Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

You vote for fake libertarians like Gary Johnson.

We have no choice but to vote for one of the two major parties. The only way to get rid of the big spenders is through the primary process.

You obviously have no problem with however much the government spends. You want no controls at all. You just want the victims to meekly line up and take their punishment.

I have given my plan to cut spending 1000 times on this forum.

The problem is there are too many people like you that will keep voting for the Repubs no matter how much they spend and how much they add to the debt.

Until people like you quit doing that, I think we should pay for what we spend.

Yep, Gator says that increased tax revenue will equate to a balance in spending so it's true.

Once spending is set, we increase everyone taxes to cover the planed spending. Do that for a year or two and even the most lefty Dem will be begging for a cut in spending. Let people feel the pain of the spending.

If spending is set, then why do we have elections?

Sorry, turd, but only a big government douchebag claims spending can't be lowered. raising taxes has never reduced the deficit. You're wrong about what Democrats will do. Once the new rates become law, they Dims will fight tooth and nail to make sure they are never repealed.

Americans already feel the pain of spending.
Explain to us how you propose we raise taxes on a middle class that can't save a penny now...on a lower class already living in squalor?
"Hell, I am even talking about low lifes like you."
That's some funny shit considering I'll pay more for one college tuition this year than you'll earn in the same period....haha
Hell, I'm quite confident that I pay more in property taxes per annum than you'll earn in the next several years....hahaha
Keep it up though...your stories are fun to read.

You keep making these claims, but they are bullshit. You do not have 50 million dollars worth of property, you are just full of shit. The more your talk the less I think you own anything at all.

I'm good with you wanting to believe that everybody is a lowlife like you if it makes you feel better about your lack of accomplishment....but I'll continue to call you out on your bullshit.
At the end of the day I can't give two fucks about what you choose to believe about me.

Come on now, you know you do not have 50 million dollars worth of property, and so does everyone else here. Quit trying so hard.

Is this your not so subtle claim that you earn $500k?

I do not have to earn 500k for you to need to own 50 million dollars worth of property. You said you paid more in a year than I make in several years. I will make more than 500k over the several years.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

You can’t be more wrong.

America used to tax the rich at a much higher rate than we do now.

In fact America became a superpower when our highest tax rate was around 90%. Our jobs stayed here in America & business didn’t have the huge loopholes they have now.

That all changed in the Reagan years when he slashed taxes for the rich & business.

Do you make more than 50 million in a year or have more than 50 million in assets? If not you have nothing to worry about. This won’t effect you at all. Those who do have that type of wealth can kick in 2 pennies per dollar to help our nation.

Check this guy out Golfing Gator....."We hate old America, Republicans you must let go of that old America you seek, the good ole days have come and gone....OH BUT WAIT, for this debate we love those good ole days."
You twisted dumbmotherfuckers can not be taken seriously...EVER!
If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

Good grief. We have had an income tax which has always increased the tax in gradations for income earned.

2019-2020 Tax Brackets | Bankrate

The highest tax in 1960 was 91% of earned income $400,000 and above. The tax in 2020's highest earners income is 37% for all dollars of $500,301. Look at the historical details of the Tax Fraud signed by trump and who benefits.
What was the effective tax rate in 1960?

What is $400,000 in today's dollars?

Your slight of hand didn't work.

What matters are the percentages, which have changed to the betterment of those with higher earned incomes greater than any in the lower tax brackets. You question matters not, but if you want an answer look it up. Here is a link to 1965:

Calculate the value of $400,000 in 1965. How much is it worth today?

Do you know that the higher percentage applies only to the amount above X?

2019-2020 federal income tax brackets
JANUARY 6, 2020 in TAXES
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At Bankrate we strive to help you make smarter financial decisions. While we adhere to strict editorial integrity, this post may contain references to products from our partners. Here’s an explanation for how we make money.

There are seven tax brackets for most ordinary income: 10 percent, 12 percent, 22 percent, 24 percent, 32 percent, 35 percent and 37 percent. The U.S. has a progressive tax system, which means that as you move up the pay scale, you also move up the tax scale.
What all you inequality warriors fail to comprehend is that when we had the 90% tax rate, no one ever paid it. The wealthy plowed all their money into tax avoidance schemes and paid a much lower rate.

and nobody ever pays the highest rate now. That is another thing we need to fix.

Get rid of all credits and make X amount you pay Y amount...that simple.

So Apple shouldn't be allowed to deduct the wages it pays from its gross income?
If spending is set, then why do we have elections?

Sorry, turd, but only a big government douchebag claims spending can't be lowered. raising taxes has never reduced the deficit. You're wrong about what Democrats will do. Once the new rates become law, they Dims will fight tooth and nail to make sure they are never repealed.

