Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Wealth tax is mathematically retarded. If a wealthy guys guys a Ferrari for $100k and pays 5% in taxes he has to pay a tax again for owning it? What kind of idiot believes that?
Oh, so it was the JOOOOOOS eh? Get out with that BS.

From liberals like Ed Koch, Feinstein, Schumer, Waxman etc. to "conservatives" like Graham, Peter King, Billy Graham (oppps, you might think those actually are "Chrsitians" and not JEWS disguised as Chrsitians).....

Jewish support for a US war with Iraq became overwhelming when Jewish leaders pilloried HW for not occupying Iraq....

HW "didn't finish the job" was the parrot line....


W did ISRAEL's.....
Adults are posting here. That means you should STFU. LaRacist.
but their view on globalization and foreign policy are ridiculous.

Yeah, they don't actually have a one sentence platform like the post 1998 GOP

THE US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel until FRAUD JESUS floats down from the clouds.....

Gosh, the nerve of those Libertarians.....

Ok, you had a chance to make some good points, now your own bigotry is involved so, at least for me, we're done....I really don't care what bigots think...
but their view on globalization and foreign policy are ridiculous.

Yeah, they don't actually have a one sentence platform like the post 1998 GOP

THE US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel until FRAUD JESUS floats down from the clouds.....

Gosh, the nerve of those Libertarians.....
Libertarians can’t seem to understand the United States role in the world post 1945 has changed. The two great oceans no longer protect us in a world of global terrorism and ICBM’s. We can’t go back to the days of Calvin Coolidge. BTW...Jesus Christ is the Lord.
The invasion of Iraq

Tucker Carlson of Fox had a "$$ trillions" as the total cost of invading Iraq to date....

Why did we invade Iraq?

Did Iraq have WMD? NO
Was Iraq a threat? NO
Did Iraq have anything to do with 911? NO

So tell us, supporter of Israel, WHY did we, the United States, invade Iraq, and cost ourselves TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS according to the "news" network that supported the Iraq invasion the most - and they ALL supported it....

Because Saddam Hussein was a pain in the ass who was affecting the "global economy."
Global oil supply. I fought his Republican Guard.

Well, global oil supply feeds the global economy! Thank you for your service!

And this is just one reason why it is important to have our own supply and not rely on third world nations to supply it to us, because they use it as a weapon, which affects EVERYBODY eventually. While we are developing alternative forms of fuel and stuff, we need to be drilling and refining our own oil, IMO.
by recruiting 100 million filthy wetbacks to the fold

Most Libertarians are 100% for closed borders, and have been for decades.

these disgusting subhumans love free shit

Yeah, look who is talking, supporter of W socializing senior drugs by lying to the Congress about the estimated cost.....

They will never vote for anybody fiscally responsible

Tell us, self proclaimed sub human, who is "fiscally responsible" today?? The post 1998 GOP???

You hate Rand Paul, and he is about the only one....
Wealth tax is mathematically retarded. If a wealthy guys guys a Ferrari for $100k and pays 5% in taxes he has to pay a tax again for owning it? What kind of idiot believes that?

Elizabeth Warren for one....

"Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is vigorously promoting her proposed wealth tax aimed at the super rich whom she says don’t pay their fair share. It isn’t really a “billionaire tax” — the levies kick in at 2% annually on households with a net worth of $50 million, rising to 6% for those with a net worth of a billion dollars or more. And unlike income taxes, this covers every form of wealth and property, even “yachts, jewelry and fine art,” held in the United States or abroad. It takes class warfare to a whole new — and probably illegal — level. Fellow candidate Bernie Sanders has his own version of the tax.

Soak the rich proposals are nothing new. President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced a “wealth tax” in the Revenue Act of 1935, stating, “People know that vast personal incomes come not only through the effort or ability or luck of those who receive them, but also because of the opportunities for advantage which government itself contributes. Therefore, the duty rests upon the government to restrict such incomes by very high taxes.”

The idea that the wealthy at some level owe their riches to society is the same, but Roosevelt’s wealth tax was a steeply graduated income tax. This is fundamentally different from Warren’s proposal, which is a national property tax on wealth and possessions. This has never been done before in America for a simple reason: It is unconstitutional."

Elizabeth Warren's tax plan? Yeah, it's unconstitutional.
The invasion of Iraq

Tucker Carlson of Fox had a "$$ trillions" as the total cost of invading Iraq to date....

Why did we invade Iraq?

Did Iraq have WMD? NO
Was Iraq a threat? NO
Did Iraq have anything to do with 911? NO

So tell us, supporter of Israel, WHY did we, the United States, invade Iraq, and cost ourselves TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS according to the "news" network that supported the Iraq invasion the most - and they ALL supported it....

