he walked out of the Colts game to put on his show and ended up spending $242,000.00 taxpayer dollars in the process, that is also being frowned upon today.
The price tag for Pence's trip to Indianapolis - CNNPolitics

What is astounding in all of this, is that Trump actually believed he could tear Americans away from their favorite game. It backfired, now both Trump & Pence have egg all over their faces.

That's why the head of the NFL wants players to stand. I won't be watching Sunday no matter what.

The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

Trump trying to separate Fans from their NFL teams--is like trying to separate Americans from turkey on Thanksgiving.

It's already backfired on him.

He just lost a huge donor & supporter--when he did this.
Here are the NFL owners who have donated to Trump

Asking "do you agree with the President's reaction" is a question so broad you can drive a super tanker through it. I might disagree that players should be fired, but that doesn't mean I don't think they should be punished or required to stand. There are thousands things I could quibble about with what he said but still support his position.

Your poll is fake news, like most MSM polls.

It's clear Trump stuck his nose in where it didn't belong. Americans have gotten back with their football teams faster than a teenage girl breaks up and then reunites back with her boyfriend.

I am certain that Pence misread all this last weekend when he walked out of the Colts game to put on his show and ended up spending $242,000.00 taxpayer dollars in the process, that is also being frowned upon today.
The price tag for Pence's trip to Indianapolis - CNNPolitics

What is astounding in all of this, is that Trump actually believed he could tear Americans away from their favorite game. It backfired, now both Trump & Pence have egg all over their faces.
That's why the head of the NFL wants players to stand. I won't be watching Sunday no matter what.

The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

Trump trying to separate Fans from their NFL teams--is like trying to separate Americans from turkey on Thanksgiving.

It's already backfired on him.

He just lost a huge donor & supporter--when he did this.
Here are the NFL owners who have donated to Trump


Yep. Right?????

Poll: America Responds To NFL Anthem Protests
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."
Poll: More Americans disagree with Trump's response to NFL protests than the protests themselves

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

I'll say it again, thank God we have a president back in the white house that loves America. Instead of the past 8 years of one that hated it, and wanted to transform it.

He is too much in love with himself to love America. And this is just one more example of that. It should have been left up to the fans and teams to decide, he hsd no business using his power to bully.

Horseshit. If it was OK for Obama to insert himself into the Michael Brown issue and the Travon Martin issue, then it's perfectly OK for Trump to express an opinion on the NFL dispute. The reality here is that you object only because he's a Republican. If Obama was still president and rooting for the players, you would be cheering him on.
It's clear Trump stuck his nose in where it didn't belong. Americans have gotten back with their football teams faster than a teenage girl breaks up and then reunites back with her boyfriend.

I am certain that Pence misread all this last weekend when he walked out of the Colts game to put on his show and ended up spending $242,000.00 taxpayer dollars in the process, that is also being frowned upon today.
The price tag for Pence's trip to Indianapolis - CNNPolitics

What is astounding in all of this, is that Trump actually believed he could tear Americans away from their favorite game. It backfired, now both Trump & Pence have egg all over their faces.
That's why the head of the NFL wants players to stand. I won't be watching Sunday no matter what.

The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

I think they know he is 100% correct.

He's not abusing power and in no way is he abusing the constitution.

The assholes are working for the owners. When they're on the clock
they can do nothing to interfere with the owner making money. "Their
constitutional right isn't allowed if they are causing their boss to lose
money. Two weeks ago, the league already had a 200 million dollar
shortfall in ad revenues because of declining viewership.

The POTUS has 1st amendment rights also.

The players are pissing off the folks that view them. They've lost
this fight...they're just too stupid to understand it.
Remember when Obama jumped on the middle of a dispute between that black professor and the police? It was a rookie potus mistskr and he was roundly criticized for it and learned a lesson. But now apparently the potus has 1st Amendment rights you denied his predecessor?
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."
Poll: More Americans disagree with Trump's response to NFL protests than the protests themselves

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

I'll say it again, thank God we have a president back in the white house that loves America. Instead of the past 8 years of one that hated it, and wanted to transform it.

