Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Jesus himself pointed out that those who have much more than others have much more to do with their wealth. It is only common sense that the rich participate in proportion to how much they gain from the productivity of their society. If they were truly intelligent, taxes would not be necessary to make this happen. If they were truly "Christian", it would not be necessary. That it apparently is necessary is testimony to the short nearsightedness of the wealthy.

I'm not a fan of bringing religion into taxation arguments....Washington has beat us over the head that they don't want religion in the public square, so why invoke it now when we are talking about what the government takes at the barrel of a gun? When you or anyone bringing up religion can show me where Jesus preached that you should take care of the poor at the tip of the Roman spear, then we can talk about that....

I think you missed his point. If Christians were doing what Jesus commanded them to do, there would be no need for the government to take care of the poor.

So how would Christians do that? Christian charities always have and still do take care of the poor. But they can't give people who don't want to work homes in the suburb like HUD. They don't give out food stamps that people trade in for cash so they can buy alcohol or drugs like the government does.
Well, let's take a look at that...according to figures of a couple that makes let's say $100K their average breakdown would look something like this

Federal - $11K
State - $7K
Med/FICA $3K
Property - $1.2K (Low property tax state like SC)
Assorted Sales $15K (@7%)

Now that comes to about $37K but if you take that property tax to a state like NJ at about $13K for the same type and size of home, then you are significantly closer to the 50% level

You can say it's true that it isn't 50% but it is only 13% short of that....You think that is a reasonable taxation level for that level of income?

Here, I was paying about 20% of my adjustable net income to property tax, and our county has an 8% consumption tax. That means everything I buy here has nearly a 10% tax on it. Those are just two of the many type of taxes I pay. On top of that, add on all the other ones.

So it's not unreasonable to say that (depending on where you live) some are not paying 50% of their net income to all the various taxes.
How were you paying 20% of your income on property tax? I live in a high tax state and pay no more than 4%.

It all depends on your income I guess. I'm just a middle-class earner. I do have rental properties where I live, but I also include the rent collections (minus deductions) as part of my gross and adjusted income. Our property tax is mostly the public schools which they put up brand new ones about ten years ago or so. Our property tax includes city and county taxes.

Having rental properties is very different and counting that as your tax burden is a very different story than what an average middle class person would deal with. Property taxes on rental properties is a business expense which is still tax deductible (although not for the average earner anymore).

It makes a difference in what percentage of my income I pay in property tax.

No doubt, and one of the primary reasons we moved from Maryland, to South Carolina....The fact of the matter is that Government has become so bloated, so demanding, something as far as taxation it never should have become....They act like we only labor for their needs, and they allow us to keep what they do....

Enough! Every time I turn around there is a damned tax on something going to cigar smoking fat asses that just waste my money on things I have no say on....
Well, let's take a look at that...according to figures of a couple that makes let's say $100K their average breakdown would look something like this

Federal - $11K
State - $7K
Med/FICA $3K
Property - $1.2K (Low property tax state like SC)
Assorted Sales $15K (@7%)

Now that comes to about $37K but if you take that property tax to a state like NJ at about $13K for the same type and size of home, then you are significantly closer to the 50% level

You can say it's true that it isn't 50% but it is only 13% short of that....You think that is a reasonable taxation level for that level of income?

Here, I was paying about 20% of my adjustable net income to property tax, and our county has an 8% consumption tax. That means everything I buy here has nearly a 10% tax on it. Those are just two of the many type of taxes I pay. On top of that, add on all the other ones.

So it's not unreasonable to say that (depending on where you live) some are not paying 50% of their net income to all the various taxes.
How were you paying 20% of your income on property tax? I live in a high tax state and pay no more than 4%.

It all depends on your income I guess. I'm just a middle-class earner. I do have rental properties where I live, but I also include the rent collections (minus deductions) as part of my gross and adjusted income. Our property tax is mostly the public schools which they put up brand new ones about ten years ago or so. Our property tax includes city and county taxes.

Having rental properties is very different and counting that as your tax burden is a very different story than what an average middle class person would deal with. Property taxes on rental properties is a business expense which is still tax deductible (although not for the average earner anymore).

It makes a difference in what percentage of my income I pay in property tax.

It’s a business expense. If you count all rental income as personal income, what income percentile doesn’t that put you in?

