Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Besides that, we do not have any "road tax."

Actually we do. We have gas taxes, both Federal and State. We also have excise taxes on a certain truck and commercial tires. All that money is to be spent on...roads.

I don't know about tires, but diesel fuel is heavily taxed. We also pay tax by the mile on any vehicle with three axels or more. There is something called an axle tax that must be paid by trucking companies.

Okay, well I would have no way to know this because I only have ever driven a car, so I only pay an excise tax and a registration fee. The original point I was making however was that the government should not be able to tax the wealthy just because they make more, without providing them with some kind of special service. The wealthy are using the same roads that everyone else does and get no extra benefits out of their taxes than I do. Then I get an argument about road taxes???

I have also heard arguments that companies should pay more in tax, because trucks use the roads to pickup and deliver freight to those companies. My counter-argument to that is the taxes trucks already pay for using the road. It's not the liability of a business to pay more to support road construction. It's already included in the freight charge by the trucking or independent truck company.
Besides that, we do not have any "road tax."

Actually we do. We have gas taxes, both Federal and State. We also have excise taxes on a certain truck and commercial tires. All that money is to be spent on...roads.

I don't know about tires, but diesel fuel is heavily taxed. We also pay tax by the mile on any vehicle with three axels or more. There is something called an axle tax that must be paid by trucking companies.

Okay, well I would have no way to know this because I only have ever driven a car, so I only pay an excise tax and a registration fee. The original point I was making however was that the government should not be able to tax the wealthy just because they make more, without providing them with some kind of special service. The wealthy are using the same roads that everyone else does and get no extra benefits out of their taxes than I do. Then I get an argument about road taxes???

I have also heard arguments that companies should pay more in tax, because trucks use the roads to pickup and deliver freight to those companies. My counter-argument to that is the taxes trucks already pay for using the road. It's not the liability of a business to pay more to support road construction. It's already included in the freight charge by the trucking or independent truck company.

You can't trust them to use that money for what they say they will use it for anyways. They are not very accountable for anything that they do. That needs to change.
Most Americans in democratic run towns Aren’t expected to grow up
You believe the government schools are going to impart knowledge and information that is a threat to every bureaucrat, politician and school teacher in the government?

What universe do you live in? That is never going to happen in this universe.

Who needs government schools when we have the INTERNET?

Who? The teachers union.

No, us...we the people that have figured it out.

Obviously we didn't figure it out enough because all public schools are still in operation.

My idea is that since we have home school parents already, what's wrong with those parents teaching other neighborhood kids? Last I read, it costs 12K per student on average to teach them. What if the city (federal) government instead, paid a home school parent 10K for each additional child they teach at home? It would bring in a second income for those families, which would give other parents more of an opportunity to leave their job and teach their kids at home, and save the taxpayers 2K per student per year.

Why would we never see that happen? Teachers unions.
Drive government cost up.... and wages go DOWN....corporations leave.... jobs disappear..... and those at the low end of the wage scale then scream for MORE GOVERNMENT COST....

Addiction and insanity rolled up into one....
Asked in the poll if “the very rich should be allowed to keep the money they have, even if that means increasing inequality,” 54% of respondents disagreed.

RAISE TAXES because Hunter Biden and Paul Pelosi need MORE KICKBACK....
Israel gives us Intel...yes we pay for it. Saves live

That's just breathtaking....

Israel's intel .....

Saddam is about to attack American cities with nukes....
Israel hit the USS Liberty but it was an accident - just don't read the TRANSCRIPT
Hezbo hit the US Marines in Lebanon in 1983... until Caspar Weinberger (a patriotic American Jew) said they didn't... and then two Mossad dressed up as Islamic people claimed to be from "Islamic Jihad" and took credit.... THREE WEEKS after the Israelis and the US media said it was Hezbo
Type in Gaddafi Jewish into Google, and notice the Israeli media admits he was Jewish, but the US media does not
That Osama bin Laden guy did 911.... except he didn't.... according to him... until the Mossad told him he "did." And then "Osama" noted he was shocked the towers fell, demonstration an exceptionally brilliant understanding of physics... sorely lacking amongst those who think stars are the same size as FIG LEAVES (Book of Revelation)

Show us a photo of "Osama" in Saudi..... you can't, because there aren't any....

Want to see Col Tim Osman before he became "Osama...."

Thank you, KGB....


Israel did JFK, the USS Liberty, had their treasonous guy in LBJ start the US escalation in 'nam for the purpose of running US war factories to arm ISRAEL for the 67 war, the Marines in Lebanon 1983, 911, and so much more.

Israel is the worst disaster of a US creation in US history. We should abort it now.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....
Why do the Left Wingers always demand higher taxes, but then they take all of their tax deductions?
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

Just because the majority wants something, does not mean it is good or right. Remember we had legalized slavery, and at one point, the majority supported it.

Does that mean it is right?

We are not a Democracy. Just because 51% of the vote says they want to kill you and your family, and steal all your stuff, doesn't mean that is good or right and moral.

We've seen how Democracy destroys itself, in Venezuela, and Greece, and Russia, and the list goes on.

Taxing the rich, only hurts the poor, and harms the country.
It does not work, never has worked, and will never work. No country on this planet, has a system where the rich pay taxes for the benefit of the poor.

If that work, somewhere would have done it, and had it work. Why do you think the Nordic countries have almost double the tax rates on the poor, that the US does? Why didn't the higher taxes on the rich, result in the poor paying less tax? Because it does not work.