He is too much in love with himself to love America. And this is just one more example of that. It should have been left up to the fans and teams to decide, he hsd no business using his power to bully.

The fans are speaking: the polls show it, ratings show it, sales show it and best of all - the media can't hide it. Public pressure was brought to bear.

There is no greater disrespect to the flag of this country than electimg a man who wrote in his book that "his personal Viet Nam was avoiding Sexually transmitted diseases." One who is currently under investigation for colluding with Russia to interfere into an American election, and who is also under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice--regarding the firing of Comey, while he has continually attacked a real PATRIOT of this country (John McCain.)
Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say

Now it didn't help that he got on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admitted that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation--which is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.

It doesn't help to know that Trump was planning a Moscow Trump tower while he was running for POTUS.
While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

Here is a Viet Nam Veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas and his comments about this. If you have trouble hearing it there is a volumn icon on the video.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency, and the only loyalty he has ever shown he has ever shown to anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin. He is the last person on this planet to make remarks toward others over his regard for their lack of patriotism.


For older news on the Russian investigation go to this link--ignore the error message
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

For the daily news on these investigations, you'll have to turn the channel over to your nemisis--MSNBC--Rachel Maddow who is reporting on all the daily information. Which is why her ratings & viewership have soared past FOX NEWS and CNN.
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Last edited:
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."
Poll: More Americans disagree with Trump's response to NFL protests than the protests themselves

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

I'll say it again, thank God we have a president back in the white house that loves America. Instead of the past 8 years of one that hated it, and wanted to transform it.

He is too much in love with himself to love America. And this is just one more example of that. It should have been left up to the fans and teams to decide, he hsd no business using his power to bully.

Horseshit. If it was OK for Obama to insert himself into the Michael Brown issue and the Travon Martin issue, then it's perfectly OK for Trump to express an opinion on the NFL dispute. The reality here is that you object only because he's a Republican. If Obama was still president and rooting for the players, you would be cheering him on.

Did Obama call for suspensions or firings? Did he refer to any one as a son of a bitch? The potus is power speaking to those with far less power.

Trump Donald Trump: NFL should have suspended Colin Kaepernick for kneeling

"I watched Colin Kaepernick, and I thought it was terrible, and then it got bigger and bigger and started mushrooming, and frankly the NFL should have suspended him for one game, and he would have never done it again," Trump told Fox News's Sean Hannity in an interview Wednesday night before an audience in Harrisburg, Pa. "They could have then suspended him for two games, and they could have suspended him if he did it a third time, for the season, and you would never have had a problem. But I will tell you, you cannot disrespect our country, our flag, our anthem — you cannot do that."
Asking "do you agree with the President's reaction" is a question so broad you can drive a super tanker through it. I might disagree that players should be fired, but that doesn't mean I don't think they should be punished or required to stand. There are thousands things I could quibble about with what he said but still support his position.

Your poll is fake news, like most MSM polls.

It's clear Trump stuck his nose in where it didn't belong. Americans have gotten back with their football teams faster than a teenage girl breaks up and then reunites back with her boyfriend.

I am certain that Pence misread all this last weekend when he walked out of the Colts game to put on his show and ended up spending $242,000.00 taxpayer dollars in the process, that is also being frowned upon today.
The price tag for Pence's trip to Indianapolis - CNNPolitics

What is astounding in all of this, is that Trump actually believed he could tear Americans away from their favorite game. It backfired, now both Trump & Pence have egg all over their faces.
That's why the head of the NFL wants players to stand. I won't be watching Sunday no matter what.

The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

Expressing his opinion is not abusing his power in any way.
It's clear Trump stuck his nose in where it didn't belong. Americans have gotten back with their football teams faster than a teenage girl breaks up and then reunites back with her boyfriend.

I am certain that Pence misread all this last weekend when he walked out of the Colts game to put on his show and ended up spending $242,000.00 taxpayer dollars in the process, that is also being frowned upon today.
The price tag for Pence's trip to Indianapolis - CNNPolitics

What is astounding in all of this, is that Trump actually believed he could tear Americans away from their favorite game. It backfired, now both Trump & Pence have egg all over their faces.
That's why the head of the NFL wants players to stand. I won't be watching Sunday no matter what.