I don’t think any business owner counts all revenue as income. That makes no sense.
Jesus himself pointed out that those who have much more than others have much more to do with their wealth. It is only common sense that the rich participate in proportion to how much they gain from the productivity of their society. If they were truly intelligent, taxes would not be necessary to make this happen. If they were truly "Christian", it would not be necessary. That it apparently is necessary is testimony to the short nearsightedness of the wealthy.

I'm not a fan of bringing religion into taxation arguments....Washington has beat us over the head that they don't want religion in the public square, so why invoke it now when we are talking about what the government takes at the barrel of a gun? When you or anyone bringing up religion can show me where Jesus preached that you should take care of the poor at the tip of the Roman spear, then we can talk about that....

I think you missed his point. If Christians were doing what Jesus commanded them to do, there would be no need for the government to take care of the poor.

So how would Christians do that? Christian charities always have and still do take care of the poor. But they can't give people who don't want to work homes in the suburb like HUD. They don't give out food stamps that people trade in for cash so they can buy alcohol or drugs like the government does.

Here is a great book on the subject, he goes into great detail in to what could happen if everyone that attend Church in the US did nothing more but follow the command to tithe.
Here, I was paying about 20% of my adjustable net income to property tax, and our county has an 8% consumption tax. That means everything I buy here has nearly a 10% tax on it. Those are just two of the many type of taxes I pay. On top of that, add on all the other ones.

So it's not unreasonable to say that (depending on where you live) some are not paying 50% of their net income to all the various taxes.
How were you paying 20% of your income on property tax? I live in a high tax state and pay no more than 4%.

It all depends on your income I guess. I'm just a middle-class earner. I do have rental properties where I live, but I also include the rent collections (minus deductions) as part of my gross and adjusted income. Our property tax is mostly the public schools which they put up brand new ones about ten years ago or so. Our property tax includes city and county taxes.

Having rental properties is very different and counting that as your tax burden is a very different story than what an average middle class person would deal with. Property taxes on rental properties is a business expense which is still tax deductible (although not for the average earner anymore).

It makes a difference in what percentage of my income I pay in property tax.

No doubt, and one of the primary reasons we moved from Maryland, to South Carolina....The fact of the matter is that Government has become so bloated, so demanding, something as far as taxation it never should have become....They act like we only labor for their needs, and they allow us to keep what they do....

Enough! Every time I turn around there is a damned tax on something going to cigar smoking fat asses that just waste my money on things I have no say on....

It's hard to compete against Santa Clause. Vote buying is a strategy that's been used by the left since I've been on this planet. Keep voting for us, and not only will we keep giving you X, we promise to give you more. Free college, free healthcare, free paid time off and so forth.
Jesus himself pointed out that those who have much more than others have much more to do with their wealth. It is only common sense that the rich participate in proportion to how much they gain from the productivity of their society. If they were truly intelligent, taxes would not be necessary to make this happen. If they were truly "Christian", it would not be necessary. That it apparently is necessary is testimony to the short nearsightedness of the wealthy.

I'm not a fan of bringing religion into taxation arguments....Washington has beat us over the head that they don't want religion in the public square, so why invoke it now when we are talking about what the government takes at the barrel of a gun? When you or anyone bringing up religion can show me where Jesus preached that you should take care of the poor at the tip of the Roman spear, then we can talk about that....

I think you missed his point. If Christians were doing what Jesus commanded them to do, there would be no need for the government to take care of the poor.

So how would Christians do that? Christian charities always have and still do take care of the poor. But they can't give people who don't want to work homes in the suburb like HUD. They don't give out food stamps that people trade in for cash so they can buy alcohol or drugs like the government does.

Here is a great book on the subject, he goes into great detail in to what could happen if everyone that attend Church in the US did nothing more but follow the command to tithe.

What makes you or this author think that everybody who goes to church has the resources to do that? Last I heard, a survey conducted concluded that most Americans don't have a thousand dollars to spend in the event of an emergency.
What makes you or this author think that everybody who goes to church has the resources to do that? Last I heard, a survey conducted concluded that most Americans don't have a thousand dollars to spend in the event of an emergency.

It is God's command, not mine or the authors. God also says that he will reward those that do so.

I guess it comes down to if you believe the Bible is really the word of God or not.
It's hard to compete against Santa Clause. Vote buying is a strategy that's been used by the left since I've been on this planet. Keep voting for us, and not only will we keep giving you X, we promise to give you more. Free college, free healthcare, free paid time off and so forth.