Because Saddam Hussein was a pain in the ass who was affecting the "global economy."
Global oil supply. I fought his Republican Guard.

Well, global oil supply feeds the global economy! Thank you for your service!

And this is just one reason why it is important to have our own supply and not rely on third world nations to supply it to us, because they use it as a weapon, which affects EVERYBODY eventually. While we are developing alternative forms of fuel and stuff, we need to be drilling and refining our own oil, IMO.
Drill baby drill...research and development of an alternative fuel source! Exactly. If it was not for what is under the ground in the Middle-East, North Africa, and SW Asia...nobody would pay any attention to them. No more Americans would die for oil dependency. Finally, it was always my honor to defend my country and all her people.
Jesus Christ is the Lord.

The post 1998 GOP is here....

Funny, that the only demographic to actually observe Jesus, the Jewish demographic, they reject him and consider him a total fraud.

When you go to Israel and pass out New Testaments, this happens....

Hundreds of New Testaments torched in Israel -

You, of course, never observed Jesus. Why do you think you know more about Jesus than Jews?

Who wrote the New Testament? Jews
Who doesn't believe the New Testament? Jews
Who does? SUB HUMANS
Wealth tax is mathematically retarded. If a wealthy guys guys a Ferrari for $100k and pays 5% in taxes he has to pay a tax again for owning it? What kind of idiot believes that?

Elizabeth Warren for one....

"Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is vigorously promoting her proposed wealth tax aimed at the super rich whom she says don’t pay their fair share. It isn’t really a “billionaire tax” — the levies kick in at 2% annually on households with a net worth of $50 million, rising to 6% for those with a net worth of a billion dollars or more. And unlike income taxes, this covers every form of wealth and property, even “yachts, jewelry and fine art,” held in the United States or abroad. It takes class warfare to a whole new — and probably illegal — level. Fellow candidate Bernie Sanders has his own version of the tax.

Soak the rich proposals are nothing new. President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced a “wealth tax” in the Revenue Act of 1935, stating, “People know that vast personal incomes come not only through the effort or ability or luck of those who receive them, but also because of the opportunities for advantage which government itself contributes. Therefore, the duty rests upon the government to restrict such incomes by very high taxes.”

The idea that the wealthy at some level owe their riches to society is the same, but Roosevelt’s wealth tax was a steeply graduated income tax. This is fundamentally different from Warren’s proposal, which is a national property tax on wealth and possessions. This has never been done before in America for a simple reason: It is unconstitutional."

Elizabeth Warren's tax plan? Yeah, it's unconstitutional.
Emma Goldman Warren is a Marxist.
Because Saddam Hussein was a pain in the ass who was affecting the "global economy."

This apparently is the latest post 1998 Republican reason for the Iraq invasion in 2003.

Notice..... no mention of WMD, no mention of 911, and carefully worded to not mention the real reason


Meh, politicians lie all the time. Not to mention, like I said, running a country is a delicate balancing act. I think you give Israel ENTIRELY too much credit though.

Seems more like you are one of the irrational Israel haters who wants to blame all of our problems on them, which just doesn't make sense when you look at the bigger picture.
Wealth tax is mathematically retarded. If a wealthy guys guys a Ferrari for $100k and pays 5% in taxes he has to pay a tax again for owning it? What kind of idiot believes that?

Elizabeth Warren for one....

"Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is vigorously promoting her proposed wealth tax aimed at the super rich whom she says don’t pay their fair share. It isn’t really a “billionaire tax” — the levies kick in at 2% annually on households with a net worth of $50 million, rising to 6% for those with a net worth of a billion dollars or more. And unlike income taxes, this covers every form of wealth and property, even “yachts, jewelry and fine art,” held in the United States or abroad. It takes class warfare to a whole new — and probably illegal — level. Fellow candidate Bernie Sanders has his own version of the tax.

Soak the rich proposals are nothing new. President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced a “wealth tax” in the Revenue Act of 1935, stating, “People know that vast personal incomes come not only through the effort or ability or luck of those who receive them, but also because of the opportunities for advantage which government itself contributes. Therefore, the duty rests upon the government to restrict such incomes by very high taxes.”

The idea that the wealthy at some level owe their riches to society is the same, but Roosevelt’s wealth tax was a steeply graduated income tax. This is fundamentally different from Warren’s proposal, which is a national property tax on wealth and possessions. This has never been done before in America for a simple reason: It is unconstitutional."

Elizabeth Warren's tax plan? Yeah, it's unconstitutional.
Emma Goldman Warren is a Marxist.

I got news, most if not all on the Democratic stage are Marxist....
Jesus Christ is the Lord.

The post 1998 GOP is here....

