Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

It is amazing how little you comprehend what you read.

The post 1998 Republican Party is mostly supported by Sub Humans who worship ISRAEL and don't understand basic math or English....

They actually do think stars are the same size as fig leaves, per Revelation.....
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

Great. What is the consensus definition and criteria for “the very rich”? Is it more asset-based or more annual income-based?

Great? What's "Great" about it?

I said “great” sarcastically and followed it up with questions as to what defines “rich” or “wealthy”. My bet is this plan is just another path to the Middle Class with a high annual income. The wealthy and rich like Pelosis Kennedy’s never complain about tax plains because their assets are relatively untouched.

I think democrat voters forget that democrat politicians are VERY rich and also get plenty of monies from corporations. Lol!

Very true. I am also ever amazed that many Democrat politicians enter office as middle class public servants and emerge as millionaire politicians.
Most Libertarians are 100% for closed borders, and have been for decades

Liar...most Libertarians are nutless bitches who refuse to take a firm stand on the issue...Like Golfing Gator you flirt with it and take a “we kind do but we kinda don’t but we kinda do” sort of approach. It’s what fence-sitting fools do. They don’t really STAND for much and they tend to fall for anything.

It is amazing how little you comprehend what you read.

In your little messed up mind the fact I refuse to be a racist fuck like you means I do not take a stand.

Wanting closed borders has nothing to do with hate or racism. It is just plain old common sense! Just because I don't want to invite someone into my country, does not mean I hate that person. I just see it as detrimental to the US, when we have all of these "entitlement" programs that they are invited to become a part of, while they have really contributed NOTHING to them. Don't even begin to tell me that illegals get NO entitlements at our expense.
Wanting closed borders has nothing to do with hate or racism. It is just plain old common sense! Just because I don't want to invite someone into my country, does not mean I hate that person. I just see it as detrimental to the US, when we have all of these "entitlement" programs that they are invited to become a part of, while they have really contributed NOTHING to them. Don't even begin to tell me that illegals get NO entitlements at our expense.

I wanted closed border as well....but unlike BL I am not a racist and do not use racist slurs in half of my post.

Do try and keep up.
BAN this freaking antisemitic bitch


When the Israelis attacked and murdered the USS Liberty, "Azog" cheered.

When the cruise missile hit the Pentagon on 911, "Azog" cheered.

When it was perfectly clear that Iraq had no WMD, "Azog" was still cheering....

BAN THOSE WHO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT ISRAEL = the corollary to the one sentence post 1998 GOP platform

the US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel until FRAUD JESUS floats down from the clouds
Wanting closed borders has nothing to do with hate or racism. It is just plain old common sense! Just because I don't want to invite someone into my country, does not mean I hate that person. I just see it as detrimental to the US, when we have all of these "entitlement" programs that they are invited to become a part of, while they have really contributed NOTHING to them. Don't even begin to tell me that illegals get NO entitlements at our expense.

I wanted closed border as well....but unlike BL I am not a racist and do not use racist slurs in half of my post.

Do try and keep up.

Well, you have to understand that some of the American people are frustrated with the status quo and they are going to come to message boards and vent their frustrations. Same with the other one here vilifying the Israelis. *shrug*
vilifying the Israeli

So, the transcript lied, and Israel really didn't murder the USS Liberty to prevent the Liberty from exposing Israeli concentration camps exterminating the residents of the Strip, the Heights, and the Bank....

Da BiBULL - it works for Jews, because Jews get support from billions of morons who have IQs under 5 because of it....
Well, you have to understand that some of the American people are frustrated with the status quo and they are going to come to message boards and vent their frustrations. Same with the other one here vilifying the Israelis. *shrug*

Making excuses for racist is just as bad as being one yourself.
BAN this freaking antisemitic bitch


When the Israelis attacked and murdered the USS Liberty, "Azog" cheered.

When the cruise missile hit the Pentagon on 911, "Azog" cheered.

When it was perfectly clear that Iraq had no WMD, "Azog" was still cheering....

BAN THOSE WHO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT ISRAEL = the corollary to the one sentence post 1998 GOP platform

the US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel until FRAUD JESUS floats down from the clouds

I will cheer when you get punched in the face. Hopefully someone does it soon. USS Liberty. What year was that?

GOP voters support closed borders.

The post 1998 GOP politicians only support Israel

BAN this freaking antisemitic bitch.

How very American of you! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Stock market up nearly 1000 pts since we last spoke. How about dem apples. Told you. Oh and LaRacist is a Jew hating dink.

I agree 100%, but the poster should not be banned for expressing an opinion, no matter how disgusting it might be. ;)

GOP voters support closed borders.

The post 1998 GOP politicians only support Israel

BAN this freaking antisemitic bitch.

How very American of you! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Stock market up nearly 1000 pts since we last spoke. How about dem apples. Told you. Oh and LaRacist is a Jew hating dink.

I agree 100%, but the poster should not be banned for expressing an opinion, no matter how disgusting it might be. ;)

You're right. I wish I could meet LaRacist face to face.
BAN this freaking antisemitic bitch


When the Israelis attacked and murdered the USS Liberty, "Azog" cheered.

When the cruise missile hit the Pentagon on 911, "Azog" cheered.

When it was perfectly clear that Iraq had no WMD, "Azog" was still cheering....

BAN THOSE WHO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT ISRAEL = the corollary to the one sentence post 1998 GOP platform

the US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel until FRAUD JESUS floats down from the clouds

You need help, seriously. You are just looking for excuses to hate on Jewish people.
Well, you have to understand that some of the American people are frustrated with the status quo and they are going to come to message boards and vent their frustrations. Same with the other one here vilifying the Israelis. *shrug*

Making excuses for racist is just as bad as being one yourself.

Oh, that's original. Never heard that one before around these here parts! Ohhhh, ouchie. :20:
Sub Human, Libertarians support

cutting spending
cutting spending
cutting spending

Yeah, yeah...that's what you keep telling us...THEN we come across a thread like this one where your weird followers are telling us that higher taxes must be imposed on Americas most productive citizens.
Stock market up nearly 1000 pts since we last spoke. How about dem apples. Told you. Oh and LaRacist is a Jew hating dink.

It has been nice, shows what could ahve been.

And yes he is, but that is no reason to ban him. BL is a brown/black hating racist and you do not call for his banning. Hating Jews is nothing special.
My opinion is that taxes should be used for their intended purpose; they weren't intended just to "punish" people for being "rich" and sate the jealousy which immoral individual try so badly to disguise as genuine "modesty".
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

Good grief. We have had an income tax which has always increased the tax in gradations for income earned.

2019-2020 Tax Brackets | Bankrate

The highest tax in 1960 was 91% of earned income $400,000 and above. The tax in 2020's highest earners income is 37% for all dollars of $500,301. Look at the historical details of the Tax Fraud signed by trump and who benefits.
What was the effective tax rate in 1960?

What is $400,000 in today's dollars?

Your slight of hand didn't work.

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