Majority of debtors to US hospitals now people with health insurance

You don't know the difference between deductibles and max out of pocket either for individuals or family. When you learn the difference then we can debate this. Apparently you also don't know shit about an health plan that is HSA compatible.
No, asshole but I am a professional insurance person and know 100% more than you will ever know and the only plans that have a $10,000.00 deductibles are not ACA aka obamacare or following the ACA laws. Why all of a sudden are you maga's wanting free shit. Pay you're fucking share and maybe the insurance premium's would come down.

Caveat: I suppose employer self funded plans could have a $10,000 deductible.
How the hell can you accuse MAGAs of wanting free shit? We are paying through the nose so that OTHER people can get free shit!

The last year I was on an Obamacare-compliant plan, I paid more than $800 a month for a bronze plan - and that had a $6500 deductible before it would start to pay. You think THAT is affordable? On top of that, my providers wouldn’t even accept it, so I had to find new doctors.

So let’s do the math: A 60-year-old couple earning $70,000 would pay $1600 a month, and then have $13,000 deductible. That means out of their $60,000 take-home pay (and I’m being generous), they could have medical costs, premium plus expenses, they could have to cough up $33,000 a YEAR - more than half their income. And Obamacare has the nerve to count them as “insured.”

You won’t win this debate with me. I was one of the millions of middle class people who ended up stuck with unaffordable plans, that didn’t even cover expenses, while others got almost a free ride.
Yep, you can thank Obamacare for this.

With his "shut up, you have insurance" policies with deductibles over 5000 dollars can result in people with insurance owing a lot of money.
You don't know the difference between deductibles and max out of pocket either for individuals or family. When you learn the difference then we can debate this. Apparently you also don't know shit about an health plan that is HSA compatible.
I think we can all see deductibles growing Debbie, the house never looses, and as i've shown you, big Insurance in America owns the medical house

Which they've actively manipulated , to line their pockets

ER closings in America are a pandemic , with urgent care centers replacing them, because one falls under the JACHO ruling of treating the poor, while the other can flat out refuse the poor

True that. ACA did away with most true catastrophic insurance plans.

Thanks Obama!
Actually, the bronze plans were catastrophic plans - didn’t cover anything unless you had a major, expensive catastrophe. The difference was that you had to pay premiums for it as if it were a good, regular health insurance plan.

And that’s because the insurance companies needed to overcharge some people in order to make it next to free for others.
Actually, the bronze plans were catastrophic plans - didn’t cover anything unless you had a major, expensive catastrophe. The difference was that you had to pay premiums for it as if it were a good, regular health insurance plan.
They aren't the same policies. ACA piled on requirements like normal policies which made them cost more.
And that’s because the insurance companies needed to overcharge some people in order to make it next to free for others.
I guess part of it was that. But a true catastrophic policy, the kind that used to cost $150/mo, don't exist anymore.
Here's how it works. The Biden administration lets millions of disease carrying illegal aliens who never saw a doctor in their sorry lives into the U.S. and then the left focuses on a medical insurance crisis. Anyway you don't see many people taking a trip to England for top notch medical treatment
Blacks and middle aged people are carrying most of the medical debt. So much for Obamacare helping minorities huh?

How the hell can you accuse MAGAs of wanting free shit? We are paying through the nose so that OTHER people can get free shit!

The last year I was on an Obamacare-compliant plan, I paid more than $800 a month for a bronze plan - and that had a $6500 deductible before it would start to pay. You think THAT is affordable? On top of that, my providers wouldn’t even accept it, so I had to find new doctors.

So let’s do the math: A 60-year-old couple earning $70,000 would pay $1600 a month, and then have $13,000 deductible. That means out of their $60,000 take-home pay (and I’m being generous), they could have medical costs, premium plus expenses, they could have to cough up $33,000 a YEAR - more than half their income. And Obamacare has the nerve to count them as “insured.”

You won’t win this debate with me. I was one of the millions of middle class people who ended up stuck with unaffordable plans, that didn’t even cover expenses, while others got almost a free ride.
Well, just look around this thread you want the lowest deductible possible with very few co pays but don't want to pay for it. Maga's don't want to pay their cost share.