The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

Expressing his opinion is not abusing his power in any way.
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."
Poll: More Americans disagree with Trump's response to NFL protests than the protests themselves

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

I'll say it again, thank God we have a president back in the white house that loves America. Instead of the past 8 years of one that hated it, and wanted to transform it.

He is too much in love with himself to love America. And this is just one more example of that. It should have been left up to the fans and teams to decide, he hsd no business using his power to bully.

Horseshit. If it was OK for Obama to insert himself into the Michael Brown issue and the Travon Martin issue, then it's perfectly OK for Trump to express an opinion on the NFL dispute. The reality here is that you object only because he's a Republican. If Obama was still president and rooting for the players, you would be cheering him on.

Did Obama call for suspensions or firings? Did he refer to any one as a son of a bitch? The potus is power speaking to those with far less power.

Trump Donald Trump: NFL should have suspended Colin Kaepernick for kneeling

"I watched Colin Kaepernick, and I thought it was terrible, and then it got bigger and bigger and started mushrooming, and frankly the NFL should have suspended him for one game, and he would have never done it again," Trump told Fox News's Sean Hannity in an interview Wednesday night before an audience in Harrisburg, Pa. "They could have then suspended him for two games, and they could have suspended him if he did it a third time, for the season, and you would never have had a problem. But I will tell you, you cannot disrespect our country, our flag, our anthem — you cannot do that."

Obama called us all racists, and he implied that George Zimmerman Zimmerman should go to prison as well as the cop who shot the "hands up, don't shoot" thug. He caused riots in Furgeson MI.
That's why the head of the NFL wants players to stand. I won't be watching Sunday no matter what.

The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

Expressing his opinion is not abusing his power in any way.
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.

Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Well that was certainly a quick turn around. I thought it would be. Originally Trump called out the NFL--stating anyone kneeling--"I would fire that son of a bitch." We had people burning their team gear on T.V. and having a conniption fit over players kneeling during the National Athem. Threatening to boycott watching football, the great American sport--that is played out in about every living room on every Sunday.

Well--now they've come to their senses.

"Nearly half of Americans disapprove of NFL player protests against the national anthem, but even more don't like the way President Trump has reacted to them, according to a new poll.Forty-eight percent of those polled said they believe it's inappropriate for NFL players to publicly protest through kneeling during the national anthem at games. However, 57 percent of those polled, regardless of whether they supported the protests or not, said they disapprove of the president's reaction — including his tweets and calls for players who kneeled to be fired. Only a little over one-third of those polled agreed with President Trump's reaction, respondents said in the poll."
Poll: More Americans disagree with Trump's response to NFL protests than the protests themselves

It's very well explained by a Viet Nam veteran and sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas. If you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon on the video.

I'll say it again, thank God we have a president back in the white house that loves America. Instead of the past 8 years of one that hated it, and wanted to transform it.

He is too much in love with himself to love America. And this is just one more example of that. It should have been left up to the fans and teams to decide, he hsd no business using his power to bully.

Horseshit. If it was OK for Obama to insert himself into the Michael Brown issue and the Travon Martin issue, then it's perfectly OK for Trump to express an opinion on the NFL dispute. The reality here is that you object only because he's a Republican. If Obama was still president and rooting for the players, you would be cheering him on.

Did Obama call for suspensions or firings? Did he refer to any one as a son of a bitch? The potus is power speaking to those with far less power.

Trump Donald Trump: NFL should have suspended Colin Kaepernick for kneeling

"I watched Colin Kaepernick, and I thought it was terrible, and then it got bigger and bigger and started mushrooming, and frankly the NFL should have suspended him for one game, and he would have never done it again," Trump told Fox News's Sean Hannity in an interview Wednesday night before an audience in Harrisburg, Pa. "They could have then suspended him for two games, and they could have suspended him if he did it a third time, for the season, and you would never have had a problem. But I will tell you, you cannot disrespect our country, our flag, our anthem — you cannot do that."

Obama called us all racists, and he implied that George Zimmerman Zimmerman should go to prison as well as the cop who shot the "hands up, don't shoot" thug. He caused riots in Furgeson MI.