It is funny how to you people it is only the left that does these things...
What makes you or this author think that everybody who goes to church has the resources to do that? Last I heard, a survey conducted concluded that most Americans don't have a thousand dollars to spend in the event of an emergency.

It is God's command, not mine or the authors. God also says that he will reward those that do so.

I guess it comes down to if you believe the Bible is really the word of God or not.

It has nothing to do with that. You can only give what you can afford to give. That's it. You can't end up homeless yourself because you want to give to everybody else. Many people are not in the position of giving because they simply don't have it.
How were you paying 20% of your income on property tax? I live in a high tax state and pay no more than 4%.

It all depends on your income I guess. I'm just a middle-class earner. I do have rental properties where I live, but I also include the rent collections (minus deductions) as part of my gross and adjusted income. Our property tax is mostly the public schools which they put up brand new ones about ten years ago or so. Our property tax includes city and county taxes.

Having rental properties is very different and counting that as your tax burden is a very different story than what an average middle class person would deal with. Property taxes on rental properties is a business expense which is still tax deductible (although not for the average earner anymore).

It makes a difference in what percentage of my income I pay in property tax.

No doubt, and one of the primary reasons we moved from Maryland, to South Carolina....The fact of the matter is that Government has become so bloated, so demanding, something as far as taxation it never should have become....They act like we only labor for their needs, and they allow us to keep what they do....

Enough! Every time I turn around there is a damned tax on something going to cigar smoking fat asses that just waste my money on things I have no say on....

It's hard to compete against Santa Clause. Vote buying is a strategy that's been used by the left since I've been on this planet. Keep voting for us, and not only will we keep giving you X, we promise to give you more. Free college, free healthcare, free paid time off and so forth.
You think Democrats are the only ones that buy votes?
It's hard to compete against Santa Clause. Vote buying is a strategy that's been used by the left since I've been on this planet. Keep voting for us, and not only will we keep giving you X, we promise to give you more. Free college, free healthcare, free paid time off and so forth.

It is funny how to you people it is only the left that does these things...

It is mostly the left. Do you hear anybody on the right promising to give away more government goodies from people on the right? Pay attention to the Democrat debates.
What makes you or this author think that everybody who goes to church has the resources to do that? Last I heard, a survey conducted concluded that most Americans don't have a thousand dollars to spend in the event of an emergency.

It is God's command, not mine or the authors. God also says that he will reward those that do so.

I guess it comes down to if you believe the Bible is really the word of God or not.

Well, isn't that convenient....If you have someone that can't afford food, has bill collectors hounding them, on the verge of being kicked out of their rental home, but you want them to give up the medicine money for their child, to the church so that you can approve of their devotion to faith...yet, if they did that and the child died from not treating their illness, you'd be among the first no doubt to call them fools, and morons for having that faith in the first place....

This is why I don't take religious argument from people who deep down loath the premise of religion.
What makes you or this author think that everybody who goes to church has the resources to do that? Last I heard, a survey conducted concluded that most Americans don't have a thousand dollars to spend in the event of an emergency.

It is God's command, not mine or the authors. God also says that he will reward those that do so.

I guess it comes down to if you believe the Bible is really the word of God or not.

It has nothing to do with that. You can only give what you can afford to give. That's it. You can't end up homeless yourself because you want to give to everybody else. Many people are not in the position of giving because they simply don't have it.

I am just telling you what the Bible says. There is a parable about this very thing, found in Mark chapter 12. Try reading it.
It all depends on your income I guess. I'm just a middle-class earner. I do have rental properties where I live, but I also include the rent collections (minus deductions) as part of my gross and adjusted income. Our property tax is mostly the public schools which they put up brand new ones about ten years ago or so. Our property tax includes city and county taxes.

Having rental properties is very different and counting that as your tax burden is a very different story than what an average middle class person would deal with. Property taxes on rental properties is a business expense which is still tax deductible (although not for the average earner anymore).

It makes a difference in what percentage of my income I pay in property tax.

No doubt, and one of the primary reasons we moved from Maryland, to South Carolina....The fact of the matter is that Government has become so bloated, so demanding, something as far as taxation it never should have become....They act like we only labor for their needs, and they allow us to keep what they do....

Enough! Every time I turn around there is a damned tax on something going to cigar smoking fat asses that just waste my money on things I have no say on....

It's hard to compete against Santa Clause. Vote buying is a strategy that's been used by the left since I've been on this planet. Keep voting for us, and not only will we keep giving you X, we promise to give you more. Free college, free healthcare, free paid time off and so forth.
You think Democrats are the only ones that buy votes?

