Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Stock market up nearly 1000 pts since we last spoke. How about dem apples. Told you. Oh and LaRacist is a Jew hating dink.

It has been nice, shows what could ahve been.

And yes he is, but that is no reason to ban him. BL is a brown/black hating racist and you do not call for his banning. Hating Jews is nothing special.

If you dollar cost averaged you're doing great. I attack all racists on this board. But the Jew haters get my ire up. Wonder why?
Most Libertarians are 100% for closed borders, and have been for decades

Liar...most Libertarians are nutless bitches who refuse to take a firm stand on the issue...Like Golfing Gator you flirt with it and take a “we kind do but we kinda don’t but we kinda do” sort of approach. It’s what fence-sitting fools do. They don’t really STAND for much and they tend to fall for anything.

It is amazing how little you comprehend what you read.

In your little messed up mind the fact I refuse to be a racist fuck like you means I do not take a stand.

Wanting closed borders has nothing to do with hate or racism. It is just plain old common sense! Just because I don't want to invite someone into my country, does not mean I hate that person. I just see it as detrimental to the US, when we have all of these "entitlement" programs that they are invited to become a part of, while they have really contributed NOTHING to them. Don't even begin to tell me that illegals get NO entitlements at our expense.

Golfing Gator , you arrive home to find a family of brown people has broke in...They are eating your food, laying in your bed and watching your TV...You ask them to leave and they tell you to go fuck yourself...Do you then offer them a beer, your spare bedroom, an education you’ll pay for, healthcare you’ll cover..etc etc...all because some nutless pussies may considered you a xenophobic bigot if you stand firm on getting them to leave?
Sub Human, Libertarians support

cutting spending
cutting spending
cutting spending

Yeah, yeah...that's what you keep telling us...THEN we come across a thread like this one where your weird followers are telling us that higher taxes must be imposed on Americas most productive citizens.

which Libertarian said that?

You've laid down a number of posts in this thread implying it...haven't you?
Look dude, your sneaky ambiguous bullshit is played out here...we totally get you.
vilifying the Israeli

So, the transcript lied, and Israel really didn't murder the USS Liberty to prevent the Liberty from exposing Israeli concentration camps exterminating the residents of the Strip, the Heights, and the Bank....

Da BiBULL - it works for Jews, because Jews get support from billions of morons who have IQs under 5 because of it....

What would you suggest a country do that is surrounded by enemies who wish it never existed? Should they just lie down and be destroyed? Really, I don't know what you Israel haters expect those people to do. Do you really want the ONLY democratic type country in that region to be destroyed? I just do not get this logic.
I believe it was the Brits, the French and the Americans who set up Israel where it is now anyways.

Dems LOVE refugees so much, well, that is what the Jewish people were at that time, refugees with nowhere to go, so don't blame them. They were helpless without the help of us super powers, and at the time, I do believe the French or the Brits OWNED that territory anyhow. ??? These are some of the reasons why I cannot understand this absolute hatred of the Jewish people in Israel. It is completely uncalled for and terrible, IMO.
Stock market up nearly 1000 pts since we last spoke. How about dem apples. Told you. Oh and LaRacist is a Jew hating dink.

It has been nice, shows what could ahve been.

And yes he is, but that is no reason to ban him. BL is a brown/black hating racist and you do not call for his banning. Hating Jews is nothing special.

If you dollar cost averaged you're doing great. I attack all racists on this board. But the Jew haters get my ire up. Wonder why?

For some reason, it is only "okay" for some people to be vengeful about racism and hatred directed at them. Other people should just shut the hell up.

That is sarcasm, BTW. ;)
Golfing Gator , you arrive home to find a family of brown people has broke in...They are eating your food, laying in your bed and watching your TV...You ask them to leave and they tell you to go fuck yourself...Do you then offer them a beer, your spare bedroom, an education you’ll pay for, healthcare you’ll cover..etc etc...all because some nutless pussies may considered you a xenophobic bigot if you stand firm on getting them to leave?

I treat them the same way I would a white or black or red or yellow family...I kick them the fuck out. That is the difference between you and I, your reaction is based upon the skin color and not the circumstance.
You've laid down a number of posts in this thread implying it...haven't you?
Look dude, your sneaky ambiguous bullshit is played out here...we totally get you.

Once again your reading comprehension fails you...did you graduate high school?

I was calling for the taxes on everyone to be raised, not just Americas most productive citizens. Hell, I am even talking about low lifes like you. Since nobody will cut spending or support a candidate that will...we need to start paying for what we spend.

We cannot put 1/4 of our spending on our credit card every year, sooner or later the piper will come calling.
Stock market up nearly 1000 pts since we last spoke. How about dem apples. Told you. Oh and LaRacist is a Jew hating dink.

It has been nice, shows what could ahve been.

And yes he is, but that is no reason to ban him. BL is a brown/black hating racist and you do not call for his banning. Hating Jews is nothing special.

If you dollar cost averaged you're doing great. I attack all racists on this board. But the Jew haters get my ire up. Wonder why?

Over the last few months you are correct, over the last 2 years as a whole it has been pretty weak.
You've laid down a number of posts in this thread implying it...haven't you?
Look dude, your sneaky ambiguous bullshit is played out here...we totally get you.

Once again your reading comprehension fails you...did you graduate high school?

I was calling for the taxes on everyone to be raised, not just Americas most productive citizens. Hell, I am even talking about low lifes like you. Since nobody will cut spending or support a candidate that will...we need to start paying for what we spend.

We cannot put 1/4 of our spending on our credit card every year, sooner or later the piper will come calling.