You have link to his words?
The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

Expressing his opinion is not abusing his power in any way.
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.

Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

Expressing his opinion is not abusing his power in any way.
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.

Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Nuance is often lost on dingbats. Just saying.
I'll say it again, thank God we have a president back in the white house that loves America. Instead of the past 8 years of one that hated it, and wanted to transform it.
He is too much in love with himself to love America. And this is just one more example of that. It should have been left up to the fans and teams to decide, he hsd no business using his power to bully.

Horseshit. If it was OK for Obama to insert himself into the Michael Brown issue and the Travon Martin issue, then it's perfectly OK for Trump to express an opinion on the NFL dispute. The reality here is that you object only because he's a Republican. If Obama was still president and rooting for the players, you would be cheering him on.
Did Obama call for suspensions or firings? Did he refer to any one as a son of a bitch? The potus is power speaking to those with far less power.

Trump Donald Trump: NFL should have suspended Colin Kaepernick for kneeling

"I watched Colin Kaepernick, and I thought it was terrible, and then it got bigger and bigger and started mushrooming, and frankly the NFL should have suspended him for one game, and he would have never done it again," Trump told Fox News's Sean Hannity in an interview Wednesday night before an audience in Harrisburg, Pa. "They could have then suspended him for two games, and they could have suspended him if he did it a third time, for the season, and you would never have had a problem. But I will tell you, you cannot disrespect our country, our flag, our anthem — you cannot do that."
Obama called us all racists, and he implied that George Zimmerman Zimmerman should go to prison as well as the cop who shot the "hands up, don't shoot" thug. He caused riots in Furgeson MI.
You have link to his words?

A right winger will never have a link to anything--they only get their information from right wing talk show hosts or right wing news sites. He is attempting to deflect from Trump right now--and they're favorite tactic is to deflect to either Obama or what Hillary Clinton probably didn't do, because they're listening to 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk show hosts or reading right wing sites that take information, regurgitate it and then spoon feed it back to them, in the "news they want to hear programs."



So if one of them stated that Obama said they were nothing but a bunch of racists--they'll believe it--and get back on here an repeat it, with no links whatsoever to verify it. It's best to just ignore them when they make these claims.

No verifiable trusted link when they make claims like that--just put it into the :bsflag:file, and move on.
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Asking "do you agree with the President's reaction" is a question so broad you can drive a super tanker through it. I might disagree that players should be fired, but that doesn't mean I don't think they should be punished or required to stand. There are thousands things I could quibble about with what he said but still support his position.

Your poll is fake news, like most MSM polls.

It's clear Trump stuck his nose in where it didn't belong. Americans have gotten back with their football teams faster than a teenage girl breaks up and then reunites back with her boyfriend.

I am certain that Pence misread all this last weekend when he walked out of the Colts game to put on his show and ended up spending $242,000.00 taxpayer dollars in the process, that is also being frowned upon today.
The price tag for Pence's trip to Indianapolis - CNNPolitics

What is astounding in all of this, is that Trump actually believed he could tear Americans away from their favorite game. It backfired, now both Trump & Pence have egg all over their faces.
That's why the head of the NFL wants players to stand. I won't be watching Sunday no matter what.

The NFL also....." deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues."

Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

Trump trying to separate Fans from their NFL teams--is like trying to separate Americans from turkey on Thanksgiving.

It's already backfired on him.

He just lost a huge donor & supporter--when he did this.
Here are the NFL owners who have donated to Trump


Trump is winning big time on this issue, dumbass.
Yeah...right. But, their fans pay the bills and the NFL has a major problem
on their hands right now.

A problem they're gonna lose.

That was a direct quote from the letter the commissioner sent.

Being attacked by a president who is abusing his power and not upholding our Constitution is a problem. I think the owners will re-think their support for the lying President "Hyperbole".

Expressing his opinion is not abusing his power in any way.
Only when it is Trump is it not an abuse.

Was it an "abuse" when Obama gave an Opinion on Trayvon Martin or the "hands up, don't shoot" thug?
Link to his statements
Are you actually claiming he didn't contribute his two-bits to these issues?

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’

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