Majority of Americans Embarrassed by Trump

‘In one of the presidential debates, CNBC’s John Harwood asked Trump if he was running “a comic book version of a presidential campaign.” Now Trump seems to be running a cartoon version of a presidency, and he’s Elmer Fudd. His proposals could, if successfully implemented, be ruinous. But so far, at least, Trump has been mercifully incompetent.

He and the GOP-controlled Congress have been on the job two months, but he has signed only nine bills into law, none major. The only law so far this month: a bill naming the Veterans Affairs facility in Butler County, Pa. A McClatchy-Marist poll last month found that a 58 percent majority of Americans reported being “embarrassed” by Trump.’

Opinion | So far, Trump has been mercifully incompetent

And Trump isn’t alone in his incompetence – Congressional Republicans are just as incompetent, reckless, and irresponsible; their proposed healthcare ‘plan’ is proof of that.

Speaking of incompetent, how long did it take Obama and the Democrats to pass the disastrous Obamacare bill? That is the joke of the century.
All Americans are embarrassed by him. Some are too stubborn to admit it.

Hell, I'm now convinced that Americans are the stupidest fucking people on earth.
Far from it. Americans have invented most of the infrastructure people all over the world use. Computers, tv's cars, modern roads, skyscrapers, communications, space travel, etc etc.
Far from it. Americans have invented most of the infrastructure people all over the world use. Computers, tv's cars, modern roads, skyscrapers, communications, space travel, etc etc.

Invented by the highest echelon of American intellectuals, back when even less Americans were mentally retarded.There's no doubt in my mind that Americans have the lowest intelligence relative to every single country on earth.

America produced you dumb fucks for god sakes!
Far from it. Americans have invented most of the infrastructure people all over the world use. Computers, tv's cars, modern roads, skyscrapers, communications, space travel, etc etc.

Invented by the highest echelon of American intellectuals, back when even less Americans were mentally retarded.There's no doubt in my mind that Americans have the lowest intelligence relative to every single country on earth.

America produced you dumb fucks for god sakes!
So when confronted with facts you still lie.
‘In one of the presidential debates, CNBC’s John Harwood asked Trump if he was running “a comic book version of a presidential campaign.” Now Trump seems to be running a cartoon version of a presidency, and he’s Elmer Fudd. His proposals could, if successfully implemented, be ruinous. But so far, at least, Trump has been mercifully incompetent.

He and the GOP-controlled Congress have been on the job two months, but he has signed only nine bills into law, none major. The only law so far this month: a bill naming the Veterans Affairs facility in Butler County, Pa. A McClatchy-Marist poll last month found that a 58 percent majority of Americans reported being “embarrassed” by Trump.’

Opinion | So far, Trump has been mercifully incompetent

And Trump isn’t alone in his incompetence – Congressional Republicans are just as incompetent, reckless, and irresponsible; their proposed healthcare ‘plan’ is proof of that.

Speaking of incompetent, how long did it take Obama and the Democrats to pass the disastrous Obamacare bill? That is the joke of the century.
About 14 months between Inauguration and passage.....

The GOP alternative is currently 7 years in the making
(Funny. I just returned from assignments in Rome and London and was amazed at what I found there relative to President Trump. Where the LUGENPRESSE (lying American media) would have you believe there is ridicule and loathing I found a sort of embarrassed admiratioj for America's President because of his actions and expressed intent. In Italy, they see inspiration so that in even the most local of elections the left is falling by the ways9de. In London, glee over Trump insisting that NATO partners meet their funding commitments. The brits are sick of the Greeks and Frogs being, essentially, free-riders. But you won't read that in The Lugenpresse!)

You know, I have a hard time believing this, or maybe you just searched out people whose opinion matched yours. For every person who admires the mentally ill person in our WH, there are probably 10 who think he's an arrogant dolt. Trump is actually his own LUGENPRESSE because much of what comes out of his mouth are outright lies and everyone knows it.
A McClatchy-Marist poll last month found that a 58 percent majority of Americans reported being “embarrassed” by Trump.’

Read it as many times as necessary, Gassy.....

I didn't read it at all, dumbass. But you did and most likely had to relieve yourself...anti Trump porn does that to you idiots

Rather than fantasizing about my tumescence (as worthy and exhausting an undertaking as it is), wouldn't your time have been better spent reading the piece and telling us what you found so objectionable about it?

Or is it that you believe that opinion which does not fall into line with your faith is "decadent"?

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