Funny, that the only demographic to actually observe Jesus, the Jewish demographic, they reject him and consider him a total fraud.

When you go to Israel and pass out New Testaments, this happens....

Hundreds of New Testaments torched in Israel -

You, of course, never observed Jesus. Why do you think you know more about Jesus than Jews?

Who wrote the New Testament? Jews
Who doesn't believe the New Testament? Jews
Who does? SUB HUMANS
New Testament written by the Disciples and you can go eat a bean pie and kiss Louis Farrakhan’s ass.
Wealth tax is mathematically retarded. If a wealthy guys guys a Ferrari for $100k and pays 5% in taxes he has to pay a tax again for owning it? What kind of idiot believes that?

Elizabeth Warren for one....

"Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is vigorously promoting her proposed wealth tax aimed at the super rich whom she says don’t pay their fair share. It isn’t really a “billionaire tax” — the levies kick in at 2% annually on households with a net worth of $50 million, rising to 6% for those with a net worth of a billion dollars or more. And unlike income taxes, this covers every form of wealth and property, even “yachts, jewelry and fine art,” held in the United States or abroad. It takes class warfare to a whole new — and probably illegal — level. Fellow candidate Bernie Sanders has his own version of the tax.

Soak the rich proposals are nothing new. President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced a “wealth tax” in the Revenue Act of 1935, stating, “People know that vast personal incomes come not only through the effort or ability or luck of those who receive them, but also because of the opportunities for advantage which government itself contributes. Therefore, the duty rests upon the government to restrict such incomes by very high taxes.”

The idea that the wealthy at some level owe their riches to society is the same, but Roosevelt’s wealth tax was a steeply graduated income tax. This is fundamentally different from Warren’s proposal, which is a national property tax on wealth and possessions. This has never been done before in America for a simple reason: It is unconstitutional."

Elizabeth Warren's tax plan? Yeah, it's unconstitutional.
Emma Goldman Warren is a Marxist.

I got news, most if not all on the Democratic stage are Marxist....
Biden can’t run far enough to the left to secure nomination. His voting record, and the fact that he is an old white male, disqualify him in the eyes of the lunatic Democrats.
Wealth tax is mathematically retarded. If a wealthy guys guys a Ferrari for $100k and pays 5% in taxes he has to pay a tax again for owning it? What kind of idiot believes that?

Elizabeth Warren for one....

"Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is vigorously promoting her proposed wealth tax aimed at the super rich whom she says don’t pay their fair share. It isn’t really a “billionaire tax” — the levies kick in at 2% annually on households with a net worth of $50 million, rising to 6% for those with a net worth of a billion dollars or more. And unlike income taxes, this covers every form of wealth and property, even “yachts, jewelry and fine art,” held in the United States or abroad. It takes class warfare to a whole new — and probably illegal — level. Fellow candidate Bernie Sanders has his own version of the tax.

Soak the rich proposals are nothing new. President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced a “wealth tax” in the Revenue Act of 1935, stating, “People know that vast personal incomes come not only through the effort or ability or luck of those who receive them, but also because of the opportunities for advantage which government itself contributes. Therefore, the duty rests upon the government to restrict such incomes by very high taxes.”

The idea that the wealthy at some level owe their riches to society is the same, but Roosevelt’s wealth tax was a steeply graduated income tax. This is fundamentally different from Warren’s proposal, which is a national property tax on wealth and possessions. This has never been done before in America for a simple reason: It is unconstitutional."

Elizabeth Warren's tax plan? Yeah, it's unconstitutional.
Most people agree that Liz Warren is an idiot.
Because Saddam Hussein was a pain in the ass who was affecting the "global economy."

This apparently is the latest post 1998 Republican reason for the Iraq invasion in 2003.

Notice..... no mention of WMD, no mention of 911, and carefully worded to not mention the real reason


Meh, politicians lie all the time. Not to mention, like I said, running a country is a delicate balancing act. I think you give Israel ENTIRELY too much credit though.

Seems more like you are one of the irrational Israel haters who wants to blame all of our problems on them, which just doesn't make sense when you look at the bigger picture.
Israel is our best ally in the region.
by recruiting 100 million filthy wetbacks to the fold

Most Libertarians are 100% for closed borders, and have been for decades.

these disgusting subhumans love free shit

Yeah, look who is talking, supporter of W socializing senior drugs by lying to the Congress about the estimated cost.....

They will never vote for anybody fiscally responsible

Tell us, self proclaimed sub human, who is "fiscally responsible" today?? The post 1998 GOP???

You hate Rand Paul, and he is about the only one....

That is not true at all, there are some libertarians who are for completely open borders. Some people take their ideologies entirely TOO far without thinking about the long term consequences or even short term ones, for that matter.

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