I guess you signed yourself up and did not receive a subsidy or if you did a very small one. You didn't say what year that was, state, county and zip code and tobacco user or users. Yes, for a 60 year old on or off exchange and in 2012 would have probably cost you $800 per month depending again on state, county, plan and back then your health. You could have been turned down. You and most don't realize that if an insurer has to accept everyone regardless of health everyone is going to pay for it, it's spreading the risk just like auto and homeowner's insurance.

You have too many variables in your scenarios.

Just for the hell of it I just did some calculations on Kaiser calculator and I used a W Virginia zip Monroe county (I believe you said once upon a time you live in WV) and today a couple both age 60 at $70,000 and this is the results:

Estimated financial help:$3,013per month ($36,156 per year) as a premium tax credit. This covers 88% of the monthly costs.Your cost for a silver plan:$430per month ($5,159 per year) in premiums (which equals 7.37% of your household income). These are today's figures.

If you did not use or an insurance agent to walk you through it you may very well have. Most people that took it upon themselves on healthcare. gov screwed themselves.

I can remember before obamacare selling plans up to $20,000 deductibles to very wealthy people, no copays or nothing until the met deductible. Yes, those plans were cheap but they had to medically qualify
I can remember before obamacare selling plans up to $20,000 deductibles to very wealthy people, no copays or nothing until the met deductible. Yes, those plans were cheap but they had to medically qualify
It wasn't just wealthy people. Lots of people were moving to the model of catastrophic insurance with an HSA to cover the deductible. It was actually moving in the right direction - before ACA sold us down the river.
So let’s do the math: A 60-year-old couple earning $70,000 would pay $1600 a month, and then have $13,000 deductible. That means out of their $60,000 take-home pay (and I’m being generous), they could have medical costs, premium plus expenses, they could have to cough up $33,000 a YEAR - more than half their income. And Obamacare has the nerve to count them as “insured.”
You need to update your math. The ARPA of 2021 (passed by Dems) removed the income cap on subsidies, so they couple making $70,000 can still get significant tax credits to subsidize a premium. In my state, a bronze plan with a $13,000 deductible would cost about $200/month. They could get a gold plan with a $4000 deductible for $700 a month.
It wasn't just wealthy people. Lots of people were moving to the model of catastrophic insurance with an HSA to cover the deductible. It was actually moving in the right direction - before ACA sold us down the river.
Well, I was using the people I dealt with but yes other's were moving to HSA's.

It seems I am backing ACA and I never have but I do help people navigate and sign up for the best plans. Even some working in this field still don't know today that when they ask for income (to see if subsidy qualification) even the application asks for gross income, BUT when you do your taxes next year the govt uses modified adjusted gross income.
It wasn't just wealthy people. Lots of people were moving to the model of catastrophic insurance with an HSA to cover the deductible. It was actually moving in the right direction - before ACA sold us down the river.
The ACA actually wound up expanding catastrophic coverage with HDHP and HSAs. Not sure what you’re talking about.
The ACA actually wound up expanding catastrophic coverage with HDHP and HSAs. Not sure what you’re talking about.
They cost three to four times as much as they used to because they're required to cover much more than they did previously.


You need to update your math. The ARPA of 2021 (passed by Dems) removed the income cap on subsidies, so they couple making $70,000 can still get significant tax credits to subsidize a premium. In my state, a bronze plan with a $13,000 deductible would cost about $200/month. They could get a gold plan with a $4000 deductible for $700 a month.
I don't know what state you're in but that $13,000 deductible is not for one person but 2? If this There are too many variables, co-pays and co-insurance.

But depending on your federal poverty level a silver plan will lower your cost share (co-pay and co-insurance)

People must purchase a silver plan in order to get help with their cost-sharing expenses in addition to the premium tax credits. So, purchasing a bronze plan may not be the lowest-cost option for an individual or family when all their out-of-pocket health care costs are considered.

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