I don't, but they certainly the most prolific....
What makes you or this author think that everybody who goes to church has the resources to do that? Last I heard, a survey conducted concluded that most Americans don't have a thousand dollars to spend in the event of an emergency.

It is God's command, not mine or the authors. God also says that he will reward those that do so.

I guess it comes down to if you believe the Bible is really the word of God or not.

It has nothing to do with that. You can only give what you can afford to give. That's it. You can't end up homeless yourself because you want to give to everybody else. Many people are not in the position of giving because they simply don't have it.

I am just telling you what the Bible says. There is a parable about this very thing, found in Mark chapter 12. Try reading it.

Are you a preacher?
What makes you or this author think that everybody who goes to church has the resources to do that? Last I heard, a survey conducted concluded that most Americans don't have a thousand dollars to spend in the event of an emergency.

It is God's command, not mine or the authors. God also says that he will reward those that do so.

I guess it comes down to if you believe the Bible is really the word of God or not.

It has nothing to do with that. You can only give what you can afford to give. That's it. You can't end up homeless yourself because you want to give to everybody else. Many people are not in the position of giving because they simply don't have it.

I am just telling you what the Bible says. There is a parable about this very thing, found in Mark chapter 12. Try reading it.

I don't have to read it to understand that people can't give what they don't have. Nor to I buy the argument that people of religion who don't go homeless themselves are not following the Bible. The Bible also tells us to take in strangers and give them shelter. That doesn't mean in this day and age, I'm about to risk the health and life of my family to give an unknown homeless man a place to sleep.
Well, isn't that convenient....If you have someone that can't afford food, has bill collectors hounding them, on the verge of being kicked out of their rental home, but you want them to give up the medicine money for their child, to the church so that you can approve of their devotion to faith...yet, if they did that and the child died from not treating their illness, you'd be among the first no doubt to call them fools, and morons for having that faith in the first place....

This is why I don't take religious argument from people who deep down loath the premise of religion.

Actually I am very fond of the premise of religion, it is people like you that I loathe, those that want to wear the mantle but then ignore the words of their religious text.

You do understand, you are not arguing with me, but with God...if you believe the bible are His words.
What makes you or this author think that everybody who goes to church has the resources to do that? Last I heard, a survey conducted concluded that most Americans don't have a thousand dollars to spend in the event of an emergency.

It is God's command, not mine or the authors. God also says that he will reward those that do so.

I guess it comes down to if you believe the Bible is really the word of God or not.

It has nothing to do with that. You can only give what you can afford to give. That's it. You can't end up homeless yourself because you want to give to everybody else. Many people are not in the position of giving because they simply don't have it.

I am just telling you what the Bible says. There is a parable about this very thing, found in Mark chapter 12. Try reading it.

Are you a preacher?

Nope. But I did spent the majority of my adult life as a lay leader for many different Christian churches.
Having rental properties is very different and counting that as your tax burden is a very different story than what an average middle class person would deal with. Property taxes on rental properties is a business expense which is still tax deductible (although not for the average earner anymore).

It makes a difference in what percentage of my income I pay in property tax.

No doubt, and one of the primary reasons we moved from Maryland, to South Carolina....The fact of the matter is that Government has become so bloated, so demanding, something as far as taxation it never should have become....They act like we only labor for their needs, and they allow us to keep what they do....

Enough! Every time I turn around there is a damned tax on something going to cigar smoking fat asses that just waste my money on things I have no say on....

It's hard to compete against Santa Clause. Vote buying is a strategy that's been used by the left since I've been on this planet. Keep voting for us, and not only will we keep giving you X, we promise to give you more. Free college, free healthcare, free paid time off and so forth.
You think Democrats are the only ones that buy votes?

I don't, but they certainly the most prolific....
Trump is running a trillion dollar deficit right now in a good economy at full unemployment. That’s about as prolific as it gets.
I don't have to read it to understand that people can't give what they don't have. Nor to I buy the argument that people of religion who don't go homeless themselves are not following the Bible. The Bible also tells us to take in strangers and give them shelter. That doesn't mean in this day and age, I'm about to risk the health and life of my family to give an unknown homeless man a place to sleep.

If you read it you would know that the bible is not asking anyone to go homeless and it very specially states those that show their faith by following God's commands will be rewarded.

You really should try reading something before commenting on it.

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