Americans already feel the pain of spending.

I say spending can't be lowered because it never is. Nobody will vote for anyone that will lower it.

Who was the last person you voted for that lowered spending?
If spending is set, then why do we have elections?

Sorry, turd, but only a big government douchebag claims spending can't be lowered. raising taxes has never reduced the deficit. You're wrong about what Democrats will do. Once the new rates become law, they Dims will fight tooth and nail to make sure they are never repealed.

Americans already feel the pain of spending.

I say spending can't be lowered because it never is. Nobody will vote for anyone that will lower it.

Who was the last person you voted for that lowered spending?
So your solution is to give Congress a blank check?

Sorry, but that's pure insanity.
You vote for fake libertarians like Gary Johnson.

We have no choice but to vote for one of the two major parties. The only way to get rid of the big spenders is through the primary process.

You obviously have no problem with however much the government spends. You want no controls at all. You just want the victims to meekly line up and take their punishment.

I have given my plan to cut spending 1000 times on this forum.

The problem is there are too many people like you that will keep voting for the Repubs no matter how much they spend and how much they add to the debt.

Until people like you quit doing that, I think we should pay for what we spend.

Yep, Gator says that increased tax revenue will equate to a balance in spending so it's true.
When have tax increases ever lowered the deficit?

Yeah, that's a good question. There probably aren't enough rich people in the world to pay off that monstrous debt.

I think our politicians should have to start accounting for what they spend before they ask to raise any particular group of Americans taxes.

Why not find other ways to pay it off? Like cutting off aid to countries that hate us to begin with? Why do we support countries that are nothing but hostile to us?
If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

Good grief. We have had an income tax which has always increased the tax in gradations for income earned.

2019-2020 Tax Brackets | Bankrate

The highest tax in 1960 was 91% of earned income $400,000 and above. The tax in 2020's highest earners income is 37% for all dollars of $500,301. Look at the historical details of the Tax Fraud signed by trump and who benefits.
What was the effective tax rate in 1960?

What is $400,000 in today's dollars?

Your slight of hand didn't work.

What matters are the percentages, which have changed to the betterment of those with higher earned incomes greater than any in the lower tax brackets. You question matters not, but if you want an answer look it up. Here is a link to 1965:

Calculate the value of $400,000 in 1965. How much is it worth today?

Do you know that the higher percentage applies only to the amount above X?

2019-2020 federal income tax brackets
JANUARY 6, 2020 in TAXES
Advertiser Disclosure
At Bankrate we strive to help you make smarter financial decisions. While we adhere to strict editorial integrity, this post may contain references to products from our partners. Here’s an explanation for how we make money.

There are seven tax brackets for most ordinary income: 10 percent, 12 percent, 22 percent, 24 percent, 32 percent, 35 percent and 37 percent. The U.S. has a progressive tax system, which means that as you move up the pay scale, you also move up the tax scale.
What all you inequality warriors fail to comprehend is that when we had the 90% tax rate, no one ever paid it. The wealthy plowed all their money into tax avoidance schemes and paid a much lower rate.

and nobody ever pays the highest rate now. That is another thing we need to fix.

Get rid of all credits and make X amount you pay Y amount...that simple.

Tax code and expenditures are supposed to encourage spending habits that are supposed to benefit the economy as a whole.
BUT I'm all for a true flat tax system.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

Good grief. We have had an income tax which has always increased the tax in gradations for income earned.

2019-2020 Tax Brackets | Bankrate

The highest tax in 1960 was 91% of earned income $400,000 and above. The tax in 2020's highest earners income is 37% for all dollars of $500,301. Look at the historical details of the Tax Fraud signed by trump and who benefits.
What was the effective tax rate in 1960?

What is $400,000 in today's dollars?

Your slight of hand didn't work.

What matters are the percentages, which have changed to the betterment of those with higher earned incomes greater than any in the lower tax brackets. You question matters not, but if you want an answer look it up. Here is a link to 1965:

Calculate the value of $400,000 in 1965. How much is it worth today?

Do you know that the higher percentage applies only to the amount above X?

2019-2020 federal income tax brackets
JANUARY 6, 2020 in TAXES
Advertiser Disclosure
At Bankrate we strive to help you make smarter financial decisions. While we adhere to strict editorial integrity, this post may contain references to products from our partners. Here’s an explanation for how we make money.

There are seven tax brackets for most ordinary income: 10 percent, 12 percent, 22 percent, 24 percent, 32 percent, 35 percent and 37 percent. The U.S. has a progressive tax system, which means that as you move up the pay scale, you also move up the tax scale.
You clearly have no clue what an effective tax rate is.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

You can’t be more wrong.