If you want an example that is closer to home, look at California. Tax rates a drastically higher in California. Do you see the rich suffering in California? No, it's the lower and middle class, that see more of their income taken away, the cost of everything drastically higher, and people have no place to live.

The US will supposed to be a representative Republic. What that means is that you elect people based on who you think will represent you best in government. Not someone who will mindlessly do whatever dumb thing you want in the moment, even if it destroys the country in the long run. You elect the best person for the job, and then they make the best choices they can for what is good for the country.

That's how a representative republican is supposed to work.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....
Why do the Left Wingers always demand higher taxes, but then they take all of their tax deductions?
I don’t. We looked at restructuring some parts of my business to take advantage of some aspects of Trump’s tax cut. We decided not to.
USS Liberty. What year was that?

So the fact that the Israelis knew the USS Liberty was an American ship and attacked it with that knowledge doesn't matter because that was not reported on Fox....

I will cheer when you get punched in the face.

Another Internet "tough guy."

Wow am I scared..... LOL!!!!

Instead of pushing for censorship, why don't you attempt to refute what I post?

A: he and the 911 Zionist Treason crowd cannot refute any of it.... so censorship, insults, and the rest are their only options....


Two Bills Drive
THEN we come across a thread like this one where your weird followers are telling us that higher taxes must be imposed on Americas

Another SUB HUMAN is TOO DUMB to understand the difference between liberal and libertarian....

When you pass third grade, let us know.....
USS Liberty. What year was that?

So the fact that the Israelis knew the USS Liberty was an American ship and attacked it with that knowledge doesn't matter because that was not reported on Fox....

I will cheer when you get punched in the face.

Another Internet "tough guy."

Wow am I scared..... LOL!!!!

Instead of pushing for censorship, why don't you attempt to refute what I post?

A: he and the 911 Zionist Treason crowd cannot refute any of it.... so censorship, insults, and the rest are their only options....


View attachment 300057
Two Bills Drive
Answer my question, LaRacist. You fat loser.
Answer my question,

With pleasure.....

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty

"Amid the jubilee celebrations for the Six-Day War, the tragic story of the American spy ship USS Liberty – which was bombed by an Israeli fighter jet and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967 in the eastern Mediterranean – was somewhat overlooked. Thirty-four American sailors were killed in the Israeli attack and many others were wounded.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?

DF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.

and Azog cheered as the Israelis attacked and murdered the US Naval personnel on the USS Liberty, which was sent to investigate whether or not ISRAEL was EXTERMINATING the residents of the Heights, Bank, and Strip.... which they were using the weapons the US taxpayer paid for to be used in 'nam,,.,,
Answer my question,

With pleasure.....

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty

"Amid the jubilee celebrations for the Six-Day War, the tragic story of the American spy ship USS Liberty – which was bombed by an Israeli fighter jet and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967 in the eastern Mediterranean – was somewhat overlooked. Thirty-four American sailors were killed in the Israeli attack and many others were wounded.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?

DF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.

and Azog cheered as the Israelis attacked and murdered the US Naval personnel on the USS Liberty, which was sent to investigate whether or not ISRAEL was EXTERMINATING the residents of the Heights, Bank, and Strip.... which they were using the weapons the US taxpayer paid for to be used in 'nam,,.,,
I was born in 1980. Don’t care about 1967. Were you alive then?
Don’t care about 1967.

This poster "doesn't care" when Israel murders US Naval personnel....


Was it GAWD's will?

Some of us actually do care.... and we get really angry at folks who try to belittle the Israeli slaughter.... The US has been very good to Israel, and we have been re-paid with 911, the Liberty, JFK, the Marines in Lebanon 1983, ISIS etc...

Israel is the worst US creation in US history. The sooner we abort it, the better the US will be....
Don’t care about 1967.

This poster "doesn't care" when Israel murders US Naval personnel....


Was it GAWD's will?

Some of us actually do care.... and we get really angry at folks who try to belittle the Israeli slaughter.... The US has been very good to Israel, and we have been re-paid with 911, the Liberty, JFK, the Marines in Lebanon 1983, ISIS etc...

Israel is the worst US creation in US history. The sooner we abort it, the better the US will be....
Are you in politics? Post the rest of my statement don’t be a coward. Israel is the best ally we have. Post my entire statement when you quote me, stop being a bitch. LaCoward.
Don’t care about 1967.

This poster "doesn't care" when Israel murders US Naval personnel....


Was it GAWD's will?

Some of us actually do care.... and we get really angry at folks who try to belittle the Israeli slaughter.... The US has been very good to Israel, and we have been re-paid with 911, the Liberty, JFK, the Marines in Lebanon 1983, ISIS etc...

Israel is the worst US creation in US history. The sooner we abort it, the better the US will be....

Can I just cut out all of your post I don't like, take one statement out of context, and use that to insult you?

You are a coward. Grow up, and stop being a toddler on the forums.
Israel is the best ally we have.

Who is "we?" It certainly is not AMERICA. We are out $20 trillion and hundreds of thousands of lives because of Israel. Israel isn't an ally. It is the worst disaster ever.

When asked = What has Israel done for America, these TREASON LOVERS can't answer..... because the "relation" between the US and Israel is that the US gives Israel whatever it wants and then some, and we, the American people, are "repaid" with lies, assassinations, false flag attacks, and bogus wars started over lies because Israel wanted war.....

don’t be a coward.

Look who is talking??


Why are there NO PHOTOS of Osama in Saudi???

You are another sick in the head Zionist who has no truth, no patriotism to the US, and no courage outside of hiding your face behind a flat screen....

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