No, the govt needs to do without. Taxes should be lowered on everyone. Screw our filthy govt. You sound like the good liberal once again, gator. Lol.
Stock market up nearly 1000 pts since we last spoke. How about dem apples. Told you. Oh and LaRacist is a Jew hating dink.

It has been nice, shows what could ahve been.

And yes he is, but that is no reason to ban him. BL is a brown/black hating racist and you do not call for his banning. Hating Jews is nothing special.

If you dollar cost averaged you're doing great. I attack all racists on this board. But the Jew haters get my ire up. Wonder why?

Over the last few months you are correct, over the last 2 years as a whole it has been pretty weak.

But I told you after the China news came out the markets would flourish. You said no.
Golfing Gator , you arrive home to find a family of brown people has broke in...They are eating your food, laying in your bed and watching your TV...You ask them to leave and they tell you to go fuck yourself...Do you then offer them a beer, your spare bedroom, an education you’ll pay for, healthcare you’ll cover..etc etc...all because some nutless pussies may considered you a xenophobic bigot if you stand firm on getting them to leave?

I treat them the same way I would a white or black or red or yellow family...I kick them the fuck out. That is the difference between you and I, your reaction is based upon the skin color and not the circumstance.

That's cute...and in this fictitious fable it applies perfectly...BUT in the real world it isn't white, black, red or yellow people breaking in...guess what's WETBACKS breaking in...Scary shit huh?
You've laid down a number of posts in this thread implying it...haven't you?
Look dude, your sneaky ambiguous bullshit is played out here...we totally get you.

Once again your reading comprehension fails you...did you graduate high school?

I was calling for the taxes on everyone to be raised, not just Americas most productive citizens. Hell, I am even talking about low lifes like you. Since nobody will cut spending or support a candidate that will...we need to start paying for what we spend.

We cannot put 1/4 of our spending on our credit card every year, sooner or later the piper will come calling.

Explain to us how you propose we raise taxes on a middle class that can't save a penny now...on a lower class already living in squalor?
"Hell, I am even talking about low lifes like you."
That's some funny shit considering I'll pay more for one college tuition this year than you'll earn in the same period....haha
Hell, I'm quite confident that I pay more in property taxes per annum than you'll earn in the next several years....hahaha
Keep it up though...your stories are fun to read.
You've laid down a number of posts in this thread implying it...haven't you?
Look dude, your sneaky ambiguous bullshit is played out here...we totally get you.

Once again your reading comprehension fails you...did you graduate high school?

I was calling for the taxes on everyone to be raised, not just Americas most productive citizens. Hell, I am even talking about low lifes like you. Since nobody will cut spending or support a candidate that will...we need to start paying for what we spend.

We cannot put 1/4 of our spending on our credit card every year, sooner or later the piper will come calling.

No, the govt needs to do without. Taxes should be lowered on everyone. Screw our filthy govt. You sound like the good liberal once again, gator. Lol.

But the government does not do without, they just keep putting more and more on the credit card because of people like you.

There is no liberal suggesting what I am...none of them are against deficit spending.
But I told you after the China news came out the markets would flourish. You said no.

I said no such thing, this was the obvious reaction to an agreement...the problem lies in that so far the agreement is nothing more than a reset to two years ago...thus we had two years of wasted growth for no reason.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....
You can't be more fake news than Reuters.
You've laid down a number of posts in this thread implying it...haven't you?
Look dude, your sneaky ambiguous bullshit is played out here...we totally get you.

Once again your reading comprehension fails you...did you graduate high school?

I was calling for the taxes on everyone to be raised, not just Americas most productive citizens. Hell, I am even talking about low lifes like you. Since nobody will cut spending or support a candidate that will...we need to start paying for what we spend.

We cannot put 1/4 of our spending on our credit card every year, sooner or later the piper will come calling.

No, the govt needs to do without. Taxes should be lowered on everyone. Screw our filthy govt. You sound like the good liberal once again, gator. Lol.

But the government does not do without, they just keep putting more and more on the credit card because of people like you.

There is no liberal suggesting what I am...none of them are against deficit spending.
So voting for big spending Democrats is the way to lower the deficit?
Explain to us how you propose we raise taxes on a middle class that can't save a penny now...on a lower class already living in squalor?
"Hell, I am even talking about low lifes like you."
That's some funny shit considering I'll pay more for one college tuition this year than you'll earn in the same period....haha
Hell, I'm quite confident that I pay more in property taxes per annum than you'll earn in the next several years....hahaha
Keep it up though...your stories are fun to read.

You keep making these claims, but they are bullshit. You do not have 50 million dollars worth of property, you are just full of shit. The more your talk the less I think you own anything at all.
No, you made a comment that "taxes were higher at one point, and it didn't end America"..... So, if you're for soaking the wealthy, for the horrible crime of being successful, how much of their money should you be allowed to rob?

Yes, I did make that comment because it is true. It was not a commentary on the idea of higher taxes on the rich, it was a factual comment. Taxes on the rich were once far higher and it did not end America, in fact many would say it was on of our best stretches.

I want everyone to pay more taxes, you mean and the really really rich and the really really poor. Unlike you I am not good with freeloading and I think it is morally wrong to run deficits in a booming economy. Neither of the two major parties nor their voters favor spending cuts, thus we need to man up and start paying our way and quit leaving it for our kids and grandkids.

Why do you enjoy being a freeloader?
You claim to be a libertarian but you want everyone to pay more taxes? Nothing you have ever posted is more incriminating than that. You're obviously no libertarian.

When we need to do is vote in politicians who will do what the voters want, not the big government scumbags you support.

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