America used to tax the rich at a much higher rate than we do now.

In fact America became a superpower when our highest tax rate was around 90%. Our jobs stayed here in America & business didn’t have the huge loopholes they have now.

That all changed in the Reagan years when he slashed taxes for the rich & business.

Do you make more than 50 million in a year or have more than 50 million in assets? If not you have nothing to worry about. This won’t effect you at all. Those who do have that type of wealth can kick in 2 pennies per dollar to help our nation.
What % of Americans paid 90%?
So your solution is to give Congress a blank check?

Sorry, but that's pure insanity.

They already have one. Nobody will vote them out for spending too much or adding too much to the debt. How is that not a blank check.
Tax code and expenditures are supposed to encourage spending habits that are supposed to benefit the economy as a whole.
BUT I'm all for a true flat tax system.

The tax code should be for collecting money to pay for what we spend...not for social engineering.
But I told you after the China news came out the markets would flourish. You said no.

I said no such thing, this was the obvious reaction to an agreement...the problem lies in that so far the agreement is nothing more than a reset to two years ago...thus we had two years of wasted growth for no reason.
Ummm...go back. You did. You said you wanted to see at least 1%. How about now?

what the hell are you talking about?
You said unless you saw 1% growth it was a nothing burger. That day the growth was not great. I said Give it time. You posted your usual childish emojis and look at it Now. I was Right again and you were wrong. Seems like a pattern is developing.

Watch this brief video. It’s pretty good.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

You can’t be more wrong.

America used to tax the rich at a much higher rate than we do now.

In fact America became a superpower when our highest tax rate was around 90%. Our jobs stayed here in America & business didn’t have the huge loopholes they have now.

That all changed in the Reagan years when he slashed taxes for the rich & business.

Do you make more than 50 million in a year or have more than 50 million in assets? If not you have nothing to worry about. This won’t effect you at all. Those who do have that type of wealth can kick in 2 pennies per dollar to help our nation.
What % of Americans paid 90%?
You've laid down a number of posts in this thread implying it...haven't you?
Look dude, your sneaky ambiguous bullshit is played out here...we totally get you.

Once again your reading comprehension fails you...did you graduate high school?

I was calling for the taxes on everyone to be raised, not just Americas most productive citizens. Hell, I am even talking about low lifes like you. Since nobody will cut spending or support a candidate that will...we need to start paying for what we spend.

We cannot put 1/4 of our spending on our credit card every year, sooner or later the piper will come calling.

No, the govt needs to do without. Taxes should be lowered on everyone. Screw our filthy govt. You sound like the good liberal once again, gator. Lol.

But the government does not do without, they just keep putting more and more on the credit card because of people like you.

There is no liberal suggesting what I am...none of them are against deficit spending.

Oh they claim to be all for cutting the debt and deficit and raising taxes. You say no?
But I told you after the China news came out the markets would flourish. You said no.

I said no such thing, this was the obvious reaction to an agreement...the problem lies in that so far the agreement is nothing more than a reset to two years ago...thus we had two years of wasted growth for no reason.
Ummm...go back. You did. You said you wanted to see at least 1%. How about now?

what the hell are you talking about?
You said unless you saw 1% growth it was a nothing burger. That day the growth was not great. I said Give it time. You posted your usual childish emojis and look at it Now. I was Right again and you were wrong. Seems like a pattern is developing.

Watch this brief video. It’s pretty good.

You put way too much emphasis on one day. that is not how investing works. You should know this
Because Saddam Hussein was a pain in the ass who was affecting the "global economy."

This apparently is the latest post 1998 Republican reason for the Iraq invasion in 2003.

Notice..... no mention of WMD, no mention of 911, and carefully worded to not mention the real reason


Meh, politicians lie all the time. Not to mention, like I said, running a country is a delicate balancing act. I think you give Israel ENTIRELY too much credit though.

Seems more like you are one of the irrational Israel haters who wants to blame all of our problems on them, which just doesn't make sense when you look at the bigger picture.
Israel is our best ally in the region.

I can agree with that, and I have no problem with Israel. I just think that we could at least cut down on the amount of aid we give them every single year. If they have a problem, then I think we should be more than willing to assist them and help them in any way that we can, but we should not put ourselves in the poor house to do it.
Israel gives us Intel...yes we pay for it. Saves lives.
Check this out!

It doesn't matter what a majority of Americans think about stealing from those with more than them.

What matters is what a majority in DC do. And they won't be ripping anyone off any time soon.

You're welcome

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